2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Statistically, the probability that the results will differ by more than 1% between two samples of a size of several tens of thousands from the same population (the voters of a state) is practically zero.
This is the ABC of the method of quality control by measuring a sample.
Therefore, if the result of the "physical" voting sample gives X and the result of the "proxy" voting sample gives Y and the difference is very large (more than 1%), it is the mathematical demonstration of massive cheating. Statistically, no argument can justify it.
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Statistically, the probability that the results will differ by more than 1% between two samples of a size of several tens of thousands from the same population (the voters of a state) is practically zero.
This is the B A BA of the method of quality control by measuring a sample.
Therefore, if the result of the "physical" voting sample gives X and the result of the "proxy" voting sample gives Y and the difference is very large (more than 1%), it is the mathematical demonstration of massive cheating. Statistically, no argument can justify it.
That seems about right. Voter data as it comes in would be in time series form, which would allow for even more fraud analysis I think.
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Kamala Harris's win is historic, but the 1st U.S. VP of colour was elected 91 years ago

Ignoring that Kamala has not won:

Charles Curtis, the 1st and only Native American vice-president, left behind a controversial legacy
Curtis was a savvy lawyer and Republican politician, and he often described his own rise to success as going from "a Kaw teepee to the Capitol," according to his U.S. Senate biography.

During his political career, he became the fourth Indigenous person elected to the House of Representatives, one of only five Indigenous people elected to the Senate, and eventually, the first and only Native American vice-president.
The AP debunking of the Dominion ties to the DNC is good comedy:

Other social media sleuths pointed to Dominion’s hiring of Nadeam Elshami, Pelosi’s former chief of staff, as part of its lobbying team as alleged evidence of a link between the company and Pelosi.

“What’s the name of the company with all the voting machines that ‘glitch’ to create more votes for Biden? Dominion Voting Systems,” read a tweet from Emerald Robinson, a reporter for the conservative cable network Newsmax. “Who is their DC lobbyist? Nancy Pelosi’s aide.”

It’s true that Elshami is part of a lobbying team representing Dominion, according to public disclosures.

However, that team also includes Brian Wild, who counts Republicans such as former House Speaker John Boehner and former Vice President Dick Cheney among his past bosses.

Posts falsify ties between election tech firm and Democrats

"Our vote rigging company is impartial: We have both Pelosi's and Cheney's people here."
for any pole worker
Actually, it's poll worker, but when I saw pole, I immediately thought polecat! That's Appalachian slang for:


In Southern United States dialect, the term polecat is sometimes used as a colloquial nickname for a skunk.[1]

"Getting skunked means being shut out or to be overwhelmingly defeated" - so rather appropriate.
So.... not only was Hannity's show something of a dud as far as really laying out the scope of the voter fraud (the president even deleted his tweet recommending viewing it for some reason), Trump instead tweeted Laura Ingraham's opening remarks of her show last night (The Angle), and I have to say, she seems to be back on track more re: the voter fraud situation, which she touches on at the end of the segment, as follows (this after a thorough dissection of Biden's disastrous foreign policy objectives, etc.):

Laura Ingraham: Just for the record, despite the "president elect" backdrop, and media shout outs, the final state tallies are not yet in. And President Trump has yet to concede ANYTHING.

CUT TO: NEWS CLIP OF BIDEN w/ reporter asking him: What do you say to the Americans [a recent poll indicates that over 70 million Americans do not believe this was a fair election] that are anxious over the fact that President Trump has yet to concede, and what [might] that might mean for the country?

Biden: Well, um [touching his nose] I just think it's an embarrassment, um, quite frankly.

Reporter: How do you expect to work with Republicans if they won't even acknowledge you as president elect.

Biden [now smiling]: They will.

[end clip]

Laura Ingraham:
Not if the final votes don't go your way, or widespread voter fraud is established -- which will take time. And team Biden's daily posturing, and daily Covid briefings, won't do ANYTHING to hasten that timeline.

And that's "The Angle."

[end video]

On the Tucker front... I'm not going to say it was MY tweet in particular that rattled him (the one where I dressed him down a bit on his "voter fraud light" coverage), but at the end of his show, when he again touched on the subject, he did seem a bit, uh, "defensive." And, yeah, "rattled." He wasn't his usual crisp, smooth self, in other words. The was garbling his words, and frustrated by his trip-ups. Still, he seemed determined to correct any misconceptions regarding the previous night's show. (Yes, I have that effect on people sometimes.) (Ha!)

