Search results for query: nuclear warfare

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  1. Y

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    I am surprised and puzzled. Perhaps some nuances of meaning in English elude me and therefore I will not write anything from myself (although I can write a lot of things), hoping for some clarification. What do you see as the responsibility of Russia and, in the end, Putin, if you cannot sleep...
  2. E

    Clif High-

    In regards to the previous post from 2010 which had the events forecast to occur summer 2023 (using the unlock key) it has now been largely fulfilled in regards to the parts regarding Lanai, Hawaii. [public ferries] <- Again I suspect some/much of the manifestations are Maui, HI events...
  3. Ben

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    I think it's well worth watching, Brian allows Mark to do almost all the talking (the standard New Atlas updates are great, but unapologetically repetitious in their content). He pointed out that even just taking Kharkov would require hundreds of thousands of troops and a year or more of time. I...
  4. M

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    An excellent and thorough overview of the current situation across a number of issues: Brian Berletic of the New Atlas interviews Moscow based commentator Mark Sleboda. - Prigozhin’s plane crash (excellent and comprehensive background on Wagner and a run down on the multiple suspects - with...
  5. Approaching Infinity

    Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - Missing Plane

    Ok, that makes sense. There's some ambiguity in the sessions, but that seems to have been mostly in the questions. Here they are for reference, with some comments: 3/22/14 6/14/14 I thought this was a funny coincidence. Later in the session looping, spiraling fireballs get discussed: 7/19/14...
  6. E

    The Great Reset

    The 2010 web-bots runs in the Shape reports were picking up on [ice age] starting 2023 -- but please keep in mind this means moving back into a glaciation (stadial) period as the start of the current ice-age was about 34-million years ago (in this timeline). Each cycle (glaciation...
  7. M

    Session 24 June 2023 the movie) building cities and infrastructure all over the planet. However, Mars satellites have also produced evidence for nuclear warfare on Mars, a planet that has long been associated with war. Indeed, the C's picked-up on this connection here: Q: (L) What does this one mean? A...
  8. iamthatis

    Session 24 June 2023

    Yeah, I'm starting to think that maybe all of these ancient megaliths can be understood as glorified radios. You dial the right number and you can talk to your buddies on Mars or get some cosmic 'room service' delivered right to your door. There are more sinister options, like calling in a...
  9. Lyndi

    Session 24 June 2023

    Searching on your question on Putin, MJF, this I remembered and found it in a long post on this thread, quoting from Session 8, 2023: Vladimir Putin in the Cassiopaean transcripts What I recall from another transcript posted some time after the SMO was that Putin was getting assistance from...
  10. K

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    OK, Belarus got long-range (nuclear) weapons, and now they will also have Wagners. There must also be prisoners capable of warfare. This is getting more and more interesting.
  11. Ca.

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    Who says that the MIC can't buy a U.S. representative! HA!
  12. PERLOU

    Actualités du jour en France Le chef d'état-major interarmées américain, le général Mark Milley, sur le fait qu'il est inutile et trop coûteux de transférer le F-16 en Ukraine : Il n'y a pas d'arme miracle dans la guerre, le F-16 est comme tout le reste . Si vous regardez les F-16, 10 F-16...
  13. T

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    I think the Poles will stay where they are, and Zelensky too, at least if it just a few tons of DU. Below, I will try to find out more and answer a couple of more posts at the same time. 1. How much Depleted Uranium was there? The Wiki on DU explains that DU is also used for civilian purposes...
  14. lilies

    "Egregores: The Occult Entities That Watch Over Human Destiny" by Mark Stavish

    This is what we need to ask the C's about, I think. What about the exact opposite examples? STO egregor effects, possibilities here. Even if just in theory that might give support, new direction. Remember the QFG workshops? The new EE teachers and almost a new Word-wide Network of EE/QFG-schools...
  15. Y

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    A thematic selection is emerging, which I would call - about ghouls. Ghouls are categorically different, some got their name from the developers, I called someone that way and not everyone can agree with my definition. The first ghoul is the most "safe", though deadly. I hope that further you...
  16. Jones

    New AUUKUS Cold War Distraction and US Profiteering Deal Announced

    Maybe the US won't be able to deliver on the deal, or at least according to schedule: US senator warns AUKUS faces ‘significant’ workforce hurdles Washington: The US politician who warned that AUKUS could push America’s shipbuilding yards to breaking point has renewed concerns about the pact...
  17. H

    Harald Kautz Vella-Morgellons, Sentient Oil, Chemtrails….

    thanks for you transcription of the video. this video is coherent with:
  18. PERLOU

    Actualités du jour en France Le directeur de la principale société d'armement américaine Raytheon, qui fournit des armes à l'Ukraine, est décédé - Daily Mail. Le 6 avril, l'avion monomoteur de Jeff Lumpkin s'est écrasé dans l'eau au large des côtes de la Floride. Lui, sa femme et des amis...
  19. Jones

    Down Under Australia - Underdog or pawn?

    China has also built 7 artificial islands in the South China Sea since 2013. Hadn't heard anything about this until someone I know went on a holiday to China and the flight path was over one of these islands. Fortified South China Sea artificial islands project Beijing’s military reach and...
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