A bit personal, but could be made more generally.


The Living Force
Was the recent occasion when I was driving past my old neighborhood, and I was listening to the Malmsteen album, I had this incredible experience of a moment in a past life where I was standing on a high point watching my town being attacked by some soldiers. It was so profound that I wept as if I was there. It seemed to be in the 18th Century. Was this an experience of an actual life I had lived in the past?

Alternatively: Could a situation as described above be real for some people who have a connection made by a piece of music?
Was the recent occasion when I was driving past my old neighborhood, and I was listening to the Malmsteen album, I had this incredible experience of a moment in a past life where I was standing on a high point watching my town being attacked by some soldiers. It was so profound that I wept as if I was there. It seemed to be in the 18th Century. Was this an experience of an actual life I had lived in the past?

Alternatively: Could a situation as described above be real for some people who have a connection made by a piece of music?
*edit to alternatively* Could such an experience as described above be a true recollection of a past incarnation, particularly when experienced so intensely. Having been triggered by something like music, which in this case was Adagio in G minor, which also happens to fit the timeline, being credited to Albinoni in the 18th century .

Back to the personal part: it felt like I was in a Russian forest (maybe Belarus), and it was in the time of the Patriotic War of 1812. It was so real. I could see - in my mind’s eye - the lamps in the streets and the Orthodox Church at the center of town, and I knew everyone I knew and loved was in grave danger. It was like I’d lived it.

Now how to frame the question…😁
Was the recent occasion when I was driving past my old neighborhood, and I was listening to the Malmsteen album, I had this incredible experience of a moment in a past life where I was standing on a high point watching my town being attacked by some soldiers. It was so profound that I wept as if I was there. It seemed to be in the 18th Century. Was this an experience of an actual life I had lived in the past?

Alternatively: Could a situation as described above be real for some people who have a connection made by a piece of music?

Maybe music is ultimately Math from the ethereal re-interpreted by humans through instruments turned into 3D temporal narratives - hopefully?

I'm kind of surprised anyone is still listening to Yngwie ;-) Joking - I do. I bought Rising Force, Marching Out and Trilogy when they came out and loved them. No one at that time incorporated J.S. Bach into metal and then bragged about it as if we were buying more albums because we somehow were listening to Bach at 16 in suburban North America. I don't think his pure classical-inspired virtuosity on electric guitar has been matched.

I think your question is really interesting specifically because almost all popular music is derivative from American Blues, and R&B with infinite variations - but very rarely is there a direct European "classical" influence like Yngwie did. Malmsteen is someone that intentionally incorporated as much as he could from the classical "palette" - or at least as much as was possible in early 80's metal and still attract an audience.

He was the guy to follow if you wanted to be a shredder in the 80's. 64th notes on a Strat! The track of his that always took me to another place was "Black Star". Kind of fitting with where we might be heading...

Yet even though Yngwie's a Swede, he loved Italian composers and regularly talked about Paganini as his inspiration to virtuosity. Albinoni obviously influenced him as well. A complex chain of musical notes preserved from 1700-2024. But yet charged with key events in music and history.

"Albinoni's instrumental music attracted great attention from Johann Sebastian Bach, who wrote at least two fugues on Albinoni's themes (Fugue in A major on a theme by Tomaso Albinoni, BWV 950, and Fugue in B minor on a theme by Tomaso Albinoni, BWV 951) and frequently used his basses for harmonic exercises for his pupils. Part of Albinoni's work was lost in World War II with the destruction of the Dresden State Library. As a result, little is known of his life and music after the mid-1720s."

A connection with the loss of Dresden was Vonnegut's "Salughterhouse-5" - another great work.

I always find it interesting how musical terms influence later psychology and psychiatry from Freud forward. Bach wrote two fugues based on Albinoni's themes. Yngwie wrote an incredible fugue on electric guitar. Wiki describes the "Fugue State" as:

"Dissociative fugue (/fjuːɡ/
), formerly called a fugue state or psychogenic fugue, is a rare psychiatric phenomenon characterized by reversible amnesia for one's identity in conjunction with unexpected wandering or travel.

