3D Crop Circles


The Living Force
[quote author=Bear]
The only other one I remember that jumped out at me in 3-D was the one I think of as the 'doors of perception' or matrix doors one.

This one was also 3D - Windmill Hill, Wiltshire, 30th June, 2006:


One of my favourite ones, because of the 3D.

For me this one says 'perfect fit'. If you leave the bits on the ground where they touch, and bring the opposite sides up until both touch, they'll fit perfectly into one another. As to a possible message, maybe our planet is already in 4D and we're still in 3D - time to bring the 2 together...
I love that one, E - it's got a real 'magic eye' quality to it, osit.

Here are another two 3-D ones; the first I like for obvious reasons (looks like a flying saucer!). The second one at first reminded me of a volcano. But after reading the references to the dark sun and its long elliptical orbit, I'm looking at it with new eyes. Links long lost, unfortunately.
bedower said:
Here are another two 3-D ones; the first I like for obvious reasons (looks like a flying saucer!). The second one at first reminded me of a volcano.
(These are in reference to the two images in reply #1).
To me, the first made me first think of a Wankel rotary engine, then a hydraulic (fluid) pump.

Now I am thinking of some kind of propulsion engine. The inner eccentric cylinder can direct energy flow. The nine "boxes" around the edge may be some kind of mixing or cooling chambers, and the nine triangles may be outlets. If the inner cylinder is stationary, thrust may be directed in any direction, or if spinning it may be balanced.

The second picture makes me think of a tunnel with the fine stripes giving detail of the sides of the tunnel.

Well, these are the results of a vivid imagination!
[quote author=E]
For me this one says 'perfect fit'.

Actually, looking at it now, it's not a perfect fit. The lines that should fit into one another aren't the same amount.  :huh: So maybe it's telling us 2 'things' need to merge / join / connect, but it can't, cause there's a problem of some sort, or imbalance ... which isn't news to us really, if that is indeed the message.
[quote author=E today] Actually, looking at it now, it's not a perfect fit. The lines that should fit into one another aren't the same amount. [/quote]

But you're looking at it now with your 3rd density physical eyes and applying 3rd density logic to this picture.

Didn't the Cs say in one of the crop-circle transcripts that crop circles look 'different' in 4th density? Your first impression that they were a perfect fit might have been the correct one, osit. Don't first impressions spring from the subconscious mind, which picks up clues that our conscious logical mind misses (or rejects)?

Slightly OT. This reminds me of a really strange dream I had, after reading the transcript about geometrical shapes looking different in 4th density. Lethbridge wrote that also, when he was talking about his neighbour and the pentacle shapes. In this dream, someone gave me a pair of earrings composed of interconnecting squares made out of fine silver wires (like the old Chinese ring puzzles that were popular years ago), about 4 squares per earring. I was told that they were keys, as in keys and locks, and very important. They looked nothing like keys, or the shapes that we normally associate with keys; completely the wrong shape and much too fragile. And yet, I didn't doubt that they were keys.

So maybe your circles DO fit - as shapes in another density. Just guessing, here. :)
[quote author=bedower]
Don't first impressions spring from the subconscious mind, which picks up clues that our conscious logical mind misses (or rejects)?

Yeh, I definitely think that we shouldn't roll around at night about their possible meanings, but I'm sure why our logical minds are busy deciphering, our subconscious minds aren't completely asleep  ;) But it's still fun speculating about a possible cosmic message...

As I quoted from Bringers of the Dawn in the 2009 crop circle thread:

Whenever reality cannot be explained, a certain niche is opened within consciousness. The crop circles are completely beyond the logical mind.

By the way, what does OT mean? The only OT I know of is Old Testament, but then I don't understand your reference.

I'm declaring war against abbreviations! :evil: One of my little idiosyncrasies...  :halo: I think it dilutes a message (and a language).

Have you ever come across abbreviations in award winning literature?
AKOA = All Kinds of Abbreviations here

OT = :offtopic:

Re your circle, this is what I've found so far in the transcripts. While it isn't the quote I was looking for, it does mention the subject. There are 27 transcripts mentioning crop circles and I only managed to read 9 of them before I was called away; only another 18 to go! Nothing came up in the search engine about interdimensional geometric shapes, though.

