Show #31: War Against Syria - Nevermind the Comets!

By the way, I somewhat modified my summary post and will share it if it helps anyone making their posts.

Today I suddenly got the urge to make a summary to possibly explain how the events concerning Syria are shaping up according to my understanding. So this is for those interested in this topic, so you others should just skip it. There are more details to be ironed out of course - I cannot claim to have read everything on the subject!

It appears to me that nothing new is happening, but US and Western imperialism, driven by the hidden hand behind the governments, have targeted Syria now in the latest list of countries targeted for control in the middle east, having already done Iraq, Lebanon and Libya, and manufactured other regime changes (possibly Egypt for example as they tired of their old propped up dictator there).

By most accurate accounts, the Syrian people like President Bashar al-Assad, and support him and his government.

The so-called rebels in Syria, are really fanatical terrorist organizations (Al-Qaeda) supported and supplied through various channels but it is a pretty sure bet that the final trail leads back to the U.S and Britain. Oh, and some of them like to eat hearts and livers of their enemies and post this on YouTube. Nice folks that fit right in with the leaders of the "free world".

Turkey, a former supporter and friend of President Assad, has been turning against Assad, due to pressure by U.S. A false flag car bomb attack was used just recently in Reyhanli, Turkey and blamed on Syria.

The US regime has now made allegations that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons in their fight against the rebels, namely Sarin gas. US claims 1429 people were killed including 429 children although Doctors Without Borders report 355 casualties. Further, the reports of the doctors report symptoms more likely consistent with industrial chemicals like potassium chloride rather than Sarin gas.

Reports on the ground suggest strongly that any use of chemical agents were likely done by rebels, and not by the Syrian army.

Actually that should not be too surprising since these rebels are Al-Qaeda, and according to the official story this group has already attacked and killed 3000 Americans in the 9/11 attacks

Further, the US regime has made the charge, is ready to carryout out judgement and punishment - namely begin bombing, and says that only now will they set about collecting the evidence for chemical weapons!

Common sense dictates that the Syrian government, gaining the upper hand, would not be so stupid as to use chemical weapons even if they had them. Even Russian president Putin pointed this out, calling American allegations nonsense.

Which it is. In fact it would be totally insane for a small country like that to use chemical weapons for such a small operation for very little gain, and then totally lose credibility on the world stage and provide an excuse for US to start bombing them. It makes no sense whatsoever.

A vote in Britain’s Parliament on Thursday found in favor to not to join a U.S. attack on Syrian military targets. Some common sense prevails among some people. George Galloway made an excellent passionate speech in parliament and the video is on YouTube.

The Russian foreign ministry warned, attacks on Syria in circumvention of the U.N. Security Council would be a violation of international law which is true.

However, all of this does not deter the hounds of war, who have instructed puppet president Obama to declare in a speech: I am confident in the case our government has made without waiting for UN inspectors. I'm comfortable going forward without the approval of a united nations security council that has been so far completely paralyzed and unwilling to hold Assad accountable.

We also must remember some recent lies by USA and Britain that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Also Iraq had been accused of using gas on its own people in the past - gas that would have been supplied by the US in the first place, if he even used them in the way they said he did.

We also have a clear case of double standards. In 2004 USA used chemical weapons themselves on people in Iraq in Fallujah killing hundreds horribly with white phosphorus. Further I remember well in 2009 how Israel used white phosphorus on Palestinians and how many children were burned to death horribly in those attacks. Nobody talked about bombing the pentagon or Israel for the use of these chemical weapons, of course.

Also let us not forget all that dropping of agent orange in Vietnam that still is causing birth defects. The use of ordinance composed of Depleted Uranium in the Iraq war also leaves radioactive dust and has poisoned the people there for generations and subjects them to a huge rise in birth defects.

The imperialists demonize Assad, just like they demonize any leader, even benevolent ones loved by their people, who happen to be in their sights. Yet they leave any real despotic brutal regimes alone and even support them and overtly or covertly install them into power if it suits their interests.

However, all the facts, and all common sense, does not matter, and has never mattered, to the depraved war mongers without normal human empathy and conscience that rule the mightiest nation(s) in pursuing their geopolitical dominance of the planet. They can rely on a complicit mainstream media to demonize any country and any leader they choose, and fabricate tired old lies about chemical weapons or WMDs without proving their case and ignoring any evidence to the contrary just as long as they repeat it over and over again as if it was true.

