A drugged president?


Jedi Council Member
FOTCM Member
These are images of the right-wing president of Chile (on the left with light blue shirt), where he is seen making quite strange movements... some people say he is drugged, and his defenders say that he is only nervous. Without having much experience in this, I think that actually under the effects of some substance like cocaine? or not necessarily? I also think about some severe brain damage (?) I would like to know about your opinions about this one of the main defenders in Latin America of the foreign intervention in Venezuela.

The full video lasts almost half an hour, and in all that time he is seen making the same gestures and movements.
Wow, he really does keep on fidgeting, especially with pulling down his shirt on his left shoulder. Certainly most disconcerting, especially as it was difficult to focus on the speaker at the front with all constant moving. It doesn’t look like a nervous tic though, and it may well be drugs but it’s hard to say.
His nervous system seems to be overloaded, or it could be his neck is stiff for whatever reason and his movements might be an attempt to relax the latter. Not sure he´s drugged because a while after he starts his speech with no apparent issue, to me at least:

I saw that he looks very old, I almost don't reconize him! It looks, for me but I am not an expert at all, like a nervous tic. This is the definition I found about it:

an involuntary, compulsive, rapid, repetitive, stereotyped movement or vocalization, experienced as irresistible although it can be suppressed for some length of time; occurrence is increased by stress and reduced during sleep or engrossing activities. Tics may be of psychogenic or neurogenic origin and are subclassified as either simple, such as eye blinking, shoulder shrugging, coughing, grunting, snorting, or barking; or complex, such as facial gestures,grooming motions, coprolalia (obscene language), echolalia (repeating the most recently heardword or sound), or echokinesis (imitation of another's movements).
His nervous system seems to be overloaded, or it could be his neck is stiff for whatever reason and his movements might be an attempt to relax the latter.

There are quite a number of possible reasons for his behavior in the video most of which are fairly simple. With the little information we have, the drug theory is quite a number of further assumptions down the road IMO and doesn't have to be invoked as the first and most plausible set of possible reasons.

My first thought was, that he had a tension in the neck/shoulder area which he tried to alleviate by moving like that.
Second idea is that a badly made seam in his shirt was scratched his skin.
Third thought was that he was sweating and the sweat moving down the shirt felt uncomfortable maybe in combination with a wind blow.

If you think about it, in all three scenarios you would move pretty similarly and probably have done so in the past.
Having said that, it of course could also be a physical tick produced/reinforced by any number of reasons, including anxiety, brain problems, stress and yes also drugs etc. or a combination of different factors.
To me, it looks like he is suffering from periodic spasms to his left shoulder. In the video IronFloyd Posted, notice that he holds his left hand in a fist. It might be some type of shoulder/neck injury? It even looks like the left shoulder is a little lower then the other side?

It might be, he tried to pick up something heavy and strained the left shoulder? Your guess is as good as mine?
The other thing of notice is that there is a bulge under his left armpit. A recording device? Or conceald carry of a weapon? That alone could be uncomfortable enough to want to try to reshift the weight on a constant basis. Lots of potential explanations, and like Pashalis said, drugs seem way down this list.
Well the truth is that this guy has always been characterized by these strange movements when he is in public... watch this video from 2014:

And this one from 2011:

And this one where you can see what Nicklebleu says ... always something on his left shoulder:

Parkinson's or some other type of brain/movement disorder? Could also be a side effect of certain prescription drugs.

II think there are certain traits of the "tourette syndrome" (also that he tends to talk inconsistencies) but here, he makes a movement with his hand towards his nose that characterizes a little those who consume cocaine.

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