Session 22 July 1994


FOTCM Member
July 22, 1994 about 10:30 p.m.

"Frank", Laura and "Candy"

Q: Hello.
A: Hello.
Q: Is anyone with us?
A: Listen, Look. Learn. Stop eating.[1]
Q: What is the problem with eating?
A: Not good connection.
Q: (L) What is your name?
A: Ellaga.[2]
Q: (L) Are you discarnate from Earth?
A: No.
Q: Are you an alien like we had the other night?[3]
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are you from another galaxy?
A: No.
Q: (L) Where are you from?
A: Cassiopaea.
Q: (L) Is this the constellation we know as Cassiopaea?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What can we do for a better connection?
A: Less noise. [There was activity in the next room. We shut the door.]
Q: (L) Do you have information for us this evening?
A: Space invasion soon. Four to six years. Battle between forces good and evil. Wait near. Look far. Listen. Mexico fall; Ethiopia quake; September - both - New Near - January - Paris bomb - London Blizzard - 109 die - Plane down - Tahiti - Cholera - Montana - January 1995 - government US - behind California quakes - Three soon - Oklahoma political abduction - February 95 - Big news.[4]
Q: (L) What is causing the Earth changes?
A: Electromagnetic wave changes.
Q: (L) Can you be more specific?
A: Gap in surge heliographic field.[5]
Q: (L) I don't understand.
A: Put Frank on processor channel open.
Q: Do you mean that Frank can channel on the computer?
A: Yes. Do it now.[6]
Q: (L) Is a meteor or comet going to hit Earth?
A: Open.
Q: (L) What are the effects on us of the comet striking Jupiter?
A: Further field imbalance.
Q: (L) Was that comet meant for Earth as some psychics are saying?[7]
A: Open.
Q: [Unknown question.]
A: Bits childrens organs removed while wide awake - kidneys crushed - then next feet - next jaw examined on table - tongues cut off - bones stress tested - pressure placed on heart muscle until burst.
Q: Why are you saying these awful things?!
A: Must know what consortium is doing.
Q: What children are they doing this to?
A: Done mostly to Indian children.
Q: Why am I getting this horrible feeling while you are telling us this?
A: Because subject is distressing.
Q: Why do we need to know these things?
A: Very big effort on behalf of Orions and their human brethren to create new race and control.
Q: (L) Where are you from?
A: Cassiopaea.
Q: (L) Where do you live specifically?
A: Live in omnipresence.
Q: (L) What does that mean?
A: All realms.
Q: (L) Can you tell us what your environment is like?
A: Difficult.
Q: (L) Well take a stab at it.
A: What stab?
Q: (L) Do you serve self or others.
A: Both. Self through others.
Q: (L) Candy wants to know the details of her abductions.
A: Do you?
Q: (C) Yes.
Are you sure?
Q: (C) Yes.
A: Soon, vibrations not right at this time.
Q: (L) Does this mean Candy's vibrations are not right to receive this information?
A: Right.
Q: Why was information about our abductions given last time?
A: Was not I.
Q: And who are you?
A: Ellaga.
Q: (L) Is there a tenth planet as described by Zecharia Sitchen?[8]
A: No.
Q: (L) Was Venus ejected from Jupiter?[9]
A: No.
Q: (L) Did Venus follow a cometary orbit for a time?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Did Venus appear in our solar system, from the area of Jupiter, coming from deep space as suggested by Velikovsky?
A: That is correct.
Q: (L) Was Venus the the pillar of smoke by day and fire by night as seen by the Jews during the Exodus?
A: No.
Q: (L) What was seen by the Jews?
A: A Guideship.
Q: (L) Were Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed by nuclear weapons?
A: Yes and no.
Q: (L) How were they destroyed?
Q: (L) What is "EMP"?
A: Electromagnetic pulse.
Q: (L) Was Jesus genetically engineered by Aliens as some channeled sources suggest?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Can you explain?
A: Too complex.
Q: (L) Was Mary a true virgin when she gave birth?
A: No.
Q: (L) Did she conceive in the normal way?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Who did she have sex with?
A: Her husband.
Q: (L) Was Jesus genetically altered?
A: After - in childhood. Use computer.[10]
Q: (L) We tried it. It wasn't satisfactory. Was Jesus special, Christed as it is called, in any way?
A: Quick exalted - Yontar[11] - ancient wars - civil entrancement - Zindar council.
Q: (L) What is the Zindar Council?[12]
A: Two cycle exchangers mission.
Q: (L) What does that mean?
A: References vast. Use Laura Channel computer.[13] Must go.
End of Session

[1] Candy was having a snack.

