Search results for query: Khazar

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  1. Laura

    Are Russian Jews Descended from the Khazars?

    Restored post. Second Part: PART 3. Notable modern Jews and Jewish communities who claim Khazar ancestry Dan Rottenberg, author of "Finding Our Fathers: A Guidebook to Jewish Genealogy" (1st edition, 1977), has ancestors from the Austrian and Russian empires. Some of his wife's ancestors were...
  2. Laura

    Are Russian Jews Descended from the Khazars?

    ...We have a back-up copy of the old forum and can restore posts by hand if they are reported. This one is restored. From: Are Russian Jews Descended from the Khazars? A Reassessment Based upon the Latest Historical, Archaeological, Linguistic...
  3. Laura

    The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview 1976 does make a difference. A very grave difference. R. What grave difference? W. Does it not prove that the great majority of Jews today are Khazar in origin. Your ancestors never trod the lands where Christ walked. They never knew Jerusalem and Palestine so how could . . . (Mr. R...
  4. K

    Interview with Harold Rosenthal

    ...does make a difference. A very grave difference. R. What grave difference? W. Does it not prove that the great majority of Jews today are Khazar in origin. Your ancestors never trod the lands where Christ walked. They never knew Jerusalem and Palestine so how could . . . (Mr. R...
  5. Laura

    Alex Jones - COINTELPRO? Fascist Tool?

    Alex Jones and 911 Scholars: The Parable of the Good Shepherd
  6. Laura

    A Jewish Defector Warns America

    ...happened? The eastern European Jews, who form 92 per cent of the world's population of those people who call themselves Jews, were originally Khazars. They were a warlike tribe that lived deep in the heart of Asia. And they were so warlike that even the Asiatics drove them out of Asia...
  7. Laura

    looking for an article about the formation of israel

    ...We know from the evidence cited above that the Judaism of the Talmud that existed before the 9th century, after the conversion of the Khazars and the influence they brought to bear on it, changed again with the addition of the ideas of a "Jewish Kingdom on Earth" that necessitated the...
  8. Laura

    looking for an article about the formation of israel

    ...extant Hebrew version of the Old Testament - the Torah and the Prophets and other books - dates only to about the time of the heyday of the Khazar kingdom. We even suspect that the Khazar revival of Judaism is mostly responsible for the texts we now know as the Torah. We know that...
  9. Laura

    looking for an article about the formation of israel that land can be true. So, we continue back in time to search for the origins of the Ashkenazi. Now, we know a great deal about the Khazars in a particular period of history, but we still know nothing about where they came from, which is the burning question. Can they legitimately claim...
  10. Laura

    looking for an article about the formation of israel

    ...of Byzantium. So, let's back up just a bit back to the same point in time when the Magyars went across the Carpathians, thus depriving the Khazars of their protection in the buffer zone, taking many Jews with them. At that point, as noted above, the Rus took over Kiev in a bloodless coup...
  11. Laura

    looking for an article about the formation of israel

    ...and habits. But Priscus also has anecdotes to tell about a people subject to the Huns whom he calls Akatzirs - that is, very likely, the Ak-Khazars, or "White" Khazars. The Byzantine Emperor, Priscus tells us, tried to win this warrior race over to his side, but the greedy Khazar chieftain...
  12. Laura

    looking for an article about the formation of israel

    The big question now is: If the Khazars aren't really of ancient Jewish origin and have no real rights to the "Divine Fiat" that gave Israel to the Jews (putting aside for the moment that this was a hoax to begin with), then who were the Khazars and what is behind this bizarre drive of theirs to...
  13. Laura

    looking for an article about the formation of israel

    ...migrated up into Eastern Europe, then going even further East and mixing with Turks, forming the Ashkenazi Jews. Another theory is that the Khazars included remnants of original Jews who fled Israel at the time of the Babylonian captivity. When they adopted Judaism in the 9th century, they...
  14. Laura

    looking for an article about the formation of israel

    ...Arab, Lebanese, Syrian, and Anatolian Turkish peoples. At the same time, there are traces of European (including Western Slavic) and Khazar ancestry among European Jews. Ethiopian Jews mostly descend from Ethiopian Africans who converted to Judaism, but may also be related to a lesser extent...
  15. Ruth

    The Scythians - A curious and 'busy' conquering history...

    Found this whilst doing a search on the word 'magas' which is both a 'nom du guerre' of a rather infamous 'wil o' the wisp' Russian terrorist who has 'died' multiple times and a small town in the Republic of Ingushetia (check out the flag - an interesting design, n'est pas?). Remind you of...
  16. Laura

    Jeff Rense EXPOSED!!

    What is not talking about That's what the forum is for: to discuss and elaborate and provide citations. No doubt. Just as there is a different perspective between the views of the colonists vis a vis the experiences of the Native Americans. Does that mean that the colonists were...
  17. D

    Jeff Rense EXPOSED!!

    ...of the Cathars or the Templars' sorcerous, blood-soaked exploits and their occult alliance with the 'unconverted' pagan remnants of the Khazar Magi - the Assassins. Naturally, the 'history of the victors' still holds sway in contemporary Western culture, as the success of 'The Da Vinci Code'...
  18. S

    Sorcha Faal/David Booth: COINTELPRO

    ...Of course, he is not presidential so the "royal genes and chromsomes" issue does not arise. He is a major functionary but not "of the blood" to my knowledge. But I don't know that for a fact. He appears to be one of those "fake " Khazar Jews.
  19. A

    The Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler as, perhaps, a very literal reference to the 'language of the birds'. If you look back to the map on page 10, you will see that the Khazars are stuck between the Bulgars to the NE, and the Bulgars to the West. On page 21, Koestler mentions: This could provide one possible means of...
  20. Laura

    A question for Laura...

    No, I am not anti-Semitic. And I most definitely consider Hitler to be a very, very sick man in the same way Bush is a very sick man. However, the facts clearly indicate a strong MOSSAD/Israeli participation in 911, if not total control of the activities with the complicity of the Neocons...
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