2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

There comes a point where the only choices left are bad ones and freewill is meaningless. Not quite there yet, though.
Just wanted to respond to this as well... IMO we always have the power to choose how we respond to the situation we find ourselves in. Obviously that's easier said than done and its a choice that must be made continuously, but there are many examples of this if we look for them. Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl and Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn have many good examples of this and both were life changing reads for me and I find myself reflecting on them frequently. Frankl's book is short and quick to read, so I would highly recommend it to everyone if you haven't read it. Gulag Archipelago is much longer but it is a page turner, I found myself staying up at night to read the abridged addition and when I finished I wished I had gotten the unabridged version.

Often times, when our back is against wall, when the odds are against us, when no options seem to be left, our behavior and thinking are radically different than what we are accustomed to. Perhaps is it due to the fight or flight mode triggered, but each time I was under pressure I was able to draw on inner strengths and skills I didn't knew I had. Just like adding constraints and rules in artistic endeavors gives to many a "creative boost" of sort, overcoming the "blank page syndrome". I think that the reactions we may have can't be anticipated at all when cornered.

The alternative to wield the power to choose is to give up on life essentially, therefore ending up metaphorically or literally dead. No free will, no life. OSIT.

Mother of Officer Sicknick confirms media got cause of death wrong: ‘He wasn’t hit on the head’

I can't predict the future and don't know what the plan is, but here's one thing I know from observation during the past 4 years:

Donald J. Trump has an EXCEPTIONAL ability and talent for handing out rope to people who then gleefully and unsuspectingly hang themselves with it.

SCOTUS just did it.

Biden is losing support amongst various groups every day. Let him win (give him rope) and watch him destroy himself.

We're being shown how far, wide and high the corruption is. We may next be shown the depth of it in military--this is the scary part.

Meanwhile Trump is happily golfing in the sun. Does he look stressed to you?

I've no idea how this is going to play out, but remember the "rope" tactic. It is real.
I can't predict the future and don't know what the plan is, but here's one thing I know from observation during the past 4 years:

Donald J. Trump has an EXCEPTIONAL ability and talent for handing out rope to people who then gleefully and unsuspectingly hang themselves with it.

SCOTUS just did it.

Biden is losing support amongst various groups every day. Let him win (give him rope) and watch him destroy himself.

We're being shown how far, wide and high the corruption is. We may next be shown the depth of it in military--this is the scary part.

Meanwhile Trump is happily golfing in the sun. Does he look stressed to you?

I've no idea how this is going to play out, but remember the "rope" tactic. It is real.

I think Trump will be quite relieved that the economic crash ('reset') will not happen under his watch.
Miles Mathis: "The January 6 “Attack on the Capitol” was Staged"
-> http://mileswmathis.com/jan6.pdf

His conclusion:
[...]So, in conclusion, I remind you that not only was the attack on the Capitol a fake, staged from the
Pentagon, but every group on both sides of this riot was fake, including the Proud Boys, Antifa, the
Oath Keepers, BLM, MAGA, and Qanon. Intelligence is behind every single one of them, and the
point of them all is to create division. They want the left and the right screaming at one another and
pointing fingers and making threats, because if that is happening your eyes are off the real bad guys:
the government propagandists and their bosses in the Phoenician Navy. They have to keep your mind
off the trillions they are stealing from the worldwide treasuries, ever more boldly. They have to keep
you from revolting against the masks and vaccines and the Federal Reserve and the bankers and the
billionaires, so they manufacture a daily dose of hatred for you to swallow, directed at your fellow man
on the street. To prevent a necessary revolution of poor against rich, they create these fake divisions
between left and right, male and female, old and young, black and white. But don't let them. Get up
every morning and remind yourself who the real enemy is. If you don't, they will supply you with a
fake one by the time you have finished your coffee.
Steven Crowder's show returned at the beginning of this month, and this week published evidence of specific votes having been cast for or by people with non-existent addresses. In these show notes, they explain how they did it:
  • Here's how we did it:
    • Our researchers downloaded the voter data, freely available on a number of government websites. Some states require payment, but we ended up with millions of voter records.
    • Then we ran a computer script on the voter files which checked if each address was considered deliverable by USPS.
    • If an address was marked undeliverable by USPS, the building may still exist — for example, Apache Indians don't receive mail at their reservations. So, we ran another check against each undeliverable address on real estate records, to establish if there had ever been a registered property there.
    • From that, we ended up with a shortlist of non-existent addresses, and studied these on Google Maps, taking a virtual walk around the streets using the little yellow man to find out if they were fakes.
Crowder and team wanted to just keep going like this, but they're trying to 'walk the line' with social media platforms' "community guidelines" regarding what they can or cannot claim about election fraud. So their lawyer advised them to make the additional step of physically visiting these 'residential addresses' to verify that they do not in fact exist.

