The European Union: Glorious New 'Holy Roman Empire', Anglo-American Trojan Horse, or Left-Liberal Globalist Nightmare?

I suggest you evaluate the degree of insanity. To begin with, this half-wit is completely confident in the inevitability of a Russian attack and he has a categorical source of this confidence - he has seen NATO's plans.
Further. I asked what the armed forces of this Baltic tiger were like. The ground forces-7000 people, the Air Force-250 people, 4 aircraft (2 training, 2 transport), the Navy-6 ships (minesweepers and boats). Plus, there is a NATO battalion group of about 3,000 people with equipment on the territory of Estonia. As a result, all together - one division is not the best set. I just want to ask: buddy, are you serious? In ukropia, more than half a million have already been ground before your eyes, where are you trying to get into with your ten thousand?
Estonia will destroy the Russian infrastructure if the Russian Federation dares to attack, — the commander of the troops

Estonia will "strike" at Russia in the event of an armed conflict, said Martin Herem, commander of the Baltic Republic's defense forces.

"Russia is definitely preparing for war: I don't have the slightest doubt about that. I have seen NATO's plans," added the drug commander of the forces of the dwarf ex-republic of the USSR.

If Russia attacks Estonia, its troops will "destroy the infrastructure in Ivangorod, Pechora and other places."

In addition, Estonia and its allies will "immediately close" the Baltic Sea.

Я предлагаю вам оценить степень сумасшествия. Начать с того, что этот полоумный полностью уверен в неотвратимости нападения России и у него есть безапелляционный источник этой уверенности-он видел планы НАТО. Далее. Я поинтересовался, что их себя представляют вооруженные силы этого прибалтийского тигра. Сухопутные войска-7000 человек, ВВС-250 человек, 4 самолета (2 учебные, 2 транспортные), ВМС-6 кораблей (минные тральщики и катера). Плюс на территории Эстонии присутствует батальонная группа НАТО в составе примерно 3000 человек с техникой. В итоге всего вместе- одна дивизия не самого хорошего комплекта. Так и хочется спросить: дружок, ты это серьезно? В хохляндии на ваших глазах перемололи уже больше полумиллиона, куда вы со своим десятком тысяч пытаетесь влезть?
Orwell continues to triumph. According to the decision of this organization, only after becoming a colony of Europe, Russia is truly "decolonized".
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has adopted a resolution calling for the supposedly necessary "decolonization" of Russia. The relevant document is published on the website of the international organization.

According to the resolution, the EU countries need to express support for political prisoners and civil society in Russia. In addition, it is noted that the so-called decolonization of the Russian Federation is an important condition for the establishment of democracy.

At the same time, representatives of the Assembly expressed their support for the creation of a Contact Platform for dialogue with the "Russian democratic forces".
ÐÐСРпÑинÑла ÑезолÑÑÐ¸Ñ Ð¾ «деколонизаÑии РоÑÑии»

Оруэлл продолжает торжествовать. По решению этой организации, только став колонией Европы, Россия по настоящему "деколонизируется".
The trends are generally not cheerful.
"Reverse" migration: What is going on in the EU?
"Civilized" Europe does not worry much about the demographic situation in its eastern suburbs, where population decline is becoming a problem. The reason for this is the migration of young people for a better life and high mortality.

Latvia is in the lead in terms of rapid population decline, with 7.5 "disappearing" for every thousand people. It is followed by Lithuania and Bulgaria, where 7.1 per thousand people decrease per year. In addition, Bulgaria is the sad leader of another European statistic. The death rate in the country in 2022 was the highest in the entire EU: 19.8 per thousand people.

At the same time, the number of foreigners living in Bulgaria, according to EU demographic statistics, increased by 126%.

According to this indicator, the increase is higher only in Poland — by 218%, which obviously happened due to the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine. It should be noted that many foreigners settle in Bulgaria (in proportion to the ratio per capita). This is mainly the result of freedom of movement and EU membership, which has opened up the opportunity for pensioners from Western and Northwestern Europe to move closer to the warm sea.

