A dream about swirl


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Some years ago I had a dream in which I was absorbed (sucked up) by a sort of whirl, I can not remember in detail but it was very shocking to me and seemed very real. Someone may give a meaning to it or something happened to him like that :shock:. I never again had a similar dream. It was really scary
Hi Tristan,
Dreams that stay on one's mind, especially after years have passed, usually have a lot of significance to the dreamer. Interpretation can be difficult for anyone other than the dreamer and you have given very little detail here. It could be helpful for you to write down all details of the dream and also to remember your frame of mind at the time of the dream such as, what was happening in your life at that time, what were your relationships like, what were you seeking, studying, worrying about, etc. Were there any physical manifestations relating to the dream after waking up such as, dizziness, foggy mind, etc? Answering these questions to yourself, perhaps in a journal, can be enlightening. Sometimes if I ask my Higher Self to give me the interpretation, I will have another similar dream in more detail. I helps to meditate on it before falling asleep. It is good to keep a pencil and notepad near the bed to write down all details while they are fresh in the mind. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.
I would say I can barely recall the circumstances of my life at that time, but I wanted to highlight the strength of that dream and it really scared me especially for realism and I associated it with death, as if a whirlwind carried me the soul.
Anyway thank you so much for feedback; I'll follow your advice. :)
Hi Tristan,

Here is a possible meaning for a whirlwind encountered in a dream:

http://www.answers.com/topic/whirlwind said:
To encounter a whirlwind in a dream may indicate that the dreamer has been on a whirlwind schedule. The force and power of a whirlwind might also indicate that the dreamer is being lifted up and placed on an entirely new life path.
Tristan said:
Some years ago I had a dream in which I was absorbed (sucked up) by a sort of whirl, I can not remember in detail but it was very shocking to me and seemed very real. Someone may give a meaning to it or something happened to him like that :shock:. I never again had a similar dream. It was really scary

I used to dream of the whirlwind. I wonder now if those dreams were a kind of preview of soul smashing- I was experiencing a lot of inner turbulence.
I was picked up off the ground by a tornado in my late teens; after experiencing the power of the whirlwind in the "real world", there was no more fear.
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