They ended up with a sample of 20 cases [10 in Clark County (Las Vegas), Nevada, and 10 in Wayne County (Detroit), Michigan] to go visit and physically check. The relevant segment of the show begins here:

Crowder is hoping that people watching his show will follow his lead and check vote records against actual addresses, possibly generating some kind of momentum towards opening official investigations:
  • Try it yourself. Go to your local elections website and check out the addresses.
    • Many government websites allow you to download voter data for free. For example you can download data for Las Vegas on the Clark County website.
    • This is a useful guide to what information is available from which states.
    • Access To and Use Of Voter Registration Lists
Twitter then briefly blocked the @scrowder account when he posted notification of that show (from Feb 23), reinstated it when they complained, but left that particular tweet 'un-interactable' so that it couldn't be shared or commented on. In Crowder's subsequent show (Feb 24), he further explained their vote-checking methods and general strategy of trying to hold the tech companies to their own 'standards'.

Among the 20 cases they verified as fake votes, one was done on behalf of a criminal currently in prison, and another was by (or on behalf of) a Las Vegas lawyer and (former?) Clinton staffer named Christina Gupano, who was outed by Project Veritas back in 2015 for hiring polling workers and telling them, "whatever you can get away with, just do it."

She later 'went missing' after getting caught breaking campaign laws and being investigated by the state of Nevada. Crowder's team found that Gupano has postal address listing her as currently being in London, while her Instagram account placed her in the Philippines last Christmas... yet she 'voted' two months earlier in the 2020 election from a Las Vegas address that doesn't physically exist.
Firstly, it needs to be said that while I don’t think Jordan Peterson himself thinks the 2020 election was stolen, judging by his interview with Gaad Saad, at 9 minutes 37 seconds in, where he says…

Jordan B. Peterson said:
Ok, so, I guess these questions are particularly germane given what happened in Washington in the last two weeks, and what still might happen in the next few days, but we’ll see. Um… I’ve noticed… recently, among friends and family members as well as more broadly in the culture, that there IS a pronounced increase in the degree to which conspiratorial theories in particular, and paranoid theories, are propagating on the right, I think. Now, I don’t know much about QAnon, I’ve been out of the loop, and I should be more on top of that, but I’m not, but I DO know that it’s popular and pervasive. And I DO know that Trump’s claims to have won the election are supported by a network of conspiratorial thinking. I was speaking to Douglas Murray about that – and you tell me what you think about this – this is sort of the conclusion of our discussion was that, so Trump claims that he lost – or that he won the election, and that he won by a substantial margin. That’s the claims as far as I’ve been able to understand them. And then to believe that, this is what you have to believe: you have to believe the electoral system in the United States is broken to the degree that fraud is widespread and pervasive and of sufficient magnitude to move an election. You have to believe that people as close to Trump as Mike Pence have become part of a conspiratorial network or have been shut down by people who have been able to put sufficient pressure on him. You have to believe that the judiciary in the United States, which I believe has ruled something like 60 times against his claims and 1 time in favour, you have to believe that IT’S become, um, uncontrollably corrupt, even on the Republican’s side, even when those Republicans were nominated by Trump or Trump’s people. AND you have to believe that the only person standing on the moral high ground through all of this has been Trump. And each of those propositions seems to be… have a low probability of truth, and the combined probability is infinitesimally small. So… BUT, there is wide-spread support for Trump’s claims that he won the election and was robbed of it. And so…

(Linked below)


…nevertheless, I still found his words, from the book ’12 Rules for Life’, to be particularly relevant not only to this election, but also on how the US got to this state, as well as the potential future lying ahead.

Jordan B. Peterson: 12 Rules for Life: P.160 said:
When the lies get big enough, the whole world spoils. But if you look close enough, the biggest of lies is composed of smaller lies, and those are composed of still smaller lies – and the smallest of lies is where the big lie starts. It is not the mere misstatement of fact. It is instead an act that has the aspect of the most serious conspiracy ever to possess the race of man. Its seeming innocuousness, its trivial circumventing of responsibility that it aims at – these all work effectively to camouflage its true nature, its genuine dangerousness, and its equivalence with the great acts of evil that man perpetrates and often enjoys. Lies corrupt the world. Worse, that is their intent.

