Search results for query: Depleted uranium

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  1. A

    Revolution in Ukraine: Western-engineered Coup d'État?

    ...rubble, less trouble In the course of the campaign, NATO launched 2,300 missiles at 990 targets and dropped 14,000 bombs, including depleted uranium bombs and cluster munitions (unexploded cluster bombs continued to pose a threat to people long after the campaign was over.) Over 2,000...
  2. psychegram

    Things are deteriorating fast where I live

    Another perspective on current events in Venezuela, posted today on Counterpunch: _
  3. C

    Revolution in Ukraine: Western-engineered Coup d'État?

    Re: Article about Ukraine Avala, I would like to thank you for writing this. For myself, as I live in the United States, it seems to be all to easy to forget what happens in the aftermath of this government/NATO/NWO's psychopathic actions. They are so busy moving from one act of destruction...
  4. Nević Nenad

    Revolution in Ukraine: Western-engineered Coup d'État?

    ...months destroying almost all infrastructure and killing around 5000 civilians and some 2500 soldiers, covering the whole country in depleted uranium (by the courtesy of the USAF), but the main thing is: no one (the state) didn't treated you like you are last scum or like you are total idiot...
  5. Meg

    Knowledge and Being Part 5 - video by Laura

    Transcript for part 1:
  6. A

    Gulf War illness , Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Syndrome and Cipro exact cause of Gulf War Illness. The ruling out of the following possible causes should certainly be questioned thoroughly, but “depleted uranium, anthrax vaccine, fuels, solvents, sand and particulates, infectious diseases, and chemical agent resistant coating” have been found not to...
  7. A

    Israel opened the gates to two dams. Now Gaza is sinking

    ...a resounding YES! The suffering of millions and the rise in anti-Semitism attest to this fact. Israel has used chemical weapons and depleted uranium for decades upon the Palestinian people. It refuses to ratify the 1993 chemical weapons convention or the nuclear non-proliferation treaty...
  8. G

    Japan - 8.9 Earthquake - Fukushima Meltdown

    ...of Okinawa. Over the past seven decades, the island’s sea, land and air have been contaminated with toxins including arsenic, depleted uranium, nerve gas and carcinogenic hexavalent chromium. These substances have poisoned Okinawan civilians and U.S. troops alike - and it is highly probable...
  9. A

    Bloodline Trails, printers, wireless CPU cards, wireless USB modems, wireless routers, airport scanners, television, high power lines, depleted uranium, cell phones, cell towers, mammograms, and other sources of man-made radiation. Cell tower coverage now extends to virtually the entire land mass of...
  10. A

    Fracking Hell the fracking technology..... * One, is the use of Depleted Uranium in the shaped charge head or “gun” blasting device. (Halliburton) The metal which was formerly employed for the shaped charge head or “gun” was...
  11. Chu

    Baby Born With Massive Tumor

    :cry: The impacts of depleted uranium, cancer, birth defects and the children of Iraq: How the BBC turns realities upside down This one should be shared around too, IMO.
  12. Breton

    Show #31: War Against Syria - Nevermind the Comets!

    By the way, I somewhat modified my summary post and will share it if it helps anyone making their posts.
  13. D

    Explosion at fertilizer plant near Waco, Texas - Meteorite or comet fragment?

    ..."already examined" dirt with heavy equipment since this explosion happened. I believe this is to get rid of the traces of DU or depleted uranium which is used and traceable from the cruise missile. Please check sources on how AN or ammonium nitrate explodes. The media is associating the '47...
  14. Windmill knight

    The Heretic: Thomas Nagel

    ...and often enough in the right way in order to survive drastic changes is infinitesimal small, as AI explained: What you say about depleted uranium is a point in case. We never hear of mutations caused randomly by an external factor such as radioactive pollution resulting in people with...
  15. whitecoast

    The Heretic: Thomas Nagel

    ...selection to breed out negative traits. Natural random mutations can produce a lot of negative mutations (hence, why when we talk of depleted uranium in Iraq we see children with organs outside their bodies or deformed limbs, rather than children with x-ray vision or telekinetic powers), but...
  16. Lilou

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    ...had colds/flu, so I'll be loading up on Vitamin C, just in case. I'm more inclined to think it was the result of a more earthly nature, ie) military labs messing with the cold virus. Or just a mutation brought on by all the pollutants in the region (depleted uranium). Just guessing though.
  17. wodasi

    Time Travel & History

    i wanted to ask you all what you think of this article from a few weeks back ? from
  18. happyliza

    Japan mutations becoming bizarre.

    ...There is a power station 5 miles away, everyone has complained about the filthy smoke it spews into the sky, must well be the cause. Plus maybe much depleted uranium may have been used like in Iraq,Libya etc. Can anything else cause such disfigurement? Will observe any other vegetation now.
  19. Ca.

    Japan - 8.9 Earthquake - Fukushima Meltdown

    Are you seeing any of the emergency crews on the news dressed for a chemical fire? ( _ ) Do you anyone in the arera with proximity to what is really going on, like first responders, police, ambulance crews, or hospital personnel that are receiving some...
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