Search results for query: Khazars

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  1. Nienna

    Second-Oldest Gene Mutation relates Arabs, Turks, and Sephardic Jews but not Ash

    There has been quite a bit written here in this forum on Ashkenazis and Khazars, you can find a lot of threads by using the search function. Also, readying Laura's Secret History of the World may be quite enlightening as she has written a bit about this subject in this book.
  2. V

    Second-Oldest Gene Mutation relates Arabs, Turks, and Sephardic Jews but not Ash

    ...Jews did move northward and to west Europe thus forming what is now known as Sephardim, but the Ashkenazim indeed descended from the Khazars. Interestingly, authors themselves seem hesitant to say it straight upfront. The date of the founder mutation does not preclude any later population...
  3. SeekinTruth

    Second-Oldest Gene Mutation relates Arabs, Turks, and Sephardic Jews but not Ash

    mkrnhr and I were replying to monksgirl that there was no "movement northward," etc., that the Khazars were a totally unrelated group that converted to Judaism and then spread to Eastern and then rest of Europe when their empire fell.
  4. V

    Second-Oldest Gene Mutation relates Arabs, Turks, and Sephardic Jews but not Ash

    Exactly. My point was that the science is working its way. And it is good to have independent sources pointing to same direction.
  5. mkrnhr

    Second-Oldest Gene Mutation relates Arabs, Turks, and Sephardic Jews but not Ash

    And many clues related notably to the Franks are discussed in 911-the ultimate truth.
  6. SeekinTruth

    Second-Oldest Gene Mutation relates Arabs, Turks, and Sephardic Jews but not Ash

    As far as I understand, the Ashkanazim ARE the Khazars -- the direct descendants of a totally different genetic group who never had a presence in Palestine.
  7. J

    The Controversy of Zion

    ...years. Without help and guidance that seems very unlikely to me. A point in case is how and why the Levites in Spain suddenly accepted the Khazars to become Jewish and that this seems one of the rare cases in the total history where that seemed to have happened on such a scale. Who whispered...
  8. Joe

    Les Visible and Smoking Mirrors

    Just for the record, for anyone coming along and reading this thread and wondering how this all started. The PUBLIC insults were started by Les in June last year. It began with this post on his blog, by him: That was the just first paragraph, the rest involves him rambling on about other...
  9. M

    "Throw the Jews Down the Well"

    ...only Khazarian Jews are responsible for the Russian Revolution, world revolution, and Zionism ? Did the origins of the Talmud predate the Khazars taking the Judaic faith? Tsar Nicholas is accused of depredations against the Jews, but he also wanted the Jews to come out of their...
  10. Laura

    Why Gurdjieff?

    By the way, monkey, I'm still waiting for those citations about the Khazars... :knitting:
  11. Laura

    Why Gurdjieff?

    ...beings really are just machines until they choose to WORK to become otherwise. P.S. I'm still waiting for those citations. As a historian, I have covered the history of the Khazars to a great extent and your claims just don't seem to be supported by the evidence. Please cite your sources.
  12. dannybananny

    Books on Khazaria

    But I wouldn't say only Khazar, that is Kabar influence(clan that revolted against Khazarian government and joined Hungarians), but there were also other Turkic nomads that settled in Hungary like Pechenegs and Cumans that assimilated with Hungarians, and later had privileges in Hungary to 19...
  13. shijing

    Books on Khazaria

    Nomads and Their Neighbours in the Russian Steppe: Turks, Khazars and Qipchaqs by Peter B. Golden The World of the Khazars: Peter B. Golden (Editor), Haggai Ben-Shammai (Editor), Andras Rona-Tas (Editor) I wanted to make a quick mention of these books, since Khazar history seems to be...
  14. Laura

    Les Visible and Smoking Mirrors

    Arctodus' post at Les Visible's site: My bold. He is hung up on "polite" no matter the cost. Les's reply: Then there is Arctodus' reply which was shown by NR and this is Les's reply: Sent in forum report by member:
  15. shijing

    The Neanderthal Legacy by Paul Mellars

    ...reaction to an earlier period of Khazar slave-raiding (the word 'slave' ultimately deriving from the ethnic term 'Slav'). He argues that the Khazars, being Neanderthal hybrids themselves (how he reaches that conclusion is a bit murky), may have responded well to a religion which had its...
  16. Approaching Infinity

    The Neanderthal Legacy by Paul Mellars

    This was posted as a reply on Laura's facebook page: _
  17. RyanX

    Nigel Kerner - Gray Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls

    On the question of "Who are the Semites" and the excerpts that Laura posted from SHOTW, I think this is finally starting to make sense to me now. It's amazing that having read the book, SHOTW, a few years back, I'm finding so many things that went completely over my head the first time I read...
  18. Laura

    Nigel Kerner - Gray Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls

    on the topic of semites continued:
  19. Laura

    The Neanderthal Legacy by Paul Mellars

    Yeah. I've read both of them and while they raise interesting questions, their simplistic reasoning and lack of effort digging for the facts, made their conclusions ridiculous. However, if one thinks about it, it very well might be that "Semitic" actually means half of one race and half of...
  20. Z...

    The Neanderthal Legacy by Paul Mellars

    also I found this very amusing _
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