First, a little lie; then several little lies to prop it up. After that, distorted thinking to avoid the shame that those lies produce, then a few more lies to cover up the consequences of the distorted thinking. Then, most terribly, the transformation of those now necessary lies through practice into automated, specialized, structural, neurologically instantiated “unconscious” belief and action. Then the sickening of experience itself as action predicated on falsehood fails to produce the results intended. If you don’t believe in brick walls, you will still be injured when you run headlong into one. Then you will curse reality itself for producing the wall.

After that comes the arrogance and sense of superiority that inevitably accompanies the production of successful lies (hypothetically successful lies – and that is one of the greatest dangers: apparently everyone is fooled, so everyone is stupid, except me. Everyone is stupid and fooled by me – so I can get away with whatever I want). Finally, there is the proposition: “Being itself is susceptible to my manipulations. Thus, it deserves no respect.”

That’s things falling apart. Hell comes when lies have destroyed the relationship between individual or state and reality itself. Things fall apart. Life degenerates. Everything becomes frustration and disappointment. Hope consistently betrays. The deceitful individual desperately gestures at sacrifice, like Cain, but fails to please God. Then the drama enters its final act.

Tortured by constant failure, the individual becomes bitter. Disappointment and failure amalgamate, and produce a fantasy: the world is bent on my personal suffering, and particular undoing, my destruction. I need, I deserve, I must have – my revenge. That’s the gateway to hell. That’s when the underworld, a terrifying and unfamiliar place, becomes misery itself.

Personally, when I read the above passage, I experienced many glimpses of those “smaller (or further removed from our times, thus appearing smaller in terms of “distance” as opposed to “size”) lies” that lead us here – the Kennedy assassination, Bush’s stolen election against Gore, the London bombings, the endless smaller scale false flag operations that pepper the decades since 911, etc. – all culminating in the election fiasco we witnessed before our very eyes.

By the time I got to the end of Peterson’s passage though, these flashes of the many images of the decades since 911, and many more before then, gathered together into one horrifying possibility…

Now, I know I am speculating, but please bear with me, as I do have a point to make of all this that I thought was worth sharing with everyone, which will become clear by the end…

What if, when viewing things in light of what we know is possible from the hypothetical 4D perspective, these recent events, chiefly the whole COVID scam, working in tandem with the 2020 elections (since the 2020 elections couldn’t have turned out the way they did without the very convenient COVID scare operating as a backdrop), provides appropriate context as to why, for instance, most governments around the world stayed silent when 911 occurred?

Perhaps 911 was the attempt to get the US to swallow a smaller falsehood (in comparison with this one), as well as simultaneously acting as an impetus to goad the US citizenry into acting upon that lie, passively in the form of remaining silent, giving consent, etc., and actively by participating in that bloody war in Iraq (as well as many other wars, in many other places)?

What if now, since all the comparatively smaller lies surrounding 911 have already been swallowed, acted upon and internalized, the fruit was ripe for the 2020 election results in the US, and more broadly, for the “Counter-COVID measures” (which remains to be seen) on the global level?

More importantly though, I wondered: since lies don’t just need to be swallowed and accepted, but have to be acted upon (Free will could not be abridged if you had not obliged), what is the impetus by which the global citizenry are being goaded into acting upon THAT lie? Then it hit me…

It’s (in part at least) the vaccination, isn’t it?

See, while perhaps appearing fairly innocuous at face value to most, and especially when viewed as disconnected from everything else going on, the vaccine is more than just an object made of its composite parts in the material sense; it is also the beginnings of a tacit agreement between the person taking the vaccine and the “body” of corrupt individuals and vested interests that make up the PTB, the very individuals who stole the election, and the people who stood to benefit from it. It is more than dodgy science, potential health hazard, an experiment, and all the rest of what has been covered on Sott and elsewhere, it is also part and parcel of the 2020 election itself; it contains a dose of the LIE that is the 2020 election within its metaphysical, etheric, or hyper-dimensional composition. It is an action that demonstrates implicit trust in the PTB and their presupposed interest in the welfare of the masses. It is also a support structure, a pillar if you will, that will prop up greater lies still.

