An article appeared in a local Danish newspaper (Jyskevestkysten page 4, January 7, 2012) in which what appears to be a a collie type of dog is reported to have found its way to the morgue of its deceased owner. The story goes that when the owner died the dog was temporarily taken to another family, however, when an opportunity appeared it ran away and was apparently lost. The missing dog was immediately reported to the police just as appeals were made over the radio in the local town busses. Several people called in and told they had seen the dog around town The following morning the police called the person who had reported the missing dog; they could inform her that the dog had been found early in the morning lying outside the door of the morgue at the local hospital. Just inside the door lay the body of the newly deceased owner of the dog. The dog has now been taken to its new permanent home, which is supposed to be very good one.