Search results for query: "Biological warfare"

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  1. Approaching Infinity

    Alien Viruses by Robert Wood with Nick Redfern

    Just finished reading this one, which Richard Dolan published earlier this year. Bob Wood is part of the father-and-son team devoted to analyzing the purported "MJ-12" documents that have been fed to UFO researchers since the early '80s. (See _ These...
  2. Nook

    NYC Terror Drills

    Thanks for sharing this, Ennio. So far, I've noticed something out of the ordinary in the subway system twice this month. The first time was about a week ago on the train. It was a strange smell, unlike anything I've smelled before underground (including feces, urine, etc). The closest smell I...
  3. Olesya

    Unknown respiratory illnesses

    Again, on this unknown respiratory disease and experiments done by secret government facilities, mentioned in the C session May 28, 2013: what comes to mind is the human experimentation incident that occurred in the US in 1950. From Wikipedia, link here...
  4. Skyfarmr

    Mycoplasma fermentens(a bioweapon) - Often Overlooked In Chronic Lyme Disease

    This subject envelops so many other topics in this board that I really didn't know where to put it. Given the far reaching implications of this pathogen I figured it deserves its own topic. If ever there was an argument for Universal Health Care, this is it; it's the only way the public will...
  5. Voyageur

    The Secret Team

    Yes indeed, as well as utilizing privately incorporated assets, with the addition of created, owned and operated fundamentalist terrorist bogeyman, supported by a massive propaganda organs that steams the globe, adding measures of psychological warfare, electronic warfare, likely...
  6. Don Genaro

    Man-Made Flu Virus with Potential to Wipe out Many Millions is Created in Resear

    ...year and how they gave a timeframe of "18 to 24 months". So now, suddenly we're hearing about "manmade diseases" being used for "biological warfare". Makes me wonder if the PTB are planting mind-viruses again...
  7. Ca.

    Session 13 Feb 2011

    The hysteria, control factor, and perhaps, preparing the GP for the space invasion. Maybe with the added timed distribution by rouge element's, for inoculations and profit, for maximum kill factor. In red, fear words, and subliminal dialog. Bioterrorism Published 22 November 2011 Alien...
  8. un chien anadolu

    Obama special statement - Osama bin Laden 'dead'...

    or may be And blame it on al qaeda biological warfare ?
  9. Breton

    Session 12 December 2010

    Thanks once again all you beloved at the Château for sharing this session. I know it takes time and energy, especially from Laura, and then comes the transcription and the decision has to be made if can be published. ---No surprise! C's have told the group the transmission will come through...
  10. Juba

    Fomenko's "New Chronology"

    Re: Fomenko's \ More history lies: 1- For most of the visitors of ancient city of Petra, mysterious disappearance of Nabateans will never be explicitly explained, even in historical books the real fact for the end of Nabatean culture will be shown kind a blurry, in fact we are under spell of...
  11. transdimensional

    Morgellons: Controversial disease doctors refuse to treat

    Morgellons Victims Across the US and Europe National Security Secrecy Morgellons Victims Across the US and Europe (Part 1) by Hank P. Albarelli Jr. & Zoe Martell Voltaire Network June 12, 2010 Over the past ten years, more than 100 000 people in the United States and in Europe have...
  12. Chu

    Mystery Disease Linked to Vanished Israeli Scientist

    Thank you for sharing this article transdimensional. Very interesting but creepy! This stood our for me: as well as the connection with Mossad. I sometimes forget how long these diabolic experiments have been being conducted for, and what "they" may have in storage for the population, always...
  13. transdimensional

    Mystery Disease Linked to Vanished Israeli Scientist

    Mystery Disease Linked to Vanished Israeli Scientist by Hank P. Albarelli Jr. VoltaireNet May 7th 2010 The recent outbreak of a life-threatening disease in the United States, caused by a new and exotic strain of a hypervirulent fungus, is baffling the US media and the scientific community...
  14. Meg

    The Magnesium Miracle

    I've started using Magnesium oil on my arms and elbows to help with cubital tunnel symptoms. The first time used it during a flair up, the electrical sensations in my elbows stopped instantly. I've been using it every morning and evening with amazing results. I ran across this article while...
  15. M

    John O'Neill & Jerome Hauer, Anthrax and the Myth of Osama bin Laden John O'Neill Trade Center Security Chief dead September 11 2001. After contemplating retirement for a year or more, O'Neill took the World Trade Center job with Silverstein Properties in August 2001. In April, the Port Authority granted a 99 year lease...
  16. Voyageur

    Red Symphony - Sinfonia en Rojo Mayor

    Red Symphony cont… In the prior post, had a few quote references to books with the intention to complete this in a future post, but upon reflection of this Red Symphony subject, one quickly realises that answer’s seem like looking for a particular snowflake in a storm. In the last post a few...
  17. JGeropoulas

    Chemtrails? CONtrails? Strange skies...

    Due to my recent experience, I’m curious if anyone else has seen chemtrail activity during the past few months of the swine flu “pandemic” I live in a large city in the southeastern United States. On Sunday (11-15-09), it was a beautiful, bright fall day and I was driving in heavy traffic on...
  18. theos

    New cocktail of three flu viruses in Ukraine

    This article was emailed to me. Note the mention of the IMF moving in. Sounds like shock and awe. From:
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