3 types of Extraterrestrial Civilizations : Dr. Michio Kaku


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I found this heading interesting. he has very good ability to explain the complicated concepts in lay man's language convincingly.


According to him ( he says movie 2001 made based on this concept . I haven't seen this movie , so don't know much about it). we are type 0 civilization .

type 1 civilisation utilise planetary power earthquake, volcano, weather etc. any thing planetary they can use ( sounds like 4D of C's ) ,
type 2 utilizes the stellar power , they exhausted the power of planet , they use the sun power to energize their machines ( star trek is an type 2 civilisation ) and
type 3 uses galactic power ( starwars is the type3 example ).

This is the first time I heard about this concept , what puzzled me is Dr. michio kaku went to quote EU and NAFTA as the starting point for the transformation of our civilization from type 0 to type 1.

at this point my defenses have raised. is he promoting the NWO agenda?. Probably not, though he was a regular guest to Fox.

Just found it to be interesting
seek10 said:
This is the first time I heard about this concept , what puzzled me is Dr. michio kaku went to quote EU and NAFTA as the starting point for the transformation of our civilization from type 0 to type 1.

at this point my defenses have raised. is he promoting the NWO agenda?. Probably not, though he was a regular guest to Fox.

Just found it to be interesting

another interesting youtube video , in which dr. Michio Kaku is openly supporting secrecy of the ufo stuff and even ridiculing at the freedom of speech on internet on subjects related to UFO's. I listen to his programs on radio and try to correlate what he says with C's concepts, I never thought him as a part of the PTB ( though I observed that C's says string thing is useless ), but now I feel shocked to see his connections to military and his views.
And he fails to mention (knowingly or unknowingly) that if you do a flyby of a populated planet that's of a different frequency / vibration / density than you, that you would'nt notice any visible signs of life. And maybe we can safely assume that type 1, 2 & 3 civilizations don't operate on the same frequency as us, which is why they haven't seen any evidence of such (if they haven't, which I doubt) + his little terrorist rant is a bit reminiscent of "they hate us for our freedoms". His explanation of why they haven't seen signs of type 1,2 & 3 civilizations also makes no sense at all. All the above, makes him a strong contender for the disinfo list.
E said:
And he fails to mention (knowingly or unknowingly) that if you do a flyby of a populated planet that's of a different frequency / vibration / density than you, that you would'nt notice any visible signs of life.

you are right. I don't see many scientists talking this frequency match  to observe the living universe. probably this is touchy area scieintific priesthood doesn't like.  if that happens , then probably they has to talk about emotions ( based on some buddhist/new age stuff )  as frequencies and then they have to talk about huge negative  emotions generated on this planet and probably  where does the emotions go ( or who consumes ). If the discussion comes to that point, even the dumbest ( though the signs that public will think clearly has waned recent years ) will realize how we are getting screwed  for so long.

In one of the video's on  multiverse , he hypothesises  that the energy consumed by the black whole is released in another place and probably used for creating another universe.  based on the analogy , they have to talk about sucking of our energy by whom??..

And maybe we can safely assume that type 1, 2 & 3 civilizations don't operate on the same frequency as us, which is why they haven't seen any evidence of such (if they haven't, which I doubt) + his little terrorist rant is a bit reminiscent of "they hate us for our freedoms". His explanation of why they haven't seen signs of type 1,2 & 3 civilizations also makes no sense at all. All the above, makes him a strong contender for the disinfo list.
he seems to be not naive and very calculated intelligent useful agent for the PTB.
In one video, he talks about the  named _http://www.youtube.com/results?search_type=&search_query=kaku+2012&aq=f Michio Kaku's Warning for 2012 (what a coincidence!!!) , he says sun is in between 11 yr pole reversal, which will complete on 2012 with massive release of the radiation to destroy the entire communication structure.  In his speeches , he stress "WE" scientific community , as if he owns or he is  a representative of the community showing the direction.  In the same video , he intelligently diverts the  comment that depicting him as a scientific priesthood saying " priests are not accountable, where scientists are accountable".

In another video on 2001's BBC documentary on _http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuT-fIPZITw&feature=related parallel universe , they briefly mentioned ( at 5:15  min. time )  about the how scientific priesthood promotes one concept  and simply dumps (ruins the individual's careers who followup the concept) other concepts.  In this video  a guy called  Michael duff  "physics is dictated by fad and fashion. there are the guru's who dictate the direction in which science grow.  ". It also mentions
why students don't want to  follow-up or further on the concepts, that PTB doesn't want to promote.  of course none of this is new to us here.

  this is exactly what i see in my  multinational corp. corporate politics.    Some body at the top needs "SHOW' for  a promotion/growth or some directions he himself got, he postulates one way of working  model (structure ), there are lot of  people who are pretty much sniffers of the management priorities (most of the time these sniffers are too slow to do their duty, but too  quick to  make relationships with the bosses to become part of the power ). What this structures mechanism produce useless  white elephants which  reward expecting loyalists,  who will do  only 20% of the work , thus dumping the  remaining 80% work on  people who overwork in a hope of satisfy the bosses.
these are Just some thoughts.
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