Search results for query: Earthquake weapons

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  1. M

    Another Hit for The C's? Big miscalculation reveals the "Man behind the curtain"

    Interesting. My thought, though, was that the "man behind the curtain" is something bigger than just US financing terrorists, etc. and even bigger than 911 being an inside job. Then, over the last two days, Joseph P. Farrell, who has done research on ancient energy weapons, among other things...
  2. Beau

    Elon Musk: Tech Genius! Green Warrior! Biz King! Good Oligarch?

    Re: Elon Musk Some intriguing new possibilities emerge regarding the SpaceX explosion: At the bottom of the article, the sott comment states:
  3. bjorb

    Session 16 July 2016

    Sometimes difficult and hard decisions must be taken for the greater good. And it’s not only about cleaning house. It's also about setting a system in place that keeps it secure from western recruited agents inside it's own borders. I am reminded by Nelson Mandela when he said the following...
  4. A


    The car bomb was a decoy. That sounds like a strong possibility, Kisito. Add this incident at the Baghdad Airport: Mortar Fire Targets Baghdad Airport in Iraq The mortar shells appeared to fall across an...
  5. Richs

    Natural and Manmade Disaster

    Regarding 'Man made disasters', James McCanney has in his last two audio shows recounted that the earthquakes in Ecuador were actually such man made disasters. They were apparently caused by 'Rods from God', which is a US space based weapon, which were used to trigger the earthquakes by hitting...
  6. A

    Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

    Polish museum curator claims that he managed to discover the possible whereabouts of a legendary Russian treasure looted by Germans during WWII. Russia's Mythical Amber Room Possibly Found in WWII Bunker in Poland...
  7. Laura

    Earthquakes around the world

    Well, funny thing today. Ark has been watching a Russian documentary (‌ about manmade earthquakes (as near as I can tell). He told me that one of the people interviewed said that Russia has surrounded the USA with earthquake causing bombs planted...
  8. sToRmR1dR

    Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

    Demolition Campaign: Israeli Occupation Army Destroys Palestinian Homes in West Bank Israel Rejects 20% Increase in US Aid as “Compensation” for Iran Deal...
  9. Tristan

    Bomb attacks in Brussels Airport and metro station

    The only hope at least for now is that at some point due to overconfidence the psychos make a blunder that bring to light some of the truth Ditto.
  10. bjorb

    Bomb attacks in Brussels Airport and metro station

    You’re right. Putin can't just openly speak the truth. It would be even counterproductive in our current 'climate' Maybe under the right circumstances it could work. But we are speaking about an Empire that keeps the world hostage through blackmail, intimidation, EM weapons, Earthquake devices...
  11. Laura

    Session 6 February 2016

    Session Date: February 6th 2016 Laura, Andromeda, and Galatea at the board Pierre, Joe, Chu, Arky, Niall, Data, PoB, Scottie, Timótheos, Alana, Noko the Wonderdog Q: (L) Today is the 6th of February 2016. [Review of those present] (Joe) And Noko the Wonderdog! (L) Yes, and Noko the...
  12. A

    Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

    * Important development * North Korea detonates first hydrogen bomb (Video) By Agencies Wednesday, 6 January 2016 North Korea said Wednesday it had successfully carried out its...
  13. Marina9

    Earthquakes around the world

    After reading the news in RT, I saw this other news on the internet. We'll have to wait and see what other news is gathered form this.
  14. Keit

    Russian Passenger Plane Crashes Over Egypt

    Well, actually not sure if there is a high-strangeness element or not. Considering what we know, maybe the reports about the identity of the toddler and what really happened are confusing on purpose. It could be indeed that the first time it was a mistake in identity, and the Russian authorities...
  15. D

    Session 30 January 2010

    here is kind of a thought from this session that can follow and partly maybe answer your comment Peam: so according to this I understand it - that THE ALL MAJOR GOVERMENTS KNOW much much more than we can imagine, and now after knowing this I can better understand Putin and his peaceful tactics...
  16. Peam

    Session 30 January 2010

    If the space-based weapons can be used to cause an earthquake, maybe they're only be able to cause one, especially a big one enough to cause a lot of damage, in an area where such earthquakes could have occurred naturally. Sort of like, they can't cause a big one anywhere they want to, like the...
  17. D

    Session 30 January 2010

    I am shocked, specially with existence of "triangulated space-based weapons" - so that means actually that we are all trapped physically on earth and depending on the will of psychopaths?!? :huh: :cry: :(
  18. Altair

    Infrasound- is it a possible source of mind control?

    An excerpt from the Mark Rich's book New World War Revolutionary Methods for Political Control (available online at _
  19. SeekinTruth

    Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

    Sure, I can add some more details and post it for review. Where should I post it? Some other similarities include: there was a movement for independence starting around 1988 in Armenia proper (but it had started a bit earlier in Karabakh). That's when the massacres started in Azerbaijan - the...
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