2013 - The spring that wasn't


Dagobah Resident
FOTCM Member
With the continued cold and wet weather this spring, I notice that my three dogs, who by now are usually shedding furiously, are retaining their coats. Very little spring shedding going on, much more like their normal winter coat behavior. A portent of extended cooling?

With the lack of regular sunlight, supplementing with vitamin D3 might be advisable for us all, especially if we are to maintain immune resistance to ever more potent microbial challenges.
The dogs not shedding their winter coats yet? I'd say that is a portent of things to come. The C's did say Europe would be a bit ahead of the US in regards to cooling/ice age conditions setting in. Our turn is sure to come!

Here in SE lower Michigan, our weather is extreme, going from hot and humid, to cold and frost conditions in the span of a few days. Currently it's 83F and humid, but we're expecting another cold front next week, with highs only reaching 60F. We've also had some severe storms with twisters further north of me. For some reason, my area here tends to dodge a great deal of severe weather. I like to think our little enclave here is somehow "protected". LOL Wishful thinking of course.

My cat is definitely shedding. Leaving piles of yellow hair everywhere.

As for the vitamin D3, do check out the articles by Dr. Mercola on the importance of taking K2 along with D3. Here's one article, but if you google Mercola, D3 and K2, he has several articles on the subject.

Good to hear from you Rabelais. I hope you are doing well. :)
Another note: my maple leaf trees shed almost all
of it's "butterfly wings", they were small and very
green, which appears premature? I remembered
in previous years that they would grow larger and
turn brown and flutter to the ground to "sow it's
dant said:
Another note: my maple leaf trees shed almost all
of it's "butterfly wings", they were small and very
green, which appears premature? I remembered
in previous years that they would grow larger and
turn brown and flutter to the ground to "sow it's

My maple trees also shed all their butterfly wings already. It seemed to happen rather quickly, as compared to years past. In fact, I don't remember my back yard ever being filled with these little seeds, but this year it was. Same for the crab apple tree. I just went and looked, and the "butterfly wings" are mostly brown, but there are a few green ones too.

It is weird, compared to years past. Another Sign of the Times!

After the initial post, the weather turned warm and lovely here for three days and triggered the shedding, at least for the long hair Sheltie. She now needs brushing daily or I have fur ball tumbleweeds blowing through the house. The little rough coat Benji-type dog isn't shedding and neither is the short hair big dog. The weather has now taken a turn back to the typical cool, gray, wetness of the past few months.

Hi Lilou - glad to hear your are back in the states. I was afraid that you were in the middle-east. I'll check out the Mercola K2 advice. Thanks for the tip. I have been able to sneak out on the deck for a little natural D3 this spring on the few occasions when the sun peeks through for a moment.
Rabelais said:
Hi Lilou - glad to hear your are back in the states. I was afraid that you were in the middle-east. ...

I haven't been out of the states since I was last in France. But with things heating up here - new laws and military police, we're making preparations and plans to bug outta here soon. I know the Middle East is a hot spot (not to mention part of the Great Rift Valley!) but, we still had more "freedom" there than here. It's a small pond and we're bigger 'fish' over there. :ninja:

OMG this new icon is too funny - beating a dead horse - :deadhorse: :lol2:
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