Search results for query: "chemical warfare"

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  1. Gaby

    "Life Without Bread"

    Here is an excerpt from the book. It synthesizes all the info on anti-nutrients (or why grains are so evil!):
  2. theos

    Nuclear Radiation Detox

    Here's some more on Zeolite and Bentonite clays for radiation detox. from: _
  3. Ellipse

    Censored Gulf alert: Entire La. communities where they're vomiting blood

    Deborah Dupré Examiner September 19th, 2010 2:50 pm ET --- The inhumanity of the petrochemical-military-industrial-complex (PMIC) Gulf operation, warfare on Americans using its dispersant chemical weapon of mass destruction manufactured in the United States, becomes more apparent each passing...
  4. Gaby

    The Neanderthal Legacy by Paul Mellars

    Just stumbled upon this today, it is from a health and diet (non gluten/lectin) blog:
  5. Rabelais

    Chemtrails? CONtrails? Strange skies...

    Having lived in southern California, when the chemtrail phenomena commenced in the mid and late 1990s, I am relatively certain that this phenomena is quite real. There were mornings when the skies were pristine clear, then the trails began and within a couple of hours the sky was a greasy gray...
  6. JGeropoulas

    Dr. Carolyn Dean Recommends Bentonite Clay Baths For Rapid Detox

    After my 85-year-old mother’s 4th trip to the emergency room for sudden spikes in her blood pressure (>200!), I began doing some research. I had to look no further than Dr. Carolyn Dean’s wonderful book, The Magnesium Miracle. Actually it was the first book I came across in the health section...
  7. H

    Session 28 March 2010

    What a great community, thank you for the posts! Truth Seeker - THANK YOU for the EE reminder, just like everyone else I fall off the wagon when life gets in the way and need a gentle reminder of the OBVIOUS! Also from Truth Seeker: I have a something like that with corn tortilla chips, even...
  8. rylek

    South Africa going the Zimbabwe route?

    Am thinking about the food aid: genetically modified wheat and dairy products. On top of Divide&Conquer, it's chemical warfare. If indeed SA goes the route of Zimbabwe the instability could spread further in the region.
  9. JonnyRadar

    Leaky Gut Syndrome

    Re: French muck: Is this the new penicillin? Thanks for that post msasa! I hadn't seen the information about the gradually increased ingestion to ease into the treatment cycle. Found this today - kind of interesting - it appears the PTB may already be aware of this one too!
  10. JGeropoulas

    Chemtrails? CONtrails? Strange skies...

    Due to my recent experience, I’m curious if anyone else has seen chemtrail activity during the past few months of the swine flu “pandemic” I live in a large city in the southeastern United States. On Sunday (11-15-09), it was a beautiful, bright fall day and I was driving in heavy traffic on...
  11. Johnno

    Ship of Theseus Interesting idea and one that struck me when my mother once referred to "Paddy's Axe" 10 heads, 12 handles still the same axe. The wiki article refers to it as Washington's axe or Grandfather's axe. My computer is much the same, being the same one...
  12. E

    'US foreign policy is straight out of the Mafia'

  13. truth seeker

    Psychiatric Drugs: Chemical Warfare on Humans - interview with Robert Whitaker

    The following is a Street Spirit interview with Robert Whitaker, author of Mad In America: Bad Science, Bad Medicine, and the Enduring Mistreatment of the Mentally Ill. It is reprinted here with permission from the Street Spirit in Oakland, California. The interview is conducted by Terry...
  14. Fifeseebong_27

    Here's a short essay on why the American government is psychopathic...

    I had to write a 1500-2000 word essay for my International Relations class, and here it is... (I included the footnotes, they're in stupid Chicago style) Any feedback would be appreciated. The depth I could have/would have gone into with more words isn't there, and procrastinating gave me a day...
  15. Gaby

    Cancer: causes and cures

    Re: Cancer is really a Fungus And related to this topic...
  16. A


    _ FROM WOUNDED KNEE TO IRAQ: A CENTURY OF U.S. MILITARY INTERVENTIONS by Dr. Zoltan Grossman The following is a partial list of U.S. military interventions from 1890 to 2008. This guide does not include: * mobilizations of the...
  17. wodasi

    Denver Airport

    From article in Denver newspaper " The Westword" DIA Conspiracies Take Off Conspiracy theorists think something's fishy at Denver International Airport. By Jared Jacang Maher Published: August 30, 2007 "Have you ever been through the Denver airport? It's strange. It's one of the...
  18. Tigersoap

    PSY-OPS Web Forums: Book of Thoth

    Hello THoTH I browsed your site and stumbled on this article below. Would you care to explain why this article was posted and what do you think of it ? Thank you. I posted some quotes from the article Posted on Saturday, August 05 (2005 !) @ 18:12:07 CDT by THoTH article submitted by Leia...
  19. Cyre2067

    Bijlmermeer Tragedy: American Chemicals on their way to Israel...

    The original has links for all the sources.
  20. Snow

    Evidence for Ancient Atomic Warfare ?

    Pulled from: … cwar1.html Second part can be found here: … cwar2.html Religious texts and geological evidence suggest that several parts of the world have experienced destructive atomic blasts in ages past. The...
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