nice analisiy of the geometry of the Crop Circle, Roundway, Wiltshire, United Kingdom, June 11, 2023: at the link
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Roundway hill, june 11, 2023
A formation that changes color as easy as a politician changes opinion. There are three distinctly different layers to this design, each with their own specific qualities. First the four protruding triangles and the circular appendices. Secondly the flattened ring, and then the central standing circle with the flattened avenues.
The circular appendices are 4:3 proportioned and placed between the inner- and outer radius of a square. We can use this to find a Squared circle and this determines the vertices of the four triangles. They are optimised in this drawing. The real formation was less symmetric here.
The base of the triangles are found by dividing the ring in twelve parts. The size of the ring is based on the crossing points of three squares.
For the central part, the diameter of the circle is divided in five equal parts. Each part is then divided in four equal parts (not shown) to find the width of the avenue and the change of radius of the adjacent quarters. The arms of the central part are placed off center so that one side aligns, giving a hint that rotational movement is implied. In any case, this part has rotational symmetry, not mirror symmetry.
So what are we looking at? As i was drawing the formation i realised that for me it appears to be an inverted mandala; The outer part represents the spiritual realm, while the center is grounded in our physical reality.
The outer part emphasises unmeasurable elements; The division by seven of the two appendix circles, the Squared circle and the impression of a square that is unstable.
The ring ties the unstable square to the three squares of the dodecagram. Twelve is associated with the passage of time. The instability of the square may also be related to seeing a square in perspective. A solidifying of dimensions if you will; Three squares in the dodecagram (time, three dimensional perspective) and a fourth square that cannot be measured.
The central part in this case is inverted; The flattened crop of the outer ring is changed for a background of standing crop. The semi circles may appear static at first sight, but the off center placement of the radial avenues suggest circular motion. Against the backdrop of a dodecagram, this can be associated with the passage of time, or perhaps the measure of time.
Time being what binds us in our physical reality.
Reconstructed from a photo by Stonehenge dronescapes.