Last time I remember anyone in such a position proposing/ordering such a route with much less clear words, that person was shot in Dallas. What he means by "All wars must end" remains to be seen though, since he could refer to the duration of wars (make it "quick" in other words) rather than stopping wars or stop new wars in general.
Made me curious who Christopher Charles Miller is. Here is an interview with him shortly before he was promoted into that position:
Yes, Miller makes a very bold statement right now which basically reveals the 2nd term’s foreign policy intention to really “shift” away from decades of global imperial expansion (yes, this was their intention going in 4 years ago) - amazing if they can hold to their word.
This has also got to create some major cognitive dissonance for the anti-war lefty never Trumpers. Not to mention the media spin it would take to paint this in a negative light (I haven’t checked, yet).
But really, the prospect of the US purposely focusing on a true defense strategy a kin to Switzerland or even Russia (But Putin forced them too! ) is probably really throwing the war pigs off.
Of course the “secret team” always lurks and I wouldn’t put it past them to throw a big false flag (at least try) — alien invasion unites the world and a ushers in a new order? - good grief.
The average American exceptionalist will have a lot to reconcile...