Therefore the average citizen in western countries can choose to take what looks like is the "easy way" and just go along with these lies because anyways, it is happening "over there" and does not seem to affect them personally. While their freedoms are being stripped away and they live in abject fear of violence and warrantless invasions of their homes by their increasingly brutal police forces, they might amuse themselves by laughing at those "conspiracy theorists" many of whom quite intelligently question the obvious propaganda and mounting inconsistent narratives dished out by their government.

The only bright spot I see is that after all this time, polls are revealing that public opinion in many countries seems to be against this destabilization of Syria and the recent call to war. Further there is the evidence of facebook and internet communication that are loudly calling for support of Syria.

While this does not matter to the powers that be, they will do what they want anyways, and probably always will, I think it is encouraging that among the masses that cling desperately to the lies of the mainstream media (which I suppose is their right to do so, if they desire), something is really good and freeing to a human soul that chooses to see Truth in the midst of lies even as the world goes up in flames. Who knows, the more the truth is seen by more people, it could have a positive effect somehow? However that is whole other discussion.
Gandalf said:
Breton said:
Approaching Infinity said:
LQB said:
I'm getting a lot of distortion in the voices - like clipping or noise modulation. The callers come in fine with no distortion, recordings are fine, but the real-time voices are noise-distorted. Don't think its on my end.

Same here.
Yup same here.

Idem here.

Me too. Very strange, don't you think? Also, when the program was finished, I still hear noises from my loud speackers., :huh: Maybe espionage? :rolleyes:
I just downloaded the show in mp3 format and I get the distortion too. Same goes for the past shows.

How is the sott team connecting to blogtalkradio? Is it a regular phone land line or skype/VOIP style connection?

Sometimes a regular phone can get skipping like VOIP/skype because of the calling card system used.

If it is VOIP or skype, the skipping is called jitter. I had that problem when I used to have a voip based home phone on an internet connection that would become unreliable at times.

Check the 25% packet discard rate sample audio. The skipping sounds similar.

But then I don't get why the clips they play (like John Kerry's speech o lies) don't have this skipping/clipping sound?

Edit: Joe just said it was internet issues.
There are routers that can do priority (QOS- quality of service) which also helped me when I had VOIP.
Let's say you have a 10 mbit line.
If someone else is using the internet, and clicks a link, theres a spike in download bandwith to 10 mbit, to quickly load the page, etc. At that time, because the maximum of the link is hit, both the upload (what you use to talk) and download gets affected, because every packet sent- needs a return acknowledgement and vice versa. This slight delay messes up the order of packets sometimes, and with a small buffer- like in voice- you get that jitter, because it's normally expecting 1 2 3 4 5 6, but got 1 2 3 5 4 6 and throws away ones out of order.

The solution is to use QOS to make the voice highest priority and also have the router limit the maximum speed of the connection to something 85-90% of the maximum that the connection can do.

I myself use a router that can run open source firmware (OpenWRT/Gargoyle), which has these features. If your router is on the lists for those firmwares, I can assist in helping you configure it, just PM me.
United Gnosis said:
Breton said:
Reading all this Syria stuff, and seeing ignorant comments on Facebook I suddenly tried to make some sort of summary of the situation to perhaps make a Facebook status update with it.

Would there be anything noticeably inaccurate or missing from the below? I think it got a bit longer than I intended for a facebook post. Normally they should be just brief sound bites.

Today I suddenly got the urge to make a summary to help explain how the events concerning Syria are shaping up according to my understanding. So this is for those interested in this topic, so you others should just skip it. There are more details to be ironed out of course - I cannot claim to have read everything on the subject!

It appears to me that nothing new is happening, but US and Western imperialism, driven by the hidden hand behind the governments, have targeted Syria now in the latest list of countries targeted for control in the middle east, having already done Iraq, Lebanon and Libya, and manufactured regime change in Egypt when they got tired of their last dictator friend there.

By most accurate accounts, the Syrian people like President Bashar al-Assad, and support him and his government.

The so-called rebels in Syria, are really fanatical terrorist organizations supported and supplied through various channels but it is a pretty sure bet that the final trail leads back to the U.S and Britain. Oh, and some of them like to eat hearts and livers of their enemies and post this on YouTube. Nice folks that fit right in with the leaders of the "free world".

Turkey, a former supporter and friend of President Assad, has been turning against Assad, due to pressure by U.S. A false flag car bomb attack was used just recently in Reyhanli, Turkey and blamed on Syria.

