2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Who thinks Trump will even get due process?

If democracy is dead, what makes people think the judicial system hasn't also been corrupted?

I think Trump will try but he will not get due process.

I expect the courts to uphold the result and spew some stuff about democracy and how the "evidence" gathered by Trump and his team isn't evidence.

I suspect this is why high ranking republicans have been quiet throughout this week. They KNOW the script. They KNOW Trump is done. They've moved into self preservation mode. This is Rome all over again.
Trump has been through the gauntlet already. Maybe he can surprise us, and do so again -- oh, and prevail, I mean!
Who thinks Trump will even get due process?

If democracy is dead, what makes people think the judicial system hasn't also been corrupted?

I think Trump will try but he will not get due process.

I expect the courts to uphold the result and spew some stuff about democracy and how the "evidence" gathered by Trump and his team isn't evidence.

I suspect this is why high ranking republicans have been quiet throughout this week. They KNOW the script. They KNOW Trump is done. They've moved into self preservation mode. This is Rome all over again.
Relax. You're kind of freaking out. Take a short break. Let's see what happens with recounts and lawsuits, etc. Chin up. It's a tough day. I get it, and wish DJT team would push a little harder, but the game is afoot. Stay tuned.
Trump has been through the gauntlet already. Maybe he can surprise us, and do so again -- oh, and, prevail, I mean!

Maybe. He's just a man though. Every man has their limit.

Let's wait and see. Maybe he gets help. He needs help. Not just from his people but from an institution that has deep credibility. Maybe the supreme court? I doubt it'll come from there though.

I still contend that only the intelligence agencies can rescue him as they will have ALL the information.

It does look like the intelligence agencies were involved in the fraud. At least with the "malfunctioning" software, probably with the logistical planning, the execution on the ground etc. This was a MASSIVE operation that would have had to need some good coordination.

The banksters don't like Trump.

The mainstream media don't like Trump.

Western Europe governments don't like Trump. He's been busy bullying Germany all these years over the Russian pipeline... He's not maintained the relationship with his British counterparts.

China don't like him following Huawei-gate and the trade wars.

Russia probably don't like him either - nordstream plus loads more.

Where's his help coming from? I just don't see it. His team will try but I don't think they carry the weight needed to make this change.

This is a game played by those at the top and from what I see, it's all about building alliances. Without alliances you don't survive.

It's not the citizens that keep you at the top, it's the allies you make who are already at the top. Scratch my back, I scratch your back kind of thing. This is what I see from my observer position.
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Maybe as the C's said "sit back and enjoy the show." Try not to be invested in either side. Can anyone really say what's going to happen? The present is currently a nightmare with Covid. Remember the future is open. Observe and be aware. Enjoy the show.

The Left’s Attempt To Steal the Election — Just Another Night in The Deep State​

The election of Donald Trump, particularly on the heels of the failed Obama administration, was a bridge too far for the intolerant, elitist left. How could this old white man have beaten their oh-so-overrated Hillary? He won because a majority of Americans were and remain sick to death of the coastal elites’ contempt for them. They were and remain sick to death of their constant drive to remake society into their dreamscape of a tiered society, rather like India’s caste system, that categorizes people not by class but by victim status.

With themselves at the top, as American nobility, the left’s mandarin wannabees seek to force those of us not of their exalted class to live by the rules they devise (from which they exempt themselves). Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, and Joe Biden, for whom profit always came before people, have all become fabulously wealthy by trading on the power they’ve all wielded in government. Trump became a wealthy man by building things, by employing tens of thousands of people around the world. That alone was enough to engender their hatred. That he campaigned on his promise to drain the swamp they all inhabit was too much to bear. He had to be utterly destroyed. So, they set out to do just that.
If Americans had not realized how vile these Democrats can be, they saw first-hand just how diabolical they are at heart. These are cruel, evil people for whom the truth means nothing. Getting and keeping power is all that matters.

The Democrats and all the shadowy groups that do their dirty work behind the scenes have been planning to prevent a Trump second term for four years. For example, the Transition Integrity Project and the Lincoln Project made up of former-Republican NeverTrumpers are just two of many organizations created solely to defeat the President.
So, when on Tuesday night it was clear that all the battleground states were going Trump’s way, they acted. The network shut down the state victory calls for Trump the moment all the betting odds were favoring a Trump win.

