Search results for query: electromagnetic weapon

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  1. ella

    The game of free will

    I would like to share with you my way of understanding of how the game of free will is being played on us, humans, here in this physical world. There might be some weak points in my reasoning, please, try to grasp the essence, the meaning of what I will attempt to pass to you. We all know that...
  2. JEEP

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    Words In Your Head – How They Are Telling You To ‘Get The Vaccine’ FWIW - It's David Icke [49:03]. Just thought it was more than a coincidence that the subject was the same as has already been noted in this thread. Skip to 4:30 - it is intriguing that so many are having this experience. He...
  3. XPan

    Volcanoes Erupting All Over

    Just an extra thought i am throwing in here. Aren't laser beams also used for measuring even the tiniest of changes, for example in a volcano's expansion, it's tilts, lifts & falls ? I mean Sakurajima is such a highly surveilled volcano, that it could be an additional aspect to think of...
  4. M

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    May I ask where you are sourcing this material from? I am aware that the Russians were supposed to have assisted the Saudis in transporting what was described as the 'Ark of Gabriel' from Mecca down to Antartica but do you have some legitimate information on what this Ark was? If so, please feel...
  5. Curious Beagle

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    ...Mecca in 2015) and ark of Ishtar/Michael in one of the federation mothership. It is equipped with self defense in the form of electromagnetic weapon and AI to recognize their original owner vibration. It isn't going to be any use to anyone unless you have advance bio lab, advance computer...
  6. R

    Havana Syndrome: Mysterious neurological symptoms are appearing in US diplomats and spies around the world

    An important point to delineate is summarized by Beatrice Golomb in her paper that Keit uploaded: In the article at also cited above, in the described experiment by Fu, Xu, and Yan, they describe trying to recreate a frequency, found on a recording, by producing ultrasound...
  7. R

    Havana Syndrome: Mysterious neurological symptoms are appearing in US diplomats and spies around the world

    If, "what we're thinking of as aliens, they're extra-dimensional beings that an earlier precursor... made contact with", then I think this, "bleedthrough", could be an outgrowth of the development of harvesting electricity through electromagnetic or magnetic induction, and the signalling and...
  8. sToRmR1dR

    Volcanoes Erupting All Over

    I prefer more Laura's questions about the cause of the volcanic eruption: Ebeko volcano has erupted, spewing ash 3 kilometers into the sky. 5/24/2021 Published on May...
  9. T

    Volcanoes Erupting All Over

    One question is if an eruption of a volcano could be induced by a weapon? This session mentions that earthquakes can be induced: In this video from January 2015, there is allegedly an example of a volcano going off right after...
  10. Keit

    Havana Syndrome: Mysterious neurological symptoms are appearing in US diplomats and spies around the world

    Here are some more speculations into the mix. There could be so many possibilities actually. That yeah, they could be test subjects for some brainwashing tech, or perhaps it was an experimental "tracking and monitoring" tech. After all, there are articles like this, where they describe that...
  11. Ocean

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    It seems to be almost impossible to gather information on the origins of Klaus Schwab. Who is Klaus Martin Schwab, and how did an obscure German professor of “business policy” become the leader of the 4th Industrial Revolution and the New World Order? The Origins of the World Economic Forum...
  12. Ocean

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    ...cytokine shock. *6. Similarity between the lung damage observed by all emergency doctors and damage caused by the use of an electromagnetic weapon (plus permanent headaches, fatigue, burning sensations in the lungs, thrombosis and loss of sensitivity to smell and taste, also cited as...
  13. PopHistorian

    Session 10 October 2020

    FYI, I just came across a reference to beam weapons in an alleged NASA PowerPoint presentation Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare from 2013 predicting what will be happening in 2025, based on existing technologies and trends, which is an embedded admission of what already exists. A friend...
  14. Ryan

    Cassiopaea Forum Reading Workshops - Public

    Hi All, Just a thought I had during the discussion on subatomic particles: So, perhaps there's a connection between unstable gravity waves and electrons? Some other relevant excerpts: @Arwenn, note your reference to the Möbius connection between 1st density and 7th. (A railgun is a...
  15. T

    Beirut Explosion

    Thierry Meyssan writes: @PabloAngello mentioned the news about the conditions under which Russia may use nuclear weapons. I found a source from Russia General staff explains when Russia may use nuclear weapon This may not be new, but just a reminder to those who had doubts and can well be...
  16. Persej

    Session 23 May 2020

    If a big one ever hits us, the PTB have an excuse ready:
  17. SevenFeathers

    Session 21 March 2020

    What are the extremely high (1500-2000+ feet) used for? I couldn't locate any info on an internet search except how one of them had crashed and OSHA was investigating. The reason I bring this up: I have seen "regular" size cell towers around where I live, about 200-300 feet usually. But...
  18. Ocean

    The Looming Risks of 5G Technology

    London EMF Radiation Levels More Than 25 Times The Limit Considered Safe Due To 5G The numbers don’t lie, people. Weapons expert and inventor Mark Steele, along with...
  19. goyacobol

    Session 21 March 2020

    @AlainD, Yes, 12% is sad but probably true and HAARP may be making it worse. Session 6 August 2005:
  20. A

    Session 21 March 2020

    But there is the HAARP a very powerful antenna in Alaska and we don't know exactly what it does. We are told that it is used to study the Ionosphere with 3.6MW power in the 2.8-10MHz range. But there are articles on the web that questions this. HAARP: Secret Weapon Used For Weather...
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