Search results for query: High Strangeness

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  1. M

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    I agree that this is very curious. Perhaps it is just a coincidence but with so much high strangeness operating in the world of the occult and the Consortium, I guess it isn't. Still on holiday at the moment but hope to add a further post on the significance of the Tetractys soon.
  2. Ryan

    Paul Dienach - Sleeping sickness time traveller?

    ...manifest. These situations can result in what the C's described as "eclipsing realities", and which Laura wrote about in detail in High Strangeness. The reconciled result is one 'manifest timeline' that accommodates all possibilities "variably and selectively", with the variation and...
  3. M

    Owls, Synchronicity and UFO Contact on this subject are the only ones to date that specifically cover this topic. Other than the Wave series, Laura's brilliant High Strangeness: Hyperdimensions and the Process of Alien Abduction would be a must if you haven't yet read it. In terms of your concerns, I would suggest...
  4. M

    Owls, Synchronicity and UFO Contact

    ...accompany an interaction, often starting weeks or months before, fearing these will prove them to be loopy. But its often these very High Strangeness details that are of way higher value that just another material looking spaceship which sits at the centre as a doorway within a multifaceted...
  5. M

    Owls, Synchronicity and UFO Contact

    ...Deeper Reality, and seeing as the topic hasn't been raised here before, welcome to one of the weirdest and yet most ancient unspoken High Strangeness connections... Owls, Synchronicity and UFO Contact. In essence Clelland claims his life has been an unending process of High Strangeness...
  6. Alma.Innovadora

    Session 29 July 2023

    ...our instinct could relate to this as well Interesting... that reminds me of all these people in youtube keep inquiring about the high strangeness and one can notice that they are on the way, but even they don't know it themselves. If only they would realize that their assumptions are...
  7. Windmill knight

    Videos and reports of UFOs and other phenomena in the sky

    Hello, the video appears to be in your private Google Drive, so anyone wishing to watch it would need to get permission from you. Maybe you could upload it to a public site like Youtube?
  8. Bastian

    high strangeness in french

    Si je ne me trompe pas, sa traduction en français est titrée « Ces mondes qui nous gouvernent » (éd. Pilule rouge, 2006) :
  9. romseguy

    high strangeness in french

    Qu'en est-il du livre de Laura intitulé "High strangeness..." n'a t'il pas été traduit en français ? Lien de la version anglaise :
  10. Alma.Innovadora

    Videos and reports of UFOs and other phenomena in the sky

    Greetings, Video from a follower on my IG, from Mexico. July 27th. It reminded me of some similar lights that appear in an article in the high strangeness section of the Sott website. Google Drive: Sign-in
  11. Alma.Innovadora

    Just Weird Videos!

    ...For a few days I've been watching this type of videos, by season I get a lot of attention to know what's new on the web about high strangeness, to then not want to pass by the house with the lights off when some catch things that are known to be true, "paranormal masochism" (laughs). But the...
  12. Niall

    Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - Missing Plane

    ...back down. Which underscores something we've been saying throughout all geopolitical intrigues: M.A.D. is verboten! Ah ok, so it was noticed at the time. I guess then it's simply that redditors weren't ready to contextualize the disappearance of MH370 in terms of 'high strangeness' until...
  13. Voyageur

    Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - Missing Plane derail any wild speculation later. So perhaps yes, mudding the waters, which is officially what happens all the time with high strangeness events. Thanks for opening this up to track, and to see where this all heads now. By the way, Britannia updated this MH370 entry both August 11th...
  14. H

    Reflections on a life of high strangeness

    thank you for your efforts to write this down. at some time reading you i thought about castanedas beings squatting us. maybe somebody else will remember the precise formulation... i am looking forward to the 88- present episode. all the best to you...
  15. Jtucker

    'Missing 411', by David Paulides: Tracking unusual missing persons cases

    ...describes Mc Intosh quite closely. I'll add some background on the area like Dave does which might give this area some context for "High Strangeness". The whole area is covered with logging roads and hunting trails. As a teenager, I spent summers on Blue Lake not far from Mc Intosh, where...
  16. T

    Imminent Alien Disclosure?

    ...probably say. In the current flow of confusing and contradictory views, it may be possible to disarm the disinformation, by exposing the shortcomings and qualify what is going in the right direction. For this purpose, would an audio version of the High Strangeness book be welcomed by some...
  17. Stoneboss

    Car crashes on 2 story house roof! "High Strangeness" involved?

    I saw this article a few days ago and I just can't figure out how this could have happened. I checked the local newspaper for Lewistown, PA. where they posted the address of the house. So I looked it up on google...
  18. Approaching Infinity

    Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - Missing Plane

    The Reddit investigation of the videos continues:
  19. Voyageur

    Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - Missing Plane

    ...rewards for them, and instead are threatened with annihilation for breaching said deals - threatened by way of revealing a few high strangeness reminders, that may be reason enough to back down. On the other side, 3d PTB cannot be allowed to bugger up or delay 4d's carefully laid plans...
  20. SlipNet

    Imminent Alien Disclosure?

    ...We will have to find a way to keep ourselves mindful. My book collection is my pride and joy. In my current reading pile I Have High Strangeness, The Threat The Outsider and The Occult, the latter two by Colin Wilson. I bought these books a few years back and am only now reading them. We are...
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