2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

:rotfl:Imagine being that naively innocent. Truly I envy these people sometimes.

Here, in England, lots of people celebrating and getting overloaded by people sending memes about Trump being a loser.

It reminds me of when they said they killed Osama and you had the people in New York shouting USA USA USA USA. It was very cringe worthy.

Decency down the tube.

Personally, I'm getting ridiculed for even daring to question anything that isn't approved by the mainstream. Surrounded by people who have been completely and so thoroughly brainwashed
Trump has not conceded yet. As per his last tweet, quite the opposite, in fact.

Some say he will still go to court.

What will this mean?

I'm not sure a sitting president has ever not conceded before. I can perfectly understand his not doing so -- at least not yet -- given how this has gone down. Also, he holds the indignation of everyone who's rooting for him.

If he goes to court, wouldn't he need another means to get the word out beside Twitter? Fox has behaved abominably. Even other media are saying "projected winner." They are declaring Biden the president elect.

It's so strange to actually SEE how this all works, how the media acts to CUT OUT ANY AND EVERYTHING it chooses. It renders a kind of blindness -- we aren't allowed to see what is going on with the president of the most powerful country on earth.

But he's no quitter -- not when such an injustice has taken place.

What happens next??

(@bjorn, just saw your post)
:rotfl:Imagine being that naively innocent. Truly I envy these people sometimes.
It's not innocence; some folks just don't want to see fraud and think Biden is going to be good. I guess we'll see. Hard to eat popcorn on a rollercoaster but it will be exciting. What a spectacle. Left or right, liberal or conservative, there's going to be some serious fallout regardless of the final verdict. Don't envy the naive. If or when this thing flips it's gonna be mania, and probably if it doesn't...
It's not innocence; some folks just don't want to see fraud and think Biden is going to be good. I guess we'll see. Hard to eat popcorn on a rollercoaster but it will be exciting. What a spectacle. Left or right, liberal or conservative, there's going to be some serious fallout regardless of the final verdict. Don't envy the naive. If or when this thing flips it's gonna be mania, and probably if it doesn't...
You're absolutely right. I also have no illusion, many of these people are absolute sociopaths but I can't help but be fascinated by the simplicity of a mind that thinks to itself that "the world" is in some rainbow place if good boy Biden wins. It's just so perfect. 🤣
Most of the people I know from America, friends that I made online, are celebrating the "triumph" of Biden over Trump. I've been an observer for the most part, and I'd rather stay that way. While I'd suggest things and link articles, they would get completely dismissed or ignored, so I gave up. If things unfold the way that most of us predict up there, may it turn into a big lesson for all. The left manipulating votes to stay in power, that I'm no stranger to, because it probably happened the same thing in my country. I can see them doing that. With the support of the MSM, literal years of programming, the deep state doubling up their efforts to not repeat the "2016 incident" and the corps pumping money like crazy, I can see why "evil" won this move. However, this is far from over. Anyone want some popcorn? I made tons of it.

I just hope my American friends are okay. I know they mean no evil, they were conditioned by their bubble of information and constant manipulation.
En France, BIDEN est annoncé comme 46ème président des Etats Unis et les gens ont l'air content...
Pas moi... Les Cassiopéens nous ont dit que ce serait Trump alors je leur fais confiance...

In France, BIDEN is announced as the 46th President of the United States and people look happy...
Not me... The Cassiopeans told us it would be Trump so I trust them...
Yes, sadly I think it's a done deal.

People keep saying Trump is playing 4D chess here but I think he just couldn't stop the cheating. The machine against the people is too big and powerful.

Democracy doesn't exist.

There's just those who rule and those who get ruled.

Take care. It's a sad day for the light.
Why do you say that? That the press would announce this was quite expected. I don't think it will stop Trump's team of filing law suits. Of course the pressure and bullying will intensify astronomically, but Trump has 'been there done that'.

Actually, I think that this announcement by the press just makes it more obvious to many how complicit they are.
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