The Chinese yuan began to tank. Fox fatuously called Arizona for Biden long before they should have and refused to call for Trump the states that he had clearly won: North Carolina, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. All those states were won by Trump on election night. But all those states’ leftist governors, AGs, and election officials knew what they were meant to do: put a stop to the Trump victory. In the middle of the night thousands of ballots suddenly appeared in those states to stop the Biden bleeding; all of those magic ballots were overwhelmingly for Biden. Imagine that!
They just never expected the election to be close. They never thought they would be so exposed. But they have been. They’ve cheated their way into a stand-off. Trump must fight for his rightful and deserved four more years. He needs to hold a few more rallies over the next weeks in order to explain to his supporters just how criminal the Democrat cheating has been. He can use that jumbotron to show just how traitorous they are.
Bottom line? Trump was re-elected by the American people on November 3rd.They know it, he knows it and the media scoundrels know it. They have all proven once again that they are the enemies of the people and now more people than ever know it.
Relax. You're kind of freaking out. Take a short break. Let's see what happens with recounts and lawsuits, etc. Chin up. It's a tough day. I get it, and wish DJT team would push a little harder, but the game is afoot. Stay tuned.

I'm not freaking out... Giving my view. I noticed your down votes showing you don't like what I have to say. I'm not breaking any rules by saying things you may not agree with!

Speaking of views, before the elections, I attended a talk with some Fund Managers. Reported on what they had to say here:

Just sat at a roadshow talk by some Fund Manager from Legal and General where he's giving their current view of what's affecting global markets and the future outlook of said markets. Should qualify by saying I don't work in this field, this guys go around doing a roadshow to some companies up and down the country. I just sat in to listen and see.

The view is that the financial markets are heavily dependent on the release of the vaccine.

They are expecting mass vaccinations by Q2 / Q3 next year.

If this gets pushed out I guess the financial overloads won't be happy.

Other things he's saying is the usual stuff - US elections. Polls showing Biden winning but he mentioned something else showing Trump coming out on top. Basically they don't know! They know about people not being truthful with polls... They are calling them "shy Trumpists." They are saying that they are polling loads more "bigoted old white men" (direct quote) in America which they didn't last elections. Factoring this in they still have Biden winning but they admit there's this shy Trumpists still out there. Worst outcome for markets is divided house in America - one democrat, one republican.

Other thing is the "second wave" in Europe which apparently is unexpected! They were expecting the European governments to take Asia's lead in controlling the virus and employ nuanced measures and lockdowns.

Other interesting thing he's talking about is how Google mobility data is used to gauge economic economic activity.

Don't like how these guys talk like they own and control the world.

They are recommending a website: Good judgement project which is based on forecasting and how forecasters can outperform people with good information. Forecasters are people who are good at making decisions under uncertainty. Apparently there's a book about that. Sounds like some special group.

These "forecasters" are saying 50% chance vaccine is here by April 2021. No mention of safety / efficacy of these vaccines... Markets are just banking on the vaccines being released for mass use, in whatever form.

Just been making these notes as I heard them.
On top of having Biden win, they said that as soon as he gets in, there will be a MASSIVE aid package from the Dems. They also had vaccinations taking place around April, so when Biden is in place.

Maybe the Dems will use this package to effectively buy those who supported Trump but weren't fanatical about their support
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Maybe. He's just a man though. Every man has their limit.

You discover your limits after every setback. You either give up, or get going. This is what builds character. Take note that the stronger you mentally get, the lesser you suffer. Hard lesson such as these are worth it.

Trump will carry on because it's the right thing to do. The odds don't matter.

Let's wait and see. Maybe he gets help. He needs help. Not just from his people but from an institution that has deep credibility. Maybe the supreme court? I doubt it'll come from there though.

A good lesson is not to stress about situations you can't control. And focus on the things you actually can. We have no idea how the Supreme court will react. So we just have to wait and see and not invest to much energy in it.

My 2 cents.
I'm not freaking out... Giving my view. I noticed your down votes showing you don't like what I have to say. I'm not breaking any rules by saying things you may not agree with!

Speaking of view, before the elections, I attended a talk with some Fund Managers. Reported on what they had to say here:

On top of having Biden win, they said that as soon as he gets in, there will be a MASSIVE aid package from the Dems. They also has made vaccinations taking place around April, so when Biden is in place.

Maybe the Dems will use this package to effectively buy those who supported Trump but weren't fanatical about their support
I upvoted several of your comments, just not the last, I think, two. Deep breaths.
I upvoted several of your comments, just not the last, I think, two. Deep breaths.

Okay, deep breaths.

thank you @sbeaudry 🙂

Hold the line! It's not over yet.

Interesting Poland is on the list. Trump has been keeping them sweet for a long time! Poles now can even go to the US Visa-free which is something Trump brought in for them. Obviously been keeping them sweet to keep Russia bitter.
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