1 in 16,000 ...


Jedi Master
This is something that I have been worrying about releasing because of the content. This is just my thoughts on the events that we are about to experience.

The day starts with a blustery wind, swirling and fighting with each gust within itself, the normal these days. This is causing great thunderheads over the mountains almost daily and my wind chimes ringing out some impossible hard rock tune. Not too long ago it was not like this. On a spring day kites were flown on the gentle afternoon breezes, wind chimes were playing a gentle tune and thunderheads were rarely seen.

What is causing this change?

It is safe to say that our weather is being manipulated by external forces that most souls would never even perceive of. These forces are great as they even manipulate weather in similar ways on other planets. Take Clyde’s spot on Jupiter, it has really been a show since it appeared last year. It is now a swirl of chaos. The main spot is surprisingly compressed also, maybe an expression of density. Our situation seems quite similar with our weather, a swirl of chaos describes it well. Cold and hot, too wet and dry, typhoons and drought, an impending ice age, can’t it make up its mind! I expect that it has …

Our notice has been given. The weather is a sign, and it is not a pretty one. The animals inside and out seem like they are trying to tell us something great. The dog is erratic, the cat is always looking at the sky, the ravens and crows are squawking out loud and the hummingbirds have just about left the area (one stayed for posterity). Not to mention the inside information we received from the C’s. A portent has been given and it was received …

We should not try to change the course of this reality unless it is part of your lesson. This reality is this way, and it has to be this way for the learning to be effective. I choose to refrain from affecting this reality, it has a higher purpose than any of our parts in it. The task I have set ahead of me is to always observe and guide, interact when necessary and assist those who were chosen.

Much sadness lies ahead of many of us here. I am not going to paint a pretty picture here of what is to come. It is part of our lessons to experience this in the way that you will experience it. Situations will arise and you will have to be part of it, do your best to help those as can be done. Be aware, you do have a choice in all cases, you can turn away if that is your path. There are going to be difficult decisions to be made as we go forward, give your best to those who need it most. You need to mentally prepare yourself for what is coming as you will be tested right up to your end in this reality. Panicking in these situations will not help the cause, you need to keep the level head. Step back and observe the situation. recognize the factors, proceed with caution. But always, Do Not Panic, it will lead you astray.

Mind, BODY and Spirit …

The Body is the topic today. It is your method of conveyance while you are in these realities. It moves you and lets you groove, when needed. You use and abuse it in many ways, you should know. You feed it well and also poorly, but it takes most of it with stride. Some souls exercise their bodies and others let them waste. But in all it is just a body, a temporary vessel for a version of your soul to be carried around in. The body that we use here is a bipedal structure that is quite frankly, extremely fragile. I figure that this is because it is fragile which limits the ability of external traveling outside the originating planet or using anything from a higher density. But this body could have been one of any number of species, animal, insect, rock, plant … The human form is actually the black sheep of this part of the galaxy, I am surprised that it was used here.

In the end it is just your body, a temporary structure, nothing more. When you come to terms with this reality and you see your demise coming close. Do your best, do not panic, Step back and observe the situation, recognize the factors, proceed with caution. We are going to have to be strong in the face of whatever we are to experience, it is part of the lesson.

1 out of 16,000, results in how many souls are climbing the ladder to forth density in this reality while the rest recycle into another reality. That is an estimate of 500,000 moving forward out of 8,000,000,000. If it is less moving forward, then the offsetting number is obviously higher. Does that mean that each of us have to experience 16,000 souls leaving this reality? Well for some it may be, but for most we will end up being flushed out with the rest. Moreover, I do fully expect that everyone will have to face this reality, to some level, in this reality.

Just how is one to prepare for something like this? How can you see something like this and not crumble at the sight of it, even the thought of it? We are currently being led to believe that a contagion from an external source may be released and rather soon I suspect. That with the leveling of the playing field pose an ominous situation. I mean we are talking about Road Warrior X1000 level, probably going to be worse than even that. How do you keep your calm and collective in the face of something like this?