[2] Another unusual name; I was intrigued.

[3] I was making an assumption that we had been conversing with "aliens." In fact, the Cassiopaeans have never described themselves as "aliens." What they had actually said was "alien from your perspective."

[4] The curious thing about this remark is that on February 25 of 1995, we were given a warning of a terrorist bomb attack within a month. Connecting that back to this mention of Oklahoma "political abduction," and we find a curious relationship to the Oklahoma Bombing in March of 1995. In one of the earliest reports of the capture of Timothy McVeigh, he was quoted as saying that he was under the control of an implant that was in his hip, and that he believed he had been abducted and programmed by the government. And it was, indeed, BIG news!

[5] Keep this in mind also, along with the "Sun in Libra" remark from the first session, and the "twin sun" reference from the "Carcosa" clue.

[6] We tried it and it was nonsense. We concluded that this was an attempt at side-tracking the process.

[7] There were many rumors on the internet at the time of the Comet Shoemaker-Levy impacts on Jupiter that this comet had been meant to hit Earth, but a certain group of aliens, and I don't remember which one, had decided to "save" the Earth by redirecting these comets to strike Jupiter instead. Naturally, all of mankind was supposed to be grateful to this particular group for saving our buns from the fire!

[8] I had recently read Zecharia Sitchin's The 12th Planet, which posits that a superior race of alien beings once inhabited our world. Sitchin claims that they were travelers from the stars, that they arrived eons ago, and genetically engineered mankind to be slaves for them. He claims that the "Sons of Anak" mentioned in the Bible are the Annunaki, and also that they are the same as the Nefilim mentioned in the Bible. His claim is that they are a race of gold-seeking giants from a renegade planet in our own solar system that was known to the Sumerians as the "Planet of the Crossing." This planet "crosses" the plane of the ecliptic every 3,600 years, and when it gets close enough, these beings make a "hop" to Earth to check up on their creation. Supposedly, this will happen again soon. The title comes from the fact that Sitchin proposes that there are 12 houses of the zodiac because there were 12 "planets." He includes the Sun and moon in his count because they are zodiacally significant. But, in actuality, it is really a 10th planet, excluding the Sun and Moon. He also fails to note that the Earth is excluded from zodiacal considerations due to the fact that astrology is geocentric. But that is a minor point. More significantly, there does seem to be something to the idea of a 3,600 year "event" of comet swarms due to the break-up of a giant comet as described by astronomers Victor Clube and Bill Napier in their books The Cosmic Serpent and The Cosmic Winter. This idea was given additional support by Firestone, West and Warwick-Smith in The Cycle of Cosmic Catastrophes. I am not aware of any other channeled source that has brought up and discussed these ideas and added information to the pool that later turned out to be correct based on scientific assessment.

[9] This was proposed by Immanuel Velikovsky as an explanation for why the ancient astronomers and myth makers claimed that Venus was born from Jupiter.

"Several times during the 15th and 8th centuries BC, the Earth was convulsed by near collisions with other celestial bodies. These cosmic brushes caused a series of catastrophes that altered the course of ancient history." A host of ancient myths and legends offer clues as to what happened during these catastrophes. Further written evidence is contained in the Old Testament Book of Exodus and also historical and astronomical texts inscribed on papyrus and on stone and clay tablets.

"Millennia after being ejected from Jupiter, the cometary Venus was thrown into an elliptical orbit around the sun. Along that orbit, it intersected the orbit of the Earth. Mankind watched in terror, as the sky seemed to catch fire. The Babylonians called Venus the "bright torch of Heaven."

"The Chinese wrote that Venus spanned the heavens, rivaling the sun in Brightness. An ancient rabbinical record said that Venus "Blazes from one end of the cosmos to the other.""

Velikovsky theorized by following the trail of Venus through world-wide myths and legends, that Venus intersected the Earth in its orbit sometime during the middle of the fifteenth century BC. This event was recorded in the Bible as the plagues of Egypt and the means by which the Jews escaped from bondage. Searching for verification of his theory, Velikovsky spent weeks trying to find an Egyptian account of the events of the Exodus. Finally he discovered a translation of an Egyptian papyrus which contained a description of a great catastrophe including the plagues of Egypt. It was called Admonitions of a Sage, or the Ipuwer Papyrus.

