Search results for query: Genetic weapons

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  1. T

    Scandinavian observations and perspectives

    That is mainly what the press, the politicians and so on would like us to believe are the problems. But what else? In Trump orders assassination of top Iranian General. There will be a response @goyacobol had found a quote from a Session with the Cassiopaeans. Following the quote and reading...
  2. goyacobol

    Trump Assassination of Iranian General Soleimani - IRGC Counterstrike

    Yes, I think Joe has a very good track record with uncanny hits. We forget quickly even very recent sessions with great questions and great answers. This 2018 session is reading almost like January 2020: Session 14 April 2018:
  3. Altair

    Denisovan Origins: Hybrid Humans, Göbekli Tepe, and the Genesis of the Giants of Ancient America by Andrew Collins & Gregory Little

    Across the Ice Hybrid Human Origins THE CHANCELADE DISCOVERY THE DENISOVAN HORIZON To be continued.
  4. Chu

    Deep connection between Sanskrit and Russian languages?

    On the link between Sanskrit and Russian, what David Reich says in Who We Are and How We Got Here is quite interesting, and IMO gives validity to the argument that there IS a strong correlation between the two: So, it's quite likely, IMHO. If the influence is mainly from the Yamnaya, just...
  5. susy7

    Bacteriological war in Ukraine For the links consult the site Bacteriological laboratory series: Ukraine after Georgia As a complement to the previously published Bacteriological War Laboratories, we will continue the research using a very well-known concept of “cause and effect”, where a...
  6. Altair

    From Yahweh to Zion by Laurent Guyénot

    The Vicious Cabal The Great Game Of Zion
  7. Altair

    From Yahweh to Zion by Laurent Guyénot

    The Invisible Coup To be continued.
  8. Aeneas

    Darwin's Black Box - Michael J. Behe and Intelligent Design

    I watched it last night and it is entertaining. In the question section he alludes to without going in to details that France had many darwinian ideas about evolution, but that all stopped with the French biochemist Jacques Monod ( 1910-1976) after which the French were totally in the Darwinian...
  9. Laura

    Session 29 December 2018

    Session Date: December 29th 2018 Laura, Andromeda, and Artemis at the board Pierre, Joe, Chu, Ark, PoB, Scottie, Niall, The Lunar Module, Princess Leia, Pikabu There was some discussion of the need for a bit of talcum powder on the glass cover of the board since it was getting a bit “tight”...
  10. susy7

    bacteriological warfare

    I have transcribed you in English, my last publication of my text on laboratories in bacteriological warfare, this is the first part, it relates in particular to Georgia this subject being of capital and thorny importance, I am obliged to place a large number of...
  11. A

    White Helmets

    6 September 2018 - Report by Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media undermines claims of chemical attack in Douma Report by Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media undermines claims of chemical attack in Douma The Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media (WGSPM) has issued a...
  12. A

    Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

    The Putin-Trump Summit in Helsinki. Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin during the bilateral summit in Helsinki, 16 July 2018 31 July 2018 - The Twilight of the War The Twilight of the War, by Thierry Meyssan If we consider the war in Syria not as a singular event, but as the culmination of a...
  13. A

    73rd Anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atomic Bombings

    09.08.2018 - Expert Debunks Hiroshima, Nagasaki Myths on 73rd Anniversary of Atomic Bombings Expert Debunks Hiroshima, Nagasaki Myths on 73rd Anniversary of Atomic Bombings The Japanese city of Hiroshima marked the 73rd anniversary of the atomic bombing by the US Air Force two days ago. The...
  14. msante

    Session 14 April 2018

    I found this article this morning and soon remembered this little extract from Cs session: «Black youth» who are jamnicky, who were ancestors of Europeans I wonder how many other European peoples may have genetic traces from Russia?
  15. Laura

    The Forgotten Exodus: The Into Africa Theory of Human Evolution

    I finished "Who We Are and How We Got Here" by Reich, and it really turned out to be a terrific book even if he got off to a slow start. I wrote a review on Amazon: Another reviewer wrote the following: And still another: So, from just those brief comments, you can see that it really is a...
  16. Palinurus

    Potential target date November 21, 2018, 11-21-2018

    It may be interesting to know that November 2018 was already mentioned once four years ago by Robert Kirkconnell the author of American Heart of Darkness in the thread dedicated to a discussion of that book: (bold, mine) Add to this the remarks of the C's in the latest session about genetic...
  17. Laura

    US Govt Accidentally Releases File Detailing Electromagnetic Weapon for ‘Remote Mind Control’

    The article references an older article from 2012 The proclaimed "Zombie Gun" is not like the remote mind control systems that are the main topic. Notice what a paragraph toward the end says: The article also references this one from 2013: This article references the news reported...
  18. A

    Session 14 April 2018

    Very much appreciate the new Session and the information that it contains ... AND ... Thanks to Laura and Chateau Crew. In regards to the "bolded" script below, in reference to "genes and genetic warfare" - I noticed the C's hesitated on the word Genes? What if ... Divine Intervention is...
  19. M

    Session 14 April 2018

    ...and the wonderful Team. As the Cs say there is no way to stop this madness,clearly "they" are getting desperate as the changes approach and Planet Earth needs a Cleansing. It is interesting to see the surprises is coming about their genetic weapons...Wait and see...
  20. Y

    Session 14 April 2018

    Спасибо за отличную сессию! К сожалению это уже происходит. Прошедшей зимой в несчастной Украине, в Одессе и, по моему, в Херсоне произошли вспышки заболеваний с высокой смерностью. Власти объявили это гриппом, однако в этих городах существуют американские лаборатории, которые местные власти...
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