Chemtrails? CONtrails? Strange skies...

I do understand all the fuss of late with montalk and Laura, but its my intention to stay clear of this issue from know on. I think im on the right forum after months of reading and i came to that conclusion by reading all there was too on the matter and by analysing the responses, which i must say at times drained me and made me angry... When i mean ther are some decent people, there not all wrong, and alot although mis guided mean well.

I personally dont like to be duped by anyone, and if i wasted time and energy in research that turns out to be less than the full truth, i have to go back and question myself first for believing. And Now i don't just believe and build belief systems for the sake of it anymore. Tom Campbells books my big toe helped with that side of things.

Just bought the wave and the secret history, plus i bought Beelzebubs Tales to his Grandson, so a good bit of reading and re-reading(just done 10 pages of Beelzebubs and i think i need to start again).

By the way for the last 2 years i have been seeing sparkles in the sky and now its getting to extremes, where i can start to see shapes moving around in the air, is freaked me out more than once but have come to now enjoy it. Its not just sometime anymore its all the time. I know it isnt my eyes as they are perfect.

Has anybody seen this, and if so what would your explanation be, is it the sky is becoming charged/holgraphic or could it be the way that the "wave" starts to show itself

I do remember reading in one of Barbera Marcineiak book something about that energies will be seen, with beings poping in and out of sight will start to happen- could this be the start of this?
rolyateel said:
By the way for the last 2 years i have been seeing sparkles in the sky and now its getting to extremes, where i can start to see shapes moving around in the air, is freaked me out more than once but have come to now enjoy it. Its not just sometime anymore its all the time. I know it isnt my eyes as they are perfect.
Perhaps they are not so perfect when they see sparkles when no one else around you see them?

rolyateel said:
Has anybody seen this, and if so what would your explanation be, is it the sky is becoming charged/holgraphic or could it be the way that the "wave" starts to show itself
Can you explain what is "charged/holographic sky". I know what holography is, but a holographic sky sounds to me like "quantum God" - that means
a phrase with no meaning.
rolyateel said:
By the way for the last 2 years i have been seeing sparkles in the sky and now its getting to extremes, where i can start to see shapes moving around in the air, is freaked me out more than once but have come to now enjoy it. Its not just sometime anymore its all the time. I know it isnt my eyes as they are perfect.?
I can see sparkles and shapes moving around when looking at a plain blue sky, but they're all phenomena of my eyes. Try looking into "phosphenes", "floaters" and "leukocytes" to compare descriptions... in fact, just now I saw a phosphene.
I use to see them just in the sky, but now everywhere, started to see aura's about the same time, even when i look out of my window buildings have a strange glow to them, i no its not my eyes as i can change focus and ignore them, but changing back my awarness to it is most amazing,
I thought that maybe it to to with chemtrails. But regected this as it started when i was in Hong Kong, no Chemtrails in sight, only seen chemtrails personally when i cam back to the Uk.
Also seeing fractal like images, with picture/images on fragments, i was explaining this to somebody so instead i had to do do a couple of representations of what i was seeing so please find below.



The fractal image is what i have perceived by siting and with open eyed meditaion, the sparkles i see all the time if i wish to focus on them,they seen to spin around then disapear, with more reappering then doing the same. Maybe the physics bunch could help me out Holigraphic/energy the eather some idea of understanding would be a start.
Sorry i just read you responce Ark and yes i thought many years ago that my eyes could not be perfect, but i can assure you that my eye sight has become sharper in ther last 3 years then i have ever had. Seeing more detail in everything i look at.This has been one of the catalyst's for me to start reading and researching in earnest, did a lot of drawing but no reading or writing(proberly shows but who is to judge) many people on this site are fantastic writers, and it made me a bit intimidated at first, but then could they design the largest roof in the world(chek lap kok) we all have talents in different places and knowledge doesnt just come from words it come from our very own experiences. I do enjoy and ponder all you words, but in the end its how we apply them to ourselves that count, you could read everythingin the world and never get it or you could read one book and whoosh it all fits in to place.

