A few random questions


Jedi Master
I have a few unrelated questions. Forgive me if this in the wrong section I was not sure where it should go. I greatly appreciate all answers and help.

1. From browsing the forum and the material over time, I'm under the impression that drinking alcohol is somewhat permitted, or at the very least not explicitly prohibited. But then why is smoking cannabis for eg, considered prohibited or more so frowned upon? Both substances have psychoactive properties and alter our mental processes, however alcohol appears to be much more damaging to the mind and body and often leads to people making bad decisions that are out of character.

2. I'm in my early 30s now and recently I've lost my sexual... let's say endurance. For most of my life I was sleeping around and now I realize that that is not the correct path. So lately I've been more open to being in a monogamous relationship with someone special. I recently met someone however my sexual ability/performance was terrible and that caused the eventual end to our relationship. I eat healthy food, I supplement my nutrition and I am very physically active. I still have a strong sexual desire but when it comes down to it I am operating at maybe 10-20% of what I used to. I know part of it is getting older but it seems like a real problem. Is there anything I can do about this, or should I even attempt to 'fix' it? Could this be some kind of more profound internal change within myself? Lately it is something that has made me quite depressed as this has never been a problem for me in the past and I feel that I lost someone who I really connected with because of this problem.. and that has been compounded with feelings of inadequacy.

3. Spirit attachments: I was reading the forum's recommended books on the subject and I even bought a ouija board more than 6 months ago with the goal to explore this topic and more importantly to be able to release any attachments or entities that may be plaguing me and causing me problems. I haven't used the board yet though because I feel I need to be ready and knowledgeable enough to start doing it as I do not want to put myself or others in further danger. So my question is - with sufficient knowledge am I able to use the board to release personal attachments? Do I definitely have them? (I'm convinced I do from all the years of sleeping aroundb and doing silly things). I also remember reading that simply changing detrimental lifestyle habits will cause attachments to leave once they cannot continue to feed off whatever energy they are connected to, do I have that right? What is the best way to go about this?

4. My last question is a general question relating to suicide. Not that I am suicidal in any serious way, but I'd be lying if I said the thoughts didn't appear every now and then. What I'm asking relates to 4D STS - why do negative forces/entities influence people to commit suicide? Don't "they" get "food" from people existing in this reality with negative thoughts and wouldn't their "meals last longer" and be more productive if they kept them alive but in a negative state? I may have this completely twisted but it was just a thought.

Thank you again.
Hi Rythmik,

I'd like to offer one answer to your questions with the caveat of perhaps being awfully wrong about it all. Having said that here's my take on the situations you describe:

1. Perhaps it's due to the context with drugs or substances, sitting down to have a conversation with friends and having a drink (provided you enjoy it) seems like a social act. And one could argue that it could be the same with canabis but there's details that might cannabis more mind altering than alcohol itself (at which point it's not about sharing with friends anymore). Also, with both alcohol and canabis or any other drug... the key lies in why you seek to use it? Is it pain? Is it fear? Is it trauma? And if so.. would you prefer to face such sources of emotion that make you wanna leave life on hold? Or would you rather continue to seek oblivion. And if so, how responsible are you being for your existence? And so on. So I think that there's not so much a frown but rather a mirror in this group. For it is also understood that there's free will. Those are just my two cents.

2. I think it could be due to age and... well, without assuming anything perhaps lifestyle prior to you settling down. One question I could ask if I may is: did you decide to settle down after you noticed the drop? Another observation I wanted to add was: I may be wrong but if you had truly connected with that person... sexual performance would not be the reason that person left. I think that sex is great in a relationship when it's there but if it's not then it's not and hopefully there's more to the relationship than that to survive it's abcense. I hope that's not too harsh and it makes sense.

3. I'd suggest to continue to read on the subject, I'd say you do have that right to refuse "spirit attachments" but it's ultimately what's in your hands that you control. I'd stay away from anything other than personal observation and discipline for a very very long time. Using a tool such as the ouija board might make your reality that much more difficult to deal with. So in terms of attachments and their possibility I'd start with self observation. If they're there or not... adjusting your behavior in a healthy way that is in accordance with your aims is the best step to take attachments or not.