No Youtube clip to be found... so, maybe I'll transcribe what he said since it wasn't too long... I have the show copied, three at a time, then they are auto-erased to start copying three shows again. So, from last night:

Tucker Carlson: We opened up last night's show by telling you about voter fraud during the last election--it is REAL. We said we're going to keep TRACK of where tha--those investigations are going. We WILL, we'll be doing that all day tomorrow, we'll bring you a much meatier discussion of what we KNOW.

We just want to bring you up to date on a couple of quick developments on that front today. In Pennsylvania, lawmakers are now calling for a bi-partisan* investigatory committee with subpoena power to look into voter fraud there. In FLORIDA, meanwhile, a woman who died in 2017 somehow managed to vote, no word as to who she preferred. And in Puerto Rico, which Democrats would like to make a state, and WILL if they take the Senate, officials have found 174 BOXES of uncounted ballots. BOXES, not ballots. BOXES of ballots. Let's hope it's the 51st state pretty soon [he says as a sardonic aside, although he tripped up a bit on that sly remark too].

So, there are A LOT more stories like that. Do they add up to a TREND? May be. We're going to have that report for you tomorrow because voter fraud ALWAYS matters, no matter the outcome. If you accept voter fraud, you've dismissed the basic premise of democracy.

[end segment]

*Uh, bi-partisan investigatory committee? Are they serious?

Tucker also has that "one dead person voted in Florida" anecdote, which, in my opinion, only demeans this effort to undercover massive voter fraud. As for Puerto Rico, good on the numbers this time, Tucker, but WHY ARE THEY IN PUERTO RICO, if they don't even vote in presidential elections? Right? I assume that's the case. Also: are the votes specifically for Trump?... dumped on Puerto Rico to get them out of the way? More info. needed here, obviously.

Also: these two wind-up lines (below) really bother me. If you could hear him say them it would help explain why that is. He does this sometimes: he spits out these obligatory lines, not out of any true passion for them. Instead, he becomes like a schoolmarm, instructing his clueless little students. In such moments he's pulled out of himself almost. I guess the problem is that it somehow rings false. Not technically speaking. I mean, he'd agree that what he's saying is true, in fact. But just the fact that he feels he has to (or has been directed to) say these things. It's like a disconnect, or something, that seems to happen. A "glitch."

Here are those two lines:

"We're going to have that report for you tomorrow because voter fraud ALWAYS matters, no matter the outcome. If you accept voter fraud, you've dismissed the basic premise of democracy."

Very nice, Tucker. You get a nice big lollipop.

ONE FINAL ITEM: I found something really interesting on Twitter that, if TRUE, could be a very significant find. In fact, I felt compelled to link Tucker to that information, with the hope that he and his researchers would investigate its veracity--wait, am I becoming Tucker's "Deep Throat" or something?

Speaking of computer "glitches" -- and we've been hearing about these glitches related to DOMINION software in this election -- this computer tech person seems to have found a way to track these glitches in the DOMINION software system. The person tweeting this information seems legit too (see tweet below).

What's incredible if this is the real deal is that this person wrote a script that tracks the transfer of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of votes to Biden, as well as tracking "lost" ballots. And he's got a list showing how many such transfers are in each state, and the different software involved, since not all of it is DOMINION. But, topping the list is Pennsylvania with 220,883 "switched" votes, and 941,248 "lost" ballots.

Tech people here should see what you think. It's definitely beyond my know how.

Check it out -- the tweet and the source material since there's a website provided: https://thedonald.win/p/11Q8O2wesk/happening-calling-every-pede-to-/

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- Will you pledge not to declare victory until the election is independently certified?
- Yes
and here's the deal: recount the ballots as you pointed out some of these ballots in some states can't even be opened until election day and if there's thousands of ballots going to take time to do it.

So.... not only was Hannity's show something of a dud as far as really laying out the scope of the voter fraud (the president even deleted his tweet recommending viewing it for some reason), Trump instead tweeted Laura Ingraham's opening remarks of her show last night (The Angle), and I have to say, she seems to be back on track more re: the voter fraud situation, which she touches on at the end of the segment, as follows (this after a thorough dissection of Biden's disastrous foreign policy objectives, etc.):

Laura Ingraham: Just for the record, despite the "president elect" backdrop, and media shout outs, the final state tallies are not yet in. And President Trump has yet to concede ANYTHING.

CUT TO: NEWS CLIP OF BIDEN w/ reporter asking him: What do you say to the Americans [a recent poll indicates that over 70 million Americans do not believe this was a fair election] that are anxious over the fact that President Trump has yet to concede, and what [might] that might mean for the country?

