Search results for query: electromagnetic weapon

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  1. A

    Harald Kautz Vella-Morgellons, Sentient Oil, Chemtrails….

    Black Goo Globuli During the research of the consortium on Morgellons we came in contact with black goo from German WW II bioweapon research. It was not easy to find a way to deal with this substance. We had some heavy discussions how to proceed with these findings.If black goo should be an...
  2. Ocean


    I am very intrigued by the Bio Resonance Therapy ___ THE HISTORY OF BIORESONANCE THERAPY The scientific roots of BRT date back to 1923 and the work of Russian scientist Alexander Gurwitsch. While researching the growth and development of onion...
  3. aragorn


    Yeah, I thought about joining the forum, perhaps I'll do it! I just placed an order on the first book by Rosner, the one called "When antibiotics fail, Lyme disease and Rife machines". Even if it's in some things a bit out of date, I liked the overview he gives on the rife machines, the...
  4. light worker


    Hello! I see that there are a number of proposed products / modes that can be used for combating parasites such as: metranidazol, allopurninol, doxycycline, Neem, mushrooms, pro-biotics, vitamin c, baking soda etc. One thing what I have realized is that that toxic products from dead...
  5. Laura

    Session 2 May 2015

    Session Date: May 2nd 2015 Laura, Andromeda, and Galatea at the board Pierre, Perceval, Chu, PoB, Niall, Scottie Q: (L) Today is the 2nd of May 2015. [Review of those present] All right... (Galatea) Did we say hello? (L) Oh. (Galatea) Hello? Is anybody there? A: Jepiminz of Cassiopaea...
  6. dantem

    Crash of German Wings Flight over French Alps

    There is a quite techy article on EMP pulses here, and its 3 sub-components: E1, E2, E3. Maybe it can be of help to those who can read into the details of these EM effects? Found while googleing: 'emp duration on electrical equipment'. _ [...]
  7. duyunne

    Session 21 March 2015

    I'm trying not to become a luddite but this has me concerned. I could have sworn I read somewhere that trees get sick when near wifi signals... (found something: Then I remembered this...
  8. goyacobol

    Session 6 December 2014

    I don't think we have seen all the drone configurations that exist (in news clips or the MSM). The video made me think of a reference about some UFOs being used as unmanned weapons. I couldn't remember exactly where it was. I found that it was actually in the RA material channeled by Carla...
  9. shijing

    Session 10 January 2015

    That's an interesting thought -- it's similar to the biblical story where Herod didn't know exactly where baby Jesus was, so he made a blanket order to just kill all of the first-born sons of the Israelites. I don't think so (see below) -- I've wondered about what exactly the term "encoding"...
  10. Corvus

    The Objective(2008)

    I watched this movie some years ago but found it recently again. It is interesting movie so I decided to share it. Spoiler: It deals with spec ops team that is on mission in Afghanistan to track...
  11. Kisito

    Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

    I didn't see if it had already been mentioned ... Blog Vahine Published March 6, 2014 by Vahine The U.S. HAARP they used against the Crimea? article : An earthquake hits the Crimea ...
  12. axj

    Mother of all gushers - BP Oil Disaster in Gulf of Mexico

    ...was an intentional disaster and that the effect is to disrupt the Gulf Stream. He even suggests that some sort of unknown electromagnetic weapon might have been used. Among the things that he talks about and that struck me as odd, is that some of the biggest stock holders of BP (including...
  13. Pierre

    Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - Missing Plane

    Here is an extract from the book I'm finalizing. Those excerpts deals with the links between comets and EMP. Here is another excerpt describing cometary action at a distance (discharge events). It applies here to industrial plumes but the same goes for airplanes that act as a bug in a bug...
  14. Ronnie

    FUKUSHIMA...Gary Yantis Interview with John B Wells

    On Feb. 24, 2014 -- Mr. Yantis gave an interview to John B Wells at Caravan to Midnight- This is a paid web site where you can hear or watch Skype video with membership. However, It is now on You Tube for free. Note:The thing is the C's have talked about much of...
  15. Khalsa

    'Star Wars' at sea: Navy ready to deploy laser system this summer

    I came across this article today. That these weapons are ready or almost ready to be deployed this year, along with the information supplied by the C's regarding "Year Zero" or "0 new year", it would seem this article should be posted here for discussion. Original article found here...
  16. jsf

    Anton Parks on Atlantis, the Osireion, and Moses

    In The Last March Of The Gods, not yet translated in english, Anton Parks talks about the cataclysm associated with the Deluge (-10,000). Here is a video in french with CG images : _ Key points discussed in the book (sometimes roughtly translated with...
  17. JGeropoulas

    NSA's Super Computer = 41 Million Brains

    Last week, while reading about Edward Snowden in Mountain Astrologer magazine (Oct issue) I saw a reference to an article about the Utah Data Center, which I didn't see on SOTT this past June...
  18. Minas Tirith

    Are "They" closing in on Forums like this?

    I know that there is a thread in the SOTT section about the Navy Yard shooting last week:,32485.msg444043.html#msg444043 There is something, however, that makes me feel worried. This was in the news today: Source Washington...
  19. dredger

    Is WW3 inevitable?

    ...but wonders if it would be at the country level or worlwide. For this, massive solar storms can achieve it, or the use of electromagnetic weapons (a nuclear weapon used in altitude does the job). Ed Dames team would play the "solar" scenario when the government plays with EMP and accuse...
  20. Scottie

    Show #31: War Against Syria - Nevermind the Comets!

    What's most interesting to me about all these EMP weapons we hear about is that it's always like some Top Secret thing. IOW, everybody knows they've used MOAB bombs, and phosphorus weapons, drones, chemical weapons, etc. But the use of EMP weapons is more ethereal. They keep talking about them...
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