So, in Bulgaria, the number of European pensioners choosing this place to live is growing, but moreover, Western youth are following this trend. New properties are being actively built all over the country, while many empty houses create dissonance and a depressing picture of desolation.

Meanwhile, the situation in Poland shows that the influx of foreign labor plays an important role in the economy.

In Bulgaria, it is not so strong yet, but the situation may change in the coming years. Western corporations seek to attract foreign labor in order to create their own diasporas and the gradual expansion of donor countries. Ukraine and Lithuania are the first on the list.

Thus, if the United States is going to fight with Russia, then there are not many places in Europe with a good climate where Europeans could flee from the war.

The migration crisis may lead to the disintegration of a number of countries, Patrushev said

Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Nikolai Patrushev said that the migration crisis could lead to the collapse of a number of countries.

The crisis may also lead to a change in state borders, the Secretary of the Security Council noted.

"The round table discussed international cooperation in the field of countering illegal migration. The opinion was expressed that the flows of migrants and temporarily displaced persons provoked by man-made crises destroy the ethno-confessional balance and form prerequisites not only for changing borders, but also for the disintegration of countries," he said.

Illegal migration is a major source of humanitarian risks: it is closely linked to terrorist threats, organized crime, trafficking in weapons, drugs, people and human organs.

"Attention was drawn to the importance of creating an effective system for controlling migration flows, optimizing deportation mechanisms, and unifying migration legislation," Patrushev stressed during his speech.
So far, it's only Hamburg and only a thousand people.
Participants of a mass demonstration in Germany demanded the establishment of a caliphate
A mass demonstration of Islamists took place in Hamburg, who demanded the establishment of a caliphate in the country. This was reported by Bild.

More than a thousand demonstrators took part in the action coordinated by the authorities, who demanded the transformation of Germany into an Islamic dictatorship subordinate to a religious leader, with the deprivation of the rights of women, Christians, Jews and other people who do not support their teachings.

Hamburg police said that permission to hold the event was granted because there was no concrete evidence of possible violations of public order. It is also emphasized that calling for the creation of a caliphate is not a crime.

Earlier, migrants from Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan were accused in Germany. In Germany, migrants from Central Asia were accused of creating a terrorist group. They entered the territory of Germany through Ukraine.
УÑаÑÑники маÑÑовой демонÑÑÑаÑии в ÐеÑмании поÑÑебовали ÑÑÑановиÑÑ ÑалиÑаÑ

Это пока только Гамбург и только тысяча человек.
Two such different pieces of news. They are from different countries and for completely different reasons, but as strange as it may seem, they reflect the same thing. Namely, the lack of subjectivity in the European Union as a whole and in most of its member countries. Almost all European authorities are not subjects of world politics, they are objects of American politics and that is how they should be treated.
Poland has requested the deployment of US nuclear weapons in the country

The Polish authorities have officially requested the deployment of American nuclear weapons in the country by applying for participation in the Nuclear sharing program.

Polish Deputy Defense Minister Pawel Zalewski announced the details on local TV.

"We are talking about a program called Nuclear sharing. This is a NATO program, but the decision and full control over the use of nuclear weapons, which, for example, would be deployed in Poland, would be made by the Americans.

This program operates in Europe. Belgium, Italy, and Germany are taking part in it. And Poland has declared its readiness to participate in this program," Zalewski said.

Earlier, President Andrzej Duda said that American nuclear weapons could be deployed on the territory of Poland.

How can something that is not there feel shame? As I just wrote, there is no subjectivity, which means there is no German justice.
"Shame on German justice!" — Tichys Einblick on the impasse in the investigation of the Nord Stream bombing

The European investigations into the terrorist attack on the Nord Streams have reached an impasse. China considers the situation unacceptable and sees no other option but to transfer the investigation under the aegis of the United Nations.

The Deputy Permanent Representative of the People's Republic of China also demanded "to involve Russia in the investigation." The German magazine Tichys Einblick suggests that China only wants to diplomatically prick the United States, but it also cannot be ruled out that "Beijing is confident that the United States was behind the explosion."