4. This is a very heavy subject and I think it has crossed all of our minds at some point or the other. I'd suggest listening to the health and wellness show of a few weeks back. They did an excellent take on the subject. There's so much information and things to consider that it's no easy matter. All in all be gentle with yourself. The second part of this question to me speaks to a larger scope of vision, perhaps suicide in those terms causes the one food source to be depleted... but in terms of negative energy, think of how much more suffering, pain and chaos it will create when the one person is gone. I think that could explain what you're describing.

Again, I may be completely off. But these are my two cents here.
Rhythmik said:
1. From browsing the forum and the material over time, I'm under the impression that drinking alcohol is somewhat permitted, or at the very least not explicitly prohibited. But then why is smoking cannabis for eg, considered prohibited or more so frowned upon? Both substances have psychoactive properties and alter our mental processes, however alcohol appears to be much more damaging to the mind and body and often leads to people making bad decisions that are out of character.

I think the most obvious answer to this is that marijuana is an illegal substance and alcohol is not. As the forum guidelines say:

Cassiopaea.org does not wish to appear to condone such practices, for reasons that should be pretty obvious if a little common sense is applied.
Rhythmik said:
I eat healthy food, I supplement my nutrition and I am very physically active.


When you say you eat healthy food, could you describe that a little more for us? Are you eating Paleo/Keto, organic?

Sorry you are having issues!
Alejo said:
did you decide to settle down after you noticed the drop? Another observation I wanted to add was: I may be wrong but if you had truly connected with that person... sexual performance would not be the reason that person left. I think that sex is great in a relationship when it's there but if it's not then it's not and hopefully there's more to the relationship than that to survive it's abcense. I hope that's not too harsh and it makes sense.
It is hard to say because I feel the problem and my decision have both happened progressively over time. I've always looked for someone special but haven't found anyone due to waiting for someone who I really connected with on an intellectual level. Now that I finally have, I encounter this problem. Maybe they are not the right person for me. She did not explicitly state it, but I am pretty intuitive and I could tell how she was feeling. She also said something flippantly that really dug deep and made me realize what she was thinking. But I cannot blame someone for not accepting something that I would not be ok with in the same position, it is unfair and hypocritical.

Alejo said:
but in terms of negative energy, think of how much more suffering, pain and chaos it will create when the one person is gone. I think that could explain what you're describing.
I hadn't thought of it like that, it also makes much sense. Thanks very much, I will listen to the health & wellness episode that you suggested.
Beau said:
I think the most obvious answer to this is that marijuana is an illegal substance and alcohol is not.
I did not think that was much of a factor in this issue, since it is legal in some places and becoming increasingly more so. I was under the impression that it was dangerous to the mind or more simply doing that = "ignorance". Does it maybe depend on the circumstance then? I know it is a medicine for some people and they do need it, but like any medication it can be abused. I know the forum does not condone altering the mind with drugs in general, I was just wondering about cannabis specifically, and also alcohol as it seems recreational drinking is OK and not a significant risk to personal protection.
Rhiannon said:
When you say you eat healthy food, could you describe that a little more for us? Are you eating Paleo/Keto, organic?
Yes I generally follow the ketogenic guidelines. I recently spent a couple of years working in China, where healthy food and supplements (and living in general) were unavailable to me. I could correlate this time with the beginnings of my physical problem, I'm sure that living there affected my health in some way. But I've been back in the West now for more than a year and I've been generally very cautious concerning my health. I do not have anywhere near the athletic endurance that I had when I was younger but I assumed that was just a side effect to aging. My muscles tire much quicker when I play sports for eg.
Rhythmik said:
Alejo said:
did you decide to settle down after you noticed the drop? Another observation I wanted to add was: I may be wrong but if you had truly connected with that person... sexual performance would not be the reason that person left. I think that sex is great in a relationship when it's there but if it's not then it's not and hopefully there's more to the relationship than that to survive it's abcense. I hope that's not too harsh and it makes sense.
It is hard to say because I feel the problem and my decision have both happened progressively over time. I've always looked for someone special but haven't found anyone due to waiting for someone who I really connected with on an intellectual level. Now that I finally have, I encounter this problem. Maybe they are not the right person for me. She did not explicitly state it, but I am pretty intuitive and I could tell how she was feeling. She also said something flippantly that really dug deep and made me realize what she was thinking. But I cannot blame someone for not accepting something that I would not be ok with in the same position, it is unfair and hypocritical.

