Search results for query: Weather modification

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  1. Magnolia

    Potential Food and Energy Shortage Across the World

    ...Other articles: Zerohedge Drought Conditions Now Affecting Two-Thirds Of US. Business Insider China Planning to Expand Weather Modification Program Corey's Digs Telegram video: 50 cows died in a few minutes, one after another, under the horrified gaze of the breeder, in a field in Italy...
  2. T

    Cassiopaea Forum Reading Workshops - Public

    Book: From Mark to Paul We were working on chapter 1. The Long, Dark Tunnel of Early Christianity where we were discussing the last half of the chapter and were curious about the differences in dating. During the discussion, I referred to a session from September 2021, where the current...
  3. lilies

    What's the weather where you are?

    Country-wide drought was declared in Hungary last week as a result of very minimal precipitation this year. All winter we only had half and inch of snow on three occasions and it melted soon as it fell. During several fasted-sprinting exercises now I mainly saw dead grass, stunted plant growth...
  4. SummerLite

    Canadian Orwellian world: Lockdowns, vaccines passports and more

    :-D LOL!!!!! I was just wondering WHO was going to say this and thought about what my response would be so I've given the subject some thought already. Who would have guessed it would be Joe....:-)! Yes, of course the bizarre and extreme weather is due to Earth changes, I know that, no...
  5. Joe

    Canadian Orwellian world: Lockdowns, vaccines passports and more

    I'd say the flooding is part of the ongoing earth changes rather than any modification. It's funny (but not surprising) that many people seek human agency behind almost everything. Whatever happened to "God did it"??! :-D
  6. SummerLite

    Canadian Orwellian world: Lockdowns, vaccines passports and more

    ...on Vancouver Island and I'm impressed with what's said, a like minded individual. They think the Island is being targeted with weather modification for one and speaks of all the weirdness thats happened in the last year, the flood being the latest.. Up to date and full of good sources...
  7. Neil

    Session 30 October 2021

    ...a thing? Probably not, civilization is too primitive. The mirror may in fact be a rather crude method, and the PTB claim to have weather modification technology, but it is not clear that they have a clue at all what they're doing. Therefore, ice ages will set the carrying capacity for the...
  8. Ca.


    One thing the show got wrong was the reference to HAARP as weather modification. Flashback to Sott PodCast Fri, 04 Aug 2006 17:00 UTC
  9. United Gnosis

    Massive Energy Explosion In Hurricane Henri Is Caught On Satellite Feed, They Control The Storm

    ...All of that to say, with significant due diligence, it would still be hard to point whether this was some HAARP-type targeted weather modification, or signs of an increasingly unstable GEC. Thus, I'd like to point out that the video's analysis is completely unfounded. Seeing "a massive...
  10. XPan

    Crazy Storm Weather and Lightning - Global

    Sicily - Syracusa, Italy New European heat record. 48.8°C 11 Aug 2021 (but is it true ?) I just read on the swedish SMHI an article about an all time high heat record was supposedly reached at the east coast of Sicily, in Syracusa on 11 Aug 2021. It was “verified” by the three letter WMO...
  11. Kay Kim

    Session 17 July 2021

    I found few transcripts that Cs said “things are emanating from 4th density” by the HAARP. So, it seems like the “strange waves” are coming out from the HAARP. And probably it’s been fully operating nowadays.
  12. Joan

    Fires around the world

    ...This struck me from the article: Earlier in the week, local authorities revealed that they would artificially induce rain to fight against the wildfires. Around 69,000 hectares of wild land were reported to be ablaze. Are they talking about weather modification?
  13. Chad

    The Ice Age Cometh! Forget Global Warming!

    Do you realise how rude your tone is, Sodajaxon? This distraction has been going around for a while, and all over the world (i saw a similar clip on social media last winter by someone in Europe). A quick online search brings up the following explanation: You will also want to familiarize...
  14. Sodajaxon

    The Ice Age Cometh! Forget Global Warming!

    Ok, ya got me, har har, so then how does snow not melt when a flame is applied? probably does not have anything to do with chemtrails, or does it? i did the flame test here in west michigan and had carbon build up on the ice but the ice did melt. can anyone explain the phenomena observed in the...
  15. Laura

    The Ice Age Cometh! Forget Global Warming!

    What do chemtrails have to do with snow not melting considering that the coming of an ice age has been predicted for years now? What do you think happens in an ice age?
  16. Sodajaxon

    The Ice Age Cometh! Forget Global Warming! I know the C's frown on chemtrails, yet there are alot of video examples of this 'snow' not melting. I am at a loss as to how to explain this without saying chemtrails...
  17. wodasi

    The Great Reset

    The Great Reset for Dummies . . . . The Great Reset for Dummies ---------------------------------------------------
  18. Laurs

    Floods & Landslides

    ...or coerce an adversary”, capabilities, it says, extend to the triggering of floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes: ‘Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally… It could have offensive and defensive applications and...
  19. Laura

    Session 4 July 2020

    Session Date: July 4th 2020 Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board Pierre, Joe, Chu, Ark, Scottie, Gaby, Niall, the Lunar Module, Noko the Wonderdog Q: (L) Today is the 4th of July 2020. [Review of those present] So, hello. A: Hello good people. Much turmoil ahead yet. Dark forces do not...
  20. SevenFeathers

    Session 21 March 2020

    What are the extremely high (1500-2000+ feet) used for? I couldn't locate any info on an internet search except how one of them had crashed and OSHA was investigating. The reason I bring this up: I have seen "regular" size cell towers around where I live, about 200-300 feet usually. But...
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