Search results for query: Mind control weapon

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  1. Mr.Cyan

    Session 15 August 1998

    Thanks Natus Videre for posting the related C's session. It really set me on a train of thought and i hope the points below make sense. I'm sharing some personal and anecdotal evidence based on my experience training in Ninjutsu. In conversations with high level practitioners (eg. Dai Shihan or...
  2. whitecoast

    Diana Walsh Pasulka

    I finished reading American Cosmic and it was quite different from other books I've read on the topic. What I wrote below is kind of a rough selection of some points brought up in the book I thought worth sharing with others on here and sometimes commenting on. The author says that...
  3. Y

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    This is of course the highest class, but how can it be otherwise, because world-class stars, professional opera singers perform. From the point of view of vocals, it's even difficult to compare, as I said-the highest class, but in the recording that I posted, the song is performed by an actor...
  4. aimarok

    Russian astrologer Svetlana Dragan

    Dragan has published the first part of her new forecast on her Telegram channel. Here is a machine translation of this forecast with my hints in square brackets.
  5. KJS

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    Interview with dr Norman Pieniążek that he did in Polish media got translated into English. He was fighting with the mainstream narrative right from the start, criticizing scientists sometimes in a very blunt way. From 1989 till 2013, head of the first Molecular Reference Diagnostics Laboratory...
  6. ApotheosisMMC.

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    The transcription of the meeting that Putin had with the war correspondents that members have been sharing in the thread has been finished, it is quite long, but it is not wasted, Putin responds openly and with the truth there are many concerns, either from concerns about the rotation of...
  7. M

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    Thank you for your comments. You packed a lot into this post. It sounds like you are experiencing an awakening, which is probably true of a lot of people who have come to the site in recent times and to what is increasingly a more international Forum. I think it really helps to get a more...
  8. solarmind

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    Good morning. Well it was morning whan I started ot write ... This is incredible. I am still at the earlier posts about David and Goliath. Last night I ended up researching what others can tell about that myth etc ... As I read your posts all the time I have a feeling that it is very alive and...
  9. H

    Elon Musk: Tech Genius! Green Warrior! Biz King! Good Oligarch?

    this post is long and i did not read all in detail. but it appears sensible to me.
  10. anartist

    Elon Musk: Tech Genius! Green Warrior! Biz King! Good Oligarch?

    An interview by Dr Mercola with James Corbett (Corbet Report) released on the 14th of May discussing Elon Musk and AI, among other things Transcribed interview...
  11. Nević Nenad

    Belgrade: 13-year-old shoots dead eight classmates and a security guard

    It cant. Psychopath or not, that level of skill is not posible to attain in couple visits to shooting range. Shooting in the range, not even to say games, is not how it looks when shooting in real. In Serbian army (which is prubably the same as in Yugoslav, in which I was) soldiers train...
  12. Mayb

    Belgrade: 13-year-old shoots dead eight classmates and a security guard

    I thought of that , but amidst the great noise around :Was he abused, was he a victim of teasing, or violence at school, was the system to blame, television, reality games or something else... There are are couple of facts that cannot be questioned: -He came to chool with 2 guns and 5 chargers...
  13. anartist

    Elon Musk: Tech Genius! Green Warrior! Biz King! Good Oligarch?

    And now Scott Ritter has been kicked off Twitter permanently (again) From his April 24th, 2023 substack: On March 29, 2022, I appeared as a guest on the Alex Jones Show, where I discussed the dangers posed by nuclear weapons and the need for a renewed push for arms control between the US and...
  14. T

    Session 29 May 2021

    In the first excerpt of this post, the discussion concerns how materialism came to dominate by convincing people they ought to give up a belief in an invisible world and thus deprived them of knowledge and awareness of the other world, that of intelligences, spirits and ancestors, which Laura...
  15. Beau

    Is the Dalai Lama a Pedophile?

    There's an interesting article on SOTT about what Tibet was like before China took over. Thought it would be a good one to share on this thread. There seems to be a romanticism in the West over Tibet that isn't at all aligned with what the reality of living there pre-1959 was like...
  16. H

    Harald Kautz Vella-Morgellons, Sentient Oil, Chemtrails….

    thanks for you transcription of the video. this video is coherent with:
  17. SummerLite

    Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

    From Cliff High's substack, uncovering the influence of the CCP in the USA. I'll add, this had the full support of the usual suspects. 5th Generational Unrestricted Warfare, mind control, Cliff calls this MBP, Munchhausen by Proxy. This describes the process involved with the covid scare in a...
  18. M

    US Hegemony and Its Perils - China's Charge Sheets - Feb 2023

    We can add to this a 6th paper with ostensible regard to the Ukraine War but it also stands as positioning paper to cover how conflicts between states which break out into military action should be diplomatically mediated in a future multi-polar world. I think we can take it for granted this was...
  19. O

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    China issued a document on 24 Feb 2023, here's the official text : The US stance until these days, examplified by the NYTimes, 23 Feb 2023 : (me : alphabet soup is boiling, when will it be cooked ??)
  20. iamthatis

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine New Seymour Hersh article, in Berliner Zeitung. Original in German, below is translated with DeepL. Key takeaways from Pepe Escobar's...
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