Search results for query: electromagnetic pulse

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  1. D

    Higgs Boson Finally Found?

    I will try to find it back and post it. There was a lot more physics discussed in the article so what I just said was perhaps way too simplistic. Further investigation need to be done. I'll see what I can do to find it back and see how it relates to what we know. That's right. I didn't...
  2. Laura

    Session 7 November 1994

    ...UFOs affect the electrical systems of automobiles and so forth and why is this phenomenon also associated with hauntings? A: Electromagnetic pulse. Can be manifestations of hauntings also. Q: (L) Would this indicate that both phenomena are originating from the same source or utilizing the...
  3. Approaching Infinity

    Session 22 July 1994

    Annotated Wave Version
  4. Approaching Infinity

    Session 5 October 1994

    Annotated Wave Version
  5. bngenoh

    Getting a "Handl" on things?

    Let's break some more rocks, ie magnetism: This is interesting especially in light of threshold in neurons: Magnetism is cool isn't it? It can be used to store and process information simultaneously, hmm what else stores & processes information simultaneously? ;) The above reminds...
  6. D

    Earth History Part 1 (dougquaid's "Bibliotheka Cassiopaea" section)

    ...(“Influence and nonsense”) ; Q: (L) Were Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed by nuclear weapons? A: Yes and no, destroyed by Electromagnetic pulse. 1065 BC ( 3065 yrs ago): City of Mohenjo Daro last inhabited; SUPERNOVAS & HISTORY On the subject of supernovas; I have discovered that three of...
  7. D

    "Bibliotheka Cassiopaea" the Cassiopaean material by topic

    ...the fault line, electrical free waves as fuel for power restoration; UFO’s affect electrical systems of Earthly devices using electromagnetic pulse technology; UFOs are not manifestations of geomagnetic energies emitted at fault lines; no correlation between UFO’s and earthquake activity...
  8. D

    "Bibliotheka Cassiopaea" the Cassiopaean material by topic

    ...subject to malfunctions in weather conditions that are severe, as one example. Also, the impulse system is an offshoot of the electromagnetic pulse experiments being carried out at Montauk, Brookings and elsewhere as part of the HAARP project! In connection with Pentagon missile tests, HAARP...
  9. D

    "Bibliotheka Cassiopaea" the Cassiopaean material by topic

    ASTROLOGY Q: (L) Is astrology in general a false assumption? A: Astrology is a stepping stone to higher knowledge. (has variable influence on humans whether believer or skeptic) Q: (L) Is there, in 4th density, an equivalent to 3rd density astrology? A: Not needed there. Q: If we could find...
  10. D

    "Bibliotheka Cassiopaea" the Cassiopaean material by topic

    ...the fault line, electrical free waves as fuel for power restoration; UFO’s affect electrical systems of Earthly devices using electromagnetic pulse technology; UFOs are not manifestations of geomagnetic energies emitted at fault lines; no correlation between UFO’s and earthquake activity...
  11. D

    "Bibliotheka Cassiopaea" the Cassiopaean material by topic

    ...(“Influence and nonsense”) ; Q: (L) Were Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed by nuclear weapons? A: Yes and no, destroyed by Electromagnetic pulse. 1065 BC ( 3065 yrs ago): City of Mohenjo Daro last inhabited; SUPERNOVAS & HISTORY On the subject of supernovas; I have discovered that three of...
  12. Nienna

    Strange colored rings in sky around the world

    I'm wondering if it has anything to do with HAARP? Here are a few early session that have to do with it. What made me think of this is that I remember reading somewhere (I thought it was in the session, but couldn't find it) is that HAARP punches a hole through the ionosphere (or some part...
  13. Laura

    Session 4 March 2012

    Session Date: 4 March 2012 Present: Laura, Ark, Belibaste, Perceval, Andromeda, Ailen, Bubbles, PoB, Burma Jones, Psyche, Mr. Scott Rain was in the forecast for this evening, but no storm warnings had been posted. At almost the exact time we had scheduled the session, the wind began to blow...
  14. Ca.

    Strange sounds In The Sky: Trumpets - Groaning - Scraping

    Re: Strange sounds: Trumpets - Groaning - Scraping - In The Skies Around the World.. If these sounds are being emitted from the core of the earth, the C's have stated that the earths core is comprised of ammonia. All the sounds that have been heard are audible from all directions which...
  15. Ca.

    Session 15 March 1997

    This what came to mind discussing some of these principles. :umm: Quantum levitation. This is what happens when you drop neodymium magnets down a copper pipe. Anti Gravity...
  16. Laura

    Session 15 March 1997

    March 15, 1997 Frank, VG, Alice, Ark, Laura Q: Hello. A: Hello. Q: And what name shall we use this evening? A: Torra. Q: And where do you transmit from? A: Cassiopaea. Q: (L) In the natural state, we know that a photon can have an interaction which causes it to split into...
  17. Meager1

    The Truth About Hair and Why Indians Would Keep Their Hair Long

    Found a little more.. "Beard hair only, attracts more radiation and pathogens as it holds the heat to the face and the parotid glands are affected with no bone to deflect it properly. Head hair is the most interesting as far as our relationship with electromagnetism. Black or dark brown...
  18. Ellipse

    Mind Control & HAARP

    I stumble upon this article which talk about Haarp as a mind control machine and describe, perhaps, how it work but make some confusions with climate. The article was publish in 1999.
  19. HiThere

    Article about a cosmic wave - "magnetic anomaly"

    ...The concern that NASA and JPL had was that this Magnetic Anomaly would disrupt the Earth’s magnetic field by means of an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse). The idea of the project he was a part of was to launch a massive space mission to upgrade old satellites to protect them from shutting down as...
  20. Al Today

    High Altitude EMP and Nuclear Reactors

    I know there are some problems with wiki, but they have a non-nuclear generated EMP described here. :shock: :shock: :shock:
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