The US regime has now made allegations that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons in their fight against the rebels, namely sarin gas. US claims 1429 people were killed including 429 children although Doctors Without Borders report 355 casualties. Further, the reports of the doctors report symptoms more likely consistent with industrial chemicals like potassium chloride rather than sarin gas.

Reports on the ground suggest strongly that any use of chemical agents were likely done by rebels, and not by the Syrian army.

Common sense dictates that the Syrian government, gaining the upper hand, would not be so stupid as to use chemical weapons even if they had them. Even Russian president Putin pointed this out, calling American allegations nonsense. Which it is.

A vote in Britain’s Parliament on Thursday found in favor to not to join a U.S. attack on Syrian military targets. Some common sense prevails among some people. George Galloway made an excellent passionate speech in parliament and the video is on YouTube.

The Russian foreign ministry warned, attacks on Syria in circumvention of the U.N. Security Council would be a violation of international law which is true.

However, all of this does not deter the hounds of war, who have instructed puppet president Obama to declare in a speech: I am confident in the case our government has made without waiting for UN inspectors. I'm comfortable going forward without the approval of a united nations security council that has been so far completely paralyzed and unwilling to hold Assad accountable.

We also must remember some recent lies by USA and Britain that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Also Iraq had been accused of using gas on its own people in the past - gas that would have been supplied by the US in the first place, if he even used them in the way they said he did.

We also have a clear case of double standards. In 2004 USA used chemical weapons themselves on people in Iraq in Fallujah killing hundreds horribly with white phosphorus. Further I remember well in 2009 how Israel used white phosphorus on Palestinians and how many children were burned to death horribly in those attacks. Nobody talked about bombing the pentagon or Israel for the use of these chemical weapons, of course.

The imperialists demonize Assad, just like they demonize any leader, even benevolent ones loved by their people, who happen to be in their sights. Yet they leave any real despotic brutal regimes alone and even support them and overtly or covertly install them into power if it suits their interests.

However, all of this common sense does not matter, and has never mattered, to the depraved war mongers without normal human empathy and conscience that rule the mightiest nation(s) in pursuing their geopolitical dominance of the planet. They can rely on a complicit mainstream media to demonize any country and any leader they choose, and fabricate tired old lies about chemical weapons or WMDs without proving their case and ignoring any evidence to the contrary just as long as they repeat it over and over again as if it was true.

Therefore the average citizen in western countries can choose to take what looks like is the "easy way" and just go along with these lies because anyways, it is happening "over there" and does not seem to affect them personally. While their freedoms are being stripped away and they live in abject fear of violence by their police forces, they might amuse themselves by laughing at those "conspiracy theorists" many of whom quite intelligently question the obvious propaganda and mounting inconsistent narratives dished out by their government.

The only bright spot I see is that after all this time, polls are revealing that public opinion in many countries seems to be against this destabilization of Syria and the recent call to war. Further there is the evidence of Facebook and internet communication that are loudly calling for support of Syria.

While this does not matter to the powers that be, they will do what they want anyways, and probably always will, I think it is encouraging that among the masses that cling desperately to the lies of the mainstream media (which is their right to do so, if they desire), something is really good and freeing to a human soul that chooses to see Truth in the midst of lies even as the world goes up in flames.

As I see ourselves in a tipping point in that narrative - not that TPTB's alternate reality construction can be put to a halt at this point, but rather that public opinion is in the process of splitting away from the corrupt lies being fed to them - it would be great for comments like this to go viral now.

It would spell the difference between waking some people up to the hegelian dialectic in progress - so that they might observe it in real time and grasp something of its workings - vs having to work against the current and be seen as conspiracy theorists - hence undermining credibility - once the masses have internalized into their worldview the lie of this ficticious narrative as supported by its very factual effects - war on Syria.

I'll write my own to share in my circles, unless of course if you intended your writeup to be quoted..?

Excellent points, partner and I are, in an attempt at "taking it to the streets," building our networks (her on FB and Myspace) and me on MS only (had been away from MS for a couple years, and now that the recent major upgrade has been done, have gotten back to it to use it as a network building platform to disseminate SoTT news)...the feedback has been wonderful with my network connections building even as this is typed; and, to date at least, amazingly enough, I've not yet received any negative feedback whatsoever on what is being presented :) ...indeed, on the other hand, have received an outpouring of connection and support...the URL for my MS pages, in case anyone is interested:

I was surprised and pissed off hearing the news about France supporting the strike.