The reader will most certainly wish to read Worlds in Collision because it is one of the most rational books ever written. Even if Velikovsky was wrong about some of the conclusions he drew regarding myth and legend, his observations and proposals of a new way at looking at the cosmos have yet to be fully appreciated. And, according to the Cassiopaeans, he was, at least, partly correct.

[10] Again, we are being urged to "use the computer" or a form of "automatic writing" for channeling purposes. Yes, it would certainly have been easier and faster, but I did not feel that the contact had been sufficiently checked out to warrant taking that step yet. One thing that occurs to me long after the fact is that this was a conflation of the idea of channeling with networking via computer.

[11] This reference proved later to be the name of a planet. The question that occurs here is: Are planets also beings as is suggested by this reference to "ancient wars?"

[12] Zindar or Zendar also turned out to be a planetary name.

[13] Again the computer is being suggested, only this time it is specifically addressed at me. But, I wasn't buying it. Not yet, at least. Later, however, I felt that a lot of "The Wave" was written in a "special state".
Laura said:
Q: Why do we need to know these things?
A: Very big effort on behalf of Orions and their human brethren to create new race and control.

This seems to confirm the idea (in the July 16, 1994 thread) that the 6% (pathocrats) are the ones behind the agenda to kill 94% of the population. However, there seem to be two contradictory ideas of a "new race". On the one hand there are references like the one above seeming to suggest they are creating a new human race to rule over and enslave. On the other hand, there are some references saying they want to make the new race for themselves. On July 30 they say 4D STS wants "to create a new race. Theirs is fading out." In this session they also say that the humans used for parts are "low level humans." On October 22 (Frank channeling), that they are trying to recreate their race "metabolically". On November 6, they say that 4D STS "will try" to incarnate into 3D bodies. On July 30, that "some" want to use human bodies as hosts.

So how does all this fit together? Are there 2 new races? One that is polarized STS FRV (i.e. 6% pathocrats) who will be used as "containers" for 4D STS souls? And one that will be created to enslave as a feeding ground? Or am I just not seeing something here?

Q: (L) Did Venus follow a cometary orbit for a time?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Did Venus appear in our solar system, from the area of Jupiter, coming from deep space as suggested by Velikovsky?
A: That is correct.

Is it possible Venus was an actual comet? Clube and Napier suggest that the planets were given names of comets after they ceased to make appearances in the skies...

Q: (L) What is the Zindar Council?[12]
A: Two cycle exchangers mission.

Any ideas what this means? Looks to me that it refers to "wanderers" who incarnate in lower densities (short-wave cycle) from higher ones (long-wave cycle).
Approaching Infinity said:
Q: (L) What is the Zindar Council?[12]
A: Two cycle exchangers mission.

Any ideas what this means? Looks to me that it refers to "wanderers" who incarnate in lower densities (short-wave cycle) from higher ones (long-wave cycle).

I may be wrong but it seemed to me the cycles refer to the end of one grand cycle and the transition to the next one, and this is what Zindar Council "oversee" as a mission. Yet, your idea seemed more plausible to me, either way I also think Zindar Council is associated with "wanderers" with those remarks.
Approaching Infinity said:
So how does all this fit together? Are there 2 new races? One that is polarized STS FRV (i.e. 6% pathocrats) who will be used as "containers" for 4D STS souls? And one that will be created to enslave as a feeding ground? Or am I just not seeing something here?

I think its interesting to line up all the references that you collected about this phenomenon:

Approaching Infinity said:
Very big effort on behalf of Orions and their human brethren to create new race and control.
4D STS wants "to create a new race. Theirs is fading out."
The humans used for parts are "low level humans."
They are trying to recreate their race "metabolically".
4D STS "will try" to incarnate into 3D bodies.
"Some" want to use human bodies as hosts.

Based on most of the above, I would venture a guess that it is non-psychopathic humanity (94%) that is being used to engineer a new race of containers into which some 4D STS may try to incarnate. I interpret the above as indicating that the psychopaths (other 6%) aren't suitable for this purpose for whatever reason -- they can't function as "containers" -- which may be in line with Laura's suggestion that 4D STS is lining them up to get nailed by comets and get them out of the way after they have served their purpose. I don't know exactly what "low level humans" means in the above quote, but I don't think it means psychopaths -- maybe a segment of society (like the homeless and so forth) that won't be missed when they are abducted.