Well... in terms of the dynamic you're describing I think there's something quite symbolic in it. I remember the C's saying once that (paraphrasing) if you're experiencing a blockage in a certain area of your life it's perhaps what you should give to the universe. For instance if you're experiencing dishonesty from others then be honest. Also it brings me back to that phrase of life is religion and life experiences reflect how one interacts with creation.

The reason I mention the above is because of the last thing you mentioned. You understand and can't judge this person for possibly leaving you due to a lower sexual performance BECAUSE you would do it yourself. We can't change other people's priorities in life, and neither can we change other people's position in their learning cycle, so yes... there's nothing else to do about this person but accept her choice. However, it might be time for you to look within and realize that the "treatment" you get is also the treatment you'd give. So perhaps no deep connection will take place until you become a person who can deeply connect.

Does that make sense?
Rhythmik said:
Rhiannon said:
When you say you eat healthy food, could you describe that a little more for us? Are you eating Paleo/Keto, organic?
Yes I generally follow the ketogenic guidelines. I recently spent a couple of years working in China, where healthy food and supplements (and living in general) were unavailable to me. I could correlate this time with the beginnings of my physical problem, I'm sure that living there affected my health in some way. But I've been back in the West now for more than a year and I've been generally very cautious concerning my health. I do not have anywhere near the athletic endurance that I had when I was younger but I assumed that was just a side effect to aging. My muscles tire much quicker when I play sports for eg.

Maybe your body is in need of more carbs. I discovered that I definitely needed more, and I think I do better with eating Paleo rather than Keto. I had a couple horrible weeks where my leg and shoulder muscles ached, even after a full night sleep. After I did some EE it came to me that it may be lack of enough carbs. I googled it and found something for which I am sorry that I cannot re-find that said something about the muscles not having enough glucose make them ache. I ate some rice and it felt like a miraculous recovery.

Also, after suffering for more then 4 years with my bones aching when sitting (always uncomfortable sitting at my desk- driving). It was driving me nuts! I think I was deficient in calcium. I had always been taking magnesium but don't think I was getting enough calcium with it. So now taking Natures Way Calcium(cal carbonate/citrate/malate) & Magnesium mineral complex. The pain has gone away.

I don't know if this will help you, but these deficiencies can manifest in different ways for different people.

About alcool, I am pretty sure Laura as stated that the bottom line is if you are an alcoolic you should not drink at all, if you are not a glass of wine once in a while is ok.

And, generaly speaking, a glass of wine will not "put you in the back", that is to say altering your mind, but several will. Cannabis, on the other hand, will "put you in the back" with any dose.

Now, there could be some benefits to the use of cannabis, but as far as I can see, it is with medicinal cannabis, a form of cannabis that as a very low THC, and therefore does not "put you in the back"

My 3 cents
Rhythmik said:
Beau said:
I think the most obvious answer to this is that marijuana is an illegal substance and alcohol is not.
I did not think that was much of a factor in this issue, since it is legal in some places and becoming increasingly more so. I was under the impression that it was dangerous to the mind or more simply doing that = "ignorance". Does it maybe depend on the circumstance then? I know it is a medicine for some people and they do need it, but like any medication it can be abused. I know the forum does not condone altering the mind with drugs in general, I was just wondering about cannabis specifically, and also alcohol as it seems recreational drinking is OK and not a significant risk to personal protection.

I would say in General ,
people Talking about cannabis or Alcohol is very boring.

