Search results for query: propaganda

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  1. Y

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    The expected reaction to yesterday's half-witted demand of the European Parliament to Russia followed. "Можно только послать": Медведев ответил на новое требование ЕП к...
  2. iamthatis


    On right-wing social media influencers spreading the cannibal gangs Haiti thing. Also here's a tweet from Dan Cohen, including a link to his documentary about the recent events leading up to the...
  3. tschai

    Session 9 March 2024

    Thank you all for the new session- quite a bit to ponder. Percentage of goodness for this forum? Infinite ♾️ percent!
  4. EricLux

    Session 9 March 2024

    This has fascinating implications, especially when considering fractality may be an additional aspect of this. Could it be that “space” only looks like “space” from a 3D perspective, and that from a 4D perspective, everything may look much more connected and 'closer together'? The C’s and Ra...
  5. Y

    Events in Russia

  6. ApotheosisMMC.

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    he said in a tweet some time ago that there was a possibility that Nazi propaganda in Ukraine was not propaganda and in one of his last tweets prior to Carlson's interview with Putin something about being careful with Putin's propaganda along with a laughing emoji... I think he is simply not as...
  7. Ryan

    Session 9 March 2024

    ...further cause to point to all those ‘uncooperative’ BRICS countries (especially the major oil-producing ones like Russia) and amp up the propaganda (also maybe stoking up the Ukraine conflict for good measure), while laying further foundations for the introduction of the ‘aliens’ as our...
  8. Laura

    Session 9 March 2024 (Niall) If you are, you haven't been paying attention... (irjO) Not really. A little bit, but not really. But there's a lot of propaganda, so... (Joe) I have a question. Was Biden on drugs the other night at his State of the Union speech? A: Yes. Q: (Joe) What drug was he on? A...
  9. O

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    From Telegram channel Intel Slava : Might be Putin's answer to the above. Same source :
  10. whitecoast

    Dune (2020)

    ...Sunday. I thought it was a great movie, although it was quite dark. I see in a way some representation of esoteric concepts like multi-generational propaganda campaigns to accept rule over them, and deep level punctuators who are genetically engineered and trained to subvert populations, and...
  11. Joe

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine Ukrainian (NATO) attacks against Russian interests (notably Crimea) in the run up to the Russian elections this weekend. All for propaganda purposes of course, to "make Russia look bad" and, more importantly, convince Western audiences, in particular politicians, that Ukraine (NATO) can...
  12. meadow_wind

    Mike Adams health activist represent a pro-human organization that isn't "woke" and wants to empower and uplift humanity with reality-based knowledge rather than propaganda and lies, and if you have a large content data set such as a collection of articles, books or curricula, then reach out to us at the email...
  13. Cosmos

    Dmitry Medvedev and his Connection to Putin: The Future of Russia and the World

    ...about both gentleman's history/career (especially in early life and their early political careers) seems to be quite accurate without much propaganda spin (as of yet!). Notice that both were born in Saint Petersburg (Leningrad) and grew up there and went to the same university. It seems...
  14. BHelmet

    Schwa : World Operations Manual (1997) artwork, little text, fiction with some truth

    Bizarre. Thanks for sharing. TV’s are needles. I like it. I was unaware of this guy and his output. The video is surreal therefore good. It doesn’t mess around with the usual linear model. Interesting to experience. The graphics almost have a 1950’s propaganda feel.
  15. Puma

    Javier Milei has been elected president of Argentina

    ...Milei's announcement to close Télam, an agency with almost 80 years of history, considering it a waste of resources and "Kirchnerist propaganda". The government argues that the closure is due to the lack of impartiality in the agency and to the influence of politics in the agency, especially...
  16. Z...

    Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

    There was a similar story few years ago although not so many shots - perhaps a dozen if i remember correctly- cannot remember which country - perhaps somewhere in Balkans. I think its pure BS propaganda. But you never know -too many crazies out there 😩
  17. Ben

    Tucker Carlson interviews & ideologies

    Me too, and thus far my response has always been the same. I ask them how many of those countries officially incorporated Nazi groups into their armed forces. Of the approximately 30 privately funded Ukrainian 'nationalist volunteer' groups, what proportion of them use Nazi symbology?
  18. Ketone Cop

    Javier Milei has been elected president of Argentina of freedom of speech... He has a point that the state shouldn't be paying for their message, but going at changing things in the way that he is - with literal...
  19. Alejo

    Tucker Carlson interviews & ideologies

    ...being mentioned by the UN, people still fall back on "well, every country has Nazis... it's not that big of a deal.. it's just part of the propaganda by Putin". Whenever I find myself in these situations, I can't help but be reminded of that idea of the "reality creators" they truly do...
  20. Liliea

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    Israeli army hands out 'Ramadan boxes' to incite Gazans against resistance The Israeli army is seeking to replace Hamas with tribal figures to deliver aid and govern Gaza under an indefinite Israeli military occupation With Israel there is no free lunch, the strongest donations and material aid...
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