Hmmm... Travel to where? A place to access music that is out of time or place? Musicians who "forget themselves" in the mantic flight of composition or performance? Characterized by - "reversible amnesia"? Someone should name a band that.

Re-listening to Malmsteen before I wrote this, even the most materialist musician could watch those videos of him and not discount that he's possibly reincarnated from the 18th century. Why isn't anyone else doing that music? Why only him between then and 1983?

Maybe you were in on the same project with Bach and Albinoni? They seemed pretty serious - to say the least. Yngwie came back and left a bread crumb trail on permanent media to inspire the memories of the original project and trigger "The Fugue" sate to get your psychic family re-connected? I'm hoping more experiences like you described happen for all of us. Connecting with our ancestors - psychic family or genetic - could add a whole new level of awareness.
Maybe music is ultimately Math from the ethereal re-interpreted by humans through instruments turned into 3D temporal narratives - hopefully?

I'm kind of surprised anyone is still listening to Yngwie ;-) Joking - I do. I bought Rising Force, Marching Out and Trilogy when they came out and loved them. No one at that time incorporated J.S. Bach into metal and then bragged about it as if we were buying more albums because we somehow were listening to Bach at 16 in suburban North America. I don't think his pure classical-inspired virtuosity on electric guitar has been matched.

I think your question is really interesting specifically because almost all popular music is derivative from American Blues, and R&B with infinite variations - but very rarely is there a direct European "classical" influence like Yngwie did. Malmsteen is someone that intentionally incorporated as much as he could from the classical "palette" - or at least as much as was possible in early 80's metal and still attract an audience.

He was the guy to follow if you wanted to be a shredder in the 80's. 64th notes on a Strat! The track of his that always took me to another place was "Black Star". Kind of fitting with where we might be heading...

Yet even though Yngwie's a Swede, he loved Italian composers and regularly talked about Paganini as his inspiration to virtuosity. Albinoni obviously influenced him as well. A complex chain of musical notes preserved from 1700-2024. But yet charged with key events in music and history.

"Albinoni's instrumental music attracted great attention from Johann Sebastian Bach, who wrote at least two fugues on Albinoni's themes (Fugue in A major on a theme by Tomaso Albinoni, BWV 950, and Fugue in B minor on a theme by Tomaso Albinoni, BWV 951) and frequently used his basses for harmonic exercises for his pupils. Part of Albinoni's work was lost in World War II with the destruction of the Dresden State Library. As a result, little is known of his life and music after the mid-1720s."

A connection with the loss of Dresden was Vonnegut's "Salughterhouse-5" - another great work.

I always find it interesting how musical terms influence later psychology and psychiatry from Freud forward. Bach wrote two fugues based on Albinoni's themes. Yngwie wrote an incredible fugue on electric guitar. Wiki describes the "Fugue State" as:

"Dissociative fugue (/fjuːɡ/), formerly called a fugue state or psychogenic fugue, is a rare psychiatric phenomenon characterized by reversible amnesia for one's identity in conjunction with unexpected wandering or travel.

Hmmm... Travel to where? A place to access music that is out of time or place? Musicians who "forget themselves" in the mantic flight of composition or performance? Characterized by - "reversible amnesia"? Someone should name a band that.

Re-listening to Malmsteen before I wrote this, even the most materialist musician could watch those videos of him and not discount that he's possibly reincarnated from the 18th century. Why isn't anyone else doing that music? Why only him between then and 1983?

Maybe you were in on the same project with Bach and Albinoni? They seemed pretty serious - to say the least. Yngwie came back and left a bread crumb trail on permanent media to inspire the memories of the original project and trigger "The Fugue" sate to get your psychic family re-connected? I'm hoping more experiences like you described happen for all of us. Connecting with our ancestors - psychic family or genetic - could add a whole new level of awareness.
I thoroughly enjoyed this post! Yes, specifically it’s was the middle section of Evil Eye (with the kettle drum) where it started (or maybe Krieger’s Bouree at the beginning that set it in motion), but yeah by the end of Icarus Dream Suite Op4, I was convinced I’d just had a previous life memory. It was still hitting me during the breakdown in Little Savage!