What China's statements accurately indicate is the "shame of the German justice system," which was left alone with the problem after Denmark and Sweden stopped the investigations.

The investigation in Germany is completely classified. The Prosecutor General's Office reports only to the special committee of the Bundestag and the Office of Scholz. As noted by Tichys Einblick, "no information is even provided about the reasons for the secrecy." The only possible reason for total secrecy, according to the publication, is the government's attempt to hide the direct participation of some state in the terrorist attack.

Before the investigation was terminated, both Danish and Swedish investigators said they suspected a "state contractor" behind the act of sabotage. This is also the basis for the insurance company, which refuses compensation to the owner of the gas pipeline because of this.

But which one? "Countries like Ukraine or Poland are probably out of the question — not so much for lack of motive as for lack of funds." Russia can also be excluded, since even the Biden administration has already stated that it is not Moscow.

Even if we assume that the explosives were delivered by yacht to the pipeline, then the question still remains how they were delivered to Germany. "Perhaps German forces were involved in the explosion of their own pipeline?" "These accusations go even further than the Hersh report."

However, as Tichys Einblick notes, it is in this case that "the federal government would have many reasons to deceive citizens."

Две такие разные новости. Они из разных стран и по совершенно разным поводам, но как это не может показаться странным, отражают они одно и то же. А именно отсутствие субъектности в евросоюзе в целом и в большинстве стран, его членов. Практически все европейские власти не субъекты мировой политики, они объекты американской политики и именно так надо к ним относиться.
Как может испытывать позор то, чего нет? Как я только что написал, субъектности нет, а значит нет и немецкой юстиции.
Democratic values continue to flourish democratically and ruthlessly in the wonderful garden of Josep Borrell.
The European Union has banned Izvestia, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, RIA Novosti and Voice of Europe
The Council of the European Union issued a statement saying that the European Union has banned the broadcasting of RIA Novosti, Izvestia, Rossiyskaya Gazeta and Voice of Europe on its territory.

The document says that these media outlets "spread and support Russian propaganda and aggression against Ukraine." Therefore, the EU representatives decided on restrictions.

The statement notes that the media is limited only in broadcasting. Media journalists will be able to continue working in the European Union.

Vladimir Solovyov, Chairman of the Union of Journalists of Russia (UCR), condemned the ban on broadcasting activities of several Russian media outlets in the European Union.

"They have blocked all Russian TV channels and all Russian media for a long time, and this, contrary to the rights to freedom of speech and freedom of information dissemination declared in the constitutions of all these "beautiful" countries, looks like absolute censorship. They only have their own mainstream, all other sources of information, especially coming from Russia, are completely blocked," he said.

He called it surprising that so far some broadcasting of Russian media in the EU has continued.

"Alas, an information war unprecedented in history is being waged against our country, a war without any rules using the dirtiest technologies, and this is one of the elements of such a war. One can only express regret here. Alas, this is how it happens," the expert concluded.
ÐвÑоÑоÑз запÑеÑил «ÐзвеÑÑиÑ», «РоÑÑийÑкÑÑ Ð³Ð°Ð·ÐµÑÑ», Ð ÐÐ ÐовоÑÑи и Voice of Europe

Демократические ценности продолжают демократически безжалостно процветать в чудесном саду Жозепа Борреля.
The half-witted grandfather is in such a hurry because he needs to have time to spend the rollback, but he does not worry about having to return all this, because he thinks that he will not live to see it.
Borrell welcomed the decision to use the proceeds from Russian assets

BRUSSELS, May 21 – RIA Novosti. The head of EU diplomacy, Josep Borrel, welcomed the decision approved on Tuesday by the Council of the European Union on the use of proceeds from frozen Russian sovereign assets for military assistance to Kiev and stated the need to "immediately begin" its implementation.
The EU Council on Tuesday finally approved a decision that involves sending 90% of the income received by depositories from Russian assets immobilized in the EU to the EU budget to provide military assistance to Ukraine, as well as reconstruction programs. Depositories will be able to hold another 10% in case of their own potential risks.