I hope that I am wrong, that I got overly paranoid, or that I am being too black-and-white on this matter, so please correct me, as always, if I am mistaken or being too extreme… but judging by how people are taking their vaccines, it’s all looking pretty bleak from where I am standing right now.
Now, I know I am speculating, but please bear with me, as I do have a point to make of all this that I thought was worth sharing with everyone, which will become clear by the end…

What if, when viewing things in light of what we know is possible from the hypothetical 4D perspective, these recent events, chiefly the whole COVID scam, working in tandem with the 2020 elections (since the 2020 elections couldn’t have turned out the way they did without the very convenient COVID scare operating as a backdrop), provides appropriate context as to why, for instance, most governments around the world stayed silent when 911 occurred?

Perhaps 911 was the attempt to get the US to swallow a smaller falsehood (in comparison with this one), as well as simultaneously acting as an impetus to goad the US citizenry into acting upon that lie, passively in the form of remaining silent, giving consent, etc., and actively by participating in that bloody war in Iraq (as well as many other wars, in many other places)?

What if now, since all the comparatively smaller lies surrounding 911 have already been swallowed, acted upon and internalized, the fruit was ripe for the 2020 election results in the US, and more broadly, for the “Counter-COVID measures” (which remains to be seen) on the global level?

More importantly though, I wondered: since lies don’t just need to be swallowed and accepted, but have to be acted upon (Free will could not be abridged if you had not obliged), what is the impetus by which the global citizenry are being goaded into acting upon THAT lie? Then it hit me…

It’s (in part at least) the vaccination, isn’t it?

See, while perhaps appearing fairly innocuous at face value to most, and especially when viewed as disconnected from everything else going on, the vaccine is more than just an object made of its composite parts in the material sense; it is also the beginnings of a tacit agreement between the person taking the vaccine and the “body” of corrupt individuals and vested interests that make up the PTB, the very individuals who stole the election, and the people who stood to benefit from it. It is more than dodgy science, potential health hazard, an experiment, and all the rest of what has been covered on Sott and elsewhere, it is also part and parcel of the 2020 election itself; it contains a dose of the LIE that is the 2020 election within its metaphysical, etheric, or hyper-dimensional composition. It is an action that demonstrates implicit trust in the PTB and their presupposed interest in the welfare of the masses. It is also a support structure, a pillar if you will, that will prop up greater lies still.

I hope that I am wrong, that I got overly paranoid, or that I am being too black-and-white on this matter, so please correct me, as always, if I am mistaken or being too extreme… but judging by how people are taking their vaccines, it’s all looking pretty bleak from where I am standing right now.

Here's my take on it, FWIW.

Each lie a person "swallow" up the stakes regarding the impact facing the truth would make on them. For instance, putting myself in the shoes of a patriot (of any country), facing the fact that my country waged illegal wars in foreign countries, that my beloved government is spying on and manipulating its citizens considering them as a potential threat, that the system is so corrupt that even "holy democracy" is merely a facade for a pathocratic empire, all of that and much, much more would be like shattering all I think I knew about my country, my past, my identity even.
From that point of view, the cost of truth for some people is seen by themselves (unconsciously, since they are in denial) as "too high". Taking the vaccine is going one step further by actively taking part in this false reality. And it will have much more dramatic consequences (health related first and foremost) for those taking this step.

But you also have people who are not entirely conviced but will get vaccinated with a bit of an "incentive", either through threats or manufactured hardships. You have also the case of the ignorant and naive people, which haven't thought through the issue and will get their free will robbed easily. The reality is probably far more complex than that, especially when taking into account the circulation of true informationon the internet about what is going on. It would be hard to quantify the impact it has on the matter (even at a subconscious level). When there's doubt, there's hope.

So far, correct me if I'm wrong, we haven't seen a real enthusiasm by the people at large for the vaccination campaigns. Even with all the fear mongering going on. So there's still hope that a critical "awakening point" may be reached before an all-out dystopian future tipping point. Let's do our best and we'll see how that goes :-)
Miles Mathis: "The January 6 “Attack on the Capitol” was Staged"
-> http://mileswmathis.com/jan6.pdf

His conclusion:
Hi @moyal.