Biden: Well, um [touching his nose] I just think it's an embarrassment, um, quite frankly.

Reporter: How do you expect to work with Republicans if they won't even acknowledge you as president elect.

Biden [now smiling]: They will.

[end clip]

Laura Ingraham:
Not if the final votes don't go your way, or widespread voter fraud is established -- which will take time. And team Biden's daily posturing, and daily Covid briefings, won't do ANYTHING to hasten that timeline.

And that's "The Angle."

[end video]

On the Tucker front... I'm not going to say it was MY tweet in particular that rattled him (the one where I dressed him down a bit on his "voter fraud light" coverage), but at the end of his show, when he again touched on the subject, he did seem a bit, uh, "defensive." And, yeah, "rattled." He wasn't his usual crisp, smooth self, in other words. The was garbling his words, and frustrated by his trip-ups. Still, he seemed determined to correct any misconceptions regarding the previous night's show. (Yes, I have that effect on people sometimes.) (Ha!)

No Youtube clip to be found... so, maybe I'll transcribe what he said since it wasn't too long... I have the show copied, three at a time, then they are auto-erased to start copying three shows again. So, from last night:

Tucker Carlson: We opened up last night's show by telling you about voter fraud during the last election--it is REAL. We said we're going to keep TRACK of where tha--those investigations are going. We WILL, we'll be doing that all day tomorrow, we'll bring you a much meatier discussion of what we KNOW.

We just want to bring you up to date on a couple of quick developments on that front today. In Pennsylvania, lawmakers are now calling for a bi-partisan* investigatory committee with subpoena power to look into voter fraud there. In FLORIDA, meanwhile, a woman who died in 2017 somehow managed to vote, no word as to who she preferred. And in Puerto Rico, which Democrats would like to make a state, and WILL if they take the Senate, officials have found 174 BOXES of uncounted ballots. BOXES, not ballots. BOXES of ballots. Let's hope it's the 51st state pretty soon [he says as a sardonic aside, although he tripped up a bit on that sly remark too].

So, there are A LOT more stories like that. Do they add up to a TREND? May be. We're going to have that report for you tomorrow because voter fraud ALWAYS matters, no matter the outcome. If you accept voter fraud, you've dismissed the basic premise of democracy.

[end segment]

*Uh, bi-partisan investigatory committee? Are they serious?

Tucker also has that "one dead person voted in Florida" anecdote, which, in my opinion, only demeans this effort to undercover massive voter fraud. As for Puerto Rico, good on the numbers this time, Tucker, but WHY ARE THEY IN PUERTO RICO, if they don't even vote in presidential elections? Right? I assume that's the case. Also: are the votes specifically for Trump?... dumped on Puerto Rico to get them out of the way? More info. needed here, obviously.

Also: these two wind-up lines (below) really bother me. If you could hear him say them it would help explain why that is. He does this sometimes: he spits out these obligatory lines, not out of any true passion for them. Instead, he becomes like a schoolmarm, instructing his clueless little students. In such moments he's pulled out of himself almost. I guess the problem is that it somehow rings false. Not technically speaking. I mean, he'd agree that what he's saying is true, in fact. But just the fact that he feels he has to (or has been directed to) say these things. It's like a disconnect, or something, that seems to happen. A "glitch."

Here are those two lines:

"We're going to have that report for you tomorrow because voter fraud ALWAYS matters, no matter the outcome. If you accept voter fraud, you've dismissed the basic premise of democracy."

Very nice, Tucker. You get a nice big lollipop.

ONE FINAL ITEM: I found something really interesting on Twitter that, if TRUE, could be a very significant find. In fact, I felt compelled to link Tucker to that information, with the hope that he and his researchers would investigate its veracity--wait, am I becoming Tucker's "Deep Throat" or something?

Speaking of computer "glitches" -- and we've been hearing about these glitches related to DOMINION software in this election -- this computer tech person seems to have found a way to track these glitches in the DOMINION software system. The person tweeting this information seems legit too (see tweet below).

What's incredible if this is the real deal is that this person wrote a script that tracks the transfer of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of votes to Biden, as well as tracking "lost" ballots. And he's got a list showing how many such transfers are in each state, and the different software involved, since not all of it is DOMINION. But, topping the list is Pennsylvania with 220,883 "switched" votes, and 941,248 "lost" ballots.

Tech people here should see what you think. It's definitely beyond my know how.

Check it out -- the tweet and the source material since there's a website provided: https://thedonald.win/p/11Q8O2wesk/happening-calling-every-pede-to-/

View attachment 40170
Here's the website for the above tweet:

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