3D Crop Circles

Hi E,

Glad you liked it. :D It's just 'odd', osit, that both the Casses and the book author say that the big three are something other than what scientific astronomy considers them to be, with the Casses bringing in Jupiter as well.

The really strange 'Hexagon at Saturn's North Pole' also came to mind, but I couldn't remember exactly where I'd seen it (SOTT's Science and Technology?). There is also a transcript that says, if I remember correctly, that the 'hexagon' is really a circle if viewed in 3D. So that's another one to hunt out.

So thanks for that link, dant. It was really helpful. :)
bedower said:
The really strange 'Hexagon at Saturn's North Pole' also came to mind, but I couldn't remember exactly where I'd seen it (SOTT's Science and Technology?). There is also a transcript that says, if I remember correctly, that the 'hexagon' is really a circle if viewed in 3D. So that's another one to hunt out.

Hi Bedower

here is a transcript that might be relevant :

950708 said:
In reading about crop circles; I know that we have been told that they come from sixth density, but I would like to know the exact mode or mechanism by which they are made. Is it like electromagnetic imprinting, is it like a whirlwind. Can you tell us a little bit about how they are
actually physically created?
A: Field transfer.
Q: (L) What kind of field?
A: Magnetic.
Q: (L) Are they transferred directly from sixth density to third density?
A: No.
Q: (L) Are they manifested by an object that has come into third density, such as a craft of some sort?
A: No.
Q: (L) Can you give us a clue here?
A: We can give "clue."
Q: (L) Okay, what is the clue?
A: See Hoagland.
Q: (L) What does Hoagland say? (T) He says that basically what we see in this density is a 3rd dimension reflection of 4th dimension and that it can be seen mathematically by looking at
the cloud patterns on the different planets. If there was not another dimension above us, circular would be circular and the circular motion of the clouds would be maintained, but if it
is a transfer from fourth density to third density, when you are looking at a fourth density object, what the third density version of it would look like would show a hexagonal figure
with angles to it, and that the photographs from the Voyager Probe that show that the cloud patterns from the North and South poles of most of the planets are not circular, they are
hexagonal. (L) Okay, in sixth density, what are crop circles?
A: Thoughts.

Q: (L) Who is thinking these thoughts?
A: Yours truly.
Q: (L) Okay, if they are thoughts... (J) They are messages so they could be thoughts before they are messages. (T) Well, they have described sixth density as pure energy, therefore
there is nothing physical in sixth density to reflect back through the densities. So the only thing that can come from there to here is thought. Because, that is all there is there. (L) So, it is a field transfer of thought. (T) So, when sixth density thinks and they pass that down, most likely skipping fifth density to fourth density, and then stepping down from fourth to third, we end up with a three dimensional crop circle. But what does a crop circle look like in fourth density?
A: "Look" is not point.
Q: (L) What is the point?
A: You need visual stimuli in order to remember.
Q: (L) Oh! (J) What did it say, you need visual... ? (L) So, in other words, these are thoughts designed to make us remember by looking at them?
A: Yours is a physical dependent existence.
[quote author=Belibaste today] here's a transcript that might be relevant [/quote]

Yes, thank you, Belibaste. That is the one I remember. I was going to go through them again using 'Lethbridge'; Hoagland didn't occur to me! Thanks again :)

It's funny (or maybe not!), but I've really enjoyed re-reading the few transcripts needed to find the crop circle quote; finding lots more 'trigger words' that might be needed in future posts, and understanding a lot more, even though the transcripts have been read out of context, as it were.

E, beautiful pictures, btw - absolutely stunning!. :thup:
Hi Bedower,

There is an article on Sott:

Cassini Images Bizarre Hexagon on Saturn

An odd, six-sided, honeycomb-shaped feature circling the entire north pole of Saturn has captured the interest of scientists with NASA's Cassini mission.


NASA's Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft imaged the feature over two decades ago. The fact that it has appeared in Cassini images indicates that it is a long-lived feature. A second hexagon, significantly darker than the brighter historical feature, is also visible in the Cassini pictures. The spacecraft's visual and infrared mapping spectrometer is the first instrument to capture the entire hexagon feature in one image.

