5th density influences

When the wolf shows up at your bed, take them in. Of course, that could be interpreted as 'sending buckets of vomit' to whatever good is implied by the words (sublogoi?) of Laura and the C's, but one could interpret that idiom of the C's to be roughly equivalent to Ra's assertion that positive polarity is just as repugnant to a negatively polarized entity as vice versa. Awareness of such can be empowering and relieving.

When one inserts knowledge into this, the opportunity for work and expression of catalyst increases. There are infinitely many ways to defend oneself. The one that resonates the most with me is self-seasoning. For myself, knowledge is like putting freshly ground Red Savina peppers over one's entity. Anyone who dares take a bite out of me has my compassion and (out of necessity) respect, and if they are braze enough to in/digest, then they risk all that union of our material now implies. Note that what I just said applies in any place in the octave/ true dimension.

I must admit that I find it incredible any presumption whether based on communion with the self or others, that an entity can remain 'stationary' within the octave indefinitely, despite what I keep reading from time to time to the contrary. However, this does provide catalyst for work.
of course, I must add that one is free to move out of the path of a predator in any universe, but how does one learn to duck, if one has never learned that a dimension/axis exists within which one can move that one can actually duck _to_?? Not to sound genuflecting, but before reading what L had to say, I had no idea one was even allowed to. :) See the Creator in all things, and understand the nature of polarity and the reason d' etre for the veil.

Assumptions are axioms.
negative (ie fear) begets further negativity... hence, food/fuel, and increased polarization for the STS/negatively polarized entity involved.

knowledge enables intelligent use and application of one's own, honest, innate polarization/choice of 3rd density path and STO alignment... not capitulation, but, as L put it, responding with positivity which has the power of either depolarizing, or repelling outright that which seeks to utilize the lower form (us) somehow.

Did I get that right? :) I am trying to imagine for my-self just how L successfully fought her abductions. Thoughts/input please...
rebinator said:
negative (ie fear) begets further negativity... hence, food/fuel, and increased polarization for the STS/negatively polarized entity involved.

Fear can play a useful role in human life - as long as one is not frozen or otherwise controlled by it.

rebinator said:
Did I get that right? :) I am trying to imagine for my-self just how L successfully fought her abductions. Thoughts/input please...

One of the things mentioned in a related context was righteous anger. Such anger (which is often considered a "negative emotion") also plays a very useful role in human life in certain situations.
rebinator said:
negative (ie fear) begets further negativity... hence, food/fuel, and increased polarization for the STS/negatively polarized entity involved.

knowledge enables intelligent use and application of one's own, honest, innate polarization/choice of 3rd density path and STO alignment... not capitulation, but, as L put it, responding with positivity which has the power of either depolarizing, or repelling outright that which seeks to utilize the lower form (us) somehow.

Did I get that right? :) I am trying to imagine for my-self just how L successfully fought her abductions. Thoughts/input please...

I think you're wandering into 'word salad' territory. If you try to just speak clearly, using your own words and understanding of those words, it usually works out much better. :)
Thank you for your reply Anart! :)

Anart, your comments on my input are always welcome (and provide me with much needed catalyst), but I fail to see how my attempts at interpreting the words of others can be construed as lacking in meaning. ? I need more than just 'word salad', my friend.

I know of no simpler way in which I could have stated what I just said, but I was referring to the incident during the Ra sessions where a 5th density negatively polarized (STS) entity was insinuating itself in on the sessions, and contact with the LL nature of the group was affecting the negative polarity of the being to a roughly conjugate degree that the being's attacks were victimizing the channeling group (at least according to Ra). Of course, the entity is presumably still in its incarnation (standing). Don is dead, and Carla, as you know, experienced years of depression afterward.

FYI I have been studying Laura's method for dealing with the unsolicited gifts of STS, with much inspiration and interest.

What are your thoughts on obyvatel's reply?

I sincerely hope my responses are taken in the best possible, uh, 'light'. :)
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