Jedi Council Member
Poule/Hen: Chantecler
Now listed as Canadian heritage but its population is very low and threatens its survival.
Resulting from genetic crosses, designed by a monk from Oka Abbey in the last century.
It's been created to prevent hens from dying in the winter because their crest and barb would freeze.
Here is a documentary about Canadian Horse, Canadian cow and Chantecler Hen (starts at 5:32). French video, but you can have English subtitles.
Here is a small-scale producer of chicks and eggs located North of Montreal: Saint-Calixte, Lanaudière - Maître Poulier
I forgot to add his post on Facebook:
Permaculture Québec | Je crois que la poule #chantecler est LA poule permaculturelle du Québec | Facebook
Je crois que la poule #chantecler est LA poule permaculturelle du Québec.
* Elle est très rustique
* Passe l’hiver sans chauffage
* Elle est une « bonne » pondeuse (taux de ponte de 60%)
* C’est un succulent poulet de chair (1.6kg net à 16 semaines)
* Assez vigoureuse et futé pour trouver une bonne partie de sa nourriture.
J’ai un petit élevage et j'essaie d’aider à sauvegarder cette partie de notre patrimoine Québécois. J’offre donc des :
* poussins chantecler blanc non sexé 7$/ch pour 10+
believe that the #chantecler chicken is THE permacultural chicken of Quebec.
* It is very rustic
* Spends the winter without heating
* She is a “good” layer (laying rate of 60%)
* This is a succulent broiler chicken (1.6kg net at 16 weeks)
* Vigorous and smart enough to find a good portion of its food.
I have a small livestock farm and I try to help save this part of our Quebec heritage. I therefore offer:
* unsexed white chantecler chicks $7/each for 10+
Now listed as Canadian heritage but its population is very low and threatens its survival.
Resulting from genetic crosses, designed by a monk from Oka Abbey in the last century.
It's been created to prevent hens from dying in the winter because their crest and barb would freeze.
Here is a documentary about Canadian Horse, Canadian cow and Chantecler Hen (starts at 5:32). French video, but you can have English subtitles.
Here is a small-scale producer of chicks and eggs located North of Montreal: Saint-Calixte, Lanaudière - Maître Poulier
I forgot to add his post on Facebook:
Permaculture Québec | Je crois que la poule #chantecler est LA poule permaculturelle du Québec | Facebook
Je crois que la poule #chantecler est LA poule permaculturelle du Québec.
* Elle est très rustique
* Passe l’hiver sans chauffage
* Elle est une « bonne » pondeuse (taux de ponte de 60%)
* C’est un succulent poulet de chair (1.6kg net à 16 semaines)
* Assez vigoureuse et futé pour trouver une bonne partie de sa nourriture.
J’ai un petit élevage et j'essaie d’aider à sauvegarder cette partie de notre patrimoine Québécois. J’offre donc des :
* poussins chantecler blanc non sexé 7$/ch pour 10+
believe that the #chantecler chicken is THE permacultural chicken of Quebec.
* It is very rustic
* Spends the winter without heating
* She is a “good” layer (laying rate of 60%)
* This is a succulent broiler chicken (1.6kg net at 16 weeks)
* Vigorous and smart enough to find a good portion of its food.
I have a small livestock farm and I try to help save this part of our Quebec heritage. I therefore offer:
* unsexed white chantecler chicks $7/each for 10+
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