Chemtrails? CONtrails? Strange skies...

From my own research and that of the QFS I have fomed a hypthesis (maybe right or wrong, but still being tweaked/formed from observations and research) that most of the chemtrail spraying in the upper atmosphere is done as part of the HAARP programme.

As my understanding goes the HAARP project is a project that utilises a neutral cavity (possibly the ionosphere) in our atmoshpere that was likely created specifically for the HAARP project. This cavity is used to send certain Low-frequency waves (sometimes referred to as ULF-waves) through the earths atmosphere at directed targets for the purpose of mind-controll and control of the emotions. This is done due to the nature of the way the waves travel (in more or less a straight line) and the curvature of our planet. Thus by utilizing the upper part/parts of our atmosphere they can effect a greater coverage area, increase the reach and accuracy of the directed waves, regardless of geographic location as waves that travel in a straight line aren't likely to be very effective in targeting something over the horizon without something to bounce-off.

Now where I think the chemtrails come into this is that to transmit these low-frequency waves you some form of medium for the waves to bounce-off, such as these chemtrails which are said to be laced with a certain level of heavy metals which could reflect the signals to a specific location with great accuracy. They then build these HAARP transmission stations in various strategic locations in as many countries as they can to give a better coverage area, and then introduce widespread chemtrailing in the countries being targeted. They can then not only control the emotional "flavour" of certain targeted populations emotions, but could also be used to activate sleeper agents who may have been programmed to "Go-Off" on killing spree's or produce erratic/disturbed behaviour to keep a given quantity of the pop. in fear and nicely distracted.

The mystery doesn't end their, as there is a body of evidence to suggest that a certain amount of these chemtrails can be used to make people ill and cause sickness in localised populations. It has been theorised (by people much wiser than me, such as the members of the QFS) that this may be done as a distraction to cause people to think that the true purpose of chemtrails are to make people become sick, whilst all the time diverting their research and thinking away from the true nature of the chemtrails and their main use of mind control.

If you link through to the podcast page from the main signs page, then you can find a few of the podcasts that may better explain the nature of this mind control and the usage of HAARP and the Chemtrails. If your really interested it would be a good way/place to start learning more about them (as I have).
I think "they" are literally Salting the sky for exactly the reasons the C's said when they mentioned that HAARP is used for mind control.

Clifford E. Carnicom:
Metals are known to increase their resistance with the introduction of an electric current. As the metal becomes hotter, resistance increases and conductivity decreases. Salt water and plasmas are quite interesting in that the opposite effect occurs. The conductivity of salt water increases when temperature increases. The same effect occurs within a plasma; an increase in temperature will result in a decrease of the resistance.10, i.e, the conductivity increases. Introduction of an electric current into the plasma, or salt water for that matter, will increase the temperature and therefore the conductivity will also increase. This is in opposition to our normal experience with metals and conductors.

In the past, conductivity studies have focused on the ability of the reactive metals to lose ions through the photoionization process. This remains a highly significant aspect of the aerosol research.

The importance of this study is that a second factor has now been introduced into the conductivity equation, and that is the introduction of electric currrent itself into the plasma state. This research, through direct observation and analysis, has inadvertently turned attention once again to the HAARP facility, where ohmic heating is stated within the Eastlund patent to be a direct contributor to atmospheric conductivity increase. All evidence indicates that this plasma is saline based, which further propagates the hypothesis of increased conductivity in the atmosphere with the introduction of electric current, in addition to that provided by photoionization.
For the whole article: http//

So with this bit of information concerning saline based plasma, here is an excerpt from "SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY AND THE EARLY MIND WARS
By Richard Alan Miller"

Silent Sound Technology - "S-quad"

Silent (converted-to-voice FM) hypnosis can be transmitted using a voice frequency modulator to generate the "voice." It is a steady tone, near the high end of hearing range (15,000 Hz), plus a hypnotist's voice, varying from 300 - 4,000 Hz. These two signals are frequency modulated. The output now appears as a steady tone, like tinnitus, but with hypnosis embedded. The FM-voice controls the timing of the transmitter's pulse.

Each vertical line is one short pulse of microwave signal at a frequency to which the human brain is sensitive. Timing of each microwave pulse is controlled by each down-slope crossing of the voice wave (Sharp's method, 1974). Then the brain converts the train of microwave pulses back to inaudible voice. There is no conscious defense possible against this form of hypnosis.

Ordinary radio and TV signals use a smooth waveform called a 'sine' wave. This wave signal cannot normally penetrate the voltage gradient across the nerve cell walls. Radar signals consist of very short and powerful pulses of sine wave type signals, and can penetrate the steep voltage gradient across these nerve cell walls (Allan H. Frey, Cornell University, 1962).

