The election of Donald Trump, particularly on the heels of the failed Obama administration, was a bridge too far for the intolerant, elitist left. How could this old white man have beaten their oh-so-overrated Hillary? He won because a majority of Americans were and remain sick to death of the coastal elites’ contempt for them. They were and remain sick to death of their constant drive to remake society into their dreamscape of a tiered society, rather like India’s caste system, that categorizes people not by class but by victim status.
With themselves at the top, as American nobility, the left’s mandarin wannabees seek to force those of us not of their exalted class to live by the rules they devise (from which they exempt themselves). Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, and Joe Biden, for whom profit always came before people, have all become fabulously wealthy by trading on the power they’ve all wielded in government. Trump became a wealthy man by building things, by employing tens of thousands of people around the world. That alone was enough to engender their hatred. That he campaigned on his promise to drain the swamp they all inhabit was too much to bear. He had to be utterly destroyed. So, they set out to do just that.