Approaching Infinity said:
Q: (L) Did Venus follow a cometary orbit for a time?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Did Venus appear in our solar system, from the area of Jupiter, coming from deep space as suggested by Velikovsky?
A: That is correct.

Is it possible Venus was an actual comet? Clube and Napier suggest that the planets were given names of comets after they ceased to make appearances in the skies...

Looking at this reference from session 10/7/94:

Q: (L) Now, the time of the passage of Venus was the time of the Exodus, is that correct? Was Venus a result of this cluster of comets?
A: Semi-stimulated by gravitational pull.

Q: (L) Venus was stimulated by the gravitational pull?
A: Attracted.

Q: (L) Venus was drawn into the solar system by the gravitational pull of the cluster of comets?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Where did Venus get all its gases and clouds and so forth? What was its origin? Where did it get all this stuff?
A: Collected during fiery, friction filled journey and space matter in general.

Q: (L) Where was Venus originally from?
A: Ancient wanderer from near Arcturus.

I think that this is very likely. I guess its all about how you define 'comet', but based on the above it seems to have been a wandering piece of space rock before it entered this solar system, which would put it in the same general class with conventional comets I believe.

Something which is germane to this and the following question is the following passage from the Ra material:

Questioner: I think this might be an appropriate time to include a little more background on yourself, possibly information having to do with where you came from prior to your involvement with planet Earth, if this is possible.
Ra: I am Ra. I am, with the social memory complex of which I am a part, one of those who voyaged outward from another planet within your own solar system, as this entity would call it. The planetary influence was that you call Venus. We are a race old in your measures. When we were at the sixth dimension our physical beings were what you would call golden. We were tall and somewhat delicate. Our physical body complex covering, which you call the integument, had a golden luster.

In this form we decided to come among your peoples. Your peoples at that time were much unlike us in physical appearance, as you might call it. We, thus, did not mix well with the population and were obviously other than they. Thus, our visit was relatively short, for we found ourselves in the hypocritical position of being acclaimed as other than your other-selves. This was the time during which we built the structures in which you show interest.

Questioner: How did you journey from Venus to this planet?
Ra: I am Ra. We used thought.

Questioner: Would it have been possible to have taken one of the people of this planet at that time and placed him on Venus? Would he have survived? Were conditions on Venus hospitable?
Ra: I am Ra. The third-density conditions are not hospitable to the life-forms of your peoples. The fifth and sixth dimensions of that planetary sphere are quite conducive to growing/learning/teaching.

Questioner: How were you able to make the transition from Venus? Did you have to change your dimension to walk upon the Earth?
Ra: I am Ra. You will remember the exercise of the wind. The dissolution into nothingness is the dissolution into unity, for there is no nothingness. From the sixth dimension, we are capable of manipulating, by thought, the intelligent infinity present in each particle of light or distorted light so that we were able to clothe ourselves in a replica visible in the third density of our mind/body/spirit complexes in the sixth density. We were allowed this experiment by the Council which guards this planet.

Questioner: Where is this Council located?
Ra: I am Ra. This Council is located in the octave, or eighth dimension, of the planet Saturn, taking its place in an area which you understand in third-dimension terms as the rings.

Its kind of interesting that Ra says they used Venus as a launching point, so to speak, for themselves in 6D (5D and 6D being the only level at which Venus can be inhabited, apparently). This presumably occurred after Venus had already entered our solar system.

Approaching Infinity said:
Q: (L) What is the Zindar Council?[12]
A: Two cycle exchangers mission.

Any ideas what this means? Looks to me that it refers to "wanderers" who incarnate in lower densities (short-wave cycle) from higher ones (long-wave cycle).

I think that is a reasonable assumption given the above context (edit: I just checked the Cassiopaea Glossary for short-/long-wave cycle (, and this does look like what is probably being referenced). The other thing that piques my curiosity is the exchange just above the one you have quoted:

Q: (L) We tried it. It wasn't satisfactory. Was Jesus special, Christed as it is called, in any way?
A: Quick exalted - Yontar [11] - ancient wars - civil entrancement - Zindar council.