This forum has given me great insight, and i hope it leads to more. So i thank you all for your hard work.
Stuff like that most likely is pure subjectivism. Something to do with your own perceptive apparatus. I wouldn't get too hung up on it one way or another. Just use it for amusement when on long bus rides or something ;)

It can lead a person astray. If more than one person sees it, though, then you have something that MAY not be subjective. If not, then it is most likely a distortion due anomalies with one's own perceptive system.

Another way to look at it is even if you are seeing something real, so what? In other words, is there anything important about seeing sparkly things? Maybe, but maybe not. Is focussing on it distracting you from more important work?
It hasnt distracted me, in fact it been the catalyst to dig deeper into the meaning of everything, I have spent years reading and searching for explanations to the world we live in. Once i thought this was all that was, know i know its not, I also realise expanded awarness is not just knowing about the truths behind this most amazing world. And a bit of work expanding perceptions and awarness can have quite strange results.

And just so you know, i taught my sister to focus and see it, it took her a while, but when she seen it her face lit up with a big smile she turned to me and said o 'oh my god whats that'. i could'nt answer because i realy dont know what it is, i could make up something like energy photons but with out being 100% correct i therfore cant answer, thats why i wounder if the physics crowd amngst you could help me out. Just one more piece in that big tapestry/mosaic of Knoweledge that we all seek.

Another thing what would be more important work?, some how my own clock has kicked in, seeing stuff---makes me question, OBE's that i never knew about untill i had my first consciuose one... what was that---- more reading, starting to see snycronicity in my life and acting upon-- what that all about, so much that if i havent done the important work in understading i would'nt be here writing, i would be down the pub swearing at a tv on the wall like most of the sleep walking world.

Since i posted about this, the only responces that i have receive are not of incouragement, not of questioning. But of 'maybe it you eyes are not sp perfect' , it pointless 'so what', so what,then please let me know what you last OBE was like i would be interested, or let know exactly why seeing this stuff is pointless, it may be pointless to people who do not see. It certainly wasnt to my sister, which has now opened her up to reading and grasping the true dynamic's of this world, and not the spoon fed reality the PTB would have you locked into. I think all parts of a puzzle are needed, it aint fun when you cant finish the puzzle cos the shop keeper took a few pieces and told you they were of no importance, i would want my money back after finding out, it might just turn out that the shopkeeper took the smallest part but it was needed the most.

"Never pass a tramp, and pity him. He maybe on his last reicarnation, it could be his last lesson when you have started you first" A motto i try and follow, never to look down on anyone, regardless of what they are or have done.

Just to change the subject, here is my dog rizzla, a Hong Kong street dog got a 4 months old she is 10 this year and has been all over the world, one travelled pup. The picture is a Cd cover for a mix i did for my freinds Hope you like:lol:
One, partial explanation maybe?
Question - Why is it that on cold days, or early in the morning or
late in the afternoon when I look up towards the sky I see little white
dots moving all around, the best way to describe them would be tiny
molecules about the thickness of an arm hair or smaller. I see a lot of
them and moving in all different directions and when I blow out air in
front of me I can see how they react. I thought about capturing this on
my cam. but they won't show up, Is there any one out there that see this
also and wonders what they are? air molecules, particles or somethings
else because when I told my girlfriend she though that I'm crazy or that
there's something wrong with my vision. I could swear that these things
are real and they are not dust but tiny white/semi-clear dots moving in
all direction and reacting to the wind. Is it posible for us to see these
particles with our eyes?

There are many "particles" in the air that can reflect
light as you have seen; they may not be visible to the
naked eye, but reflections of sunlight off of them are
visible. The particles can be ice crystals in
very cold air, or particles of dust, pollen, spider
webs drifting in the wind, etc. At just the right angle,
sunlight can reflect off of them. These may be observed
at any time of day if you are oriented at the right angle
so that the reflections can occur.

