Jedi Master
I have a few unrelated questions. Forgive me if this in the wrong section I was not sure where it should go. I greatly appreciate all answers and help.
1. From browsing the forum and the material over time, I'm under the impression that drinking alcohol is somewhat permitted, or at the very least not explicitly prohibited. But then why is smoking cannabis for eg, considered prohibited or more so frowned upon? Both substances have psychoactive properties and alter our mental processes, however alcohol appears to be much more damaging to the mind and body and often leads to people making bad decisions that are out of character.
2. I'm in my early 30s now and recently I've lost my sexual... let's say endurance. For most of my life I was sleeping around and now I realize that that is not the correct path. So lately I've been more open to being in a monogamous relationship with someone special. I recently met someone however my sexual ability/performance was terrible and that caused the eventual end to our relationship. I eat healthy food, I supplement my nutrition and I am very physically active. I still have a strong sexual desire but when it comes down to it I am operating at maybe 10-20% of what I used to. I know part of it is getting older but it seems like a real problem. Is there anything I can do about this, or should I even attempt to 'fix' it? Could this be some kind of more profound internal change within myself? Lately it is something that has made me quite depressed as this has never been a problem for me in the past and I feel that I lost someone who I really connected with because of this problem.. and that has been compounded with feelings of inadequacy.
3. Spirit attachments: I was reading the forum's recommended books on the subject and I even bought a ouija board more than 6 months ago with the goal to explore this topic and more importantly to be able to release any attachments or entities that may be plaguing me and causing me problems. I haven't used the board yet though because I feel I need to be ready and knowledgeable enough to start doing it as I do not want to put myself or others in further danger. So my question is - with sufficient knowledge am I able to use the board to release personal attachments? Do I definitely have them? (I'm convinced I do from all the years of sleeping aroundb and doing silly things). I also remember reading that simply changing detrimental lifestyle habits will cause attachments to leave once they cannot continue to feed off whatever energy they are connected to, do I have that right? What is the best way to go about this?
4. My last question is a general question relating to suicide. Not that I am suicidal in any serious way, but I'd be lying if I said the thoughts didn't appear every now and then. What I'm asking relates to 4D STS - why do negative forces/entities influence people to commit suicide? Don't "they" get "food" from people existing in this reality with negative thoughts and wouldn't their "meals last longer" and be more productive if they kept them alive but in a negative state? I may have this completely twisted but it was just a thought.
Thank you again.
1. From browsing the forum and the material over time, I'm under the impression that drinking alcohol is somewhat permitted, or at the very least not explicitly prohibited. But then why is smoking cannabis for eg, considered prohibited or more so frowned upon? Both substances have psychoactive properties and alter our mental processes, however alcohol appears to be much more damaging to the mind and body and often leads to people making bad decisions that are out of character.
2. I'm in my early 30s now and recently I've lost my sexual... let's say endurance. For most of my life I was sleeping around and now I realize that that is not the correct path. So lately I've been more open to being in a monogamous relationship with someone special. I recently met someone however my sexual ability/performance was terrible and that caused the eventual end to our relationship. I eat healthy food, I supplement my nutrition and I am very physically active. I still have a strong sexual desire but when it comes down to it I am operating at maybe 10-20% of what I used to. I know part of it is getting older but it seems like a real problem. Is there anything I can do about this, or should I even attempt to 'fix' it? Could this be some kind of more profound internal change within myself? Lately it is something that has made me quite depressed as this has never been a problem for me in the past and I feel that I lost someone who I really connected with because of this problem.. and that has been compounded with feelings of inadequacy.
3. Spirit attachments: I was reading the forum's recommended books on the subject and I even bought a ouija board more than 6 months ago with the goal to explore this topic and more importantly to be able to release any attachments or entities that may be plaguing me and causing me problems. I haven't used the board yet though because I feel I need to be ready and knowledgeable enough to start doing it as I do not want to put myself or others in further danger. So my question is - with sufficient knowledge am I able to use the board to release personal attachments? Do I definitely have them? (I'm convinced I do from all the years of sleeping aroundb and doing silly things). I also remember reading that simply changing detrimental lifestyle habits will cause attachments to leave once they cannot continue to feed off whatever energy they are connected to, do I have that right? What is the best way to go about this?
4. My last question is a general question relating to suicide. Not that I am suicidal in any serious way, but I'd be lying if I said the thoughts didn't appear every now and then. What I'm asking relates to 4D STS - why do negative forces/entities influence people to commit suicide? Don't "they" get "food" from people existing in this reality with negative thoughts and wouldn't their "meals last longer" and be more productive if they kept them alive but in a negative state? I may have this completely twisted but it was just a thought.
Thank you again.