But If somebody wants to smoke or drink , that is their choice,
BUT, the important question is weather they can relate any Inspired thoughts to others afterwards,
or is the drug just an escape mechanism.
I remeber this one time I smoked ,
and like MAAAN space expanded , and like err err errr ,
Rhythmik said:
1. From browsing the forum and the material over time, I'm under the impression that drinking alcohol is somewhat permitted, or at the very least not explicitly prohibited. But then why is smoking cannabis for eg, considered prohibited or more so frowned upon? Both substances have psychoactive properties and alter our mental processes, however alcohol appears to be much more damaging to the mind and body and often leads to people making bad decisions that are out of character.

Most people tend to drink socially, and if they over imbibe, most people would not think of posting on the forum. That's not the case with cannabis. That's another reason (other than the one Beau mentioned) we discourage it, that, and the plausible claim that it tends to dampen emotions, which runs counter to our philosophy of trying to master emotions.

Rhythmik said:
2. I'm in my early 30s now and recently I've lost my sexual... let's say endurance. For most of my life I was sleeping around and now I realize that that is not the correct path. So lately I've been more open to being in a monogamous relationship with someone special. I recently met someone however my sexual ability/performance was terrible and that caused the eventual end to our relationship. I eat healthy food, I supplement my nutrition and I am very physically active. I still have a strong sexual desire but when it comes down to it I am operating at maybe 10-20% of what I used to. I know part of it is getting older but it seems like a real problem. Is there anything I can do about this, or should I even attempt to 'fix' it? Could this be some kind of more profound internal change within myself? Lately it is something that has made me quite depressed as this has never been a problem for me in the past and I feel that I lost someone who I really connected with because of this problem.. and that has been compounded with feelings of inadequacy.

Could it have something to do with cannabis?

Rhythmik said:
3. Spirit attachments: I was reading the forum's recommended books on the subject and I even bought a ouija board more than 6 months ago with the goal to explore this topic and more importantly to be able to release any attachments or entities that may be plaguing me and causing me problems. I haven't used the board yet though because I feel I need to be ready and knowledgeable enough to start doing it as I do not want to put myself or others in further danger. So my question is - with sufficient knowledge am I able to use the board to release personal attachments? Do I definitely have them? (I'm convinced I do from all the years of sleeping aroundb and doing silly things). I also remember reading that simply changing detrimental lifestyle habits will cause attachments to leave once they cannot continue to feed off whatever energy they are connected to, do I have that right? What is the best way to go about this?

There's a thread on this topic you should probably read for answers.

Rhythmik said:
4. My last question is a general question relating to suicide. Not that I am suicidal in any serious way, but I'd be lying if I said the thoughts didn't appear every now and then. What I'm asking relates to 4D STS - why do negative forces/entities influence people to commit suicide? Don't "they" get "food" from people existing in this reality with negative thoughts and wouldn't their "meals last longer" and be more productive if they kept them alive but in a negative state? I may have this completely twisted but it was just a thought.

I don't think there's any reason to think any 'forces' influence people to commit suicide.
Rhiannon said:
Maybe your body is in need of more carbs. I discovered that I definitely needed more, and I think I do better with eating Paleo rather than Keto. I had a couple horrible weeks where my leg and shoulder muscles ached, even after a full night sleep. After I did some EE it came to me that it may be lack of enough carbs. I googled it and found something for which I am sorry that I cannot re-find that said something about the muscles not having enough glucose make them ache. I ate some rice and it felt like a miraculous recovery.

Also, after suffering for more then 4 years with my bones aching when sitting (always uncomfortable sitting at my desk- driving). It was driving me nuts! I think I was deficient in calcium. I had always been taking magnesium but don't think I was getting enough calcium with it. So now taking Natures Way Calcium(cal carbonate/citrate/malate) & Magnesium mineral complex. The pain has gone away

Thank you, those suggestions sound helpful. I take Mg often so I will add calcium and I do feel that my body could handle slightly more carbs.

Joe said:
Could it have something to do with cannabis?
I don't think so, I've separated the two and I cannot understand why this is happening. I was just wondering if it was psychological as opposed to just physical (although it is probably both)

Alejo said:
Well... in terms of the dynamic you're describing I think there's something quite symbolic in it. I remember the C's saying once that (paraphrasing) if you're experiencing a blockage in a certain area of your life it's perhaps what you should give to the universe. For instance if you're experiencing dishonesty from others then be honest. Also it brings me back to that phrase of life is religion and life experiences reflect how one interacts with creation.