Every 2-3 years I’ll break out Rising Force and Marching Out, and celebrate the modern era car stereo in its 8-speakers plus Subwoofer glory. Then I’ll blast Humble Pie at the Fillmore (cause you gotta do that!!)😉

Oh, and the fact that my pops was a classically trained pianist; I grew up with the sound of his Steinway sending Beethoven, Bach, Brahms, Schumann, Rachmaninov, and DeBussey echoing through the walls of my childhood home. Particularly in the late morning. He was a University professor who’d come home to play between classes. I’d leave for school and sneak/climb into my bedroom window to listen before going back late for school. I’m sure that helps some melodic connections, but this Yngwie thing was off the chart! I even remember the feeling of the winter uniform coat I had on at that hilltop in Northeastern Europe in ~1811.

So yeah, could we maybe put together a question regarding this in an ask-able way that might get a not-too-ambiguous answer from the Cs?
It is definitely possible to remember past lives, I have had bits and pieces of such memories too. The C's and many other sources say that our memory of past lives is suppressed when we incarnate here on 3D Earth and according to the C's this 'memory wipe' does not happen in 4D incarnations, for example.

One thing that is hard to tell is whether a glimpse or memory of a past life is one's own past life or possibly that of one's ancestors or even of someone completely different. I guess the difference is in how personal it feels. For example, some issues we have in this life seem to originate in prior lifetimes. And some talents as well.
All that, can be very well a past life memory experienced or just a collective memory, usually when we have dreams sometimes depending on the person and the moment, we can access something like the super-consciousness, in other terms, an information field that have a a collection of memories either from the past or sometimes future events. So all possibilities are open, however asking the C’s about it is not fair, since it would be your homework and meditate about it, at this point we are trying to only make questions that are for the “collective good”. It’s true that Laura makes exceptions from time to time if she thinks it’s worthy. But you know mostly that personal questions are a no no. No need to rephrase it neither, because if you ask something like;

It is possible to one having experience a past life memory while driving or listening to a tune?
What do you think will be their answer?
yes, or sometimes.

But overall, I think this is for you to ponder, either through meditation or just general reflection of the memory.
I think the question of music and it's relationship to density and dimensional borders is super fascinating. I think that's what you're essentially talking about - music being a 'key' (pun intended) that opens some sort of portal, new possibilities, emotional awakening, or even a glimpse into past lives.

This session below, which talks about the nature of densities as frequency envelopes, has musical metaphors all over the place:

Q: (V) Alright what's a frequency envelope you brainy types. (R) Actually, frequency envelope, [asking Ark] isn't that what we were doing with the wave generating computer program? (A) Frequency envelope is something like that.

A: Your awareness maintains a frequency emanation in concert with those in your environment. When there are fluctuations in bonding frequencies both between you and your environment, and the frequency bonding of another, the fluctuations create discontinuities.

Q: (R) Okay, that makes sense. (L) It does? (V) Okay then tell me. (R) Okay. It's like resonance. If the environment has a particular frequency ... hmm ... (V) We were asking about the frequency envelope and what it is. (R) And it's V. And violet is high energy, right? The color spectrum right? [The group reviews the previous C's answer ... ] (R) Exactly, so it's a quantum jump. GROUP: Yeah. (R) Because you're at one level and unless something strange happens that's where you're at. (L) In other words - you emanate energy, the other person emanates energy, and the energy exchange is between you and the environment, and between you and the person and the environment, and your environment is maintained, and the envelope of energy is maintained around you. But if there is ... what? Fluctuations? (R) Ah! "Your awareness maintains a frequency emanation in concert with those in your environment." Hence, if your environment has a frequency that allows for a higher frequency, I mean, it always has the lower, but in some cases it can allow for higher. (L) They're talking about it being fluctuations in the environment. If somebody or something in you're environment is ... (A) But the question is - which properties of environment that we can describe in terms of ... (L) Well they're saying that the fluctuations are in V. (R) In concert with the environment. (L) And in concert with people who are in the environment. In other words, something is breaking up and you are no longer frequency bonded to the people in the environment in the same way; there is a fluctuation there. What is it called when you add too much energy to something? It becomes unstable. Your reality construct is unstable. That's what I would say. (R) You have a bigger marble that you can fit in a bigger hole if the hole happens to be there. (L) Right.

