Search results for query: "electromagnetic pulse"

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  1. N

    Could electromagnetic waves from a device trigger a response within a human's brain and interfere with his/her psychic powers?

    How could a human know what is going to happen ahead of time? That would imply you have perfect knowledge of the universe and perfect understanding. And if that is the case, then you are claiming to be God, which is absurd. If you do not have perfect knowledge, then your predictions can only...
  2. L

    Could electromagnetic waves from a device trigger a response within a human's brain and interfere with his/her psychic powers?

    I'll try to explain myself. Psychics in general have visions, premonitions of the future, know what's going to happen ahead of time. If their brain was attacked by an electromagnetic weapon (which could mean EMP (electromagnetic pulse) or DEW (directed energy weapon)), that is, a burst of...
  3. T

    A future Space Weather catastrophe : a disturbing possibility

    This edition of SuspiciousObservers (SO) Solar EMP with NO Warning, Major Disaster/Climate Confirmation | S0 News Oct.17.2021 Refers to two papers: A simulation of the nuclear high-altitude electromagnetic pulse (HEMP) produced by the X-ray in the ionosphere Jiansheng Yao, Yingkui Zhao, Difa...
  4. T

    Crazy Storm Weather and Lightning - Global

    He also uploaded it to Youtube, open can the recording and play it at 0.25 speed. I think it is a fascinating observation; below are a few points regarding the nature of this event, and how one might be able to observe others. Gigantic jets are in the Wiki listed under upper-atmospheric...
  5. Keit

    Havana Syndrome: Mysterious neurological symptoms are appearing in US diplomats and spies around the world

    Here are some more speculations into the mix. There could be so many possibilities actually. That yeah, they could be test subjects for some brainwashing tech, or perhaps it was an experimental "tracking and monitoring" tech. After all, there are articles like this, where they describe that...
  6. Ca.

    Sprites light up the night sky in Puerto Rico

    An instrument on the spacecraft may have detected transient luminous events - bright flashes of light in the gas giant's upper atmosphere. New results from NASA's Juno mission at Jupiter suggest that either "sprites" or "elves" could be dancing in the upper atmosphere of the solar system's...
  7. T

    Transcripts about electronic devices, microwaves, WiFi and electronic surveillance

    The above quote appeared in the Corona thread. Since one can pull in the excerpts from many sessions, here is a collection of quotes from the many different Sessions about electronic devices, like computers, mobile phones and electronic toys, WiFi, electromagnetic frequencies like microwaves, a...
  8. Gary

    Greenland - movie trailer (fire in the skies)

    Possibly, or is it a deliberate ploy to confuse the issue. "Did comet / asteroid fragments just hit or are we under nuclear attack from some foreign power?" Although the interstellar comet mentioned in the trailer would likely be detected, hundreds or thousands of smaller 'space rocks' probably...
  9. Persej

    Session 23 May 2020

    If a big one ever hits us, the PTB have an excuse ready:
  10. Arwenn

    Cassiopaea Forum Reading Workshops - Public

    In preparation for tonight’s meeting, with regards to The Greenbaum speech and the topic of mind control, I complied a list of Cs sessions where they reference HAARP technology. I’m posting it here for ease of reference. It appears to me, that the PTB and their 4D STS controllers have been very...
  11. D

    Session 9 May 2020

    Korona/Crown for everyone :) I am wondering, à propos, the session, is Korwin Mikke greenbaumed?
  12. K

    Session 9 May 2020

    Thank you for your hard work! When C's said about something with same name to corona and weather and previously about disclosure of cosmic forces the activity of sun came to my mind. If I remember correctly, the sun bursts are similar in name to the crown and "corona"-COVID-19 in Polish is...
  13. A

    Venezuela: Resistance or disintegration?

    No doubt, our new "acting" Defense Secretary had an active role in the planning of the "Dark in Venezuela" production? I wonder, if a drone was used to deliver the electromagnetic pulse?
  14. Windmill knight

    Venezuela: Resistance or disintegration?

    Here's something peculiar about the latest blackout. Vicepresident Delcy Rodríguez said that if had been a sabotage, like the previous one, but that this time they had used "electromagnetic tools". These are pictures of the fire and damage to the plant: People might think that EM weapons is...
  15. Bluegazer

    Session 23 March 2019

    First, excellent session. I had not read it until this morning. All the conversation in the session in particular this part: This part: And this one too: It made this come to my head almost instantaneously: The idea? If the proteins, and their appendages are an antenna, imagine what...
  16. Learner

    Session vom 22. Juli 1994

    Another session is available in German now - with many thanks to forum member @mrtn who translated it! :-) You can find the original session here, where further questions can be asked as well. Session vom 22. Juli 1994 gegen 22:30 Uhr Originale Englische Version "Frank", Laura und "Candy"...
  17. SummerLite

    Joseph P. Farrell and the Giza Death Star

    Re: Dr. Joseph Farrell Interesting series of articles by Joseph Farrell, speculating on the possible connections between the US diplomats being removed from Cuba after attacked by "mysterious weapons" and unusual events surrounding the ramming of US warships losing control. Is someone sending a...
  18. A

    Earthquakes around the world

    Federal government agencies are preparing for the possibility of “widespread power outages” across the U.S. as a result of a “black sky” event that could “bring society to its knees”. “Black Sky Event”: Feds Preparing For Widespread Power Outages Across U.S...
  19. goyacobol

    The Truth about Corey Goode

    Jeep, I am not sure that Michael Relfe is any more credible than Corey Goode. In keeping with the video interview I think it lacks "falsifiabllity" as Dolan terms it. There is no way to verify or disprove Relfe's story. If he was part of a secret project and took those drugs who can say...
  20. JGeropoulas

    SC Lawmakers Urge Like-Minded Communities Organize To Prepare For Collapse

    South Carolina Lawmakers Call For Like-Minded Communities In Preparation For Collapse Natural News March 22, 2017 _
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