Session 950708

Q: (L) ...Next question: In reading about crop circles; I know that we have been told that they come from sixth density, but I would like to know the exact mode or mechanism by which they are made. Is it like electromagnetic imprinting, is it like a whirlwind. Can you tell us a little bit about how they are actually physically created?
A: Field transfer.
Q: (L) What kind of field?
A: Magnetic.
Q: (L) Are they transferred directly from sixth density to third density?
A: No.
Q: (L) Are they manifested by an object that has come into third density, such as a
craft of some sort?
A: No.
Q: (L) Can you give us a clue here?
A: We can give "clue."
Q: (L) Okay, what is the clue?
A: See Hoagland.
Q: (L) What does Hoagland say? (T) He says that basically what we see in this
density is a 3rd dimension reflection of 4th dimension and that it can be seen
mathematically by looking at the cloud patterns on the different planets. If there was
not another dimension above us, circular would be circular and the circular motion of the clouds would be maintained, but if it is a transfer from fourth density to third density, when you are looking at a fourth density object, what the third density version of it would look like would show a hexagonal figure with angles to it, and that the photographs from the Voyager Probe that show that the cloud patterns from the North and South poles of most of the planets are not circular, they are hexagonal.
(L) Okay, in sixth density, what are crop circles?
A: Thoughts.
Q: (L) Who is thinking these thoughts?
A: Yours truly.
Q: (L) Okay, if they are thoughts... (J) They are messages so they could be thoughts
before they are messages. (T) Well, they have described sixth density as pure energy,
therefore there is nothing physical in sixth density to reflect back through the densities.
So the only thing that can come from there to here is thought. Because, that is all there
is there. (L) So, it is a field transfer of thought. (T) So, when sixth density thinks and
they pass that down, most likely skipping fifth density to fourth density, and then
stepping down from fourth to third, we end up with a three dimensional crop circle.
But what does a crop circle look like in fourth density?
A: "Look" is not point.
Q: (L) What is the point?
A: You need visual stimuli in order to remember.

(My bold.)

Interesting, yes?

I'll hunt out the more specific quote, because I'd like to read it again, too.
I like this approach in that link about the abbreviations you provided:

Namaste said:
How about this for a suggestion? The first time in every post we use an acronym like PTB (Powers that Be) or BBM (Big Blue Marble, aka Earth) we put the full name in parentheses, then at least someone who is coming here for the first time has a chance.

Thanks for the transcript reference as well. :)
Regarding the 2009 Crop Circle introduced here, on the ccconnector site there's a comment that could be interesting:

The lens of Fresnel which allowed to equip lighthouses and to increase the density of the light. It is a very beautiful symbol, this crop circle is a lighthouse, a light for the humanity. It helps in the evolution of the consciousness, and unites people in search of the truth.

A Lighthouse symbol? The nearby little groove seems to have the shape of a skull section seen from above, with the trees shaping a brain (either beamed :/ up or lighted up.)
E said:
[quote author=Bear]
The only other one I remember that jumped out at me in 3-D was the one I think of as the 'doors of perception' or matrix doors one.

This one was also 3D - Windmill Hill, Wiltshire, 30th June, 2006:


One of my favourite ones, because of the 3D.

For me this one says 'perfect fit'. If you leave the bits on the ground where they touch, and bring the opposite sides up until both touch, they'll fit perfectly into one another. As to a possible message, maybe our planet is already in 4D and we're still in 3D - time to bring the 2 together...


It sort of looks like a spherical spiral: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/SphericalSpiral.html

The spherical curve taken by a ship which travels from the south pole to the north pole of a sphere while keeping a fixed (but not right) angle with respect to the meridians. The curve has an infinite number of loops since the separation of consecutive revolutions gets smaller and smaller near the poles.

It is given by the parametric equations
x = costcosc
y = sintcosc
z = -sinc,


and a is a constant. Plugging in therefore gives
x = (cost)/(sqrt(1+a^2t^2))
y = (sint)/(sqrt(1+a^2t^2))
z = -(at)/(sqrt(1+a^2t^2)).

It is a special case of a loxodrome.

The arc length, curvature, and torsion are all slightly complicated expressions.

A series of spherical spirals are illustrated in Escher's woodcuts "Sphere Surface with Fish" (Bool et al. 1982, pp. 96 and 318) and "Sphere Spirals" (Bool et al. 1982, p. 319; Forty 2003, Plate 67).
Hi E,

I don't know whether you're still interested, but do you remember when you wrote this here - your post #20

I actually have quite a positive association with Saturn, since it’s where the Confederation of Light resides according to the Ra material. I know so little about astrology, since it was very frowned upon when we grew up. I only know my star sign and that’s it.

in response to these two comments I made about squares and Saturn?

I read that the worst possible shape for a dwelling place was a square,

which was the symbol for Saturn (and astrologically, we all know what he represents, I think.) and the best possible shape for a dwelling was a circle, which by extension can become a spiral.