A: Rejoice! You are growing out of your shoes.

Q: (L) Your feet don't fit anymore! You need new shoes!

A: Basis: shoes.

Q: (V) Okay. Perspective is a word that has been coming up a lot, so I am going to go ahead and ask about this. We all live in the same world, but yet we view our environment, what is going around us differently. One time a few years ago I was with a psychic counselor, so to speak, a woman named P, and she insisted that in her world the Rainforest was not being degraded ...

A: STS tend to make such statements because of denial of the very principle just described.

Q: (V) We were sitting there, and I was whining about how bad humans treat the earth - this was when I was studying Environmental Science - and she was just insisting that, in her world, the Rainforest was just fine. And you know, I was just sitting there looking at her, and I just couldn't believe what she was saying was the truth. And I thought, "okay, is this woman traveling back and forth between realms or realities or what is the deal?"

A: She was abnegating any response ... ability.

Q: (V) Well you know I stopped going and seeing those psychic people awhile ago. [Laughter.]

A: Good plan! Hang out your own shingle and let them come to you!

Q: (V) I don't know about living the life of a psychic. (L) I think it was a joke. (V) Ah yeah, because I'm thinking, "no way am I doing that!" (R) But the thing is, when that woman said, "in my world the Rainforest is okay," it means she had already made a judgment that ... (V) Yeah, that she was somehow in a better place than I was. (L) Well it was also making a judgment against the wisdom of the universe. It avoids the understanding that if the Rainforests are dying maybe there is a reason for it. (R) Exactly. All there is are lessons. (V) Well you know it was funny because I was taking a Geology course at the time and we were supposed to go on a diving trip down to South Florida, and it got stopped by a hurricane. But before that, this so-called psychic told me she could see me going down there, following her healing reccommendations, and all the dead coral would come back to life.

A: When the universe is ready to revive dead coral, you can bet it will revive.

Q: (V) Well I thought that was a pretty tall order for me to be taking care of it all by myself. To get back to the perspective thing, personal perception ...

A: Frequency envelopes are realms, however they are "in concert," which implies a degree of scripting at some level. Some members if the orchestra do not play well. Some do not play in tune. Some are out of synch. Others expect the one next to them to play their part.

Q: (R) Which makes even more sense that in 4D STS and STO don't like to mix because if they do they would play completely out of synch. (L) Very bad music. (V) Is it like my frequency envelope is my consciousness, the representation of my consciousness? (R) No, frequency envelopes are realms. (V) Okay, so I'm a realm unto myself? (JN) You are Queen of your realm. (L) But your realm is part of an orchestra which means that it emanates a sound - you are giving off a sound - you are playing your part; and either you play it well or you do not. (R) But even if you are playing it well ... (L) Those around you may not be. (R) Exactly. So that's also kind of a reason why 3D is such a low density because there is so much canceling out. I mean if you put a lot of 3D guys that are STS oriented in one place and if you put STO people in another place, physically, then there would not be as much canceling out. So you wouldn't need as much awareness individually to make use of higher frequencies because you could have an orchestra. (V) Because you would be gathered together harmoniously. (L) You can have an orchestra. Okay, quick one: Is anything going to happen in 2003 like an appearance of the planet Nibiru or Planet X or anything of any particular interest?

A: Find out!

Q: (L) They're not going to give us a clue. (R) Can I continue on the previous subject? So in relation to frequency envelopes and bonding of awareness to perception, I was wondering if that related to creating the conduit. The C's have said that you were creating conduit here? (L) Um-hmm. (R) Okay, could it be the case that frequency resonance of all who are here together with you is because of the resonance makes it easier, it lowers the amount of energy needed from the environment to make ...

A: The orchestra is able to produce greater volume when in concert.

Q: (R) Right. So, is this concept - in this sentence that says "the orchestra is able to produce greater volume when in concert" - is that what is meant by creating a conduit?

A: Close. Frequency envelope has many applications.

Q: (R) Could you outline some of those applications? Is that too vague? (V) It sounds pretty particular to me. (R) Yeah, but it has many applications and such a conduit would have such many applications, one of which I assume we are using now.