Hollande seems like the Obama of France. After the right winger Sarkozy, they jumped into the arms of a "liberal". Hmm, sounds familiar!
Pashalis said:
Obama just gave a speech that he is ready to take military action and is commited to doing so at any time, but first he will ask the congress to vote for it. :mad:

What striked me was his statement (paraphrasing) "I do believe I have the authority to give the order to strike even without the approval of the congress or the UN"

Say what?? He basically just said that he will and can strike syria on his own authority even without the approval of the rest of the world?!
Did I hear that right?

Yeah I know the constitution has been mistreated over and over again, especially in the last 11 years, but for him to say something like this now openly and publically is quite a stick isn't it?

What a sick puppet he is...

Pashalis said:
He is that full part of the speech of Obama transcribed:

"...and all of us should be accountable as we move forward. And that can only be accomplished with a vote. I am confident in the case our governement has made without waiting for UN inspectors. I'm comfortable going forward without the approval of a united nations security council that has been so far completely paralysed and unwilling to hold Assad accountable.

As a consequence many people have advised against taking this decision to congress and undoubtably they were impacted by what we saw happen in the United Kingdom this week, when the parlament of our closest ally failed to pass a resolution with a similar goal and even as the prime minister supported taking action. Yet while I believe I have the authority to carry out this military action without specific congressional authorisation, I know that the country will be stronger if we take this course and our actions will be even more effective......"

_ (5:48 - 6:49)

This short video makes the above points very clear, using Obamas speech and the statements of John Kerry, exposing it for what it is:

Well worth the share!
Breton said:
Belibaste said:
Mr. Scott said:
Nevertheless, the fact remains that EMP weapons are always "just around the corner", so to speak.

The whole thing stinks to high heaven, and if it's NOT a planned cover-up for the impending arrival of cometary bodies, I'll eat my shoe.

Indeed. Actually it's not only Iran which allegedly develops EMP weapons but also the USA and Israël. These rumors started a while ago, the oldest article I found dates back to 2008. This is a few years after 2002 when we started noticing an increase in fireballs activity, so the timing matches. From this perspective it seems that the PTB have been preparing a cover up for years in order to disguise the cosmic intentions.

Totally fascinating twist to the whole thing! Good job guys!

I second that. :) Thanks for your thoughts and articles, Belibaste and Mr. Scott.
Have you guys seen this clip with Nancy Pelosi? I can't believe these low they can sink with their obvious manipulation horse-hockey.

On Meeting with Obama, US House Democratic Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi Uses Conversation With 5-Year-Old Grandson To Push For Attack On Syria
I'll tell you this story and then I really do have to go. My five-year-old grandson, as I was leaving San Francisco yesterday, he said to me, Mimi, my name, Mimi, war with Syria, are you yes war with Syria, no, war with Syria. And he's five years old. We're not talking about war; we're talking about action. Yes war with Syria, no with war in Syria. I said, 'Well, what do you think?' He said, 'I think no war.' I said, 'Well, I generally agree with that but you know, they have killed hundreds of children, they've killed hundreds of children there. ' And he said, five years old, 'Were these children in the United States?' And I said, 'No, but they're children wherever they are.'

So I don't know what news he's listening to or -- but even a five year old child has to -- you know, with the wisdom of our interest has affected our interests or it affects our interests because, again, it was outside of the circle of civilized behavior. It was humanity drew a line decades ago that i think if we ignore, we do so to the peril of many other people who can suffer.

Link to video: _
Pelosi said:
[Syria's alleged CW attack] affects our interests because it was outside of the circle of civilized behavior... humanity drew a line decades ago.

Right, because the regime in charge of the United States of America would know all about that. What about the use of uranium-tipped ammunition in all its 'war theaters'? Double-tap drone strikes? Torturing people? White phosphorous in Fallujah?
Aragorn said:
Have you guys seen this clip with Nancy Pelosi? I can't believe these low they can sink with their obvious manipulation horse-hockey.

So I don't know what news he's listening to or -- but even a five year old child has to -- you know, with the wisdom of our interest has affected our interests or it affects our interests because, again, it was outside of the circle of civilized behavior. It was humanity drew a line decades ago that i think if we ignore, we do so to the peril of many other people who can suffer.

Link to video: _

A 5 year old listening to the news? And she doesn't know what news? That does it! :evil: They really do think that people are brain-dead. The lies are becoming more blatant every minute. This reminds me all that "grandaddy Lenin loves the little children" stories, poems and pictures _
It seems they are preparing for something.
Just found somehing on the news that was mentioned on the show - "US-Canada-Russia Joint Drill To Respond To Aircraft Hijackings Successful" _

Topics: NORAD Viens Defense
8/30/2013 1:28 AM ET

Senior military officials from the North American Aerospace Defense Command and Russia on Thursday declared their Vigilant Eagle 13 exercise a major success.