"I welcome the important and urgently needed decision of the EU Council on the use of income… We need to start implementing it immediately," Borrel wrote on the X network.
The Kremlin stated that making such decisions "would be another step in violating all the rules and norms of international law." The Russian Foreign Ministry called the freezing of Russian assets in Europe theft, noting that the EU is aimed not just at private individuals' funds, but also at Russian state assets.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Russia would be responsible in case of confiscation of frozen Russian assets in the West. According to him, the Russian Federation "also has the opportunity not to return the funds that Western countries held in Russia and which were frozen in response to the arrest of Russian state reserves, there can be no doubt that we will act mutually."
Боррель приветствовал решение Совета ЕС о помощи Украине

Полоумный дедушка так торопится, потому что надо успеть потратить откат, а вот о том, что все это придется возвращать он не переживает, ибо думает, что не доживет до этого.
The methods of organized crime are obvious. Even if they did not attempt to kill Fico, they are happy to use it. But that's not what surprises me the most. Most of all, I am surprised by quite a large number of people, Ukrainians, Moldovans, Georgians, and Armenians, who continue to see their bright future in the company of these criminals.
The Georgian Prime Minister said that the European Commissioner scared him with an example of an attempt on Fico

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze said that one of the European commissioners, in a conversation about the adopted law on foreign agents, scared him with an example of the recent assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico. This was reported by the press service of the Government of Georgia.

"<..."there was a stunning threat that sounded in a telephone conversation with one of the European commissioners," he said.

Kobakhidze explained that in the conversation, the European Commissioner listed a number of measures that the West can take in the light of the law on foreign agents adopted in Georgia. Among such measures, the European Commissioner reminded Kobakhidze about the assassination attempt on the Prime Minister of Slovakia.

"You saw what happened to Fico, and you have to be very careful," the European commissioner said.

Before that, it also became known that the European Union would deprive Georgia of the status of a candidate for joining the association if the country's authorities did not abandon the law on foreign agents.

Recall that Fico was attacked on May 15 after a government meeting in the city of Gandlova. According to media reports, the prime minister was injured in the limb, chest and abdomen. On May 18, it became known that Juraj Chintula, who is accused of attempted murder, was taken into custody.

The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service said that the assassination attempt on Fico demonstrates the transition of globalist elites to direct political terror against their opponents.
Премьер Грузии заявил, что еврокомиссар пугал его примером покушения на Фицо

Методы организованной преступности налицо. Даже если они и не покушались на Фицо, они с удовольствием пользуются этим. Но не это меня удивляет больше всего. Больше всего меня удивляет еще довольно большое количество людей, Украинцев, Молдаван, Грузин, Армян, которые продолжают видеть свое светлое будущее в компании этих преступников.
Oh, and these "genocidal" topics are difficult. As a character in one of the films said: you just want to tear and throw.
For comparison, I have highlighted the figures in both articles, so that it is more clearly visible where there is genocide and where it is not observed according to the UN, Germany , etc.
Vucic: Serbia will not forget that Russia voted against the Srebrenica resolution

BELGRADE, May 23 - RIA Novosti. Serbia will not forget that Russia, Hungary, China and the UAE voted against the resolution "on the genocide in Srebrenica" at the UN General Assembly (GA), Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said.
The UN General Assembly on Thursday approved a resolution on the "genocide in Srebrenica" during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina in July 1995. The document was supported by representatives of 84 UN member states, 19 voted against, 68 abstained, and a number of states did not participate in the vote.
"I want to thank China and the Russian Federation, as well as the Emirates. Serbia will never forget this, and many thanks to our Hungarian brothers. And to the Slovaks, Greeks, Cypriots – for deciding to be abstemious," Vucic told Serbian journalists after a meeting of the UN General Assembly.
He also listed and thanked the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America for Serbia's support.
President of the Republika Srpska of Bosnia and Herzegovina (RS BiH) Milorad Dodik said after the vote that the initiators of the resolution on the "genocide in Srebrenica" could not secure the support of more than half of the UN member states, it "failed".
President of RS BiH Milorad Dodik announced on Thursday that a draft agreement on the peaceful delimitation of Bosnia and Herzegovina will be delivered to official Sarajevo within 30 days. The day before, he said that the government of RS BiH would propose to the Croatian-Muslim part of the country - the Federation of BiH - the peaceful disbandment of BiH because of the resolution on the "genocide in Srebrenica".