"This is a very strange feature, lying in a precise geometric fashion with six nearly equally straight sides," said Kevin Baines, atmospheric expert and member of Cassini's visual and infrared mapping spectrometer team at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. "We've never seen anything like this on any other planet. Indeed, Saturn's thick atmosphere where circularly-shaped waves and convective cells dominate is perhaps the last place you'd expect to see such a six-sided geometric figure, yet there it is."

The hexagon is similar to Earth's polar vortex, which has winds blowing in a circular pattern around the polar region. On Saturn, the vortex has a hexagonal rather than circular shape. The hexagon is nearly 25,000 kilometers (15,000 miles) across. Nearly four Earths could fit inside it.

The new images taken in thermal-infrared light show the hexagon extends much deeper down into the atmosphere than previously expected, some 100 kilometers (60 miles) below the cloud tops. A system of clouds lies within the hexagon. The clouds appear to be whipping around the hexagon like cars on a racetrack.

"It's amazing to see such striking differences on opposite ends of Saturn's poles," said Bob Brown, team leader of the Cassini visual and infrared mapping spectrometer, University of Arizona, Tucson. "At the south pole we have what appears to be a hurricane with a giant eye, and at the north pole of Saturn we have this geometric feature, which is completely different."

The Saturn north pole hexagon has not been visible to Cassini's visual cameras, because it's winter in that area, so the hexagon is under the cover of the long polar night, which lasts about 15 years. The infrared mapping spectrometer can image Saturn in both daytime and nighttime conditions and see deep inside. It imaged the feature with thermal wavelengths near 5 microns (seven times the wavelength visible to the human eye) during a 12-day period beginning on Oct. 30, 2006. As winter wanes over the next two years, the feature may become visible to the visual cameras.


Based on the new images and more information on the depth of the feature, scientists think it is not linked to Saturn's radio emissions or to auroral activity, as once contemplated, even though Saturn's northern aurora lies nearly overhead.

The hexagon appears to have remained fixed with Saturn's rotation rate and axis since first glimpsed by Voyager 26 years ago. The actual rotation rate of Saturn is still uncertain.

"Once we understand its dynamical nature, this long-lived, deep-seated polar hexagon may give us a clue to the true rotation rate of the deep atmosphere and perhaps the interior," added Baines.
Hi Nienna Eluch,

Thank you for that link; that has to be the article I was thinking of, although it's pretty shocking to see that it's more than two years old (27/03/07)!

I thought it was only a few weeks ago, unless it's appeared somewhere else on the forum more recently.

The hexagon appears to have remained fixed with Saturn's rotation rate and axis since first glimpsed by Voyager 26 years ago. The actual rotation rate of Saturn is still uncertain.

This sentence is a little puzzling, osit. If the hexagon remains 'fixed' with Saturn's rotation, as in rotates with Saturn, surely this would make calculating the rotation easier, as the rotation rate of the hexagon could be used. If the sentence means that the hexagon remains 'stationary' within the rotation of Saturn, well, that's just plain un-Physic-al.

Incidentally, looking at this picture of the hexagon for more than a few seconds brings on a feeling of 'hypnosis'! :huh: Anyone else felt this?

unless it's appeared somewhere else on the forum more recently.

And so it has; Bizarre Hexagon Spotted on Saturn

Thought it seemed less than two years since I'd seen it! Whew! That's a relief!

Quote from: bedower
Another book I have (not with me, unfortunately) describes Saturn as 'the Great Teacher'. If you're interested, I can get you the title and author the next time I go to Cairo (which is where the book is) and provide quotes.

From E
Sure! That will be great!

DaDA! Finally... :D

The book in question is ‘The Astrology of Karma’ by Pauline Stone, bought shortly after it was published in 1988 and not perused for at least 15 years. Skimming through it for the Saturn references, and using the lens of knowledge gained from the Cass transcripts and Laura’s work almost without thinking, I was astonished at how closely some of it ties in with the Work of the Cass site; indeed, there were several passages that made me suspect that Ms Stone was familiar with Gurdjieff’s work. One sentence in particular reminded me immediately of Ark’s article ‘Debugging the Universe’, where Ms Stone refers to the readings of Edgar Cayce, and where her preceding sentences leave no doubt that she agrees with him.* In fact, she quotes from Cayce at the beginning of the book; “...[the] birthright given each soul [is] that it may know itself to be itself and by choice become one with the Creator...”