Differences in osmosis of ions (dissolved salt components) cause a small voltage difference across cell walls. When a small voltage appears across a very tiny distance, the change in voltage is called very 'steep.' It is this steep gradient that keeps normal radio signals from throwing us into convulsions.

The mind-altering mechanism is based on a subliminal carrier technology: the Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS), sometimes called "S-quad" or "Squad". It was developed by Dr Oliver Lowery of Norcross, Georgia, and is described in US Patent #5,159,703, "Silent Subliminal Presentation System", dated October 27, 1992. The abstract for the patent reads:

"A silent communications system in which nonaural carriers, in the very low or very high audio-frequency range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum are amplitude- or frequency-modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, earphones, or piezoelectric transducers. The modulated carriers may be transmitted directly in real time or may be conveniently recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic, or optical media for delayed or repeated transmission to the listener."

According to literature by Silent Sounds, Inc., it is now possible, using supercomputers, to analyze human emotional EEG patterns and replicate them, then store these "emotion signature clusters" on another computer and, at will, "silently induce and change the emotional state in a human being".

Edward Tilton, President of Silent Sounds, Inc., says this about S-quad in a letter dated December 13, 1996:

"All schematics, however, have been classified by the US Government and we are not allowed to reveal the exact details... ... we make tapes and CDs for the German Government, even the former Soviet Union countries! All with the permission of the US State Department, of course... The system was used throughout Operation Desert Storm (Iraq) quite successfully."

"Induced Alpha to Theta Biofeedback Cluster Movement" is an output from "the world's most versatile and most sensitive electroencephalograph (EEG) machine". This device has a gain capability of 200,000, as compared to most other EEG machines (with gain capability of 50,000). It is software-driven by the "fastest of computers" using a noise nulling technology similar to that used by nuclear submarines for detecting small objects underwater at extreme range.

The purpose of all this high technology is to plot and display a moving cluster of periodic brainwave signals. The illustration shows an EEG display from a single individual, taken of left and right hemispheres simultaneously. This technology is very similar to that used to generate P300 waves.

Cloning the Emotions

By using these computer-enhanced EEGs, scientists can identify and isolate the brain's low-amplitude "emotion signature clusters," synthesize them and store them on another computer. In other words, by studying the subtle characteristic brainwave patterns that occur when a subject experiences a particular emotion, scientists have been able to identify the concomitant brainwave pattern and can now duplicate it.

"These clusters are then placed on the Silent Sound[TM] carrier frequencies and will silently trigger the occurrence of the same basic emotion in another human being!"

Regarding system delivery and applications, there is a lot more involved here than a simple subliminal sound system. There are numerous patented technologies that can be piggybacked individually or collectively onto a carrier frequency to elicit all kinds of effects.

There appear to be two methods of delivery with the system. One is direct microwave induction into the brain of the subject, limited to short-range operations. The other, as described above, utilizes ordinary radio and television carrier frequencies.

Far from necessarily being used as a weapon against a person, the system does have limitless positive applications. However, the fact that the sounds are subliminal makes them virtually undetectable and possibly dangerous to the general public.

In more conventional use, the Silent Sounds Subliminal System might utilize voice commands, e.g., as an adjunct to security systems. Beneath the musical broadcast that you hear in stores and shopping malls may be a hidden message that exhorts against shoplifting. And while voice commands alone are powerful, when the subliminal presentation system carries cloned emotional signatures, the result is overwhelming.

Free-market uses for this technology are the common self-help tapes, positive affirmation, relaxation and meditation tapes, as well as methods to increase learning capabilities. But there is strong evidence that this technology is being developed toward global mind control.

The secrecy involved in the development of the electromagnetic mind-altering technology reflects the tremendous power that is inherent in it. To put it bluntly, whoever controls this technology can control the minds of men - all men.

