2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

I think that Trump’s team needs to move quickly if they can have a chance to succeed. The moment Biden’s count hits 270, I’m sure the press and leaders around the world will declare him the winner, and also label Trump as the illegal president forever. And Antifa and other gangs are likely waiting for the start signal and start rioting because “Trump is stealing the election”.

The window of opportunity for Trump is shrinking every day.
I think it's interesting, though, that they haven't already made the call for Biden. MSM has tremendous hubris, but in this instance, it's a bit scared maybe. Last night, Supreme Court Justice Alito ordered Pennsylvania to segregate all ballots cast after the due date/time, which is what the state refused to do. Trump has the constitution on his side, and, of course, the loyalty of his followers. If the MSM makes a misstep in this very volatile situation, it could go very poorly for them. Some are even talking about the end of MSM. It's a matter of public perception. Perhaps even people on the left are wondering about the validity of the election and its coverage. I'm just speculating, but it could be part of why the MSM is holding back.
After reading the replys to Becker's tweet, I'm pumped.


Kyle Becker


In Texas, Dominion Voting Systems was turned down THREE TIMES for certification in state elections. It listed numerous reasons why the system had major security issues. Dominion is now linked to voting irregularities in both MI & GA. TEXAS KNEW

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