The joint military drill kicked off on August 26, with scenarios that required the United States, Canada and Russia to respond to simulated terrorist hijackings of commercial aircraft. Both NORAD, a bi national command of the United States and Canada, and Russia had to scramble fighter jets and track and intercept the "hijacked aircraft."

Just concluding the most ambitious Vigilant Eagle exercise yet, NORAD's operations director Canadian Major General Andre Viens and Russian Commander Gen. Maj. Dmitry Gomenkov told reporters they are ready to take the lessons learned to make next year's exercise even more challenging.

Throughout the exercise series, the participants have developed tactics, techniques and procedures to effectively notify, coordinate, and conduct positive hand-off of a hijacked aircraft flying through Russian, Canadian and American airspace, Viens told reporters during a teleconference.

Vigilant Eagle 13 offered the opportunity to take principles proven in a simulated environment during last year's command post exercise, and to validate them during the third "live-fly" exercise since the exercise series began in 2008, Viens and Gomenkov reported.

Canadian fighter jets participated for the first time in this year's Vigilant Eagle exercise, with Canadian CF-18 Hornets and Russian Su-27 Sukhois aircraft following and intercepting the "hijacked" aircraft, Gomenkov noted.

The exercise delivered another first, with a visual fighter-to-fighter hand off of escort responsibilities in a live-fly situation as the "track of interest" moved from one country's airspace to another's.

For the first time, fighters of all the three countries joined together to have a positive hand off of escort responsibility on a track of interest. That crucial step forward in the Vigilant Eagle series required extensive planning and coordination to ensure a safe, successful transfer, Viens said.

"We have never done this together in the past, and it went off without a hitch," Viens said. "What this has enabled us to do is have 100 percent control over an aircraft in trouble that is flying between Russian, American and Canadian airspace. Working together as partners in the air and on the ground, we were able to ensure the safety of the civilians in the aircraft, our collective citizens and the safe landing of the aircraft at its destination."

Gomenkov praised the professionalism of all the three militaries throughout the exercise planning and said he looked forward to seeing the Vigilant Eagle series continue to build in complexity.

Planning for Vigilant Eagle 14 is scheduled to begin in November, Gomenkov said, noting that both Russia and NORAD will offer suggestions on how to build on this year's exercise.

Exercising together builds confidence and understanding that enables the United States, Canada and Russia to operate together more effectively, Viens said. "So clearly from a NORAD perspective, there is a great deal of interest to continue this tradition of Vigilant Eagle exercises to further promote cooperation, especially when it comes to air-space activities that require the attention of both Russia and NORAD," he said.

by RTT Staff Writer


Russia releases key findings on chemical attack near Aleppo indicating similarity with rebel-made weapons

Published time: September 04, 2013 17:02
Edited time: September 04, 2013 18:05 Get short URL

Probes from Khan al-Assal show chemicals used in the March 19 attack did not belong to standard Syrian army ammunition, and that the shell carrying the substance was similar to those made by a rebel fighter group, the Russian Foreign Ministry stated.

A statement released by the ministry on Wednesday particularly drew attention to the “massive stove-piping of various information aimed at placing the responsibility for the alleged chemical weapons use in Syria on Damascus, even though the results of the UN investigation have not yet been revealed.”

By such means “the way is being paved for military action” against Damascus, the ministry pointed out.

But the samples taken at the site of the March 19 attack and analyzed by Russian experts indicate that a projectile carrying the deadly nerve agent sarin was most likely fired at Khan al-Assal by the rebels, the ministry statement suggests, outlining the 100-page report handed over to the UN by Russia.

The key points of the report have been given as follows:

• the shell used in the incident “does not belong to the standard ammunition of the Syrian army and was crudely according to type and parameters of the rocket-propelled unguided missiles manufactured in the north of Syria by the so-called Bashair al-Nasr brigade”;

• RDX, which is also known as hexogen or cyclonite, was used as the bursting charge for the shell, and it is “not used in standard chemical munitions”;

soil and shell samples contain “the non-industrially synthesized nerve agent sarin and diisopropylfluorophosphate,” which was “used by Western states for producing chemical weapons during World War II.”

Found this earlier today on Facebook:

Jon Stewart nailed the insanity of that whole syria war mongering business quite well there.
At least someone in the mainstream is doing something good here...
Hilarious and brilliant IMO...
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