David R. Cook
Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry Section
Environmental Research Division
Argonne National Laboratory

source: www(dot)
Another one:

wikipedia said:
The blue field entoptic phenomenon or Scheerer's phenomenon is the appearance of tiny bright dots moving quickly along squiggly lines in the visual field, especially when looking into blue light (such as the sky).[1] This is a normal effect that can be perceived by almost everybody. The dots are due to the white blood cells that move in the capillaries in front of the retina of the eye, near the macula.[2]

Blue light (optimal wavelength: 430 nm) is well absorbed by the red blood cells that fill the capillaries. The brain "edits out" the dark lines that would result from this absorption. The white blood cells, which are much rarer than the red ones and do not absorb the blue light well, create gaps in the blood column, and these gaps appear as bright dots.

In a technique known as blue field entoptoscopy, the effect is used to measure the blood flow in the retinal capillaries. The patient is alternatingly shown blue light and a computer generated picture of moving dots; by adjusting the speed and density of these dots, the patient tries to match the computer generated picture as best as possible to the perceived entoptic dots. This then allows calculation of the blood flow in the capillaries. This test is important in diseases such as diabetes which can cause retinopathy.

Scheerer's phenomenon should not be confused with "floaters" or muscae volitantes. Scheerer's phenomenon is distinguished by the appearance of multiple, identical-looking bright dots that follow each other rapidly along the same path. Floaters are variable in appearance; although they sometimes are dots, they often have the appearance of threads or shreds of crumpled cellophane. Floaters remain almost stationary or drift slowly and do not follow well-defined paths. They are due to debris floating in the vitreous humor of the eye.

source: en(dot)
Looks like in most probability there's nothing mysterious about it. I've been seeing those white tiny dots on some occasions, especially when taking a walk at the beach.
Well Thanks thats something to ponder, the 'Scheerer's phenomenon' seem most close to it. As said before my eye site has become sharper over the last couple of years,which i am greatfull for.

Now if you have any idea on the fractal element, where these green fragments are moving where i get glimpses of images on them, they are the most fun but very rare only happen 4 or 5 times usually in deep relaxation with focusing on a spot in the air, no real thing. It first happen when i went into my garden one evening to have a cigarette and as i sat on the ground loking up at the stars, i glimpes it fr a fraction of a second. So i focused on no fixed point in the sky and it happen again but this time for a couple of seconds, it was most amazing. It was green and different flat planes moving in and out of one another and at different angles, again most had images on them which i tryed with my rational mind to put names to. 8|:shock:

Anyway thank you for your responce, i wil look up Scheerer's phenomenon it does seem the most plausable answer to this.
Rolyateel, you are welcome. However, I'd like to remark that finding an answer to your question consisted merely of feeding the google search engine with"seeing white dots" querry. It would be prudent, if now you yourself tried finding several possible explanations for the other phenomenon you are describing.

Maybe this quote fits here as well:
mark said:
If someone is truly asking then they're willing to seek the answer on their own if need be. Anything less is a demand, regardless of how subtle it might come out."
It could be added that one should be willing to find the answers on their own first, and only then when facing the unability to do so, should one try to ask others.
Miss Isness said:
We had A Lot of spraying south of Rome ending about a week ago.
Hmm,seems they reached my island too.
Aproximately 10 days ago it was the first time I ever saw chemtrails here
Deckard said:
Hmm,seems they reached my island too.
Aproximately 10 days ago it was the first time I ever saw chemtrails here
I haven't seen any on the sky over my island yet, but after reading this forum and seeing the pictures, i know what they look like, i have seen them in the sky while in the US. I'll keep looking at the skies. They seem to be everywhere nowadays.
Yup, folks, seems like polish army overdogs joined chemtrailing party. Today the sky over my city looks exactly like the one from photos submitted by Ringo. Trails cross each other at exactly the same angles. Ides of April, ideed.
I've seen these chemtrails overhead over here (North Carolina, US) but not as much in the pics. I was curious of them, though, since I didn't see any passing planes. Any theory of them or just keep an eye on them?
Seemingly 'chemtrails' were discussed quite a bit in this topic:

Using search button goes a long way, but I seem to forget it every once in a while.. :|
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