There is evidence that the U.S. Government has plans to extend the range of this technology to envelop all peoples, all countries. This can be accomplished, and is being accomplished, by utilizing the nearly completed HAARP project for overseas areas and the GWEN network now in place in the U.S. The U.S. Government denies all this.
Here is the link to the whole article: http//

So, it may be that salting the atmosphere (chemtrails), does two things 1) Introduction of an electric current into the "plasma", will increase the temperature and therefore the conductivity will also increase thereby enabling HAARP signals farther carry. 2) Increases the salt content (and God knows what else is in this soup) of our bodies thereby enabling the weaker waveforms ('sine' waves) to penetrate the nerve cell walls increasing our susceptibility to mind control.
I've been seeing some odd patterns in the sky/ appears as though the atmosphere and/or clouds are moving within some type of 3D cube pattern. When I look up into the sky it's as though there exists these invisible "cubes" that can be seen when contrasted in the presence of clouds. It feels likes looking through a cubic shaped glass and cloud patterns seem to be magnified when behind it (in it?) I've also noticed extensions of this "cube" pattern that looks similar to how the bottom half of a pyramid might look if it were attached to a cubic face. The top half of this "pyramid" seems to curve up extending to another bottom halfof a pyramid attached to the face of another cube. Within the "tunnel" of this odd geometry the cloud patterns seem to repeat themseves and the face of one cube is but a reflection of the other cubic face to which the other "end" is attached. In addition, I've also seen what appears to be dodecahedron geometries within some tube-like structure.....maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me....but it surely is strange.......has anyone else noticed anything odd?
I've noticed an increase in chemtrails recently. As the weather is getting clearer it's becoming more visable. These photos were all taken together early Friday 6th, which had the heavier activity near me, but much of the same over the whole of the weekend. I notice them all the time, but it's never been this bad. Anyone else seeing an increase?

In this shot, this isn't cloud cover in the distance, just trail after trail.

Overhead shot 1

Overhead shot 2

If you ask the average person in the street what they think they are, just to bring it to their attention, it's bizarre how most become deluded that it's always been like this. Kind of shows how weak the willpower of a person's brain is to tackle truth these days, they seem to quickly create some false memory to pave over any inconvenient thought process they may have to do.

We had A Lot of spraying south of Rome ending about a week ago. The last few days have been wonderfully clear. I know what you mean about people saying it's always been like that. My husband was one of them, but with me persistently pointing them out and after a couple of pointed discussions, he did a search in Italian under 'scie chimiche', and found pages of information, including that there was a parliamentary inquiry here in Italy. The inquiry only went so far and then it was dropped with very little publicity. In any case, my husband has now come to grips with the reality of chemtrails and has even discussed them with others.

I've found orgone to be an effective means of combating them, but I've noticed that the orgone I've distributed doesn't seem to work when I am in bad health, or when I get a strong impression that I'm under heavy psychic attack. To the contrary, when I'm strong there's often a blue hole in the chemtrail haze in the vicinity of my Chemtrail Buster. I've also noticed that when I engage in creative activities like singing or dancing, or I deepen my social bonds with likeminded others, it seems to have the effect of burning holes in particularly dense chemtrail fog. Of course, I realized that I could be fooling myself about all this, but it's something I've been observing for the past few years and I can't think of any other explanation for the phenomena.
I am not sure if this is the right place for my comment but here goes.

The other day while going through the Cass transcripts I came across this:

Q: (L) Ahhh. They are trickier than I am. Was I correct in the flash of insight I had the other night that nearly caused a coronary, of seeing the skies opening and all sorts of beings just pouring into our reality?
A: Yes. But is it prophecy, or current reality?
Q: (L) Oh, god! (F) Well, the thought I was having just a couple of days ago, (is that when you had this?) okay, the thought I was having was along very similar lines. It is that everything is happening right
now, it is just our perception of it that is lagging behind. Instead of what we have always thought, that one day the veil would be ripped open because of some cosmic event, it just may be that the veil is being
opened individual by individual. Then one day it will be the last group that doesn't know anything and then it will fly open. What is really happening is not that the UFOs will someday be invading; it is just that
because of some perception, we do not see that it is happening now. Karla Turner described it as the "End of the World," and for her and her family, it was.

I haven't been noticing any geometrical patterns in the sky but have, on the other hand, very strange cloud formations (North-East Scotland). They are cloud patterns that I've never seen before, only in the last few years. Such as today there were all these protruding formations underneath the standard cloud cover, looked like huge UFOs.

Anyway, the point I want to make and what bugs me, and this might only be wishful thinking on my part, is when I look at some of these cloud formations, instinctively deep down I know that what I am looking at is not a cloud, that there is more there than I can perceive.

This made me think that maybe our individual perception is starting to catch up with what is actually out there. Maybe these formations, and in your case seekingObjectivity the 'cube patterns', are the unveiling of the invasion, it's just we just couldn't see it before and that at the current time the 'veil is being ripped open'.

Anyone else has any thoughts about this?
Reminds me of the "third man" hypnotism experiment or the account of the Carribean islanders not being able to see the approaching tall ships of Columbus, because they had no concept of such ships (i.e. couldn't / didn't believe in them). Their shaman, being curious and a truth-seeker, studied the wake being created by the ships and eventuall was able to see (i.e. because he was a "seer").