I thought I'd further the ongoing discussion (on threads like this one) about source. Miles Mathis admits in his piece he links to re: the 2020 election fraud that his sources are Zero Hedge, Natural News, and Alex Jones. So, he's on very shaky ground right there. I haven't read either of these articles in their entirely but right off the bat with the election fraud piece his analysis is far too simplistic. While I agree there are a lot of shady areas with Trump -- it's been difficult to know just how tied to the Deep State he actually is -- but to miss the fact that he represents a phenomenon around which a new populist movement has emerged makes me question Mathis' analysis skills, if not his intentions. I agree that partisan politics is problematic. I'm always stepping back from it, trying to gauge things from a wider perspective. Still, the "fight" this current populist movement is engaged in does represent pretty down to earth concerns, including constitutional rights (by the way), and so my sympathies go in that direction regardless of how I feel about knee jerk partisan politics, which is always problematic.

As always, at least for myself, it's useful to develop the ability to hold two thoughts simultaneously. While it's important to question partisan politics, and other devices being used to divide us, that shouldn't mean throwing the baby out with the bath water. If there is a worthwhile "fight" (and I'm not talking about violence, but populist forms of political action, including donating time and or money, and engaging in discussion), then the powers that be will want to disrupt that perspective as well. We see how they do this too since they do it constantly. For example, as we've seen for a long time now, the left is acting both overtly and covertly like domestic terrorists, so what do they do? They accuse Trump supporters of being that themselves. And because they do this "projection" routine so thoroughly and consistently, it really does create this twisted form of "mirroring realities." Theirs is the "fun house" version of the truth because of this incessant lying and propagandizing.

Having said that, staying with the truth is not always easy given the insidious nature of the deep state, and how it infiltrates all of our efforts. Regardless of all that, it's important not to do away with common sense, which is what a lot of these actual conspiracy theorists tend to do (including Mathis). They play on our skepticism, and destroy what should be obvious to us (always remember the "flat earth" phenomenon, and how that preyed on and perverted many people's legitimate skepticism regarding the mainstream).

Also on the issue of source: right now I've been following George Webb more closely, trying to determine what kind of source he actually represents. I'm baffled why he's allowed on Twitter. I believe he lost his account on Youtube but is now appearing on another Youtube channel with some of his associates. Unlike Mathis' take, Webb didn't think the shooting of Ashli Babbitt was fake, based on the footage. He indicated she was led to her execution, in fact, with a senate aide on her left and another operative dressed in black on her right (each taking her by the arm as she entered). Then there was the hand with the gun appearing left of screen, with specific bracelets on the wrist that helped identify the shooter as the Washington security person involved in Congressman's Scalise near murder. As I understand it, he was Scalise's body guard but didn't do his job -- it was someone else who stepped in to save Scalise.

Anyway, I haven't looked into the Ashli Babbit scenario more than that. Even though she's a vet (possibly tied to intelligence) and even if she happens to be Jewish that doesn't automatically mean she was part of the capitol operation as Mathis is saying. I'm not saying she wasn't either. I'm just questioning his automatic assumption. Also: why wouldn't Webb, who is all over such "ties," have indicated as much? So, more work would need to be done in order to come to such conclusion

On a somewhat related topic, if the "Yahweh" book by Guyenot is even half correct you'd think we'd be hearing a lot more about the Mossad's involvement in present domestic terror operations. Maybe such info. is out there, I just haven't come across it.

In so speaking, I've been thinking it might be useful to assess present domestic terror operations in light of the cited material in the "Yahweh" book, specifically Guyenot's contention that the CIA's involvement in the JFK assassination has been misrepresented -- if it's true the CIA's actual intention was a "near miss," not an actual assassination. As the story goes, this misrepresentation of the CIA's almost exclusive involvement then became the focus of virtually all of the subsequent theories surrounding JFK's death -- as opposed to Guyonot's claim (in citing a researcher whose name escapes me) that the Mossad infiltrated the CIA operation so as to succeed in carrying out an actual assassination.

In other words, in light of the research in that book -- which should also be examined closely for its own potential shortcomings -- but, in light of such research, it seems like we should always be asking the question as to whether the Mossad's role is being covered up in some way, no matter what the operation. Is Webb himself misdirecting? Is that why he's allowed his presence on Twitter and Youtube? Or is he, as he attests, in imminent danger?

Was Oliver Stone allowed to make his JFK movie because it continued the cover-up concerning the Mossad?

After I wrote the above, I saw a new tweet by Webb in which he mentions a scene from Stone's JFK film that the Mossad censored. [??] Wow, if that's true, I'd never have imagined their involvement to be so direct. So it seems Webb is at least aware of this as an issue.