This article, which I came across today and thought you might be interested in, explains why Saturn is considered to be a bit grim, astrologically speaking, although it is a different source from the one I read years ago and contains other information. It also covers the 'cube'/'square' angle. Here is a quote from the article:

Saturn always had a negative, if not evil significance. In ancient times, it has been called “The Greater Malefic” which was opposed to Jupiter, “The Greater Benefic”. Saturn is esoterically associated with man’s limitations, restrictions, death and decay. His Greek name was “Kronos”, the ruler of time, time being the main factore inevitably leading to the death of mortals.Traditional representations of the “grim reaper” originate from the attributes of the god Saturn, who held the sickle with which he slain his father.

The relevant section can be found here _http://vigilantcitizen.com/p=863

Another book I have (not with me, unfortunately) describes Saturn as 'the Great Teacher'. If you're interested, I can get you the title and author the next time I go to Cairo (which is where the book is) and provide quotes.

Hi Bedower :)

[quote author=bedower]
do you remember when you wrote this

I actually have quite a positive association with Saturn, since it’s where the Confederation of Light resides according to the Ra material. I know so little about astrology, since it was very frowned upon when we grew up. I only know my star sign and that’s it.

I remember. I was speaking a little 'off the cuff' when I said it. It's either Ra or Bringers, some good guys residing in the rings of Saturn.

[quote author=bedower]
This article, which I came across today and thought you might be interested in, explains why Saturn is considered to be a bit grim, astrologically speaking, although it is a different source from the one I read years ago and contains other information. It also covers the 'cube'/'square' angle. Here is a quote from the article:

Saturn always had a negative, if not evil significance. In ancient times, it has been called “The Greater Malefic” which was opposed to Jupiter, “The Greater Benefic”. Saturn is esoterically associated with man’s limitations, restrictions, death and decay. His Greek name was “Kronos”, the ruler of time, time being the main factore inevitably leading to the death of mortals.Traditional representations of the “grim reaper” originate from the attributes of the god Saturn, who held the sickle with which he slain his father.

Mmmm, interesting.

The relevant section can be found here _http://vigilantcitizen.com/p=863

I'll check it out in the morning, I'm pushing the midnight oil again immersed in information, and then my eyes always burn at the office... :lol:

[quote author=bedower]
Another book I have (not with me, unfortunately) describes Saturn as 'the Great Teacher'. If you're interested, I can get you the title and author the next time I go to Cairo (which is where the book is) and provide quotes.

Sure! That will be great!

Hi again, E,

Well, I know this is a little late, but here are a couple of quotes from the Cass transcripts concerning the necessity of trying to see crop circles in 3 dimensions:

Session 961214

Q: (T) OK, there are seven large circles; a large central one, and then six outer ones
that are smaller. Each of the six smaller circles is connected to the larger circle by a
shaft, or a line, or a conduit of some kind.
A: Add large and small spheres.
Q: (L) OK, there's seven. Add the large to the small and there's seven; add the little
teeny ones, there's thirteen; and then even the little teeny-teeny, the little knobs on the
ends, there would be six more, so that would be nineteen.
A: Yes...
Q: (T) So, that's another prime: nineteen is a prime number. (L) OK, they're prime
numbers. And... (T) Are they... just as an offshoot here, do the six circles, the first set
surrounding the large circle, are those the sixth density attached to the seventh
A: No comment.
Q: (T) OK now, and then, outside of that are smaller spheres, each one connected
one to the next, in a line. We're looking at prime numbers here. What are we looking
at? We've got a central one, six outer: large, six outside of that: smaller, six outside of
that: tiny... Could, and I'm just thinking off the top of my head here, nothing cast in
concrete, is this a representation of... a sphere, getting smaller and smaller... going that
way. Or, coming in, this way. Or that way and this way. Like the infinity mirrors...
A: If you three dimensionalize.
Q: (L) It would be circles, like balls, like spheres. (T) Ohhh, it's an axis, an x-y-z axis!
A three dimensional axis. Three-dimensionally, it would be like this [Holds up hand,
forefinger pointed up, thumb pointed to himself, third finger at the horizontal] Larger,
smaller, smaller... A three-dimensional axis. Are we going somewhere with this, or am
I out in left field again?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) I'm going somewhere with this?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Ahhhh, I now see this as a three-dimensional object as opposed to a flat circle.
A: Do that to the others too.