The reason I mention the above is because of the last thing you mentioned. You understand and can't judge this person for possibly leaving you due to a lower sexual performance BECAUSE you would do it yourself. We can't change other people's priorities in life, and neither can we change other people's position in their learning cycle, so yes... there's nothing else to do about this person but accept her choice. However, it might be time for you to look within and realize that the "treatment" you get is also the treatment you'd give. So perhaps no deep connection will take place until you become a person who can deeply connect.

Does that make sense?

Yes thank you that makes a lot of sense and what I needed to hear. I will meditate on this.

Thank you all again for clearing some of that up for me.
Alejo said:
Rhythmik said:
Alejo said:
did you decide to settle down after you noticed the drop? Another observation I wanted to add was: I may be wrong but if you had truly connected with that person... sexual performance would not be the reason that person left. I think that sex is great in a relationship when it's there but if it's not then it's not and hopefully there's more to the relationship than that to survive it's abcense. I hope that's not too harsh and it makes sense.
It is hard to say because I feel the problem and my decision have both happened progressively over time. I've always looked for someone special but haven't found anyone due to waiting for someone who I really connected with on an intellectual level. Now that I finally have, I encounter this problem. Maybe they are not the right person for me. She did not explicitly state it, but I am pretty intuitive and I could tell how she was feeling. She also said something flippantly that really dug deep and made me realize what she was thinking. But I cannot blame someone for not accepting something that I would not be ok with in the same position, it is unfair and hypocritical.

Well... in terms of the dynamic you're describing I think there's something quite symbolic in it. I remember the C's saying once that (paraphrasing) if you're experiencing a blockage in a certain area of your life it's perhaps what you should give to the universe. For instance if you're experiencing dishonesty from others then be honest. Also it brings me back to that phrase of life is religion and life experiences reflect how one interacts with creation.

The reason I mention the above is because of the last thing you mentioned. You understand and can't judge this person for possibly leaving you due to a lower sexual performance BECAUSE you would do it yourself. We can't change other people's priorities in life, and neither can we change other people's position in their learning cycle, so yes... there's nothing else to do about this person but accept her choice. However, it might be time for you to look within and realize that the "treatment" you get is also the treatment you'd give. So perhaps no deep connection will take place until you become a person who can deeply connect.

Does that make sense?

I had read a study that explained that the highest suicide rate among men was sexual impotence.
I do not think that sexual impotence (low libido) is related to illicit substances or bad nutrition.

If I remember correctly, the Cassiopaeans say two things:
1. In 4th density there is no longer sex.
2. Asians (Mongoloid type) would be the most spiritual human beings.

According to sociological studies, the country where couples have the least amount of sex, is Japan.

So, instead of saying why we do not have libido anymore, we will be able to reverse the question, and ask ourselves, why do we have libido?

In the apocryphal gospel of the Ethiopians (Gospel of Salome), Salome asks Jesus this: "Master, when will the day come when man will no longer be in sin? "
Jesus would have answered him: "The day the woman gives birth to no more children. "
Rhythmik, you say it yourself, you are looking for a spiritual woman.
"The spirit is willing, but [the mind] is weak." Matthew 26.41.

I think there are more and more people in your case. In my opinion, there must be a dichotomy between the intrinsic wisdom of our "mind" and the weakness of the mind, related to social pressure and our mental programming.
I think all of our actions should help us improve.

As if we are evacuating, "bad deeds," "desires," "sins," during our lifetime, during our genealogy or during human evolution.

So I have sometimes put forward the hypothesis that "the atonement" of our "sins" (defects or problems) were arcticulated by nine great paths. Here they are :

1. Genetics (DNA, childbirth, childbirth)
2. Blood menstruation
3. Sexual
4. Expiration (Breathing)
5. Sweat
6. Fecale
7. Urinary
8. Lachrymal (tears)
9. Verbales (Languages, words, cris, sighs ...).

So the lack of libido, could be the result of a journey to wisdom (STO).
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