Chemtrails? CONtrails? Strange skies...

Traces of radio active meterials such as barium and thorium have been found along with different metals and latex like substances all collected from rain water. One theory suggests it's the other half of haarp, could be an ultrafine radar detector, seeing as the latex would stick the metal particles to any thing including "invisible crystaline ships". lol. or it could be used as a measurement for the amount of electricity being sent out, the differeing cloud formations being the indicator. like it is said "Who knows" speculation is a big playground.

i wrote this about the srange wind sounds and electrical interference being used to minipulate us.
i say sorry, it fit.

Poisen clouds

The strangest sound was all around,
Unseen it starts to grow,
The mystic fog falls to the ground,
No one can really know,
The sky is blue,
But black the sun shines,
Poisen clouds cause so much pain,
The war's not new,
The attack's from inside,
Choice is life or living vain.

P.S. to Al today, I think ur grandma was a very wise women. in a dream i had recently i rode in a car with a grandad i never knew, he came back to talk to my dad, so keep wanting to talk to her if she is near u will know.

Peace is for All,
Son of the Oldest of Old
Cain said:
Traces of radio active meterials such as barium and thorium have been found along with different metals and latex like substances all collected from rain water. One theory suggests it's the other half of haarp, could be an ultrafine radar detector, seeing as the latex would stick the metal particles to any thing including "invisible crystaline ships". lol. or it could be used as a measurement for the amount of electricity being sent out, the differeing cloud formations being the indicator. like it is said "Who knows" speculation is a big playground.
Well thanks for the info and the speculation. Those theories make sense given what little we know about this stuff :)
Another take (from a meteorologist) on the 'why' of chemtrails:

Just select 'chemtrails' from the lefthand menu.
Lots of photos, other information and, if I remember
correctly, some info about what they contain.
This is a bit of a stretch, but while reading through, I came across this report about a UFO sighting. _

The man who took the shots mentioned that he was just shooting some clouds and that he could not see the disc with his naked eye, nor through his viewfinder. His explanation for this is that the disc was too far away to see with the naked eye. I'm not sure about the mechanics of that, so I don't know if that is true or not. (or, for that matter, whether the shots are real and above board - but running with the broad assumption that what this man has said is true, then...) What popped into my mind was the fact that these clouds look just like the hazy clouds that develop after a few hours of chemtrail spraying (at least around here). That observation made me wonder if that is one of the reasons for the spraying. What if whatever they are spraying helps these, and other, space craft to be invisible to the nake eye? How? I'm not really sure, but perhaps the chemicals sprayed interact with the surface of the ships, or simply block out certain wave lengths of light that would allow us to see these ships. Perhaps the technology used is so far beyond me that all my mind can do is recognize the possible relationship of the two and not really understand how it might work. I totally realize how far fetched this sounds, but I do wonder.
From what I have noticed about UK Chemtrails, they seem to cause dense low level clouds. It could be that one of the applications of chemtrails is to simply lower the "ceiling" while who knows what flies above it out of sight. Perhaps that is over-simplfying things, who knows...
I still think that the "chemtrails" are loaded with some kind of material that is designed to create the "neutral cavity" that Rich Dolan talks about in his book "UFOs and the National Security State," and that this is for HAARP to beam out mind control stuff.

Richard Dolan said:
By the early 1970s, there were already means available to alter the moods of unsuspecting persons. A pocket-sized transmitter generating electromagnetic energy at less than 100 milliwatts could do the job. This is no pie-in-the-sky theory. In 1972, Dr. Gordon J.F. McDonald testified before the House Subcommittee on Oceans and International Environment on the issue of electromagnetic weapons used for mind control and mental disruption. He stated:

[T]he basic notion was to create, between the electrically charged ionosphere in the higher part of the atmosphere and conducting layers of the surface of the Earth, this neutral cavity, to create waves, electrical waves that would be tuned to the brain waves. ...About ten cycles per second. ...You can produce changes in behavioral patterns or in responses.
The following year, Dr. Joseph C. Sharp, at Walter Reed Hospital, while in a soundproof room, was able to hear spoken words broadcast by ‘pulsed microwave audiogram’. These words were broadcast to him without any implanted electronic translation device. Rather, they reached him by direct transmission to the brain.
Consider the above in terms of “chemtrails”. Also, note the comments of the C's:

Q: (L) But, the fact still remains, in my opinion, that there are a LOT, LOT, LOT of planes flying above us in the past few years! Whether they are dumping anything on our heads, or what, there are an extreme number of planes flying in these upper level criss-cross patterns. Now, whether they are just playing war-games, or they are spy planes, they are doing SOMETHING! What is the reason for all of this upper level flying that results in these criss-crossed contrails that everybody is seeing?
A: A lot of it is “training maneuver” oriented.
Q: Why are they training so many pilots? What are they preparing for?
A: Military budgets must be justified, you know. Review “Military-Industrial Complex 101”.
Q: So, this is just training flight, justification of budget, and nothing more than that?
A: Well, we would not say “not anything more to it than that,” but, when you say “M-IC,” you have said a lot!
Q: Are you implying that there is a build-up of the Military-Industrial Complex for a reason?
A: To preserve status quo during “peacetime”. This peace business is not very profitable, you know.
Q: Does that suggest that they are building up to set off a war so they can make more money?
A: Maybe if indeed, and if the populous can be hoodwinked. But, fortunately, the public is less hoodwink able. Maybe the real enemy is “out there”, rather than “over there”. Was it not always?
Q: Does any of this increased aircraft activity have anything to do with the increased awareness and activities of aliens in and around our planet?
A: As always. But, this awareness is factionalized and compartmentalized.
The C’s comments take on a whole new meaning in light of the present situation - 9-11 and all that - as well as Bush’s drive for “war”. We also note the most interesting remark that, “awareness of the activities of aliens in and around our planet” is “factionalized and compartmentalized”. This is where we come to the COINTELPRO function of creating bogus organizations to attack or disrupt bona fide groups.

We have already noted the fact that research in Electrical Stimulation of the brain can produce hallucinations. If you put hallucinations together with words, you can produce just about anything that you want in the way of “noise” to obscure the truth - including the “shape-shifting reptoids-as-humans”, or a “gray dude in the bathroom”, a “Guardian Alliance”, a “Nibiruan Council” or an “Ashtar Command”, or talking whales and dolphins, etc. You name it - they can produce it via voices in the head and hallucinations and transmissions of frequencies that produce ecstatic states, healings, or whatever. And so it is that the human element of the Cosmic COINTELPRO operation manages their many “agents” of disinformation - pied pipers leading the masses of New Age seekers - so that whatever the real truth is remains their secret. And that’s exactly the way they want it.

Notice the dates in the above quote from Dolan’s book telling us that in the early 70s certain technologies were being developed that could “broadcast” signals over the entire nation. We certainly suspect that this technology was developed further in the subsequent years. The question is: what did they do with it? Better yet, what ARE they doing with it?
Laura said:
Notice the dates in the above quote from Dolan’s book telling us that in the early 70s certain technologies were being developed that could “broadcast” signals over the entire nation. We certainly suspect that this technology was developed further in the subsequent years. The question is: what did they do with it? Better yet, what ARE they doing with it?
I suspect that it was much farther along in the 1970s than was revealed and, thus, 'god only knows' what they can do with it now. We literally cannot trust our eyes/ears/general perceptions at all - so what is left for us to do? I suppose not accepting anything we see/hear/feel/smell/concieve of as being 'real' or 'true' right off of the bat ,without further examination, would be one way to go - but considering that the further examination will entail using our perceptions, those cannot be trusted either. What fun it will be/it is. :/
Eep... I kinda have this thing where i ask questions in my head and get answers... always thought they were coming from my sub/un-concious now i'm not so sure. That's disturbing....

Yesterday i was off from work and since it was beautiful i was outside a lot reading Lost Star of Myth & Time and Meditating upon the stuff i was learning from it. I also noticed 11 different chem-trails fly over me in the course of the afternoon. I live outside of philadelphia, near a AF base but damn, 11 seemed like a lot to me. It was a clear day so i didn't see any clouds forming b/c of the trails but it was a weird observation none-the-less.
It's been my experience (thus, I could be totally mistaken) that if you didn't notice a general haziness start to develop high in the sky that they may have just been condensation trails and not chem-trails. The chemtrails do not fade away, instead, they spread out and get wider and wider until the whole sky is literally covered with a white haze. I have noticed days where the trails looked like chemtrails in that they hung around - literally from horizon to horizon - but they didn't disperse like that, or they moved beyond the horizon intact due to high upper level winds. At this point, who knows, but if it was, and remained, a clear day, you could have seen something other than the chemtrail spraying - just my two cents.
anart said:
I suspect that it was much farther along in the 1970s than was revealed and, thus, 'god only knows' what they can do with it now.
Yes, exactly. I remember reading the C's say that cellular towers and antennae could serve as a backup system for HAARP among other things.