All of which points to the benefit of acquiring truth, so one can see more what's going on, so one is more protected or prepared (i.e. "knowledge protects"). Perhaps truth sets one free from living in a "shrunken reality" or from dangers associated from not seeing the enemy.
Well I found this interesting, as i have just listened to a audio interview with some mayan elders who have just warned that these earthquakes will start happening this year, July to September especially around the ring of fire.
The reason i started to look at earthquake data stems back to the Tsunami of 2004, I was living in Hong Kong at the time and on Boxing day, i woke early "with a sore head" and for no apparent reason felt the need to go to my office and check earthquakes. To my suprise the earthquake had just registered. This then became quite bizzare as the next thing i did was telephone the brother of an ex girlfriend called Sophie Pasquier.
He then informed me she was on Holiday in Bali. I told him i didnt think it was Bali and can you contact her, at this point he was a bit perplexed by my insistance on the matter. Well hours went by and he could get through to her. Days later, he finally got word that she had made it to Banda Ache via a small boat- She was on the closest island to the epicentre, and had only escaped due to getting drunk on Christmas night and not going out on the morning dive, Her hut she was staying in was some way up a hill, and water came within metre of her.

Since then i have kept a close eye on the earthquake data, and have noticed that there is major activity again building in the Ring of fire area, my conclusion have still yet to be fully formed but a dispruption through earthquake/tsunami in this area would spell a timly disatster to the world economy.

Preparation is essential, not just to help yourself, but for people who are completly in the dark and remain frozen in there thinking. Living in the UK im horrified by the attituded of people here, when i have mentioned in passing some problems we are going to face, they scoff.

P.s please excude my grammer and spelling, great a drawing and design but written word i have problems with.

As its my first post i would like to say thank you to all the Sott team for your courage and bravery in these times.
Such as today there were all these protruding formations underneath the standard cloud cover, looked like huge UFOs.
Oddly, about a month ago I have seen a very big cloud shaped like a “doughnut" , very well formed geometrically. I thought it was kind of strange and out of the picture. For some reason UFO disguise came to my mind.
agni said:
Such as today there were all these protruding formations underneath the standard cloud cover, looked like huge UFOs.
Oddly, about a month ago I have seen a very big cloud shaped like a “doughnut" , very well formed geometrically. I thought it was kind of strange and out of the picture. For some reason UFO disguise came to my mind.
Do you mean Lenticular Clouds?
A couple of months after the tsunami hit, there was the village in Italy where things spontaneously caught fire
and there was an other massive earthquake in Bam, Iran within the same period of time. I had a globe back then and noticed that all these places were to be found on nearly the same latitude. Is this the ring of fire area you are on about rolyateel?
Fwiw, I think the ring of fire he's speaking about is the 'ring' of highly seismically active area as pictured here...
Yes That the one, this image is showing most of the ring, infact it also has branch wraping around Indonesia and up towards Burma. This branch is where the 2004 Quake was. As we are all aware of the latest quake in The Solomon Island, does anybody here follow Goro Adachi and his site Eteminaki. He is also taking about something big in July August in the way of Tsunami/Quake/ or possible Volcanoe around Hawaii (centre of the ring) he works with the hidden meaning and the sysmbolic nature of events and has mapped a pretty amazing matrix of how the events of the world are so interconnected.

My other thoughts about this perticular area, is the nuclear testing that has gone on, and how this might have affected this zone. Maybe the PTB had an agenda for setting of nuclear expolsion under this area, not just for testing but for some other purpose?. In one document i read, i learned that possibly a continent was under this area called Pan, ive alway thought that the reason for such testing(detonation) was to destroy something of Knoweledge.. may be wrong but still have this feeling.

How do i up load a picture on this post ? If some body could Help.

I dont usually join discussion groups as i found many of them to be going around in circles, of late ive been reading the montalk site and possibly some genuine people. But overall since reading this one has made me think alot of the counter productive conspiracy sites, always wondered why alex J had not been silenced and as for rense there was never any direction, just about as much negative documents, this is bad thats bad, etc etc I think this plays onto people subconsiouse. Do these's site generate energy for the very purpose of actually bringing that possible reality into existence. Has anybody read My Big Toe by Tom Campbell and what do you think?
rolyateel said:
of late ive been reading the montalk site and possibly some genuine people.
Please read this thread and the other referenced threads within it to learn the truth about Montalk.
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