Search results for query: Bacteriological weapons

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  1. Tristan

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story? and public opinion have a duty to demand that the United States demonstrate whether it has destroyed its stockpile of bacteriological weapons, in accordance with the international convention that was signed in 1972. The erratic government campaign of information poisoning, which...
  2. Agron

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    Just came across this and thought it was VERY worthy of sticking it here! It is a Grigorij Grabovoi forecast from April 2002!
  3. S

    Session 21 March 2020

    Great session! Thanks to Laura and the wonderful team! Thank you very much for the work! A: The virus did not appear first in China. There were experiments at Fort Detrick regarding the creation of a vaccine that would make humans more controllable. This vaccine had unexpected effects and in...
  4. Laura

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    ...of Medical Sciences, said the propagation of the SARS virus might well have been caused by leaking a combat virus grown in bacteriological weapons labs because the natural compound [of contained virus genome sections] was impossible, that the mix could never appear in nature, but could be...
  5. susy7

    Cathy O'Brien and Mark Philips

    ...Mark Philips, I finished their books, and it exceeds what I read, that it is on the ponérologie, the clinical psychiatry , bacteriological weapons. The problem that comes to mind: "Is it possible that a woman who has experienced what Cathy suffered is not dead? Or yet become why is she still"...
  6. susy7

    Bacteriological war in Ukraine

    ...genes due to genetic mixing of its population through Ages. In 2016 during the H1N1 pandemic, I sensed the presence of a bacteriological weapons laboratory on Borders where they were also affected by the virus. (4) Here's the little thing. Dr. Wouter Basson is known to have been one of the...
  7. Altair

    JFK-9/11: 50 Years of Deep State by Laurent Guyénot

    ...and military ties (in violation of UN anti-apartheid sanctions); their cooperation included research on “ethno-specific” bacteriological weapons, meant to contaminate selectively undesirable populations, under Project Coast in South Africa (headed by the infamous Dr Wouter Basson), and the...
  8. sToRmR1dR

    Events in Russia

    Over 3,000 servicemen practice liquidating aftermath of nuclear attack in Russia's south © ITAR-TASS/Donat Sorokin Servicemen from the 49th general army have participated in large-scale military drills to practice deactivation of contaminated objects after a massive nuclear attack, the press...
  9. A

    Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

    I wouldn't rule out a Chemical Weapons false flag attack but what really concerns me, Kiev's provocations are being instantly "labeled" as possible "chemical based" and news reports are lumping the White Helmet's into the mix, like it's some kind of packaged deal ... where you can't have one -...
  10. A

    bacteriological warfare

    I have been searching the Ukraine thread (for a report (s) that was Posted) of several Ukrainian military personnel that became ill and were hospitalized and some who died of a mysterious virus. Their Camp was located near a NATO biological lab. I am still searching for that report but I came...
  11. susy7

    bacteriological warfare

    ...for centuries these countries have mixed with each other. Russia in 2016, during the H1N1 epidemic had already expressed on bacteriological weapons laboratories at its borders, because Russia was affected by this flu. (4) This request as crazy as it is n ' yet does not look aberrative for its...
  12. susy7

    bacteriological warfare

    I have transcribed you in English, my last publication of my text on laboratories in bacteriological warfare, this is the first part, it relates in particular to Georgia this subject being of capital and thorny importance, I am obliged to place a large number of...
  13. A

    Western countries take Russian biological material

    Tuesday, 25 September 2018 - Russia Won’t Tolerate US Biological Experiments near Its Borders, Warns Diplomat Russia Won’t Tolerate US Biological Experiments near Its Borders, Warns Diplomat MOSCOW - Russia won’t let the Americans carry out biological experiments near its borders, Vladimir...
  14. susy7

    Investigation into the manufacture of bacteriological weapons in Georgia

    Investigation into the manufacture of bacteriological weapons in Georgia. Several countries of the former Soviet Union let the CIA set up such laboratories.
  15. neonix

    The Baltic States help the Pentagon to invent biological weapons for the third world war - they are assigned the role of guinea pigs

    Pig: Pentagon is working out a biological war strategy in the Baltics Ход свиньей: Пентагон отрабатывает стратегию биологической войны в Балтии Translate by: Sputnik Latvia 19:16 08/09/2018 (updated 12:04 10/08/2018)
  16. Bastian

    Remarque(s) concernant

    Hello. In this article (about US army's germ warfare tests on their own people) : _L'armée américaine admet qu'elle a secrètement dispersé des germes dans 239 endroits en Amérique, exposant des milliers de citoyens sans méfiance -- (and also in the original article from which it was...
  17. sToRmR1dR

    Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

    NATO chief says Trump’s phone conversation with Putin is ‘normal thing’ In Trump's Footsteps? Marine Le Pen Chances to Become French President Rising Putin sets task to ensure...
  18. Voyageur

    Truth Perspective: The Anthrax Deception with Graeme MacQueen

    Could not help but notice this article tonight - Strengthening Biological Weapons Convention requires constructive approach from an RT Op-Edge article by "Dr Alexander Yakovenko, Russian Ambassador to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Deputy foreign minister (2005-2011)"...
  19. aragorn


    Yeah, I also stumbled on this story of bioengineered WMD:s yesterday, while searching. This story seems to be circulating on various alternative sites, like 'educateyourself' and 'godlikeproductoins', which makes me a bit suspicious. There seems to be many books related to the subject, not only...
  20. goyacobol

    Session 6 December 2014

    I don't think we have seen all the drone configurations that exist (in news clips or the MSM). The video made me think of a reference about some UFOs being used as unmanned weapons. I couldn't remember exactly where it was. I found that it was actually in the RA material channeled by Carla...
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