* The Readings insist that the power of the soul is such that mankind’s activity for good or bad can in fact produce changes in the universe. Sunspots are but one example of this phenomenon, and indicate how defects in man’s character are manifested as flaws in the sun – the source of his vital energy. The intricacies of how this process works may be explained by considering the endocrine gland system, which represents a transmitter/receiver system for planetary energies and which not only picks up vibrations but itself emits energy of a like nature.

This book doesn’t contain the reference to Saturn as the ‘Great Teacher’ (or Uranus as the 'Great Awakener', is another one I remember); it must have been another book which is no longer with me, but here is something of what she writes about the inner planets, the outer planets, and Saturn in particular. The ‘Outer Planets’ section has a small introduction because it has been moved from its original context for the purpose of continuity. All bolds are mine:

The Inner Planets; Symbols of Personal Energy. [...] The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars represent man’s sense of ego or individuality, the level of consciousness which has ruled largely unchallenged prior to the dawning of the New Age. These first five planets focus attention on our uniqueness and awareness of ourselves as separate entities. Taken purely by themselves, however, they reflect the loneliness and sense of isolation man feels when he is disunited from others.

Jupiter, Faith and Universal Law, & Saturn and Cosmic Responsibility. The next two planets...symbolise the laws, both mundane and spiritual, which govern man’s existence. At the worldly level Jupiter and Saturn represent man’s morality or beliefs (Jupiter) and his life structure or civilisation resulting from these (Saturn) [...]

The Path of Return. (The Outer Planets). Since its ‘fall’, the human race has been engaged upon a long and lonely journey away from its original union with the Source. Man’s desire to partake of the Tree of Knowledge has led him along the isolated path of separation whereby he has developed his ego, his sense of individuality clothed in matter, and has delighted in the experience of functioning alone. But at the appropriate time he begins to feel the sorrow of disunity and is ready to set out on the return route to the oneness from which he originated. In other words, man finally becomes ready to absorb that knowledge in whose pursuit he long ago separated from the Source. This exciting path of return and the various aspects of new consciousness connected with it are represented by the vibrations of the three outer planets.
Uranus, as the higher vibration of Mercury, symbolises man’s spiritual intellect which allows him to understand the concept of oneness, and the comparative insignificance of the ego. It may be considered as providing access to universal truth...
Neptune, as the higher vibration of Venus, allows him to experience a sense of at-oneness with the rest of creation, and thus transcend the ego by practices such as meditation and yoga. Neptune is the planet associated with universal love (rather than personal love) and universal beauty.
Pluto, as the higher vibration of Mars, gives the potential for spiritualization of the basic life force which, when allowed to flow up through the chakras [...] and unhindered by ego desires, has vast transformatory potential. Here is the symbol of universal force; the healing power which can change each one of us and eventually change the world [...]

The energy of Pluto has manifested along positive lines in the comparatively recent upsurge of psychic healing, just as the other two outer planets can be linked to a simultaneous new wave of interest in astrology, yoga and meditation. It would appear that an extraordinary outpouring of energy from the outer planets has been taking place since mankind became conscious, in every sense, of the correlated vibrations [...]

In summary, let us accept that we are here on Earth to meet our karma – the results, both good and bad, of our own past actions [...] Let us also be aware that, at this very special time in history, we have before us the opportunity to implement boundless self change if we so desire [...] As we work with the powerful healing energies symbolised by the outer planets, we have the chance not only to clear past debts with greater strength and understanding but also to avoid future negative karma [...]

About Saturn in particular, she writes:

The kind of results sought by Saturn are not to be gained in five minutes and neither would this planetary principle desire the distinctly solar glory of the overnight star. The sort of respect which motivates Saturn can only be gained when we have proved our reliability over a period of time. After all, ‘status’ is not commonly ascribed to a young person, but rather is something earned by many years of toil and effort. For this reason patience is an essential prerequisite of the Saturn function. The link between time, patience and the Saturn energy is clearly demonstrated by the association of this planet with the Greek god Chronos, who was the ruler of time cycles and from whom we acquire the word ‘chronological’. It is widely recognised that Saturn becomes easier to handle during our old age[...] Concrete achievement is a question of concentration of the matter in hand and a refusal not to be side-tracked down non-productive alleys. In addition, we must be very clear about the limitations of our responsibilities and duties; to feel that we are responsible for everything and everybody is actually highly irresponsible since it is impossible to spread oneself in all directions at once, and invariably we end up by achieving nothing [...] Until very recently, it has been enough to believe in the religious or moral philosophy of one’s own isolated environment and to do one’s duty thereby, for the main part without question or objection. But now, with the advent of the new consciousness, there is the realisation of the horror that sectarian faith and duty can produce. A blind sense of responsibility to king, country or faith has been the root cause of every vicious war and conflict. The urge to ‘do one’s bit’ for the flag may well prove one’s patriotism but in no way takes into account one’s responsibility towards the whole of mankind, nor one’s responsibility to oneself as a component of that whole. At long last we are awakening to the fact that we are citizens of the cosmos and this must come before any duty to our state [...] Now the Saturnian concepts of responsibility, effort, patience, concentration and achievement acquire a vitally new significance. For...Saturn allows us firstly to accept responsibility for ourselves in co-operation with cosmic rather than sectarian law. Secondly, it provides us with the impetus to work towards spiritual rather than material goals by putting concentrated effort into the challenge at hand, Finally, the famous Saturnian patience can now be channelled towards our spiritual rather than our material progress.

Under the heading Lack of Attunement to Saturn, Ms Stone seems to be describing people who have all the traits that we on this forum would consider to be STS; such as selfishness, wilful irresponsibility, lack of empathy, indifference to the plight of others, and so on. Then she writes;

Often there is something of a compromise in that we will take on token responsibility if we are beginning to feel the need to ‘do the right thing’ in the eyes of our peers. At a superficial level, we can be seen to be taking our part in society, but in actual fact we are putting in very little effort [...]

Rather like psychopaths mimicking the behaviour of non-psychopaths, osit!

And from the following section entitled ‘The Status Trap’:

Depression is the most common by-product of incomplete expression of the Saturn principle – depression in all its various forms which are commonly based on a prolonged accumulation of frustrated energy which we have been unable to discharge in the normal way due to our inhibitions. The true anti-depressant is never a drug or a medicine, but a genuine determination to seek the root of these inhibitions and a willingness to change our outlook on life. Saturn lies behind a vast number of stress-related health problems which cause much suffering in life [...] Saturn is probably responsible for those ailments which are recognised as resulting from anxiety, such as insomnia, allergies, skin problems and digestive disorders.

From ‘The Question of Cosmic Responsibility’:

In contrast, full attunement to Saturn involves the understanding that it is our duty to assume the responsibility for our own beliefs and attitudes rather than to lean on those of others. There is the acceptance that the well-being of humanity as a whole is governed by the willingness of each of us to stand on our own two feet and our ability to make independent decisions, decisions which take into account the interests of all our fellow beings rather than simply our own interests or the interests of one small sector of society[...]

Finally, from PART TWO – The Interpretation of the Birth Chart – Our Spiritual Curriculum – The School of Saturn:
The essence of Saturn is a sense of universal responsibility based on the understanding of universal law. It is the willingness to accept the difficulties we are faced with in life as the karmic outcome of our own past actions, words and thoughts. And it is the desire to ... work towards cancelling out our karmic debts. Saturn teaches us to move away from sectarian morals and standards projected upon us by our culture, and to overcome the inhibitions, anxieties and dis-ease which result from excessive absorption with the status quo. The ultimate function of this planet is to help us set aside the urge for material goals and to replace these by goals of a spiritual nature.

It is no great leap, osit, to change the words ‘inhibitions’ and ‘anxieties’ to ‘buffers’ and ‘programs’, while ‘excessive absorption with the status quo’ is surely STS.

And that’s it! Ms Stone is not as negative about Saturn as most other astrologers that I’ve read. Although her book is supposedly New Age, it is the least ‘New Age’ New Age book I’ve ever read. As she herself warns, in ‘The Question of Free Will’:

And it is a sad fact that while astrologers continue to disregard, or rather fail to stress, man’s freedom of choice and persist in the notion that the stars rule us or compel us to behave in a certain way, they will never derive benefit from their study. It is essential to move away from the idea that the planets represent some sinister governing force beyond our comprehension or control [...] Not surprisingly, until recently the obvious conclusion was to assume that the planets themselves were responsible for the dire consequences that often came to pass [...]

