Breton said:
Can you put a donation button? Or does that in itself cost money and/or time for you to do? I just felt guilty after your announcement, that although I enjoyed your music, I did not get around to buying any of it, although I thought it a good idea. I feel there is an energy imbalance here, with your time and effort not getting compensated in some, at least small, way.
All i can suggest is that if anyone wants to go that way , just donate it to QFG s wordpay account as a donation. Paypal takes such a big chunk of sales .
And as an aside: What the heck is this "Happy Now" ? --- Helicopters and birds (gulls, or maybe vultures feeding on the dead?) for 6 minutes? :D
It was a tree full of crows that i recorded in some woods one windy day , it was music i used in a play i directed "Heksejagt" (in Danish) or The Crucible by Arthur Miller in English. I was thinking along the lines of after all the carnage in Iraq and elsewhere , after all the propaganda , the lies , after all the sitting around and doing nothing , do we feel safer from imaginary shadows , are we happy and so forth. Scared the hek out of me when i played it back through headphones.
Away With The Fairys may be needed... ?
3D Student said:
Hehe, nice songs. I recognized that this is the artist that does the podcast songs.
I guess 3D Student refers to "you lied" that he collaborated with the SOTT team:
Yeh when the guys sent me through the accoustic guitar version i thought wow this is really long , it got longer because there was three of them singing so when some one ran out of breath , another person took over and went directly into the next verse.
Me on my poor lonesome had to breath in
Amazing and informative lyrics though , and it was a privilege to have been asked to whumf it up a little and take part in that project.
Im not totally finished with music yet though . Presently I am working with musicians here and working towards building a live arts type venue and recording studio facilities for them to record and perform in. Also working and developing some live theatre and later animation with animation students.BUT it all takes more time than one over optimistically hopes at the beginning of such things. And time as we know.......... well fill in the blank space.
Moderator's note: The quotes have been fixed.