Session 961214
Q: (T) OK, there are seven large circles; a large central one, and then six outer ones
that are smaller. Each of the six smaller circles is connected to the larger circle by a
shaft, or a line, or a conduit of some kind.
A: Add large and small spheres.
Q: (L) OK, there's seven. Add the large to the small and there's seven; add the little
teeny ones, there's thirteen; and then even the little teeny-teeny, the little knobs on the
ends, there would be six more, so that would be nineteen.
A: Yes...
Q: (T) So, that's another prime: nineteen is a prime number. (L) OK, they're prime
numbers. And... (T) Are they... just as an offshoot here, do the six circles, the first set
surrounding the large circle, are those the sixth density attached to the seventh
A: No comment.
Q: (T) OK now, and then, outside of that are smaller spheres, each one connected
one to the next, in a line. We're looking at prime numbers here. What are we looking
at? We've got a central one, six outer: large, six outside of that: smaller, six outside of
that: tiny... Could, and I'm just thinking off the top of my head here, nothing cast in
concrete, is this a representation of... a sphere, getting smaller and smaller... going that
way. Or, coming in, this way. Or that way and this way. Like the infinity mirrors...
A: If you three dimensionalize.
Q: (L) It would be circles, like balls, like spheres. (T) Ohhh, it's an axis, an x-y-z axis!
A three dimensional axis. Three-dimensionally, it would be like this [Holds up hand,
forefinger pointed up, thumb pointed to himself, third finger at the horizontal] Larger,
smaller, smaller... A three-dimensional axis. Are we going somewhere with this, or am
I out in left field again?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) I'm going somewhere with this?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Ahhhh, I now see this as a three-dimensional object as opposed to a flat circle.
A: Do that to the others too.
Q: (L) OK, we're trying to three-dimensionalize them. Now, tell us where we're
supposed to be going here... (J) Well, this first one is a spiral going out... Or a DNA
molecule... (T) There's got to be more to it...
A: You do not have to figure this all out tonight, just some food for thought.
Q: (L) Is there anything else for...
A: Ark may be able to three-dimensionalize by computer program already.
Q: (L) Yes, well, let us get back to this. The crop circles, as I understand, are related
to the code or the mystical prime numbers, the mystical dwellings, and that somehow,
putting all of these things together, these different pieces of this puzzle, from so many
different directions, will enable us to perceive, or learn, or conceive something that
will enable us to do something. Is that correct?
A: Close.