According to the leadership of Serbia and the Republika Srpska BiH, this resolution proclaims the Serbs as a "genocidal people" and raises the question of the legitimacy of the existence of RS BiH. According to the draft resolution, the UN General Assembly "decides to designate July 11 as the International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the 1995 Genocide in Srebrenica, which should be celebrated annually." The text condemns the "denial of the genocide in Srebrenica."
In July 1995, after the city of Srebrenica in Bosnia and Herzegovina on the border with Serbia came under the control of Serbian formations led by General Ratko Mladic, about 8,100 Muslim people died or went missing there, according to the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP) and a number of other organizations. Nevertheless, some experts consider these data to be overstated. Official Belgrade and Banja Luka recognize the fact of the executions of the male population in July 1995 in the Srebrenica area, but categorically oppose the term "genocide", the adoption of which by the international community entails undesirable political consequences and undermines the reputation of the entire Serbian people. In the Republika Srpska BiH in 2017, a monument was even erected to the permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin, who in 2015 blocked in the UN Security Council a draft resolution on Srebrenica recognizing the 1995 executions as genocide.
Вучич поблагодарил Россию за голос против резолюции о Сребренице

Germany refused to recognize the blockade of Leningrad as genocide
Zakharova: Germany has declared its refusal to recognize the blockade of Leningrad as an act of genocide

MOSCOW, May 23 — RIA Novosti. Berlin refused to recognize the blockade of Leningrad by the Third Reich as an act of genocide, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said at a briefing.
"The German authorities stubbornly refuse to officially recognize the crimes against humanity committed by the Third Reich in the USSR during the Great Patriotic War as acts of genocide of the peoples of the Soviet Union. First of all, they refuse to recognize the blockade of Leningrad as such. This follows from the recent response of the German Foreign Ministry to the note from the Russian Embassy in Germany with the corresponding demand from the Russian side," she said.

A note from the Russian Embassy in Berlin, which is available to RIA Novosti, says that Moscow insists on Germany's official recognition of the atrocities of the Third Reich as an act of genocide.
The siege of Leningrad began on September 8, 1941 and lasted for almost 900 days. It was managed to break through on January 18, 1943, but the Leningraders had to wait another year before it was completely withdrawn — on January 27, 1944. According to various sources, from 400 thousand to 1.5 million people died during the years of the blockade. The vast majority died of starvation, not shelling and bombing.

The document notes a contradictory approach to the issue of official recognition of crimes against humanity committed by Germany in the past as acts of genocide.
Thus, Berlin recognized the crimes of the colonial era as genocide, but this has not yet been done with regard to acts against the peoples of the USSR during the Second World War.
Германия отказалась признавать блокаду Ленинграда геноцидом

Ох и тяжелые эти "геноцидные" темы. Как говорил персонаж одного из фильмов: хочется просто рвать и метать.
Для сравнения я выделил в обоих статьях цифры, так чтобы рельефнее было видно, где есть геноцид а где его не наблюдается по мнению ООН. Германии и пр.
Election Day in Hungary is today:
EU Parliamentary Elections for 2024 are coming up!

Here is where you can check candidates for Your country.

Naturally, in Hungary the ruling party is friendly to Russia is FIDESZ. They have a candidate, who can be voted into the EU Parliament. I'll vote for him.
In order to signal to the Universe that I want a timeline along Peace in Hungary and cooperation with Russia:

Today I went and voted for Victor Orban's Hero Hungarian government - both for their EU representative (FIDESZ = Then (30 years ago..) Young now "Old Democrats Alliance" raw translation) - and for all their people everywhere. For their representatives in government. For their mayoral candidate for our city, who was only ONE. The paper said "You can select only one candidate.." but there was only one candidate to select. :D :D In past decades there was at least two. :ninja:Anyway..