A: For but one example: Joshua and the "Walls of Jericho."

Q: (R) Of course. So they used a conduit meaning a resonance of an orchestra of people to bring down the Walls of Jericho.

A: More or less, though it was not Jericho.

Q: (R) Okay, but the principle applies. (V) Since you are using this orchestra metaphor what kind of instrument are each of us?

A: V**** wants to be a flute. RO: French Horn. Laura: Harp. BT: Tuba. JN: Piano. MN: Glockenspiel. Ark: Violin.

Q: (V) Thank you, that was fun. (R) I have a question. If not the walls of Jericho then the walls of what?

A: Seek Atlantean events for the roots of myths.

Q: (R) Okay, I got you. {Laura sings: Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho ... } (R) Okay, let's ask about the computer program we have been working on. [Ark and RO, a java expert, had spent the previous week working on creating this program program, based on Schrödinger's equation and Ark's Event Enhanced Quantum Theory. The program simulates graphically scattering, interference, and collapse of quantum probability waves.] The graphical artifacts that we are seeing in the program are they actual or are they caused by numerical problems or errors in the program?

A: Numerical serendipity is more like it.

Q: (A) What, what? (L) I think "serendipity" is a pleasant discovery, from a story about the Land of Serendip. (R) Okay, so, is it something that we should investigate or should we focus on other things?

A: Absolutely. Remember the Benzene Ring. Idea structure was seen first, then followed explication when application was realized.

Q: (R) If we can see some application of it then it will be such that we can back engineer it and figure out the cause of it. Now we are just looking at it in terms of what is it? What is it doing? What is it? But if we can see some application ... (A) Well we see one application, a screen saver. [Laughter.] (R) I think maybe we should find some more interesting application, but it is a good principle to find an application of it because that's what can lead us back to what it is. (A) Yeah, that's true. Well, can you help us with what is the application, give us some direction?

A: Think of the Benzene "Ring."

Q: (R) Is that only used in chemistry? Or is it used in math as well? (L) Do you know the story of the Benzene Ring? (R) No. I only heard about it in chemistry. (M) The story of the Benzene Ring is the guy that came up with and applied to chemistry, dreamed of a snake biting its tail and rolling along, and so he applied that to benzene molecular structure which is double bonds and a single bond sequence. (R) So that seems to mean that we are on the right track by trying to see if there is something there. (L) Maybe the key is the word ring. (A) No you see, what is mysterious, the fact that things are forming, okay, it is discrete structure, numerical errors, roundings, you know all kinds of these artifacts. But, the fact that they look like three dimensional spirals - even if they are created in one dimension - I have no explanation. I don't even have an idea how to explain why would they ever create these spirals? Where are these extra dimensions coming from? I have no idea. (MN) Still, there is no application unless you can solve it.

A: Ring.

Q: (R) Yes, because it's a cycle. It's what was said before. It's like a loop. (L) Well let me ask this - you've got it moving back and forth between two barriers right? Can you make the ends connect? (R) Yes. But then nothing happens because then it just moves and moves and moves, it is just the initial shape moving out and coming in another. So nothing happens the only thing ... (M) The wave doesn't change. (R) Exactly. So it only happens when it has to react with a barrier. (L) Uh huh. (R) That's the only time it happens because that's what's causing ... (B) Could the barrier represent a density? (R) It could, yeah, actually.

A: Double loop.

Q: (R) Double loop, yeah, exactly. (MN) Double helix? (R) Yeah, because it's looping ... because if you look at the 3D part of it it's not a spiral, it's a cone. (A) Right. (R) Because it is spiraling like that, and if you increase the resolution, then it will be a perfect cone which is moving like that at the same time it is moving like that. [Demonstrates with hand gestures.] And it is moving like that because of balance - because it has to be from an equal amount [of energy] on either side. (V) It builds it from itself? (R) Yeah the thing is like this, if you have a packet of energy going like this and it meets a boundary, either it can fold up like that - just under its own pressure - and then spring back. Or, it can utilize the extra dimensions and coil. Like if you have a string and you just do like that, it won't be at one point. So I think it's the same thing here. But how to find out? We need to have some algorithm for the third dimension for this folding. (A) Um-hmm. (V) What if there is indeed something happening there that you're not seeing? Like we were talking about at the beginning of the session here: that you can't know what you can't know because you can't see it because it's veiled? What are the possibilities that there is something else happening there to be discovered or uncovered? (R) And I think that it seems like the only reason it is manifesting is because the wave is hitting an obstacle. So, the third dimension - it was always there as a possibility - but it didn't manifest until the wave hit an obstacle. So the obstacle, in effect, is creating the additional dimension. It was always there but it didn't manifest until an obstacle was put into the wave's path.

