Search results for query: weapons of mass destruction

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  1. T

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    The Russian Wiki for rabbits claims the European rabbit lives wild in southern Ukraine, but one should think killed game is less healthy to eat if polluted by depleted uranium. Apart from the step taken by the UK by announcing that they will send DU shells along with their old tanks, perhaps it...
  2. iamthatis

    BRICS: Laying the Foundations of the Next Empire?

    Well, a lot has happened since Kissinger and Mao, no? I'm no sinologist, but one biggie is that the Chinese have expelled Soros, who likely had a had in Tiananmen Square. I think that really woke them up. I watched this video below recently, and I'm not so sure that the WEF and the CCP are very...
  3. Ryan

    Down Under Australia - Underdog or pawn?

    Great thread, Jones. This is a very interesting question, especially in the context of AUKUS and the geopolitical manoeuvring of the US to prevent Australia escaping through the "frequency fence" around the empire. It seems that China is making efforts to ensuring its strategic nuclear weapons...

    Actualités du jour en France

    ...capabilities troops needed to "stem growing Chinese activity" in the region. In reaction, Russia and China expressed their concern over the plans of this alliance and called on the participants to strictly respect the non-proliferation commitments of weapons of mass destruction.
  5. M

    Session 25 February 2023

    ...the Rama play into that picture? Was it before or after the war? A: After. If so, could this war, involving the use of weapons of mass destruction, have become the basis of the war described in Vedic epics such as the Ramayana and the Mahabharata (as told from the Paranthas' perspective)...

    Actualités du jour en France Quels sont les obus à l'uranium appauvri que la Grande-Bretagne va fournir à l'Ukraine ? Ils n'ont rien à voir avec les armes nucléaires. Néanmoins, la position russe a déjà été exprimée : l'utilisation de tels projectiles sera considérée comme l'utilisation de...
  7. Laurentien2

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    Bill Passed by House and Senate to Declassify COVID Origins Documents May Be Attempt to ‘Frame’ China, Experts Warn
  8. wodasi

    Clif High-

    clif high The Width of a Thought substack march 9 23 The Width of a Thought Just wide enough to separate you from YOUR FUTURE. clif high 20 min ago march 9 2023 Vox Populi - Legislator Be Advised 2023...
  9. Bluegazer

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    ...pointed out that Western leaders regularly make provocative statements about the possibility of Russia's use of weapons of mass destruction. However, the United States itself has many times launched similar projects to achieve #political goals. -For example, a bottle of "detergent" in the...
  10. ApotheosisMMC.

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    This one about the alleged Russian offensive. Russo-Ukrainian War: Schrodinger’s Offensive A ramble about force design, Moldova, and a fortress on the steppe
  11. T

    Session 25 February 2023

    The carrying capacity of the Earth is determined by psychic health In this post there are excerpts from this Session about the intention of the elites to reduce the population, followed by the discussion of the carrying capacity which was motivated by earlier talks and research. The answer from...
  12. O

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    China issued a document on 24 Feb 2023, here's the official text : The US stance until these days, examplified by the NYTimes, 23 Feb 2023 : (me : alphabet soup is boiling, when will it be cooked ??)
  13. T

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    Notes on Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General since October 2014 The history of Jens Stoltenberg, as an anti-war activist during the late Vietnam War, who through his sister Camille had links with the far left of the early 1970ies, was told on a Russian news media Channel One in a report...
  14. iamthatis

    Massive 7.8M Earthquake In Southern Turkey

    There is another human cause of earthquakes indicated by the C's along the lines of the human-cosmic connection: The borderland of Northern Syria and Southern Turkiye has been a tense battleground for a good long while now. I don't think we can rule out human mass consciousness as a causal factor.
  15. MK Scarlett

    Massive 7.8M Earthquake In Southern Turkey

    Fascinating! The article has many illustrations (J.P. Petit is a good drawer, he created comics to vulgarize/popularize his scientific knowledge), and even if they are captioned in French, they are worth a look! J.P. Petit is a physicist. His research fields are astrophysics, fluid mechanics...
  16. Puma

    Massive 7.8M Earthquake In Southern Turkey

    Moscow's reaction (and Turkey!!) should be monitored in the coming days if the US did indeed deploy a weapon of mass destruction in Turkey, incidentally very close to the Incirlik air base with approximately 50 U.S. tactical nuclear weapons -- "namely Cold War-era B61 nuclear bombs.." according...
  17. JEEP

    Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back

    How horrible that what the US "produces" and "benefits" from the most is weapons of war! I suppose it's going to take mass empty bellies - which appears to be one objective of the Great Reset with the destruction of food production facilities - before the public finally rouses into action...
  18. JEEP

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    From ZeroHedge: The Most Egregious Mistake It is the miscalculation of this era – one that may begin the collapse of dollar primacy, and therefore, global compliance with U.S. political demands, too. But its most grievous content is that it corners the U.S. into promoting dangerous Ukrainian...
  19. Ina

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    If you agree, in the light of new information, with COG in play as plausible scenario, scenario that no one considered up until now, 2023, Covid needs to be completely reevaluated. Perfect plot for counter intelligence op planting major confusion for the alt jurnos or pile on acid drops on the...
  20. Hi_Henry

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    ...practiced, because they said "there is a national emergency". It certainly was if you just watched TV. I must have not noticed it on the street because that sneaky virus is invisible. Likewise in the case of 2001, no weapons of mass destruction were ever found in Iraq because they did not exist.
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