Search results for query: EMP weapons

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  1. Joe

    Fox's new show "Fringe"

    In case anyone hasn't noticed, the "nephilim" are already here, "stun guns" included. They usually wear uniforms with badges and drive around in cars with flashing lights on top. When confronted, they will often use their stun guns, commonly known as a "tasers". To date, I haven't heard of...
  2. Guardian

    Fox's new show "Fringe"

    Not to belabor a point across threads, but I bet a EMP generator could disable such a stun gun... 'bout a 4 gigawatt pulse should do the trick ;D
  3. Laura

    Session 22 July 1994

    July 22, 1994 about 10:30 p.m. "Frank", Laura and "Candy" Q: Hello. A: Hello. Q: Is anyone with us? A: Listen, Look. Learn. Stop eating.[1] Q: What is the problem with eating? A: Not good connection. Q: (L) What is your name? A: Ellaga.[2] Q: (L) Are you discarnate from Earth? A: No. Q: Are...
  4. curious_richard

    Electromagnetic Pulse Cuts Through Steel In 200 Milliseconds

    That's very interesting. I am sure we are all thinking about the WTC buildings now. Session 2005 Nov 20: Session 2001 Oct 13: Session 2005 Oct 20:
  5. Vulcan59

    C's Transcript After 28th Sept 02

    6 Aug 05 - Link 6 Aug 05 - Link 20 Oct 05 - Link 20 Oct 05 - Link
  6. Laura

    WTC Demolition theory challenged by Cambridge University engineer

    The Wave was in it's present form well before 911. In any event, now is as good a time as any to put together the various bits and pieces that may even remotely relate to 911 from Cs. I think I got 'em all...
  7. Laura

    "Shock Rise in Animal Cruelty"

    Well, what the C's said doesn't really contradict your scenario... And for all we know, we are in for some "EM Pulse" events this time around. I wonder if a comet or asteroid or other cosmic body can produce an EM pulse?
  8. blindpsychic

    Pentagon poised to take down global communications - and Psyops.

    Well yeah...but I imagine that the government most definitely would be working on EMP weapons, which is not quite the same thing as someone clipping power/cable lines. An EMP device would disable electronic devices sans any significant collateral damage. So one of these detonating in a major...
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