A: Consciousness energy directors.

Q: (R) Exactly. Because if the wave is hitting an obstacle, if it just follows mechanics, it's going to fold up because that's the law. But, if you have consciousness interacting with the energy, then it can say, "hey look it is more efficient if you don't fold up, it is more efficient if you utilize this extra dimension, because there is then less pressure in the wave if you are using this extra dimension." But you need that consciousness to kind of say, "hey look there is this extra dimension that you can utilize." And it has to say how to utilize it because it has to choose a direction to start folding into. (B) If our consciousness defines the parameters of third density, could the barriers on either side of the wave represent the barriers of the outside parameters of third density which causes this continual looping back and forth? And it may be doing something else in a different density that doesn't have those barriers?

A: Frequency resonance envelope.

Q: (R) Exactly, it makes total sense. So frequency resonance envelopes are realms. And our program shows that the only time interesting things happen to a wave is when it hits an obstacle. And it only manifests the extra dimension if someone helps the wave to choose which way to start folding out into the extra dimension. So if densities in effect are frequency resonance envelopes, which exist as obstacles, that waves of energy can resonate within ... yeah, exactly ... that makes kind of sense. (JN) What if the level of consciousness is the barrier? (R) Yeah, exactly. Consciousness energy directors, and the more awareness you have the more possibilities you can see to direct the energy. (JN) The less obstruction. (R) Yeah, or you can choose this ... (V) You say you believe something because it's the law, but ... (R) Yeah, because those are the parameters that you see, but the more awareness you have, the more you see, the more you can find, then you can know dimensions that you can escape into. You have the box, you say it's closed, we can't get out of it. But if you have more awareness, you can say, "well there's some other dimension out of the box that we can use." Do I make sense?

A: You are going in the right direction ...

Q: (R) Which is of course, kind of humorous since they just talked about consciousness as energy directors and we are going in the right direction. So we are directing the energy in a conscious way towards the right frequency resonance envelope. (L) I'm glad you know what you're talking about. (JN) Now don't anyone lick that envelope and seal it up! (R) Okay, well this makes sense. So the basic concept to recap is that densities are frequency resonance envelopes in the same way that the barriers in our program are barriers. We have modeled densities on a computer program. Densities are envelopes. Frequency Resonance Envelopes. You have energy bouncing back and forth and without conscious directing of that energy it's not going to utilize anything more than the paths that are kind of obvious - the default. But as soon as you start to direct that energy, you can direct it in such a way that it exceeds the envelope. (J) So think outside the envelope. (R) Exactly because you are redefining the envelope. You are finding bigger and bigger slots.

A: Prime numbers show the door.

Q: (R) It's perfect. So in the simulation, the spirals seem to always be prime numbers. We have 3, 5, 7, 11, 19 - I think we have seen at some point. (A) Two is also prime number (laughter). (V) But not a 13? (R) I think we have seen 13. It depends on what parameters you set. I think we can find pretty much any prime number depending on the values. (A) I don't believe it. (R) He doesn't believe it. (A) No. It is a hypothesis. (R) Is the number of apparent spirals always a prime number?

A: Ark is not right on the money.

Q: (A) I am. I will show you! (B) Does that mean he's close? (R) You can't be close. Either it's prime numbers or it's not. (A) What did they say that I am not right? Right? (R) Right, exactly. (A) Okay, I will show you guys. (L) How are you going to show them? (A) We will do an experiment and we will show that it's not prime numbers. And the C's will have to recant! [Laughter.] But there are many other ways in which prime number can come into this game and probably they are coming into this game and it will be very nice to find this out.