Related to this: what's pretty wild about George Webb re: Oliver Stone's JFK movie is that he claims to be "updating" it based on his research. He's written a screenplay and plans to go into production; he is casting the film as we speak.

I have to say I was rather shocked to see Webb is now in the "movie" business. Having knowledge of narrative filmmaking myself, I can tell you first hand it's a far cry -- especially cost wise -- from doing a documentary. So, how is Webb able to, uh, just update Stone's (a seasoned Hollywood director) 40-60 million dollar budget production [not sure how much exactly]?

This development is something I'd like to follow closely to see what Webb is actually able to pull off even just production wise, but also in terms of its "updated" content. But, I mean, production wise, he could be in the midst of some grand "misdirected" folly! Of course, it will likely be an extremely low budget "verite" sort of endeavor. Nevertheless, it still takes some skill and experience to do that with some proficiency.

As a source, George Webb is something of a conundrum. He seems legit, and yet he isn't the easiest source to follow. He isn't good at "fleshing out" ideas. I bought a small pamphlet of his, it's hard to call it a book, titled "Why Blackberries Matter." (This refers to the encrypted blackberries Hillary Clinton, et. al., have used for their nefarious activities. Webb discovered this significant aspect of their whole operation some time ago through his rather daring, on the ground ventures in investigative reporting.) The slim book has some good nuggets in there, but Webb's writing doesn't seem to be his strong point. It's missing a lot of connective tissue, so you're left to puzzle with the pieces he presents you with. But, with that in mind, how could Webb write a convincing feature length screenplay? Or, maybe it's a short. Hard to imagine him writing a feature.

Anyway, I'm keeping an eye on Webb, following him on Twitter, and may read more of his books, which are cheap and, I assume, all rather brief.

As for his film project... should be interesting to keep track of.
Last edited:
Hi @moyal.

I thought I'd further the ongoing discussion (on threads like this one) about source. Miles Mathis admits in his piece he links to re: the 2020 election fraud that his sources are Zero Hedge, Natural News, and Alex Jones. So, he's on very shaky ground right there. I haven't read either of these articles in their entirely but right off the bat with the election fraud piece his analysis is far too simplistic. While I agree there are a lot of shady areas with Trump -- it's been difficult to know just how tied to the Deep State he actually is -- but to miss the fact that he represents a phenomenon around which a new populist movement has emerged makes me question Mathis' analysis skills, if not his intentions. I agree that partisan politics is problematic. I'm always stepping back from it, trying to gauge things from a wider perspective. Still, the "fight" this current populist movement is engaged in does represent pretty down to earth concerns, including constitutional rights (by the way), and so my sympathies go in that direction regardless of how I feel about knee jerk partisan politics, which is always problematic.

As always, at least for myself, it's useful to develop the ability to hold two thoughts simultaneously. While it's important to question partisan politics, and other devices being used to divide us, that shouldn't mean throwing the baby out with the bath water. If there is a worthwhile "fight" (and I'm not talking about violence, but populist forms of political action, including donating time and or money, and engaging in discussion), then the powers that be will want to disrupt that perspective as well. We see how they do this too since they do it constantly. For example, as we've seen for a long time now, the left is acting both overtly and covertly like domestic terrorists, so what do they do? They accuse Trump supporters of being that themselves. And because they do this "projection" routine so thoroughly and consistently, it really does create this twisted form of "mirroring realities." Theirs is the "fun house" version of the truth because of this incessant lying and propagandizing.

Having said that, staying with the truth is not always easy given the insidious nature of the deep state, and how it infiltrates all of our efforts. Regardless of all that, it's important not to do away with common sense, which is what a lot of these actual conspiracy theorists tend to do. They play on our skepticism, and destroy what should be obvious to us (always remember the "flat earth" phenomenon, and how that preyed on and perverted many people's legitimate skepticism regarding the mainstream).

Also on the issue of source: right now I've been following George Webb more closely, trying to determine what kind of source he actually represents. I'm baffled why he's allowed on Twitter. I believe he lost his account on Youtube but is now appearing on another Youtube channel with some of his associates. Unlike Mathis' take, Webb didn't think the shooting of Ashli Babbitt was fake, based on the footage. He indicated she was led to her execution, in fact, with a senate aide on her left and another operative dressed in black on her right (each taking her by the arm as she entered). Then there was the hand with the gun appearing left of screen, with specific bracelets on the wrist that helped identify the shooter as the Washington security person involved in Congressman's Scalise near murder. As I understand it, he was Scalise's body guard but didn't do his job -- it was someone else who stepped in to save Scalise.

