A hospital is the sad face of god

Another possible interpretation of aircrafts and red crescent symbol as being feminine by its nature.

And as I was sitting there I saw through those windows small aircraft appearing in the sky (they were khaki colour, looking military, and painted on them was a red crescent) and they started throwing bombs, and I could see explosions with black smoke over the city.

From the same Odyssey thread

What emerges from the scene in Book 13, then, is a striking interweaving
of the roles of Athena and Odysseus for the remainder of the poem. The
goddess defines Odysseus as her own counterpart
(Od. 13.296–9), each
as master of disguise and deception. Her subsequent agenda calling for
Odysseus to be in disguise turns much of the second half of the Odyssey
into a virtual theoxeny, in which Odysseus now serves as the god in disguise,
testing the hospitality of the Ithakans.

But perhaps the most striking element in Athena’s plans for the suitors is
her declaration that she expects Odysseus’ “immense floor to be spattered
with the suitors’ blood and brains” (Od. 13.395). Her graphic, violent
intent resembles the traditions of Anat, a West Semitic virgin war goddess,
worshipped by Phoenicians, and Egyptians under the Ramesside Pharaohs.
The Homeric Athena has much in common with Anat.35 OT myth’s
conception of a wrathful Yahweh has similarly graphic passages (e.g., Jer.
46:10; Isa. 34:2–4, 6), none more so than this exchange between Isaiah and

Why are your clothes all red,
like the garments of one treading grapes in the winepress?
. . . I trod the nations in my anger,
I trampled them in my fury,
and their blood bespattered my garments
and all my clothing was stained . . .
I stamped on peoples in my anger,
I shattered them in my fury
and spilled their blood over the ground.
(Isaiah 63:2–3, 6)

Athena’s vivid declaration that she expects the floor to be “spattered with
the suitors’ blood and brains,” sounds some of the same notes as Isaiah’s
wrathful Yahweh. Her final words include a prophecy of the suitors’
destruction (Od. 13.427–8).


happyliza said:
Just my take on it FWIW considering that the project would have been in your subconscious and unconsciously you were actually putting the pieces of the jigsaw together ie connecting the dots, which could naturally prompt memories from your childhood and other similar 'situations' seen, heard, experienced, read about that came through due to the connection. Similarly symbolic.

Anam Cara said:
I would agree with Happyliza. Exploring the 'death and dying' subject could well be bringing up alot of related issues from your subconscious, as your dream imagery suggests.

I thought of that too, the dying project and the readings, all the new information got mixed up with my own memories and experiences. It's funny how dreams work. And I am still surprised at alkhemst's insight about my relationship with my mother, that did not even come to mind as I was recalling the dream. So yes, it seems that it all "washes together" in the dream world.

And Zee Ley, thank you for your input, and for reviving this thread. Life got in the way, and I forgot about this dream, and the replies here, it's interesting to re-read it all again. And yes, I have been a bit of a wanderer myself end of last year and beginning of this, and I have been "relying on the hospitality of those to whose shores I now came".

And yes, I have been a bit of a wanderer myself end of last year and beginning of this, and I have been "relying on the hospitality of those to whose shores I now came".
Actually my thoughts "wandered" in slightly different direction:) I'll explain. Look!

Here's something that I think is related with aircrafts from your dream.

From Laura's dream in The Chilbolton Crop Circle and The Cassiopaeans on Crop Circles
This is what the voice told me as I was shown the images of the wavy lines and the serpents:

“The Mother Matrix is the Primal Source of all that exists in your realm. She has two faces – life giving and death dealing – and it is up to you which face you see. Those who gaze upon the Mother Matrix seeking to control her with rituals or domination or restriction in their hearts, will see only serpents – and will experience only destruction. For the Mother is a Mirror. Those who gaze upon her with non-anticipatory love in their hearts, will receive all the bounty of infinite potential.”

I would say that this face is telling us that the mother will soon be showing herself to us, and it is up to us which face ultimately manifests in our realm.

So speaking in Odysseyan language The Mother Matrix has wrathful and mentor-like aspects. Hospitality could be seen as a trait of perception. To be hospitable to certain influences and be hostile/aware other. Any influence is a lesson. Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers, isn't it? :)

In the dream your awareness triggers your acctions/doing. Did aircrafts dealt you any harm:)?

I understand that it is hard to remember. And I don't insist on doing this. Just saying what resonates.


Now some additional thoughts about this part:

Looking up, all this aircraft continued to throw bombs all over the town, and I suddenly felt that it was useless to continue running, my panicky feeling calmed down, as if coming to terms with what was happening. I felt that nowhere was safe, so I started walking instead, and I had a thought that I might die now, in a matter of fact way.

As I see it at the moment
1) the quote from Odyssey thread,
2) the end of your dream and
3) excerpt from Castaneda book
is about one and the same thing.

As a wanderer, Odysseus is thrust into a
dependent role, relying on the hospitality of those to whose shores he
now comes

Journey to Ixtlan. Chapter 2: erasing personal history said:
"You see", he went on, "we only have two alternatives:
we either take everything for sure and real or we don't.
If we follow the first, we end up bored to death with ourselves and with the world.
If we follow the second and erase personal history, we create a fog around us,
a very exciting and mysterious state in which nobody know where the rabbit will pop out,
Not even ourselves.

I contended that erasing personal history would only increase our sensation of insecurity.

"When nothing is for sure we remain alert, perennially on our toes"...

Totally IMO:)
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