Yontar is Jupiter and Zindar is Saturn in the C's cosmogony. What do these have to do with 'ancient wars' and 'civil entrancement'? The latter term indicates to me something like 'mass hypnosis', but I don't really understand that in the context of Jesus being 'Christed', or quick exalted. I'd be happy to hear thoughts on this!

Addendum: The part about 'civil entrancement' reminded me of this passage from 10/5/94:

Q: (L) What was the event a hundred or so years after the flood of Noah that was described as the confusing of languages, or the tower of Babel?
A: Spiritual confluence.

Q: (L) What purpose did the individuals who came together to build the tower intend for said tower?
A: Electromagnetic concentration of all gravity waves.

Q: (L) And what did they intend to do with these concentrated waves?
A: Mind alteration of masses.

Q: (L) What intention did they have in altering the mind of the masses?
A: Spiritual unification of the masses.

Q: (L) Who were the “gods” that looked down on the tower of Babel, at those who were building it with the intention of unification, and decided to destroy their works?
A: Lizards.

Q: (L) Okay, so the Lizzies blew up the tower of Babel. What else did they do to the minds of mankind; did they do something causing literal disruption of their understanding of language?
A: Close.

Q: (L) What tool did they use to accomplish this divisiveness?
A: Brainwashing of masses.

Q: (L) Did they do this through implants and abduction?
A: Partly.
Shijing said:
Approaching Infinity said:
Very big effort on behalf of Orions and their human brethren to create new race and control.
4D STS wants "to create a new race. Theirs is fading out."
The humans used for parts are "low level humans."
They are trying to recreate their race "metabolically".
4D STS "will try" to incarnate into 3D bodies.
"Some" want to use human bodies as hosts.

Based on most of the above, I would venture a guess that it is non-psychopathic humanity (94%) that is being used to engineer a new race of containers into which some 4D STS may try to incarnate. I interpret the above as indicating that the psychopaths (other 6%) aren't suitable for this purpose for whatever reason -- they can't function as "containers" -- which may be in line with Laura's suggestion that 4D STS is lining them up to get nailed by comets and get them out of the way after they have served their purpose. I don't know exactly what "low level humans" means in the above quote, but I don't think it means psychopaths -- maybe a segment of society (like the homeless and so forth) that won't be missed when they are abducted.

Yeah, that makes sense. 4D STS is working their hardest to create the conditions necessary for their survival here (e.g. see last chapter of Adventures series/Almost Human).
Shijing said:
I don't know exactly what "low level humans" means in the above quote, but I don't think it means psychopaths -- maybe a segment of society (like the homeless and so forth) that won't be missed when they are abducted.

Or maybe it depends upon level of soul development.
I don't imagine that 4D STS care about social status. On the other hand for their 3D collaborators it's probably far easier to abduct someone homeless, orphaned or from poor country.
Approaching Infinity said:
Laura said:
Q: Why do we need to know these things?
A: Very big effort on behalf of Orions and their human brethren to create new race and control.

This seems to confirm the idea (in the July 16, 1994 thread) that the 6% (pathocrats) are the ones behind the agenda to kill 94% of the population. However, there seem to be two contradictory ideas of a "new race". On the one hand there are references like the one above seeming to suggest they are creating a new human race to rule over and enslave. On the other hand, there are some references saying they want to make the new race for themselves. On July 30 they say 4D STS wants "to create a new race. Theirs is fading out." In this session they also say that the humans used for parts are "low level humans." On October 22 (Frank channeling), that they are trying to recreate their race "metabolically". On November 6, they say that 4D STS "will try" to incarnate into 3D bodies. On July 30, that "some" want to use human bodies as hosts.

So how does all this fit together? Are there 2 new races? One that is polarized STS FRV (i.e. 6% pathocrats) who will be used as "containers" for 4D STS souls? And one that will be created to enslave as a feeding ground? Or am I just not seeing something here?

Could it be that psychopaths are the containers that already had been occupied, thus not usable ? It has been said psychopaths are malfunctioning OP's, could it be some STS force brakes into OP and takes over (possession) making it unusable for anything else ?

"low level humans" might have something to do with vibration frequency & ability to exercise Free Will. Lower the frequency & Free Will - more usable/manageable one is for STS perhaps. I also see phrase "used for parts" not necessary in direct physical context, but rather utilizing parts of the existing machine, by shaping them through psychological damage & toxicity, thus making machines to be under complete control & suitable for operator / new STS driver. Does it make any sense ?
sitta said:
Shijing said:
I don't know exactly what "low level humans" means in the above quote, but I don't think it means psychopaths -- maybe a segment of society (like the homeless and so forth) that won't be missed when they are abducted.