A: Find out, in deed.

Q: (L) Well that's kind of a pun, find out "in deed" - by doing. (R) We are on a very, very interesting path here because we just defined what a density is. It's a frequency resonance envelope. (A) The question is frequency of what?

A: Yes, of those in the orchestra.

Q: (L) So it is by agreement. (A) What is by agreement? (L) To be in the orchestra, frequency resonance envelope. (B) Not only to be, but to play within those parameters. (L) Who gets to pick what gets played?

A: Ah! There's the rub!

Q: (B) That means it's up for grabs. Which is why they're interested in us grounding a certain frequency resonance so STS doesn't.

A: No, you don't get to pick the selection at this level. But you in the future does. The question is: How well do you play, and can you play true if the others don't?

Q: (M) That's the second time they said that. (R) Yeah, okay, so in essence, that means what we are doing now is assembling the orchestra before the concert, and tuning the instruments. (L) Have you ever sat in the concert hall when they were getting ready, warming up? (J) It's chaos. (L) It is. (R) But after awhile it starts getting tuned. But that's what this is all about - the whole Cassiopaean Communication. Were not playing yet. We're just tuning. (L) Yeah. (JN) So if our level of consciousness creates the barriers of where this wave can go and how it behaves, can we ... (R) No, No. No. Excuse me for interrupting. Our level of consciousness doesn't create the barriers, it's only aware of those barriers. It can see, okay, what are the barriers: "oh these are the barriers. I can see, okay. So here's what I get to play." But if your awareness grows, then you get to see an array of barriers. "Okay I want to play with this bigger one. I can play with the smaller ones if I want to, but I have the awareness to see other barriers that are more extensive." (L) I think that the concept that we have a hard time grasping is that - going with the analogy - the musical selection is made, more or less. We at some level - us in the future - have chosen what instrument to play, what part to play. And so, the options that we really have now are: how well we play, how loud we play, how in tune we play with others; can we practice, can we stay in tune, can we do any numbers of these things? And even if we find ourselves sitting next to some jerk who can't carry a tune, and whose instrument is all screwed up, can we still continue to play true? Because even though the rest of the orchestra, being heard from a distance, may sound quite melodic, because we are sitting next to this guy who can't play, it is possible for us to be distracted - pulled off track - and then to distract the guy on the other side of us, leading to general chaos. (R) It's about focus. (L) Yeah. I'm getting tired. (A) I have still a question, because all the discussion around this computer modeling, whether it can be helpful or should be developed, or can lead to something; and all these spirals and barriers; they are all about, it's a standard, there are no events, there are no detectors yet. My idea was that it is the detectors which make events which make the wave collapse. Until now, in all our simulations, there is no collapse and no jumps. And yet we speak about consciousness, while there is this other concept that it is consciousness that makes the wave collapse. Okay. So I see a contradiction and I don't know how to get out of this contradiction. There is no collapse, and yet there was some encouragement that what we have relates to ...

A: The music is on the page long before it is played.

Q: (R) So, when the orchestra starts playing you have the musical notes, the timing instructions. Right. So it's the same music. You can play over and over again. But the difference is how well the orchestra plays and how well it is tuned. Okay, so one implication can be that ...

A: The FRE is the notes on the page. It is the selection. The "playing" constitutes "events." Frequency resonant envelope: FRE.

Q: (R) So when you're starting out, you have a small orchestra, you play simple notes. (L) Kinda like first density. (R) Exactly. As you get better at playing you get the bigger orchestra, you get more instruments, you have to be more careful about having them in tune because otherwise ... (L) And you get more notes. (R) And you get more notes. But the playing constitutes events. It's one thing to have an orchestra, it's another to have it tuned. (L) Alright, let's think about this FRE idea and this application of it and then take it back to V's original questions about it. FRE is emanated and maintained in concert with the environment and others ... (R) Well, it is also bonded to the perception through awareness, right? (L) Okay. (V reads back from the notes) "Your awareness maintains a frequency emanation in concert with your environment. When there are fluctuations in bonding of another, the fluctuations create discontinuities." (R) So a discontinuity would be a quantum jump, for example, yes or no?