Anyway, I haven't looked into the Ashli Babbit scenario more than that. Even though she's a vet (possibly tied to intelligence) and even if she happens to be Jewish that doesn't automatically mean she was part of the capitol operation as Mathis is saying. I'm not saying she wasn't either. I'm just questioning his automatic assumption. Also: why wouldn't Webb, who is all over such "ties," have indicated as much? So, more work would need to be done in order to come to such conclusion

On a somewhat related topic, if the "Yahweh" book by Guyenot is even half correct you'd think we'd be hearing a lot more about the Mossad's involvement in present domestic terror operations. Maybe such info. is out there, I just haven't come across it.

In so speaking, I've been thinking it might be useful to assess present domestic terror operations in light of the cited material in the "Yahweh" book, specifically Guyenot's contention that the CIA's involvement in the JFK assassination has been misrepresented -- if it's true the CIA's actual intention was a "near miss," not an actual assassination. As the story goes, this misrepresentation of the CIA's almost exclusive involvement then became the focus of virtually all of the subsequent theories surrounding JFK's death -- as opposed to Guyonot's claim (in citing a researcher whose name has escaped me at present) that the Mossad infiltrated the CIA operation so as to succeed in carrying out an actual assassination.

In other words, in light of the research in that book -- which should also be examined closely for its own potential shortcomings -- but, in light of such research, it seems like we should always be asking the question as to whether the Mossad's role is being covered up in some way, no matter what the operation. Is Webb himself misdirecting? Is that why he's allowed his presence on Twitter and Youtube? Or is he, as he attests, in imminent danger?

Was Oliver Stone allowed to make his JFK movie because it continued the cover-up concerning the Mossad?

After I wrote the above, I saw a new tweet by Webb in which he mentions a scene from Stone's JFK film that the Mossad censored. [??] Wow, if that's true, I'd never have imagined their involvement to be so direct. So it seems Webb is at least aware of this as an issue.

Related to this: what's pretty wild about George Webb re: Oliver Stone's JFK movie is that he claims to be "updating" it based on his research. He's written a screenplay and plans to go into production; he is casting the film as we speak.

I have to say I was rather shocked to see Webb is now in the "movie" business. Having knowledge of narrative filmmaking myself, I can tell you first hand it's a far cry -- especially cost wise -- from doing a documentary. So, how is Webb able to, uh, just update Stone's (a seasoned Hollywood director) 40-60 million dollar budget production [not sure how much exactly]?

This development is something I'd like to follow closely to see what Webb is actually able to pull off even just production wise, but also in terms of its "updated" content. But, I mean, production wise, he could be in the midst of some grand "misdirected" folly! Of course, it will likely be an extremely low budget "verite" sort of endeavor. Nevertheless, it still takes some skill and experience to do that with some proficiency.

As a source, George Webb is something of a conundrum. He seems legit, and yet he isn't the easiest source to follow. He isn't good at "fleshing out" ideas. I bought a small pamphlet of his, it's hard to call it a book, titled "Why Blackberries Matter." (This refers to the encrypted blackberries Hillary Clinton, et. al., have used for their nefarious activities. Webb discovered this significant aspect of their whole operation some time ago through his rather daring, on the ground ventures in investigative reporting.) The slim book has some good nuggets in there, but Webb's writing doesn't seem to be his strong point. It's missing a lot of connective tissue, so you're left to puzzle with the pieces he presents you with. But, with that in mind, how could Webb write a convincing feature length screenplay? Or, maybe it's a short. Hard to imagine him writing a feature.

Anyway, I'm keeping an eye on Webb, following him on Twitter, and may read more of his books, which are cheap and, I assume, all rather brief.

As for his film project... should be interesting to keep track of.
Just a quick comment here. Great interest in what you have written, will look up that book by Guyonot. Primarily, I've been following Webb off and on for a couple of years on various platforms and have the question, why is he still alive, basically. I concluded his information and dot-connecting are highy accurate. A smart friend of mine, when I mentioned him to her, half-muttered that he 'drank a lot'. Maybe he has been dismissed, written off? A smear campaign (yes, MSM as I just found call him a conspiracy theorist)? On the other hand, another smart friend likes him a lot and never mentioned alcohol.

