Search results for query: propaganda

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  1. S

    Accident? Iranian President and Foreign Minister killed in Helicopter Crash

    One can always make excuses for propaganda. The justification is always that it's for the greater good. Doesn't change the fact it's propaganda though! I don't mean to be black & white but propaganda is propaganda the same way a lie is a lie. IMO, it was bad propaganda too as clearly the...
  2. Arlind

    Accident? Iranian President and Foreign Minister killed in Helicopter Crash

    There could be multiple reasons for that and not necessarily malevolent i.e. i. for the shock of the incident to not be just passed down to the population in its raw state for fear of impulsive retaliations against whoever people declare as the perpetrators. Let's not forget how volatile things...
  3. S

    Accident? Iranian President and Foreign Minister killed in Helicopter Crash

    Whatever happened, the Iranians hit us with some propaganda. "Hard landing" 😤 Why not just say "we don't know until we find the helicopter". So whatever comes next, I'm not sure we'll get straight information. All we know if the helicopter crashed and they died. That's it.
  4. irjO

    Sesión: 16 de octubre de 1994

    ...gravedad" en la sesión del 5 de octubre, especulo que la población de la Tierra está perdiendo rápidamente "masa" debido a la campaña de propaganda y desinformación que conduce a todas las muchas mentiras a las que se adhiere la mayoría de los humanos en la actualidad. 15 En realidad, esto...
  5. irjO

    Sesión: 30 de julio de 1994

    ...Extrañeza 11 [13]: Este pequeño intercambio, aunque pueda ser inquietante, da una idea de por qué nuestro mundo está sometido a tanta propaganda y desinformación. Es con el sufrimiento de ingeniería de la humanidad que se alimenta el aspecto entrópico del universo. Además, considerar el...
  6. candasiri

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    A Midwestern Doctor picks apart the tactical propaganda that the NYT has attempted with its article about vaccine injury and a plea for amnesty. Hopefully, it will backfire as it did for Emily Oster...
  7. iamthatis

    Jordan Peterson: Gender Pronouns and Free Speech War

    In Canada, CSIS has announced that 'believing' in two genders and opposing child butchery makes one eligible for the violent extremist list. No word on gender ideologue mass murderers...
  8. Y

    The European Union: Glorious New 'Holy Roman Empire', Anglo-American Trojan Horse, or Left-Liberal Globalist Nightmare?

    Democratic values continue to flourish democratically and ruthlessly in the wonderful garden of Josep Borrell. ÐвÑоÑоÑз запÑеÑил «ÐзвеÑÑиÑ», «РоÑÑийÑкÑÑ Ð³Ð°Ð·ÐµÑÑ», Ð ÐÐ ÐовоÑÑи и Voice of Europe
  9. Ricardo

    Journalists operate at a lower level than average

    ...switch between tasks, and show creative and flexible thinking. " Would this be related to what the transcripts say, vis-a-vis the military ? (as in ) external people ? after all what better way to control centralized mass propaganda means ? most formal "government(s)" seem to be as much...
  10. Charade

    'Missing 411', by David Paulides: Tracking unusual missing persons cases

    ...the research Paulides is doing. I don’t go to him news analysis. It is discouraging how successful the anti China/Russa and pro Israel propaganda has been on the average American. I have so many conservative people in my life that have bought it completely. Anything that deflects the guilt...
  11. iamthatis

    Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

    The CCP doesn't need any operatives in position in the USA. If anything, Xi's nefarious strategy is to sit back and watch America collapse from within.
  12. hlat

    Session 27 April 2024

    From my point of view, there's nothing logical about water's properties, such as water can be propangadized.
  13. rognaill

    Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

    Perhaps iamthatis, but with the main source (Myorkas) that one of the worst propaganda outlets (the AP) is quoting, it could also be feasible that those that are deported are the anti-CCP/Laobaixing Chinese nationals (going back for lashes and reeducation) while the loyal CCP operatives are left...
  14. Ant22

    Session 27 April 2024

    I wanted to add something that struck me today to my above post. I was scrolling on LinkedIn today (for those who don't know it, it's the world's largest social network for professional purposes, basically like an interactive CV and a networking platform for all things caareer related) and I...
  15. Laurs

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story? of 2020 there has been a concerted effort across all media, medicine and academia to whitewash what was done to the people; -The propaganda tricks they used are still employed: * A fringe French study from 2ndJanuary 2024 concludes that HCQ killed nearly 17,000 people. The study only...
  16. Ant22

    Session 27 April 2024

    ...overlords have decided to do something about it. It's quite visible that their standard tactics of flooding the internet with pro-Israel propaganda aren't working anymore, I guess they decided to pull out the big guns. Just yesterday I was browsing through a page on Facebook called ‘Small...
  17. christx11

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    If there are any plans for violent acts and sabotage across Europe, it will be by way of deception ( Israel ) and not Russia.
  18. Ennio

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    Wondering if the following bit of crazed anti-Russia propaganda could in any way fit in with the 'program change' possibility we've been speculating on for the last few months. But even if it doesn't (which may be more likely), it still doesn't bode well - especially if the warnings of "Russian...
  19. Seppo Ilmarinen

    Tucker Carlson interviews & ideologies

    ...up their free will. It could be just some smart glasses combined with microphone and practical UI, that plugs people straight to wikipedia etc controlled mainstream propaganda sources so they can feed them with lies even more in real time. I think we could see something like this fairly soon.
  20. Y

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    Laughter is laughter, but recently in the Czech Republic, someone in office space out on the topic of warehouse explosions in Vrbetice. He said that they could not prove, but they were completely sure that this was the work of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation...
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