Or maybe it depends upon level of soul development.
I don't imagine that 4D STS care about social status. On the other hand for their 3D collaborators it's probably far easier to abduct someone homeless, orphaned or from poor country.

Just for the record, Laura addressed this in the 7/30/94 session posted yesterday:

The question naturally arises as to what is meant by "high level humans" as opposed to "low level humans." The reader should not get caught up in thinking that this is an "elitist" or exclusionary definition in terms of the value of all human beings in their own context and reality. It has to do with, simply, the difference between those who are ready to graduate to a new level of being, and those who wish to continue in physical existence. In all cases, it is a choice that is demonstrated by one's frequency, rather than by whether or not one says that they are one or the other.
Shijing said:
Just for the record, Laura addressed this in the 7/30/94 session posted yesterday:

Thank you. I read that session after posting on this thread. I'm sorry if I added to the noise :-[
sitta said:
Shijing said:
Just for the record, Laura addressed this in the 7/30/94 session posted yesterday:

Thank you. I read that session after posting on this thread. I'm sorry if I added to the noise :-[

Don't worry about it -- most of our discussion about this occurred before Laura posted that session, and I wasn't trying to imply you were making noise. I just wanted to get that excerpt up onto this thread for the benefit of people who read through it from the beginning in the future. It turns out that your interpretation was the closest to Laura's in any case :)
Shijing said:
Don't worry about it -- most of our discussion about this occurred before Laura posted that session, and I wasn't trying to imply you were making noise. I just wanted to get that excerpt up onto this thread for the benefit of people who read through it from the beginning in the future. It turns out that your interpretation was the closest to Laura's in any case :)

I have problem with over interpreting and i'm working on eliminating it. It also seems that I jumped on conclusion in my mind something like:
posted in a thread -> explained in other thread = adding to noise by posting. Now it seems quite ridiculous. I work on this too. :)
Yes you didn't imply it, that's for sure, even if my post do seem that way. I am sorry for that. I didn't communicate clear enough and left that impression.
So the low level humans could be the Organic Portals, you know, they are like half humans so they could be used as containers too of an external soul

I have another idea that maybe the thing about ormetrion and orimulsion could be related with the containers thing.
Laura said:
July 22, 1994 about 10:30 p.m.

"Frank", Laura and "Candy"

I was writing about a difference between English and Polish version of the session 30 July 1994. Now, about session 22 July 1994 – on is a little difference: “23 lipca, 1994, około 22:30 F**, Laura i S**”.

Maybe it’s because of difference time between US East Cost and Poland – but then it has to be “23 lipca 1994 około 04:30. I think it’s not good, I was try to find on the session 940723, but there is no such name of session. So I think that is an error, we have to be very attentive and exact to eliminate misunderstandings.

Best regards
Artur said:
Maybe it’s because of difference time between US East Cost and Poland – but then it has to be “23 lipca 1994 około 04:30. I think it’s not good, I was try to find on the session 940723, but there is no such name of session. So I think that is an error, we have to be very attentive and exact to eliminate misunderstandings.

Best regards

If you read the history behind the sessions in The Wave and Adventures, you will be aware that they were published in a hurry back in 2002 before they had been checked and verified against the original notes and tapes. That is why I decided to publish here ONLY the checked and verified texts.

There is also the problem that the texts have, in quite a few cases, been translated by unverified translations (there are very few of us and we can't be everywhere at once and do everything) and sometimes, we have put up translations that someone or other did and sent to us without it being checked and verified just for the sake of trying to get information out there as quickly as possible.

You are right, they DO need to be accurate but we also need a lot of help making that happen and we have to live while doing it.
Hi Artur,

Great to see another Polish member! Thank you for pointing out those errors. As you possibly know most of the sessions were translated into Polish in 2004. Has the original session been edited after it was translated or was it translator's mistake, hard to say now. We don't have time to go through all that old stuff and proof read it again. There are probably some more errors there. But here comes something that you could help with if you want: just let us know whenever you find any inconsistency. You can use the form put up on the Polish website (e-mail, napisz do nas) or drop a note here on the forum; the best thread for it, I think, would be Becoming a SOTT translator: Help needed
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