Q: (L) OK, we're trying to three-dimensionalize them. Now, tell us where we're
supposed to be going here... (J) Well, this first one is a spiral going out... Or a DNA
molecule... (T) There's got to be more to it...
A: You do not have to figure this all out tonight, just some food for thought.
Q: (L) Is there anything else for...
A: Ark may be able to three-dimensionalize by computer program already.
Q: (L) Yes, well, let us get back to this. The crop circles, as I understand, are related
to the code or the mystical prime numbers, the mystical dwellings, and that somehow,
putting all of these things together, these different pieces of this puzzle, from so many
different directions, will enable us to perceive, or learn, or conceive something that
will enable us to do something. Is that correct?
A: Close.

Session 980808

the Art Bell site there is an interview with Hoagland and some guy who claims to have
decoded everything, never mind that we don't know what the answer is. Anyway,
they have the idea to three dimensionalize, and this was what you had told us as well.
Now, about this three dimensionalizing, then what? You have interpreted some crop
circles for us. I have this idea that these crop circles can serve as a kind of alphabet
and that other crop circles can be interpreted in terms of already analyzed circles, by
making them into certain numbers and combining these numbers and ideas. Also the
idea was that the same program we use to analyze gamma spectra in terms of the
library of already known spectra can be used in this way. Is it the right idea, or are we
missing something very important that will hinder progress?...

....(A) In this session with
Santilli there was repeated at least twice the term 'matrix.' Laura made a comment
that maybe it was a three dimensional matrix. So I was thinking about this matrix and I
have two possibilities. If it is related to the number 3, it can be a matrix that is flat and
3 by 3. Or, it can be any matrix that is three dimensional rather than flat. Which of
these, if any, is the concept mentioned in the session?
A: Three dimensional 12 by 12.
Q: (A) 12 by 12 by 12?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Why number 12? What is so particular about number 12?
A: Try it and see...

Interestingly, I also came across this quote about Saturn's rings:

Session 960203

Q: (L) First question: there were rumors on the internet that a
respected scientist described a 'ship' in orbit around the planet
Saturn, which was said to be as large as the planet Earth.
And, supposedly, he said that the photographs from the space
probe that sent back the pictures of Saturn's rings, showed
this ship clearly with portholes in it. Is this thing seen in orbit
around Saturn, described by this NASA scientist on
television, which I cannot confirm because I did not see it, is
it, in fact, an artificially constructed craft of some sort?
A: No.
Q: (L) What was being seen?
A: It was an artificially constructed tale.

Finally, there is this:

Session 951212 re HFV Saturn

Q: (L) So Sitchen and others may not be correct in saying
that Jupiter has an earth sized solid core?
A: If that is what they are saying , but remember, Jupiter,
Saturn and others resonate to vibrational levels greater than
Earth. You are looking directly at density 4 when you view
Jupiter, which is why photos of it from up close appear
"surreal," more like drawings.
Q: (L) Do beings inhabit Jupiter?
A: 5th density and up.

(My bold on all)

This was very interesting, because it is also what the author of the book I mentioned wrote - that Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto are the higher frequency 'versions', astrologically speaking, of Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars; Jupiter in the middle as a kind of intermediary, although that wasn't the word she used. Saturn, I remember, she referred to as 'The Great Teacher', as I wrote before. I really must go and get that book!

Anyway, I hope this has been helpful to you.

[quote author=bedower]
Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto are the higher frequency 'versions', astrologically speaking, of Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars; Jupiter in the middle as a kind of intermediary, [/quote]


Hi Bedower, thanks for this.

Well I think based on the Ra material, Bringers, the Cs and others, we conclude (at least for the moment) that any planet that appears to our 3D eyes as uninhabited, is either uninhabited or inhabited by 4D and upwards, since 4D and upwards appears to our 3D eyes as uninhabited (we cannot see life, the planet appears lifeless to us).

My ideas and things I consider highly probable are in a constant state of flux, and are always changing as I learn new things. I also appreciate this admittance from authors and researches I respect. Mistakes are made, especially in this field of research, because not everything can be backed up by solid proof. We are fallible, all of us, and we are in unchartered territory...all of us.

:boat:..................................................... :pirate:

It is turning out to be quite an exciting circle season though, isn't it!

transcripts said:
You are looking directly at density 4 when you view
Jupiter, which is why photos of it from up close appear
"surreal," more like drawings.




There was also a photo of Saturn I saw somewhere that showed
"faces" when viewed at the polar cap regions taken by Cassini?

Was it on SOTT or Forum? I cannot recall. But it was
definitely "surreal" to me.

[ Edit: I found it:
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