All in all, it’s a cut above the usual New Age/astrology books. I wonder what Ms Stone would have made of the hexagon at Saturn's north pole! But the vital thing missing, as I can see now, is any reference to psychopaths, OPs or Ponerology. And without those factors taken into account, any such book is only half a book, imo. But in fairness, these things were not generally known about in 1988.

If anyone would like me to post the opening ‘essence’ paragraphs (as in ‘the essence of Saturn’ above) from ‘The School of....’ Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, I’d be happy to do so.

N.B. to Mods – I was going to link Ark’s article on ‘Debugging the Universe’, but it seems to have vanished from the forum. :huh:

:cool2: :cool2: :cool2:
bedower said:
N.B. to Mods – I was going to link Ark’s article on ‘Debugging the Universe’, but it seems to have vanished from the forum. :huh:

Are you referring to the following chapter from Laura's Wave series, titled "Debugging the Universe"?


Or Ark's essay/thread titled "What is Truth"?

It was neither one of those.

The one I remembered (or thought I remembered) was a 'sticky' in the 'Outer Space and "Inner" Space' thread forum under the title 'Debugging the Universe', and it was by Ark (or I thought it was!).

How puzzling! :huh:
More on the Saturn hexagonal structure (i know this is veering from 3D crop circles a bit):

transcripts said:
A: Partly, but geometric figures provide a third density guide
for visualizations of field concepts.
Q: (A) Hmmm....
A: Pyramids inverted upon one another.
Q: (A) Where to put these pyramids?
A: Hexagonal representaion of flat plane...
Q: (A) What is hexagonal representation?
A: What does a hexagon look like when converted to three
dimensional represention?
Q: (L) Well, a 'flat pyramid' is a triangle, and a triangle has
three points, and two triangles inverted becomes a sort of
Star of David, and that has six points and is a sort of
hexagon... (L) Well, this hexagon business... two
dimensional inverted pyramids make a Star of David. But,
what if these pyramids were really tetrahedrons? They
LOOK like a hexagon in a plane, but in 3 dimensions... (A)
They are octohedrons... Octonions... hmmmm....
A: Vortices... this is what your "wormhole" would look like.

This in conjunction with what has been said about stars and planets being windows to other realms is curious... What DOES a hexagon look like when converted into 3 dimensional representation?

I know this is from Yahoo answers, (not exactly a reliable source) but the guy answering the question brings up exactly the problem I was having in conceiving of this 3d representation of a hexagon...

Yahoo Answers said:
A hexagon is a planar shape. That is to say it is by definition two dimensional.
Therefore there cannot be a 3d hexagon in any strict sense.
I am assuming you are referring to regular solids; i.e. solids with a given number of identical faces. Such as you find on a dice (or die if you are pedantic)
Dice are of course regular six sided 3D shapes. Each face being a square. This is called a hexahedron (hexa=six, hedron=face)
Put one face each of two tetrahedrons together and you get a different six sided figure which may have a special name but I can't find it with a brief search. (ooh hang on wikipedia says it is a "triangular dipyramid" and belongs to a group of poly hedrons called deltahedra. Oh Kay!!)

Now think of two pyramids of the classic Egyptian variety. Put the square bases together and you have an eight sided figure with eight equilateral triangular sides.
This is called an octahedron, (eight sided solid shape)
A regular polygon with faces made up of HEXAGONS is CALLED....
well this is what wikipedia says
"There exists no polyhedron whose faces are all identical and are regular polygons with six or more sides because the vertex of three regular hexagons defines a plane. (See infinite skew polyhedron for exceptions with zig-zagging vertex figures.)"
Hang on surely not. I thought there was such a thing. I need some scissors and cardboard and some glue!!
OK that's me looking silly now, obviously, because when you draw a few hexagons together on a piece of paper they line up perfectly so therefore you can't fold them into a 3d shape. DER! Think of some honeycomb.

There are a couple links on the answer page to different visualizations of the shapes. But I'm still not sure which the C's were talking about, or how it's relevant to 'visualizing field concepts'.
Wow, this crop circle fits perfectly with this thread:

The middle can be seen 3 dimensionally as two tetrahedrons inverted on each-other. And we have it surrounded by hexagons!


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Hi folks,

Some of crop circles reminds me on Saturn's hexagonal polar anomalies.


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