New York Times describes him in a 2017 article as "a prolific social media conspiracy theorist", and "With almost 17,000 followers on Twitter and nearly 40,000 subscribers on YouTube, Mr. Webb does not have the reach of prominent conspiracy theorists such as Alex Jones...". I think I should post the link here, since I've mentioned this NYT article. I'm not experienced on protocol here on the forum - yet, but likely I just cut and paste. How a Conspiracy Theorist’s Call About a Dirty Bomb Shut Down Part of a Port (Published 2017)

Didn't mean to get further into this, but found that George Webb's brother, David Webb, is a cybersecurity expert and author. George Webb himself is named a co-conspirator in the case of a the dirty bomb story in the NYT article above and was arrested the following day for DUI. The brother, David, wrote " The Port of Charleston Dirty Bomb Hoax and Social Media Liability" about the incident of June 14, 2017. Well! Connected to a cybersecurity expert. Also his father was the first inventor to patent the cordless phone. So between money thanks to cordless phone, perhaps, and a brother who may be a better writer (who wrote a book on cyberwarfare and has multiple credentials in that field), maybe a film is not such a stretch. Link: Port of Charleston Dirty Bomb Hoax - EverybodyWiki Bios & Wiki.
TRUMP live Fox news

After watching it, it seems like he's hinting at running again a 3rd time in 2024. He's down and not out and is still fighting for the truth that is the election was stolen. Another highlight was that he mentioned Biden's no-fracking stance despite Biden retracting his statements after feeling the heat from the people a while back, only to again reaffirm his true stance by shutting down a major oil pipeline shortly after entering office.

There will be interesting developments in the future for sure.

After contemplating the reason why he did not go to alternative platforms after being banned from Twitter, I think a part of that decision, whether conscious or not, was to not cause further division among people. If he were to be on Parler or Gab, which to be honest lean mostly right-wing, would further increase the fissure between the left and right. And given how ravenous the media works in influencing the minds of others to the point of hatred, it seems that this would most likely be the case. The Cs speak of the importance of uniting. As long as the individual isn't fully against taking an open stance, then the potential for that individual to enter the path of true learning is not lost. As the Wave books have described, individuals who let the predator's mind take over merely have a disease, and disease can be treated.
Hi @moyal.

I thought I'd further the ongoing discussion (on threads like this one) about source. Miles Mathis admits in his piece he links to re: the 2020 election fraud that his sources are Zero Hedge, Natural News, and Alex Jones. So, he's on very shaky ground right there.
He does not take these as sources. He thinks it's all controlled opposition.

About Kennedy I don't care to be honest. I was born 1975 in the GDR, for me that's just a name of some person from history. Like Martin Luther or Madame de Montespan. And history is lies about events that did not happen told by people that where not there.
Here is Miles Mathis about Kennedy: http://mileswmathis.com/barindex2.pdf

I don't say he is right, but I say he is interesting, because he looks at a lot of stuff from unique angles, that you find nowhere else.

Here is his page with links to all his articles:

(the one about Charles Manson, Hitler and Abraham Lincoln are a good pick to read)
Miles Mathis can be a highly entertaining writer. His musings can be quite original and at times collinear with some of what goes on in this forum. I do check in to his site from time to time and I have read everything you mention.


He can also be a bit of a broken record. "It was the Crypto-Jews from the royal peerage playing games with us in league with the boys at Langley; everybody was in on the gag and none of it really happened, just one big happy Psyop; all these photos were faked ...etc etc"

It gets old.

It is entirely possible he is also a part of the controlled opposition himself, although I still give him the benefit of the doubt.

You don't care about Kennedy. Old news. I get it. And yet you seem to care about Mathis' interpretation of history...about the same old news. Something odd about that.

What was most important about Kennedy was what he represented: A humane, hopeful, co-operative vision of the world.

After his assassination, which, in my opinion, was a coup, that vision was crushed and scattered to the wind. Today we are still reaping that same dysfunctional harvest that nobody really wants except the madmen at the top.

I think it is instructive to note the current hot topics, and personalities that Mathis seems to avoid as he favors fake serial killers and murders. I also note that his solar cycle article assiduously avoids the idea proposed by many that this cycle is just beginning to start bottoming out.

But yeah, he IS a very entertaining guy with plenty of style.
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