Search results for query: "weapons of mass destruction"

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    Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

    April 13, 2018 - Pentagon acknowledges US contractor presence in Syria for first time Pentagon acknowledges US contractor presence in Syria for first time The US military is using more than 5,500 contractors in the campaign to defeat the Islamic State (IS) in Syria and Iraq, the Pentagon...
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    Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

    12/04/2018 - Putin issues calm response to Trump’s threats on Syria (video - embed 3:24 min.) Putin issues calm response to Trump's threats on Syria (video) Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his hope that “common sense” would eventually prevail in the modern world, which is becoming...
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    The Russian Presidential Election 2018

    10.04.2018 - Brits Apologize to Russian Embassy for London's Political Offensive on Moscow Brits Apologize to Russian Embassy for London's Political Offensive on Moscow The Russian Embassy in the UK tweeted a few letters of support, sent by British nationals, amid London's ongoing smear...
  4. Voyageur

    The Russian Presidential Election 2018

    Roger Annis pens; The wheels are coming off the 'Russian chemical poisoning' story being waged by the UK government and its NATO allies - A Socialist in Canada Pretty typical as the story crashes in the MSN (yet they are all mostly clinging to the narrative for dear life it seems), and the...
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    The Russian Presidential Election 2018

    Curiouser and curiouser: Yulia Skripal logged into VK while in coma (Screen shot - Russian version of Facebook) Mar 31, 2018 The 33-year-old daughter of Sergei Skripal, Yulia Skripal...
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    The Russian Presidential Election 2018

    Washington’s expulsion of 60 Russian diplomatic personnel Monday, and the coordinated actions of Britain, France, Germany, and over 20 other countries, each ordering the departure of a relative handful of Russian diplomats, is a provocative escalation of the unrelenting campaign of NATO powers...
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    Trump era: Fascist dawn, or road to liberation?

    US President Donald Trump’s incoming hawkish National Security Adviser John Bolton is reportedly planning a massive dismissal of staff at the National Security Council, aiming to remove dozens of White House officials. Report: Bolton Plans to Fire Dozens of White House Officials Sun Mar 25...
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    Western war on Libya

    Two ‘terrorists’ killed in US air strike in southern Libya, US military says Saturday 24 March 2018 US forces said they had killed “two terrorists” in an air strike in southwestern Libya on Saturday as part of efforts to deny militants a safe...
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    Trump era: Fascist dawn, or road to liberation?

    Raising a white flag is an internationally recognized sign of truce and request for negotiation, which may be what the U.S. is doing in its official response to Putin’s announcements on nuclear parity with the United States, Gilbert Doctorow explains. Calling for Arms Talks with Russia, Is the...
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    Trump fires Sec of State Tillerson, replaces him with CIA chief Pompeo

    Brief history of Pompeo’s foreign policy rhetoric Source: Will be interesting on how US Foreign Policy will evolve from now on ... but if M. Pompeo keeps on the same track, that does not bode well ... Seems the neocons faction will be...
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    Putin on TV: Documentaries and TV appearances by the Russian president

    Thanks for the "head's-up" Palinurus. In hindsight, "I should have - could have" broken the interviews into separate Posts ... but ... I was hoping to condense it into "one". Wishful thinking - on my part!!! All, I have to add ... President Putin must have "nerve's of steel and the patience...
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    Putin on TV: Documentaries and TV appearances by the Russian president

    Personal comment This is the transcript of both interviews (Part 1 and Part2) Megyn Kelly conducted with President Putin on March 1 - 2, 2018. I do not hold Megyn Kelly to any high regard, in fact, I find her - obnoxious! In her interviews, she has a habit of mixing very personal questions...
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    Rami Abdul Rahman, AKA Syrian Observatory for Human Rights

    EXCLUSIVE INVESTIGATION: British Media Publish Hoaxes on Syria (Photos - Photos - Video) Tuesday Feb. 27, 2018 The Guardian article from February 6, 2018, titled “Biggest airstrikes in a...
  14. NormaRegula

    RT's Margarita Simonyan's interview to 60 minutes

    Indeed! Leslie Stahl's demeanor and questions were cringe-worthy in that interview.
  15. Aliana

    RT's Margarita Simonyan's interview to 60 minutes

    Thank you for sharing that, Keit. It was a delight to watch how adept Simonyan was at countering Stahl whose main purpose for the interview appeared to be little more than another attempt to catapult the propaganda Western media has been pushing for months. I wonder if they have any clue just...
  16. Arwenn

    RT's Margarita Simonyan's interview to 60 minutes

    I enjoyed watching this, thanks for posting this. I had no idea that it was NATO bombing Yugoslavia that changed the minds of the Russians against the US. The CBS journalist was way out of her depth, and I have to wonder just how much they must have edited out of the interview to fit their spin...
  17. Glenn

    Hyperdimensional Politics

    ...snip... When you add into the equation that we have Earth Changes, and a realm shift approaching, and that there are certain entities that want to use that opportunity to conquer and rule and enslave the Earth at that time of the shift, then these things are meant to ensure that the...
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    Putin's Live Press conference - Now

    Putin’s End-of-Year Conference, the Highlights In all, the press conference lasted 3 hours and 42 minutes — which is slightly shorter than last year. Here are the highlights: On U.S. President Donald Trump: -...
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    The body parts of a suspected suicide bomber lay on a Kirkuk street on November 5 after two explosions were reported near a Shia militia position in the city. The militia was reportedly allied with the Iraqi government. Body Parts of Suspected Suicide Attacker Strewn Across Kirkuk Street...
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