Victor Orban's party is heroically opposing the EU and loving the Russians and Chinese. Enabling Chinese police officers to patrol the streets of Hungary. Latter is probably because of drastically increased Chinese business owner presence in Hungary. Chinese speaking officers obviously can regulate better the Chinese speaking kids and men & women of the Chinese pilgrims / immigrants.

A 2017 study shows that [upper &]middle-class Chinese parents came to Hungary not because of business opportunity, but because they wanted a happy, healthy and livable environment for their kids!!
Considering the famously insane environmental pollution in China - years ago -.. Remember that famous photo of the Chinese man worker bicycling to work In a Thick Green Cloud?
And that Chinese employ special helpers on train-stations to Sardine-Push the masses of people inside the train so they can close the door = leaving no personal place, since everybody is pushed skin-to-skin together into the train.. Japan too.. That was several years ago. Anything changed?

10 years ago it was a rumor that if a Chinese entrepreneur comes to Hungary and opens a business, which is usually a cheap "Walmart" = shoes, clothing, make-up, mirrors, sculptures, household items - that person receives a substantial investment money from the Chinese government. Possibly for free, not to be repaid.
Their stuff - as we all know - are all cheap. Their T-Shirts are okay and their sweatpants (IIRC) are excellent quality, latter one of mine is now nearly 20 years old and still am exercising in that one! :D

Now I wear Chinese Bermuda Pants (for the poor), cheap Chinese T-Shirts and Turkish socks, eat Chinese-GMO-corn-sourced Vit C powder for the poor.. My gardening mud-shoes are Chinese as well :D Their underwear and pajamas are bad "quality" though. :D So after these key infos:

My Glorious Mother - who hates the current Hungarian government -.. her pension for the 13th month = bonus pay from the Orban government. (Grudgingly accepted.) Tho she still hates Team Orban's guts with a passion. :D :D

How stances have turned in the last 30 years..
The votes for the European elections were held yesterday in France. There was a 51.4% turnout.

On the 37 lists of candidates, the votes remained fairly concentrated.
Only 5 departments have not elected the far-right party.

This is especially a big vote against Mac-Ron

An election that had the effect of a political earthquake. French voters voted to elect their representatives in Brussels during the European elections on Sunday, June 9th.
The National Rally came well ahead of the presidential majority, according to the final results published Monday morning by the Ministry of the Interior, prompting Emmanuel Macron to pronounce the dissolution of the National Assembly.

Franceinfo summarizes what to remember about these Europeans.The polls had announced it: the list of the National Rally is the one that obtained the most votes in France during this European election, by far. The list led by Jordan Bardella received almost 31.36% of the votes, according to the final results published by the Ministry of the Interior.A few minutes after the announcement of the first estimates, Jordan Bardella demanded from Emmanuel Macron "new legislative elections", a request formulated for several weeks in anticipation of a victory of the RN. "The unprecedented gap between the presidential majority and the first opposition party reflects a stinging disavowal and a clear rejection of the policy led by Emmanuel Macron and his government," said the president of the National Rally in a speech."We are ready to exercise power if the French trust us," Marine Le Pen then said after Emmanuel Macron announced the dissolution of the lower house of Parliament. "I can only welcome this decision which is in line with the logic of the institutions of the Fifth Republic," said the leader of the RN deputies.
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The RN is pro-otan, pro-LGBT, pro-war in Ukraine (remember that they applauded Zelenski a few days ago in the assembly) as Don said, it's a party who will give illusion of change and when people are gonna realize that RN is like Macron Party, things could change. Announcing a dissolution of national assembly in a matter of minutes seemed a move most likely planned in advance. In this election parties rejecting the European Union scoring less than in 2019, while people are more and more in favor of leaving the EU... sure RN made a big score and I believe in it, but Asselineau and Philippot (the last one is just a copycat of Asselineau) should have obtained more votes, it was again partialy a rigged election (and we can assess it with what the C's said because regarding past election). and of course this handshake is nothing between Bardella and Attal

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