So I have been looking at these large cellphone/antennae structures, and some of them appear to be quite sophisticated. As least some are much more sophisticated than others in a given area. The more complex ones have a small building below with air conditioning units (implying computer equipment inside), backup diesel power generators, multiple point-to-point microwave receivers/transceivers, and huge insulated piped for the cables running up from the ground.

It definitely makes me nervous when I think about what these things are being used for (or will be used for).
On the way into work this morning, I noticed at least 6 very large Xs in the sky, formed by what appeared to be chemtrails. These were not just criss-crossing trails that could 'sort of look like an X' - these were short sprays crossing longer sprays - forming very solid Xs.

I have seen one or two of these before, but never 6 very clear ones at one time in one section of the sky (it was the Northwest, over the mountains.)

Does anyone know anything about this pattern spraying?
It might be a grid-like effect.The most effecient way for the best coverage?
It's also funny you mention that it happened this morning in your area.Last night as I was going southbound through Boston (between 6:45 and 7pm),I saw 4 very distinct trails coming from the west towards Logan.Maybe you can help me in this.I don't have any knowledge about chemtrails other than the fact that it happens and I've seen footage and pictures,but what are the unique characteristics of chemtrails so that I'd know what I'm looking at as opposed to just jet exhaust? Doesn't it have somehting to do with it lasting in the air for unreasonable amounts of time?Like, exhaust dissipates quickly or something?

Ok,I just read your other comments on

And Yes! thats exactly what happened these 4 lines slowly but surely just mingled into one like thin blanket cloud eventually!And another thing that makes sense is that it was very clear last night so it's like they were putting up a curtain for a while.Pay no
Wow this is freaky.
anart said:
On the way into work this morning, I noticed at least 6 very large Xs in the sky, formed by what appeared to be chemtrails. These were not just criss-crossing trails that could 'sort of look like an X' - these were short sprays crossing longer sprays - forming very solid Xs.

I have seen one or two of these before, but never 6 very clear ones at one time in one section of the sky (it was the Northwest, over the mountains.)

Does anyone know anything about this pattern spraying?
Hmm. I've seen'em. Not sure what they mean though. Makes me think of George
Strait's song 'All my Ex's live in Texas'.

"Houston we have a problem" in the Northwest?
Well in one story it says that "it is" pollen from Birch trees,, though in this report from the daily mail it says "probably" hmm.

I first heard of this yesterday from a friend in Denmark,though on Danish news the colour of the cloud was it is yellow.

A mysterious yellow dust that has descended on cars and windows along the UK's east coast is "probably pollen" blown across the North Sea, the Met Office said today.

Concerned motorists reported the mysterious yellow dust appearing in areas across eastern England.

But weather forecasters today reassured the public that the dust is most probably pollen being blown across from Europe.

Calls about the "yellow dust" came from people in East Yorkshire and Lincolnshire as well as from as far inland as West Yorkshire and Derbyshire.

A Met Office spokesman said a new generation of satellites were producing images that confirmed a large plume of "dust" was being blown from the east.

Forecasters said a wet April followed by a warm, sunny early May produced record levels of birch pollen in Denmark - 4.381 per cubic metre on Sunday, compared to the previous record of 3.899pcm recorded in 1993.

"The explosion of birch pollen in Denmark this year has been caused by near-perfect weather conditions over the last few weeks," the Met Office spokesman said.

"A late start to the pollen season, a wet April followed by a warm, sunny early May have combined to see birch catkins releasing an enormous amount of pollen grains over just a few days."

The spokesman said he could not confirm "100 per cent" that the "dust" was pollen but said that it was the most probable explanation.

He said there was also widespread arable burning in the fields of western Russia which could have blown across to the UK and contributed to the "dust".
interesting. my car is covered in the dust - its dirty yellow-ish I suppose (more just dirty!), but then it often gets a bit like that these days and I just assumed it was fallout from the chemtrails which have been heavy and absolutely relentless over the last couple of weeks. maybe there's a connection?
without the ability to chemically analyse the stuff its impossible to draw any conclusions, unfortunately.
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