Search results for query: electromagnetic weapon

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  1. pneumaticmatt

    Chemtrails? CONtrails? Strange skies...

    I think "they" are literally Salting the sky for exactly the reasons the C's said when they mentioned that HAARP is used for mind control. Clifford E. Carnicom: For the whole article: http// So with this bit of information concerning saline based plasma, here is...
  2. S

    a strange chain of events in the deep sanctions of the inner mind

    hello, i am a new member... but.. there is something i would like to discuss... scattered across my mind, my inner realm, or also known as the subconscious... i have had a chain of dreams, describing to me, many strange theories, properties, possibilities, a past, and a future... i will start...
  3. dantem

    Canneto di Caronia update - Sicily, Italy

    ..."The electromagnetic radiation was very intense, [and such] intensity is comparable, in a certain way, to that of an electromagnetic weapon owned by superpowers [of our planet], developed in the last 15 years, and which they're able to show us, but by entirely different means." Voice: "A...
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