There are probably an infinite number of ways to end a cycle like the one that we are approaching. Why was this method selected to cleanse this reality? I mean, it has been in the plans for some time now, this took preparations and timely setups to bring this situation to a closure. We have noticed some of these. So why was this method done rather than releasing some 4D beast that kills all but cannot be seen. I wrote about one of these in the dream section a while back, a harvester of souls. I expect that there are certain factors involved here. Like effectivity on many levels, timeliness and preparation needs among some of the factors. This was selected as it meets the needs the best. To the higher densities, this existence in this reality, this demise is part of their soul groups education, we need to realize this.

But something black plague like, that is such a messy way to go and it was not quick either. Those who survived were left to clean-up. I can’t even conceive of just how bad this was. Do some research on this yourself, it might lessen the shock of this when you do have to interact with it. Those that survive this round, yes there will be survivors, good and bad, it will not be a safe world. Watch any of the apocalypse movies out there if you can, might help, especially if you are looking to out-live this event. My advice is that when your time comes, and you will know it when you see it, do not run from it. The after earth situation is not anything any of us need to experience. Leave it all for the STS as some of them may actually be able to prosper in the turmoil. In the end, all souls have to leave the surface of this world, this reality, no choice!

Of Note: The black plague, once infected, took six to ten days before 80% of the population died. Once the contagion was introduced, typically from rodents, it took about twenty days on average for the first person to die. Now this was accepted that the mice and rats of the old-world cities spread this contagion and were quite effective. For the next town to be infected a rodent would catch a ride on a passing wagon. This limited the spread for it as some areas were hit hard and others were unscathed the farther you got from the center of the affected areas. Yes, and these old-world areas were not especially clean, I mean urine was dumped out the window then.

Our biggest issue is todays methods of travel which will provide an optimal situation to spread the contagion. I mean air travel, shipping and hauling people and countless products all over the world. I expect that it will take less than a month for a major part of the world to be infected. Too fast for any kind of response. It is this way because it is part of the preparations. Now people are getting out, interacting again which will allow the contagion to spread faster and farther, more preparations.

So, we need to take a page out of history and do what they could not do. First, we need to be cleaner than they were in the time of the black plague. I hope that most can achieve this requirement, for those who cannot, do your best. Second, we need to limit the rodent population near your home. This will be especially difficult not only near or inside a town or city, but pretty much everywhere. Cities have become breading grounds for these infestations. In Los Angeles they live in the sewer and the palm trees, yes palm trees. Each palm tree harbors fifty or more rats. And there are a lot of palm trees in LA. In New York the sewers and alleys are literally filled with them. I find rats locally in the country grape vines, a thousand of them per acre in some fields. Now, I personally have cats that are very aggressive to rodents at my house, we are blessed with rodent carcasses to remove.

It is not the rodent’s fault. It is more likely the dust particles carried by the rodent or the fleas on their backs that carry the contagion. They are just performing their part of the circle of life.

But while these pets do serve a purpose, they can become contaminated with the contagion and then spread it to you. Keep any pets as clean as possible. So do your best amid these situations, it might help.

FYI: This is part of the lessons, your lessons. Your outcomes are recorded in stone for you to carry around the rest of your existence. Do your best to make this a good record.

In closing I am repeating a much used statement, Don’t Panic. Stand back and assess the situation, recognize the factors, proceed with caution.

P.S. I do separate the mind, body and spirit into separate entities. This concept is easier for most to realize at this level (iamthatis). Haiku …
It is safe to say that our weather is being manipulated by external forces that most souls would never even perceive of.
I wouldn't say it's safe to say that at all. In fact, I'd say it's most likely not true. There are many other factors to look to first before considering that our weather is being "manipulated". The weather has a 'mind' of its own.
Today at 7:13 AM#2
Haiku said:
It is safe to say that our weather is being manipulated by external forces that most souls would never even perceive of.
I wouldn't say it's safe to say that at all. In fact, I'd say it's most likely not true. There are many other factors to look to first before considering that our weather is being "manipulated". The weather has a 'mind' of its own.

