Search results for query: propaganda

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  1. M

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    This is very interesting thank you. As a child during the 1960's, I well remember the expression 'A Penny for the Guy' still being in use. A penny was not an insignificant coin either since in the late 19th century you could still buy a pint of beer for a penny and the price was still only 2...
  2. dennis

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    ...other peaks were the late 1920's and about 2012. Was it some kind of a natural reaction to ordinary people's life events or a stoking of propaganda? Check out the graph in the below linked article. I couldn't get it to embed in the post. "Trend of a penny for the guy in printed material...
  3. ryu

    Georgy Sidorov: Traces of an ancient civilization in Russia, and who are the Illuminati

    ..."the stars", that humans are influenced by non-human entities. There are few red flags for me though. This books looks like a piece of propaganda to justify the white race's, and more specifically, Russian exceptionalism, because it is the spiritual center of the world. Russia is...
  4. luc

    Hitler and WWII

    Good catch, this is one thing I never looked into and just pulled from vague memory. Very likely that there is an element of anti-Soviet propaganda in there. The thing is, horrific killings of civilians and rapes, often on a large scale, happen in these kinds of chaotic (post-)war situations, on...
  5. Alejo

    Hitler and WWII

    ...of the right have been just as boring and predictable as the stuff coming out of the left. But I will allow myself to be surprised, it's just that lately you either get a full blown woke madness or full blown conservative madness, artists aren't producing much art lately, it's mostly propaganda.
  6. Hi_Henry

    Hitler and WWII

    If you have a Twitter account I highly recommend watching this If not then read this book We are being grifted by the best
  7. Jtucker

    Were 460 years added to the official chronology?

    ...past with year 1 and the calendars were fine. Nobody would really care and it made legal documentation as well as government historical propaganda on an agreed universal time scale more viable. I don't think until the rise of industrialization, chronology even mattered to most people...
  8. candasiri

    The Illuminati - what is real?

    I always thought that Mossad was at the tippy top of the STS human pyramid but perhaps the Illuminati are above? How long has this bloodline been in existence and what makes them "special"? From October 22 2022: Are Illuminati "Satanic ritual families" engaged in pedophilia and ritual...
  9. Mari

    Yugoslavia - What Really Happened

    Just watch this documentary, at least from minute 12:56 to 31:00 Especially pay attention from min 28:40 and then a marvellous piece of propaganda from min 30:35. While watching it now, remember the same tactics used now during i.e. COVID. And that is how you start a war. Because your source is...
  10. Revolucionar

    Yugoslavia - What Really Happened

    I have nothing to do with Arlind. This image you keep posting isn't funny, btw.
  11. Nević Nenad

    Yugoslavia - What Really Happened

    You are such a great example of so called "croatian" post war propaganda (actually NATO's propaganda. Which goal is to prepare you for yet another war). Seems that after all being said here to you and Arlind, you still don't understand anything. I must assume you are having some cognitive...
  12. Revolucionar

    Yugoslavia - What Really Happened

    Yeah everyone had a job and that's why the whole thing fell apart as it did. You had two people working the wardrobe in each factory, for Christ's sake. It was ridiculous and the mentality that was borne from this Yugoslav way of thinking and working is holding ex-Yu countries back to this day...
  13. Nević Nenad

    Yugoslavia - What Really Happened

    ...authority for sure, I apologize if it sounded like I am. That's just my style of writing. And I really don't think there is "Croatian propaganda". More like "Western propaganda". I am aware that I am also victim of the propaganda. But, I think that we can call it a fact that there was a...
  14. ava

    Yugoslavia - What Really Happened

    ...fighting with each other”, it is a spin in a certain direction, and an assumption you are the authority on what is or isn’t Croatian propaganda, or even Croatian reality. For the same reason, try as I may, I can’t listen to that Malagurski guy, no matter how right he is on geopolitical...
  15. Nević Nenad

    Yugoslavia - What Really Happened

    Of course that the West worked on all sides. On some more, on some less, depending on opportunities presented. On Croatian side more, just because there were more opportunities to do so. Milosevic was cooperative, or tried to be, but that wasn't in the script. Actually whatever he would do...
  16. ava

    Yugoslavia - What Really Happened

    ...had in mind when he was mentioning that certain positions seem to be established here on the forum. So if I may kindly ask, if Croatian propaganda is discouraged (and rightly so), that Serbian be discouraged as well. Namely, it is not an established fact that only Tuđman was supported by...
  17. Nević Nenad

    Yugoslavia - What Really Happened

    I'm not implying that you are spewing propaganda, I'm saying that you are affected by propaganda. I don't want to go further on that cause of two reasons: I'm not that interested, and in doing so, I myself would be affected by propaganda. Which I don't find to be good for me.
  18. Aeneas

    Yugoslavia - What Really Happened great. There is also this article on SOTT posted a few days ago with declassified papers exposing things pretty well and also that the KLA were similar to the ISIS, trained, funded and directed by NATO and the intel agencies. Declassified: BBC and MI6 Kosovo War Propaganda Blitz @Arlind
  19. Revolucionar

    Yugoslavia - What Really Happened

    ...Serbian extremists in the Parliament in Belgrade. Not much to do with the Vatican, I would say. You should give clear examples, because you seem to be implying that I'm spewing propaganda, but most of what I see being presented in opposition are unsubstantiated assertions and anecdotal evidence.
  20. Z...

    Yugoslavia - What Really Happened

    The chances are you were heavily exposed to Croatian propaganda at the time and it seems you still are largely influenced by it. Those of us who lived through Yugoslav times never witnessed things you talk of. Even I was exposed to the same propaganda in the nineties ( my Croat grandpa...
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