A: Yes.

Q: (R) But this requires that you have an orchestra that is well tuned. Because if you don't have it well tuned, it's not resonating so it doesn't matter if the ... (V) So the orchestra's not going to make the music in fourth density. (R) Exactly. So you have the concert hall, the audience is there, you have the notes, but the orchestra is not in tune, so you get bad music. If the orchestra is not in tune, which is why it is important to ...

A: Sing "Goodnight Ladies," Yes?

So there's some stuff in there that may help you dig deeper into your question - in particular the idea that we are all in an orchestra, that everything around us is a howling chaos and we can make the choice to sing a good song in our hearts, and that 'the music was written on the page long before it was played', etc. I find the idea 'everything is frequency' a little too dry. 'Everything is song' is much more up my alley. Probably came from playing Ocarina of Time in my formative years. But it is grounded in the true nature of reality, I think.

I don't know if you've looked into prime numbers as the foundation of everything, or the relationship between math and music, etc.? Or know of any authors that speak about such things?

Side note, there's a friend of mine who heard a certain science program on the radio back before it was all woke BS, and it also spoke about this phenomenon of music being a 'key' that opens. This came from botany, however, and it was found that the little native bees would sing to the flowers, causing them to open. They knew the frequency to open the flowers. Amazing! And they probably also danced at the same time. However, the introduced honeybees would sometimes rip the flower open, not knowing the song, but needing the pollen and nectar anyways. There's a ton to ponder there in terms of music and metaphor, and the way we carry our frequency - and act - in this musical world of ours.
All that, can be very well a past life memory experienced or just a collective memory, usually when we have dreams sometimes depending on the person and the moment, we can access something like the super-consciousness, in other terms, an information field that have a a collection of memories either from the past or sometimes future events. So all possibilities are open, however asking the C’s about it is not fair, since it would be your homework and meditate about it, at this point we are trying to only make questions that are for the “collective good”. It’s true that Laura makes exceptions from time to time if she thinks it’s worthy. But you know mostly that personal questions are a no no. No need to rephrase it neither, because if you ask something like;

It is possible to one having experience a past life memory while driving or listening to a tune?
What do you think will be their answer?
yes, or sometimes.

But overall, I think this is for you to ponder, either through meditation or just general reflection of the memory.
A good point about the information field and accessing the super-consciousness. I think driving was the key here for me (to letting the music unlock the memory): I literally drove that route in something like a fugue state. The piece of road I was traveling down is the main road ringing the neighborhood where I lived from the age of two until twenty five. I learned to ride a bike, walked to the park, walked with friends to the liquor store to get candy and Wacky Packages😆, waited daily for the school bus…hell I fogged up my first car windows with a girl named Kari (she’d just gotten her learner’s permit) in a parking lot on that road! So driving down that stretch is the most mindless yet alert state I can imagine being in.
A good point about the information field and accessing the super-consciousness. I think driving was the key here for me (to letting the music unlock the memory): I literally drove that route in something like a fugue state. The piece of road I was traveling down is the main road ringing the neighborhood where I lived from the age of two until twenty five. I learned to ride a bike, walked to the park, walked with friends to the liquor store to get candy and Wacky Packages😆, waited daily for the school bus…hell I fogged up my first car windows with a girl named Kari (she’d just gotten her learner’s permit) in a parking lot on that road! So driving down that stretch is the most mindless yet alert state I can imagine being in.
Sounds like we grew up in a very similar neighbourhood to me. Wacky Packages were hilarious. I think they played a key role in developing Gen-X's sarcasm and edgy humour.

Since then, our political leaders and "experts" have clearly been using this product ;-)

Sounds like we grew up in a very similar neighbourhood to me. Wacky Packages were hilarious. I think they played a key role in developing Gen-X's sarcasm and edgy humour.

Since then, our political leaders and "experts" have clearly been using this product ;-)

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Absolutely!! My entire bedroom door was covered in them!🤣 Replaced by the giant-sized Zeppelin and Pink Floyd posters right around the time The Song Remains The Same hit the midnight movies, and puberty hit me!
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