the ''external'' force that drives the weather is the SUN , not you ,not co2 ,not even the deep state
here in Australia we are having a mouse plague atm , partly a side effect of a good grain monoculture season ---natures balance ...but it is OZ after all , biblical plagues happen here all the time rain fire , floods ,locusts ,mice, drought ,cyclones bloody cicadas all normal
but I agree DON'T PANIC is always good advice ...the VOGON fleet could be here any minute now ,lol 🚀👽

also IF the plague travelles on rats it would jump on the cat when the rodent is killed and your cats would bring it home
So, it is good to review the basics of community health. Main thing is sanitation. Have a plan in place to deal with stuff in case of power and water cutoffs. So much disease is spread through water contamination.
Winter: Check the strength of your roof structure for heavier snow loads. Have a system to remove snow loads.
Have an alternate heat system. Know how to cut your water and drain your pipes ahead of a killer freeze. Maintaining the integrity of your house will protect you from a lot of trouble. If you have to evacuate to an emergency/community shelter, there might be sick people there.
Maybe invest in heated underwear.
A private well with a hand pump would be useful indeed. Obviously, a top tier water filter is needed.
Have enough food on hand for your family so you don't have to interact with the public for a long time in case there is serious contagion out there.

A household should be prepared with a sick/isolation room and medical supplies in case someone falls ill. Beyond this, every care should be taken for good nutrition, optimum heath and immune function for family members. We don't know what a plague is going to look like yet, if it is going to be yersinia or black fungus or something else. I'm thinking that a bad coagulopathy could look black, too.
That’s doesn’t sound like I would “enjoy [that] show.”
We’d all better be getting busy with our work.
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I wouldn't say it's safe to say that at all. In fact, I'd say it's most likely not true. There are many other factors to look to first before considering that our weather is being "manipulated". The weather has a 'mind' of its own.
I agree. It is very tempting to blame the sinister forces on this world and off it for every single thing that is not "right" on our planet. They probably are responsible 99% of the time :-) but some things are not controlled by them and the weather is probably one of them. Mind you, that does not stop me from blaming them when I want to spend a day out and the weather forecast is torrential rain..."damn those pesky STS"....:-O:-O:-O
I note that the 'Jack Russell' terrier is especially effective at killing rats. If you are having a problem infestation they would be a good investment.
Most especially in lean times! They are a renewable resource. There are some Asian grocery stores that sell them frozen.
People farm other rodents for meat. Better than starving, Better than insects?
It is safe to say that our weather is being manipulated by external forces that most souls would never even perceive of. These forces are great as they even manipulate weather in similar ways on other planets.
I would agree with the others, it is not the weather that is being manipulated, but it is the opinions about the weather changes that is being manipulated. Hence the global warming, caused by mankind theories.

The weather is just going through natural cycles.
Between satellite imaging of weather patern anomalies and the occasional talk about cloud seeding and other strange shenanigans. I could see some manipulation possible. When this stuff is brought up in the news it makes me wonder why they don't adjust weather to fix droughts or massive fires and the like.

But I also recall all the evil stuff that gets tested on the public, drugs/weapons whatever and that makes it make sense to me.

My actual knowledge for this stuff is pretty slim however my thoughts always stay the same when looking at this stuff.
Probably due to potential ignorance but it's all I have currently.

It starts at whether you think you can or can't, then figuring out it may be possible, mentally or technologically possible for those in the know.
The difference indistinguishable from "magic" so to speak.

Now I do believe there is a cycle to it all fortune but the weather is still going to weather.

I suppose it's important to be rational to not stray to far from your bread crumbs and get lost in the grand scheme.

For the amount of material that is talked about around here, which could be considered too far out there for the regular person.
I don't see how weather manipulation is where we draw the line here.

I don't know maybe I'm getting defensive
and just want believe my cloud bursting skills are real ahaha.

I suppose adding quotes or a reply would be beneficial in the future... (shut it down the machine is gaining sentience :)

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